
Four patients with chronic kidney disease diet of the six requirements

A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Four patients with chronic kidney disease, kidney description has been severely damaged, it is essential to maintain a reasonable time a healthy diet. Reasonably healthy diet can provide adequate nutrition not only for patients, but also to prevent disease progression. So what diet for patients with kidney failure four is healthy and reasonable in terms of it? Many chronic kidney disease patients and their families asking this question, then, we summarize four of six patients with renal failure diet requirements, hoping to help you.
if you have any question you can ask our Shijiazhuang Kidney Diseases Hospital online doctor.
1. The low-salt diet.
Excessive salt intake is likely to cause high blood pressure, edema, etc. Worse, will increase the burden on the kidneys, worsening renal failure. So, in their daily lives, four patients with renal failure should strictly limit salt intake, 3-5g a day is appropriate, if there is the case of hypertension or edema, the patient can maintain 1-3g salt diet according to their own circumstances, even salt-free diet.
2. Low-volume high-protein diet.
Excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, but the protein must also maintain the body's normal physical activity, however, the amount of high-quality low-protein diet can provide adequate protein not only for patients, but also reduce the burden on the kidneys. Which is rich in high quality protein foods: egg whites, lean meat, fish, milk and so on.
3. The low-fat diet.
Maintain a low-fat diet for four patients with chronic kidney disease is also very necessary, and vegetable oil is more appropriate than the animals, cooking time may be less appropriate to put some oil, but do not strictly limit fat intake.
4. low potassium diet.
Kidneys maintain the body potassium balance of function, once the kidney is damaged, it can not rid the body of excess potassium ions, causing hyperkalemia, however hyperkalemia is a great danger of the disease, can cause severe patients sudden death. So four patients with renal failure, we must strictly limit the intake of potassium.
5. The low phosphorus diet.
The main function of phosphorus is to build bone, but the body can also cause excessive accumulation of phosphorus hyperphosphatemia, causing itchy skin, bone lesions. Therefore, four patients with renal failure also requires strict limits intake of phosphorus.
6. The high vitamin diet.
Vitamin has a function to protect the kidneys, and is also essential that we maintain the substance of life, so four of the patients with chronic kidney disease should eat some foods rich in vitamins.


