
Stem cell transplantation in the treatment nephropathy

Stem cell transplantation nephropathy. Stem cells have been in people's minds is no longer so mysterious name, then do what stem cells? Stem cells have the ability to update the group functions and the ability to produce differentiated cells cells. Thus, stem cells have the ability to update it lifetime cells in vivo as well as the ability to differentiate into various cell types required by the system, so it has been hailed as the image of the "What are stem cells," and is the most primitive cells. Stem cell transplantation is to different organs in the human body to extract stem cells, after culture, differentiation, and then transplanted into a patient, the use of stem cells to repair damaged duplication diversity potential of cells, restore damaged organ, tissue function.
Beijing Heng Hospital Professor Wu Taizhen say: stem cell transplantation in the treatment of lupus nephritis is the use of this principle, reconstruction, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and restore normal kidney function.
1. Before the clinical nephropathy think mostly of autoimmune diseases, and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases has been using hormonal and immune therapy clinic, although to some extent on the development of the disease can be controlled, but its toxic side effects, resulting in immunocompromised susceptible to infection, easily repeated after treatment and poor efficacy for patients with advanced, incurable diseases such radically.

2. widespread clinical application of stem cell-derived tissues and organs, will produce a new medical technology, which is the body's normal recycling even younger tissues and organs, so people can spend their own or someone else's stem cells or stem cells from derived new tissues and organs, tissues and organs to replace their disease or aging.


