
What are the early symptoms of kidney failure?

Patients suffering from kidney failure diagnosed at an early stage when you can not get to judge that he is not suffering from kidney disease through their own physical condition. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts can help you understand the common sense online free self-examination with regard to kidney failure.
1. drowsiness, fatigue
This may be an early manifestation of illness, but the most easily overlooked because the cause drowsiness, fatigue is indeed too much. Especially those in business "full fight", most people put the blame on job strain and exertion. If symptoms improved after a little rest, then it is more easily overlooked.
2. complexion yellowed yellowing
This is caused by the anemia. Due to the occurrence and development of this performance equally slow, and thus will not appear obvious contrast in a long time, as people often find it difficult to meet the other various changes slow development of the same.
3. edema
This is a relatively easy noticeable symptoms. This is because the kidneys can not remove excess water in the body and cause fluid retention in the interstitial space, only the ankle early and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break, if the development of persistent or generalized edema, the disease has been more severe.
4. urine change
Since the kidney filtration function decline, some patients with disease progression will gradually reduce the amount of urine. Even normal urine, due to the reduction of toxins discharged urine, but also make the waste can not be completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, the urine does not fully explain the quality of your kidney function. These symptoms should be how to do, consulting experts
5. Hypertension
Because kidney natriuresis, drainage features. It occurs when the body impaired renal function, sodium and water retention, in addition, damage to the kidneys secrete substances that increase blood pressure. Therefore, early chronic renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If due to high blood pressure and poor blood clotting mechanism caused the nose or gum bleeding, but also to attract attention.
6. poor appetite
This is caused by toxin-induced retention affect the digestive function, most people would disagree. Until progression of the disease, will appear Fullness abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and even an increase in stool frequency or loose stools, which are often important reasons patients had medical treatment.

If you experience these several conditions, you can practice Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists understand the specific case, do not take a blind self-treatment methods, this will lead to more serious illness.


