
After the emergence of polycystic kidney disease patients how to do it?

Polycystic kidney disease is a common clinical nephropathy, then after polycystic kidney disease patients how to do it? First the patient to go to a regular hospital, after the disease had a general idea in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Although the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, there is no effective specific treatment, the occurrence and development of Western medicine mainly active treatment and early prevention of complications of polycystic kidney disease, in order to protect the remaining kidney function, kidney function to avoid further damage. The Chinese medicine mainly for renal failure caused by polycystic kidney can dialectical theory on the basis of governance, the choice of Codonopsis, Astragalus, Angelica, rhubarb, salvia, triangular, Curcuma, Achyranthes, Epimedium, land turtle worms, diffusa and other drugs, to righting to evil, blood circulation. Which dangshen, triangular, Curcuma and other polycystic kidney disease by inhibiting the proliferation of cyst epithelial cells, or to reduce cyst growth factor expression in epithelial cells, induction of apoptosis, polycystic kidney disease and thus have a therapeutic effect.
Polycystic kidney disease is the result of congenital and acquired interaction of various factors, research found that all these factors are controlled can be changed or eliminated. Weifang longer able to nephrotic kidney hospital experts said that winter is the peak of the recurrence of kidney disease, for polycystic kidney disease is no exception. Therefore, preventive measures are also important winter polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease how to do prevention work should be put in place? We made ​​the right expert guidance.
1, note that control blood pressure, high blood pressure is a common cause of polycystic kidney disease, but also increase the risk factors for the disease, the blood pressure control in the ideal range for patients is very important.
2, pay attention to prevent infection, trauma or some cold, without timely treatment are likely to cause polycystic kidney disease worsens, such as falls, bumps and other severe impact forces on the body can cause cysts have a high internal pressure rupture, bleeding induced infections, thereby accelerating kidney damage.
3, polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to diet, diet affect the health of patients, a reasonable diet is very important, patients generally have to control salt intake, control about two grams a day is appropriate; you can add low-protein diet , to keep the body of essential nutrients; patients should eat light digestible food, eat greasy food, such as lamb, beef, etc; best not to eat spicy food, you should drink less; intake of protein but also control; general patients with high blood pressure or high uric acid into the low-fat diet should be.
4, pay attention to rest: Avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement instead of the more obvious when it is appropriate harness belts, avoid cyst rupture; generally six months review time, avoid all nephrotoxic drugs.

For the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, there is no effective curative therapy, but mainly in the occurrence and development of early aggressive treatment and prevention of complications of polycystic kidney disease, in order to protect the remaining kidney function, kidney function to avoid further damage. As long as the right to accept appropriate treatment, most patients in the clinical symptoms and renal function can be controlled or improved, so that the condition is relatively stable, improved quality of life and longevity.


