
3+ proteinuria is how it

When a patient is suffering from kidney disease, glomerular filtration membrane permeability, a lot of protein to the glomerular filtration filtrate will far exceed the capacity of tubular re-draw, protein in the urine caused proteinuria. Expressed as positive (+), the degree may be different, as follows: + urine protein, urine protein 2+ proteinuria 3+, 4+ proteinuria four cases. 3+ proteinuria, nephrotic proteinuria is moderate.
Generally, prosecutors slip proteinuria + better, the less representative of the degree of damage to the kidneys is smaller, + more show greater the degree of kidney damage. However, there are cases such as kidney disease especially to the late, due to the large number of units have been lifelong kidney damage, loss of renal function, protein almost lost the ability to filter, so in this case the patient's urine protein will be reduced, but this does not mean the renal lesions reduced, precisely the kidney damage is very serious performance.
Urine protein and kidney disease should strengthen attention, this time from the point to the surface is kidney disease began to become serious time. It 3+ proteinuria kidney "holes" are getting old, and also began to increase when the vulnerability. If this time to choose the correct method patching "holes", then will gradually reduce proteinuria, methods if taken improperly, can probably make the condition worse, so to renal failure and uremia.
Kidney disease is due to a long period of disorder and imbalance within the environment, causing the kidney glomeruli produced a large number of immune complexes and destructive substances, the glomerular basement membrane damage resulting vulnerability. If you want to treat kidney, it must first remove these damaging substances. If you start from the first basement membrane patch vulnerabilities, it will inevitably damaging substances and immune complexes remain in the glomerular inside, this approach is obviously a temporary solution. Conventional treatment is to control such a simple urine protein targets mainly the surface indicators of urinary protein is gone, negative, but in fact the patient's condition is aggravated!
When encountered predisposing factors such as colds, infections and other urinary protein bound again, this is because they were left in the glomeruli have not been discharged from the interior and the destruction of the material has not stopped the damage to the kidneys, so relapse once would increase the time until you reach uremia. So be sure to choose the right treatment method for kidney disease, we must shun the law of development of things, using the principle of blocking after the first thinning. Guo Bao Ye longer able to kidney doctors believe, kidney treatment to go through three stages, the first stage is the pathological treatment phase, when the use of drugs to enhance the role of the basement membrane permeability, rather than fix vulnerabilities, there will be conducive to the discharge of immune complexes, In this case also there will be some proteins and cells are discharged together, so the urine protein and occult blood may increase. The destructive substances will be excreted in the urine, the urine will see with the naked eye there is chaos, and some have floc, as well as sediment. The second stage is the repair and functional improvement in the pathological stage. Through continuous discharge of destructive substances, glomerular sclerosis, perfusion improved significantly. Glomerular filtration rate can be seen to increase by the ECT test. The third stage is the stage of clinical improvement, when destructive substance has basically already been discharged, the glomerular basement membrane slowly being repaired, so put the urine protein, urine red blood cells blocking the inside, so the urine is completely overcast . General conditions in patients treated with through these three stages, the will slowly recover.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors: After proteinuria must be timely to the hospital for an examination to diagnose whether pathological proteinuria, because kidney disease is an occult disease, proteinuria signal appears once, as evidenced by your kidneys have appeared very serious injury, this time a little earlier found that early treatment, it is more of a hope for a cure!


