
Two plus proteinuria, high blood pressure: How to Treat

Condition description:
I am a kidney disease, 42, male. Renal proteinuria two plus, high blood pressure, 100-140. Sometimes the same as the needle left kidney pain, ask the experts what treatment approaches? Eat is antihypertensive drugs, it should be how to control it? Everything is normal kidney function tests. How to treat it?
Condition analysis:
Loss of proteins is impaired renal intrinsic cells outward manifestation, for this time the case, we recommend are carried out in combination therapy, since the emergence of protein and occult blood pathological kidney damage, we should repair damaged cells therapy this is fundamental, but due to pathological repair more difficult, take some time, we can not ignore the disease, so the need to use drugs to control targets, so as to gradually cure kidney disease.

Our hospital for reducing proteinuria take is integrative medicine, Chinese medicine treatment was mainly external Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy. By topical, effective pharmaceutical ingredients penetrate into the kidneys play a vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation effect, the removal of remaining in the body of harmful substances, impaired renal intrinsic cells and tissues to repair, improve glomerular filtration rate and improve kidney function and prevent leakage of protein from the root, the treatment of proteinuria. Meanwhile kidneys also regulate blood pressure function, once recovery of renal function, and blood pressure will naturally return to normal.


