
Symptoms characteristics of children with nephrotic syndrome

Symptoms characteristics of children with nephrotic syndrome
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Characteristics of children with nephrotic syndrome of symptoms that is the issue of children with nephrotic syndrome patients often consider the following Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts to explain to the characteristics of children with nephrotic syndrome symptoms, I believe that all of you to inspire.
First, the prominent characteristics of children with nephrotic syndrome is highly swelling. Children limbs, head, face, torso can have swelling, especially tissue loose parts more obvious, such as the eyelids, the boy's scrotum may be swollen like a light bulb, as well as visceral serous effusion, such as pleural effusion and ascites. In severe cases, the skin is thin and translucent swelling, skin damage will be slight seepage. Edema affecting blood circulation, reduce local resistance, prone to infection.
Secondly, the urine of nephrotic syndrome contain a lot of protein, urine routine examination revealed proteinuria up to ++++ +++ 24-hour urinary protein excretion increased. Blood tests can be found in serum albumin decreased, so that the normal white, globulin increased from 1 to 1.5 to 0.5, the proportion of inversion occurs, plasma cholesterol.
Again, some sick children in the inner thigh and upper arm, abdomen and chest, and a similar appearance of skin Aedes pregnant or purple stripes, decreased urine output. Due to the long-term loss of large amounts of protein in the urine, protein malnutrition can occur performance, hair dry yellow wilt, follicular keratosis, dry skin, finger (toe) appear white stripes, stunting, anemia and susceptible to infection.

Finally, some sick children with hematuria and hypertension. Nephrotic syndrome, longer course, easily repeated attacks. The greatest danger is secondary infection, such as skin erysipelas, intestinal infections, pneumonia, primary peritonitis and sepsis, any secondary infection can cause death.

How rational planning nephritis children healthy eating!

How rational planning nephritis children healthy eating!
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
How rational planning nephritis healthy eating for children, this is a problem child must be considered in patients with nephritis, below please Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts to explain to children how reasonable nephritis healthy eating plan, we hope to be able to help. Children with chronic nephritis diet principles are as follows:
1. Low-protein, low phosphorus diets: low protein and low phosphorus diet can reduce high pressure, high perfusion and high status within the glomerular filtration, slow decline of glomerular sclerosis and renal function, therefore, children with chronic nephritis patients. Protein intake should be appropriate, of which more than 60% should be of high quality protein, such as eggs, dairy products, lean meat, fish, etc. phosphorus foods are lotus root starch, noodles, cabbage, cabbage, egg, celery, spinach, tomatoes , melons, sugar cane; in addition, by limiting the intake of protein can also achieve the purpose of phosphorus.
2. Adequate carbohydrate intake: Children with chronic nephritis patients due to the limitation of protein intake, heat is mainly supplied by carbohydrates, so dietary carbohydrates should increase in order to meet the needs of the body's heat addition, adequate. energy supply can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and a small amount of protein intake can be used exclusively for repair and growth organizations. Suitable foods chronic nephritis patients vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, lotus root starch.
3. limit sodium intake intake: for with marked edema, hypertension, chronic nephritis patients should be restricted salt diet, chronic nephritis patients may be prescribed for children as appropriate, increase or decrease the amount of fish, all kinds of pickles should be hanged. before gradually increasing the amount of salt until after edema; eat low sodium foods such as Yiyiren, rice, flour, zucchini, eggplant, cucumber.
4. adhere to the appropriate amount of drinking water: drinking water is generally not restricted, but not too much, especially with edema and oliguria of children with chronic nephritis patients, so be sure to pay attention to water intake.
5. vitamins and iron: chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamin a, b and c of ethnic foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits to prevent vitamin deficiency, chronic nephritis patients often accompanied by symptoms of anemia, primarily blood raw. deficiency, so chronic nephritis patients should use some iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as dates, but also pay attention to add folic acid and vitamin b12's.

6. calcium diet: children with chronic nephritis patients to eat more calcium-rich foods, such as Shrimps, eat green leafy vegetables and potatoes, carrots, lettuce, etc., containing oxalic acid to avoid eating more calcium absorption or spinach, bamboo shoots, celery, beans class, Jichi mustard, pepper, spices, pepper, coffee and so on.
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Nephrotic syndrome easily repeated how to do it?

Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Nephrotic syndrome easily repeated how to do it, this is an issue the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome and friends are very concerned about the following, please Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Professor Wang Zhanping nephrotic syndrome to you on how to do it easily repeated, we hope to be able to have The Help.
Patients with questions: want to know about the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, the disease themselves. I am 18 years old suffering from kidney disease for four years, in the southwest hospital diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. All along, all repeatedly. Seen everywhere, no way, almost lost hope. Now I have felt myself slowly deteriorated condition, really good hopeless despair nephrotic syndrome What kind of medicine works best? Nephrotic syndrome, which checks should be done?
Expert answer: nephrotic syndrome is a massive proteinuria, serum albumin less than 30g / L, hyperlipidemia in clinical syndrome characterized by edema, the former two most typical. Both primary and secondary points.
Nephrotic syndrome diagnosis based on massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, clinical manifestations highly edema, general diagnosis easier. Diagnosis of primary nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to further diagnose Ⅰ and type Ⅱ. Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome secondary to the primary disease response to further diagnosis, only Chu Cong primary disease diagnosis, treatment can be effective, such as the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, the diagnosis of parasitic diseases treatment.

In addition to laboratory tests to check for nephrotic syndrome, should be based on different causes selective laboratory tests, such as blood, urine examination, parasite checks, checking blood uric acid, lupus inspection to the original onset diagnosis. Primary, secondary, Ⅰ type, have to rely on renal biopsy diagnosis is unclear when the type Ⅱ distinction.

What can be much longer had diabetic nephropathy

What can be much longer had diabetic nephropathy
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Diabetic nephropathy got what it can be much longer, this is the problem the majority of patients with diabetic nephropathy and friends are very concerned about, diabetic nephropathy and diabetes differ, diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, in order to know what had diabetic nephropathy can be much longer it ? We should look at what treatment patients, the following Shijiazhuang kidney diseases hospital Professor Wang Zhanping please explain to everyone what had diabetic nephropathy can be much longer do, we want to be able to help.
Experts, diabetic nephropathy is the most common diabetes, with the improvement of living standards, patients with diabetic nephropathy was significantly increased the incidence of diabetic nephropathy is also increasing year by year. So, what can be much longer diabetic nephropathy had it?
Listen to the experts say, every three diabetics have an appearance of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes patients in the diagnosis that is 5 to 10 percent of diabetic nephropathy already exists. In all advanced into the renal insufficiency, the need for dialysis or kidney transplant patients, the diabetic nephropathy is the most common basis for disease.
In general, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy history of 5 to 10 years, patients will have varying degrees of proteinuria symptoms, but may be associated with systemic diseases such as retinal microvascular lesions, this time to follow accordingly clinical symptoms diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy .
Experts also tell us that if poorly controlled diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high protein diet can accelerate the deterioration of renal function in patients with diabetic nephropathy. The clinical course of the disease and diabetic nephropathy can be divided into microalbuminuria, proteinuria, renal insufficiency stage, but once microalbuminuria enter an irreversible stage, if not treated, with the progression, Years later the proteinuria, renal insufficiency, or even need dialysis.

Therefore, early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy, and delay the progression of diabetic nephropathy aspect is particularly important. Diabetic nephropathy can be much longer? The early diabetic nephropathy often without clinical symptoms, insidious onset, easily overlooked, only regular line early special examination to avoid misdiagnosis, avoid delay in treatment.

Gout and kidney common predisposing factors are there?

Gout and kidney common predisposing factors are there?
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Common predisposing factors which gout and kidney, this is an issue the majority of gout patients with renal friends are very concerned about gout uric acid nephropathy is kidney, many people do not understand. Gout kidney is due to produce too much uric acid excretion or reduce the formation of hyperuricemia induced kidney damage. Below please Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Professor Wang Zhanping to explain to gout and kidney common predisposing factors which, we hope to be able to help.
Kidney experts: common predisposing factors for gout, kidney
The causes, improper diet is an important reason to induce gout, gout diet therapy is to prevent or alleviate acute attacks of gout, acute exacerbation avoid prolonged, reduce the deposition of urate in the body to prevent the formation of uric acid stones, uric acid to reduce anti- application of the drug, thereby reducing the side effects.
Patients with acute exacerbation of warm tonic not in favor of food, should Eat "sentient flesh and blood" of the goods, and with drug treatment. The stable remission in the following gout diet principles, selected according to their physical tonic, such as physically weak person can eat the right amount of pork, eggs, butter, walnuts, etc., blood deficiency may serve Codonopsis, heterophylla, angelica, longan and so on.

Another gout kidney incentives also include a long-term increase in uric acid in the blood is the key reason for the occurrence of gout. Human acid mainly from two aspects: (1) proteins in human cells and other nucleic acid decomposition metabolism of purine compounds by the action of some enzymes and endogenous generation of uric acid. (2) contained in food purine compounds, nucleic acids and nucleoprotein composition, after digestion and absorption, the effect of some enzymes generate exogenous uric acid.

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Symptoms of adults suffering from kidney failure which has

Symptoms of adults suffering from kidney failure which has
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Early symptoms of kidney failure is not obvious, the disease is easily overlooked or misdiagnosed patients, the disease even miss the best treatment time. That adults suffering from the symptoms of kidney failure it? Below for answers to this question, together to understand.
Adults suffering from the symptoms of kidney failure have what?
More common are:
First, drowsiness, fatigue. This may be an early manifestation, but the most likely to be ignored, because the cause drowsiness, fatigue reason really too much. Especially those in their careers "full fight", most people put the blame on the work of panic and fatigue. If a little rest and symptoms improved, even more easily overlooked.
Second, pale yellow. Is due to anemia caused by attacks and because of this performance is very slow to start, so do not be too short a period of time does not render obvious "contrast", as people find it difficult to meet in the morning and evening, various changes slowly unfold like.
Third, edema. It is relatively easy to find a phenomenon. Because the kidneys can not eliminate excess water in the body and lead to fluid retention in the body tissue space, only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, fade away after the break, when expanded if persistent or systemic edema that already carry the disease is not light.
Fourth, the urine changes. Early symptoms of patients with renal failure due to the loss incurred as a result of kidney function kidney filtration function decline, some patients with the disease will gradually reduce the amount of urine pause. Even normal urine, due to eliminate toxins in the urine decreased, the quality of land, not too much waste from the body, so to some extent the amount of urine your kidneys do not function well explain the good and bad.

Fifth, the early symptoms of renal failure in patients with hypertension will be presented. Because kidney natriuresis, drainage function, impaired renal function when the body will attack the accumulation of sodium and water, In this case, some kidney secretes substances that increase blood pressure. Therefore, early renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If the difference between hypertension prone to cause clotting mechanism coupled nose or gum bleeding, to attract attention.

Symptoms of kidney failure, what does an adult

Symptoms of kidney failure, what does an adult
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Kidney failure is a serious kidney disease, kidney failure and therefore must be treated to prevent the disease endanger our lives and health. So what are the symptoms of adult kidney failure? Here the expert made a presentation on this issue, work together to understand it.
Symptoms of adult kidney failure, what does?
More common are:
1, the initial period. The patients often suffer ATN some known causes, symptoms such as hypotension, renal failure, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins. But significant renal parenchymal damage has not yet occurred. At this stage of acute renal failure is preventable. But with the apparent renal tubular epithelial damage, GFR sudden drop in the performance of the clinical syndrome of acute renal failure becomes apparent, then enter the maintenance phase.
2, the sustain period. Also known as oliguria. Renal failure symptoms typically 7-14 days, but can be as short as a few days to 4-6 weeks long. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients may be oliguria (<40Oml / d). However, some patients may not have oliguria, urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, which mostly mild disease, the prognosis is good. However, regardless of whether the reduction in urine output, with renal dysfunction, may appear a series of clinical manifestations of uremia. Another common infection is acute renal failure and serious complications. In acute renal failure at the same time or in the course of disease progression is also merge multiple organ failure, mortality can be as high as 70%.

3, the recovery period. Tubule cell regeneration and repair, tubular integrity restored. Glomerular filtration rate gradually returns to normal or near-normal range. Symptoms of kidney failure in patients with oliguric began diuresis, urine can have performance, daily urine output up 3000-5000ml, or more. Usually lasts 1-3 weeks, and then again returned to normal. Compared with the glomerular filtration rate, glomerular epithelial cell function (solute and water reabsorption) relative delay recovery, often take several months after recovery. A few patients may ultimately left with varying degrees of renal structural and functional defects


There are several types of renal failure in adults suffering from it

There are several types of renal failure in adults suffering from it
Many clinical manifestations of kidney failure symptoms, the disease to the health hazards of living large, so it is important to treat the disease as early as possible. So there are several types of adult suffering from kidney failure? Here's experts have made answer.
There are several types of adult suffering from kidney failure it?
Acute renal failure Type:
A type of kidney failure, renal failure, infection type. For viruses, bacteria that cause kidney failure, renal failure we call infection. Acute renal failure occurs in viral infections mainly of viral pneumonia, encephalitis, hepatitis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever.
Two types of renal failure, renal failure, shock type. Renal failure due to shock a variety of reasons, caused by caused, we call shock and renal failure. Common cause of bleeding, water and electrolyte imbalance, cardiac and circulatory failure.
Three types of kidney failure, pressure-type kidney failure. Kidney failure due to severe kidney squeeze inside, and the formation of, we call pressure type of kidney failure. Its etiology and clinical course of renal failure is extremely complex. It is a common and important clinical type.
Four types of renal failure, hemolytic kidney failure. Blood transfusions do not match, a lot of old blood transfusion, mechanical hemolysis can be complicated by acute renal failure. The main principle is that the incidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

There are several types of adult suffering from kidney failure? By described above, I hope you can pay attention to. Experts remind you, be sure to do a self-test routine, the disease so that early detection and early treatment. If in doubt you can click on the online contact experts, one on one consultation with experts.
if you have any questions you ask Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China.


Nephropathy may cause back pain

Nephropathy may cause back pain
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Did you know back pain in everyday life? Why occurs the back pain? Here I present several kidney disorders that can cause back pain. Let me introduce them. The back pain is a symptom, not disease. Diseases are following that can cause back pain:
1. Kidney swelling caused by renal parenchymal disease
It is primarily in acute glomerulonephritis disease, acute renal disease etc.
The main symptoms of events: swelling can cause nephrotic nephrotic therefore appears continuous swelling and dull pain.
Symptoms accompanied: Some patients may appear as hematuria, edema, high blood pressure and other symptoms.
laboratory on test: urine routine examination
2. Sickness induced nephropathy infections
Diseases induced nephropathy infections are generally considered renal pain, acute pyelonephritis etc., which come mainly from bacteria infection.
The manifestations of the main symptoms: sore unilateral back unbearable pressure.
The symptoms accompanied with fever, chills.
laboratory on test: Ultrasound or CT B
3. Kidney tumor or cyst
This type of disease includes the cyst, polycystic kidney disease, benign or malignant tumor.
The main symptoms of events: If the cyst is large enough, it will appear continuously swelling and dull pain.
laboratory on test: Ultrasound or CT B
4.La kidney stone
Manifestations of main symptoms: If the stone incarcerated in the ureter, the patient has renal colic, manifested intermittent paroxysmal colic, and colic can proliferate perineum.
The symptoms accompanied with the abondamments sweating, nausea, vomiting, and hematuria
laboratory on test: Ultrasound B or X-ray

There are several reasons about bad back, so we can not judge a symptom caused by that disease. The best method is to pass a test of time. The main tests are the lumbar and kidney function, which can help diagnose the disease.

Patients with renal impairment should prevent heart failure

Patients with renal impairment should prevent heart failure
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
According to a report, the young patients with renal failure this might be some early signs of obstructive arterial heart failure, which can increase the risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, through a survey, it shows that in young patients with renal insufficiency, there are calcium deposits in their body, but the same condition does not occur in those under 20 years. This result indicates that the risk of heart disease extends perhaps the dialysis process.
As pointed out by nephrologists, heart failure and stroke are the main causes of death among patients with renal insufficiency. Representing 32% and 19% respectively. Other causes, such as the digestive system disease and infection are often seen. A research report also shows, cardiovascular mortality increases generally follows the decline of renal blood cell filtration rate.
For patients with renal failure on dialysis, positive measures as the correction of anemia, controlling for blood pressure and maintain a lighter weight, all measures are important to stabilize cardiovascular function and reduce mortality. Choose a responsible and expert physician will benefit patients greatly to control more complications and reduce harm.

As a complication of kidney failure, heart failure can be prevented. The situation is that if kidney function were promoted can be timely, all the factors attracting heart failure can be reduced and life expectancy can be extended. In this way, patients with kidney failure have many chances to avoid dialysis or at least decrease the dialysis interval. The alternative to achieve this goal is a combination of immunotherapy treatment and traditional Chinese medicine. In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, experts and doctors do their best to help patients with kidney failure.

A general introduction to kidney failure

A general introduction to kidney failure
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Q: I am diagnosed with kidney disease last year. Now, serum creatinine is about 7. why my case of illness worsens so quickly?
A: kidney failure is the final stage of most kidney diseases. Once the disease develops at this stage, treatment becomes very difficult. Kidney failure have two types: one is acute renal failure, the other is chronic renal failure.
Q: what are the acute renal failure?
A: acute renal failure is a clinical syndrome. During the process of acute renal failure, renal excretory function declines rapidly over several hours or days. Glomerulus filtration rate reduced to 50% of the normal level and the serum creatinine rise to 44.2umol / L daily.
Q: If oliguria is a sign of acute renal failure?
A: The main sign of renal failure renal function declines rapidly in short time: the kidney glomerulus filtration rate declines to 50% of normal or lower level at 50% level or serum creatinine rises to 44.2umol / The overnight.

Clinically, acute renal failure can be divided into three types: oliguria of acute renal failure, Non-oliguric acute renal failure, high decomposition acute renal failure. Oliguria (less than 400ml every day) and anuria (less than 100ml daily) are the main symptoms of oliguria of acute renal failure. In general, oliguria of acute renal failure have three stages: oliguria stage, stage anemia, and recovery stage. However, there are patients do not have symptoms of oliguria and anuria, but endogenous creatinine clearance declines rapidly in a short time, this type is called the non-oliguric renal failure. In addition, when the amount of urine reduced, it is better to ensure it is not caused by paralysis of the bladder.

Chronic renal failure survival

Chronic renal failure survival
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
When it comes to the survival of kidney failure, we must divide the renal failure chronic renal failure and acute renal failure. Generally, all patients achieving acute renal failure can not oversteer. If the patient with chronic renal failure can receive the proper treatment, there are about 80% of them can be cured and scoop dialysis. As for chronic renal failure, if the treatment is scientific and timely, survival may increase.
In the clinical treatment in chronic renal failure, given the limited scientific diagnosis, patients are sometimes treated incorrectly. In fact, there are many kinds of kidney disease and immune complexes can precipitate kidney in all places, Immunotherapy of the damage may also occur in anywhere as epithelial Immunotherapy of renal glomerulus and tube renal. If we can not do clarify the conditions above, the diagnosis may be incorrect, and then the treatment is useless.
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we have specialized equipment, which can accurately diagnose the disease, we can say that or are immune complexes and how the immune complexes, which is a good basis for the plan doctors to treat chronic renal failure. This is the immune diagnosis.
And patients with chronic renal failure entront a stage in the immune clearance. In this step, the blood purifications are applied as dialysis, blood filtration, blood perfusion and plasma exchange, which can clear away the immune complex. Then, the failure patients with chronic renal failure in the immune tolerance entering step, the immune adjustment, adjustment immune and immune protection. In these steps, some drugs are applied, which is used to repair the damaged intrinsic Immunotherapy and increase the immune responses of patients. In this way, not only the symptoms of chronic kidney disease are relieved, but they do not happen again.

Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. That's what this treatment can treat chronic kidney failure effectively. If you still have any questions, contact us please.


Chronic renal failure survival

Chronic renal failure survival
When it comes to the survival of kidney failure, we must divide the renal failure chronic renal failure and acute renal failure. Generally, all patients achieving acute renal failure can not oversteer. If the patient with chronic renal failure can receive the proper treatment, there are about 80% of them can be cured and scoop dialysis. As for chronic renal failure, if the treatment is scientific and timely, survival may increase.
In the clinical treatment in chronic renal failure, given the limited scientific diagnosis, patients are sometimes treated incorrectly. In fact, there are many kinds of kidney disease and immune complexes can precipitate kidney in all places, Immunotherapy of the damage may also occur in anywhere as epithelial Immunotherapy of renal glomerulus and tube renal. If we can not do clarify the conditions above, the diagnosis may be incorrect, and then the treatment is useless.
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we have specialized equipment, which can accurately diagnose the disease, we can say that or are immune complexes and how the immune complexes, which is a good basis for the plan doctors to treat chronic renal failure. This is the immune diagnosis.
And patients with chronic renal failure entront a stage in the immune clearance. In this step, the blood purifications are applied as dialysis, blood filtration, blood perfusion and plasma exchange, which can clear away the immune complex. Then, the failure patients with chronic renal failure in the immune tolerance entering step, the immune adjustment, adjustment immune and immune protection. In these steps, some drugs are applied, which is used to repair the damaged intrinsic Immunotherapy and increase the immune responses of patients. In this way, not only the symptoms of chronic kidney disease are relieved, but they do not happen again.

Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. That's what this treatment can treat chronic kidney failure effectively. If you still have any questions, contact us please.

Hemolytic anemia, chronic renal failure

Hemolytic anemia, chronic renal failure
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Hemolytic anemia means that the red blood cell damage accelerates, but the compensation of the hemopoietic marrow function is not sufficient. If the cord can increase the production of red blood cells that can replace when the survival time of short red blood cells and anemia does not occur. We call this condition decompensated hemolytic disease. Hemolytic anemia is rarely seen.
Hemolytic anemia can be caused by chronic renal failure, which is a kind of anemia caused by chronic renal failure. Why patients with chronic renal failure have the symptoms of anemia? When the condition of the disease develops stage renal disease, secretion of being hémopoïétine least for erythropoiesis hormone synthesis decreases. So marrow hematopoietic function decline. The hormone synthesis erythropoiesis is produced in the kidneys, it passes the marrow with blood circulation and then adjusts the marrow to produce red blood cells. In stage chronic renal failure, the production of synthetic erythropoiesis hormone is not enough, which can make the level of red blood cells in the lower body, causing anemia.
If hemolytic anemia is not treated better, hemolytic anemia will worsen chronic renal failure in turn. Micro-Chinese Medicine can mitigate the lack of blood and improve oxygen in the blood vessels of the kidneys, by this treatment to repair the damage inherent Immunotherapy and recover kidney function. In this case, the red blood cells would be generated and hemolytic anemia disappear.
If you need further information on hemolytic anemia, contact us please. email:


how to recover the function of atrophic kidneys

how to recover the function of atrophic kidneys
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Renal atrophy is a medical terminology. Many consult us on how to recover and rebuild atrophic kidney function atrophic kidneys .So we will reply the questions.
What is renal atrophy?
Renal atrophy is determined based on factors such as the volume of the kidney, patient age, sex, body weight and height, etc. atrophy of the kidney is relatively smaller or atrophy of course.
Atrophic kidneys and renal function
Renal atrophy is not the final stage in renal disease, however, renal atrophy close relationship with renal function. In other words, when patients suffering from renal atrophy, he or she has certainly symptoms of renal failure or the increase of creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, etc. if this condition is not controlled better, renal atrophy progresses to the last stage of kidney disease.
How to recover the function of atrophic kidneys?
Measures should be taken to stimulate apoptosis of myofibroblasts and to accelerate the elimination of immune complexes. At the same time as possible to reduce the synthesis of extra Immunotherapy matrix and increase the production of internal kidney degrading enzyme so as to improve the capacity degradation of matrix extra Immunotherapy accordingly , this approach can reduce the destruction of extra Immuno matrix therapy in renal tissue. Through these measures, renal function can be recovered gradually.

In general, when the question that if the function of atrophic kidneys can be reconstructed, as well as if atrophic kidneys can recover normal size. They DEPEN which often the degree of expansion of the renal artery and the degree of removal of damaged tissue, the degree of metabolic nutrition supplement and repair capacity and expel kidney.


Renal anemia ---- a dangerous signal in chronic renal failure

How Will Other Body Systems Be Affected If Kidneys Shut Down Prevention and Diet of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis Is Kidney Survived by Dialysis Can People with End Stage Kidney Disease Eat Radishes
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Anemia is a common symptom in patients with renal failure .A healthy kidney can produce a kind of hormone called erythropoiesis, which can stimulate the bone marrow to produce enough red blood cells that is necessary for the body .A kidney damaged can not produce enough of erythropoiesis and reduces the amount of red blood cells, it increases the risk of anemia anemia .The other reasons are blood loss, low levels of iron and folic acid .It is recommended that anemia is a dangerous signal for patients with renal impairment, as it may increase the risk factors and a large impact on the follow-up rate long time.
What is the risk of renal anemia? Anemia is the red blood cell red blood  cells .The can provide oxygen to body organs. Without oxygen, the important organs, such as the head and the heart, they do not exist eigenfunctions. Clinical research shows that anemia is an independent factor contributing to left ventricular hypertrophy combined, heart failure and mortality rates increase .For patients with chronic renal failure, anemia and increased HOV are also risk factors for the onset of angina.
Clinically, anemia start to patients with chronic renal failure are twenty to fifty percent of kidney function .The patients may find themselves face pale and tire easily .There are two traditional treatments for renal anemia: the first treatment is the injection of a genetically engineered form of erythropoietin or erythropoiesis; the second is the blood, which is less developed than the first one.
In fact, both methods are target symptom .In other words, they can improve the symptoms of anemia, but not useful to improve the endocrine function of the kidney .With the progression of the disease, the state of anemia will gradually worsen, and patients find themselves very tired even lose the self-care capacity .Considérant high potential risk of cardiovascular disease and high mortality rate caused by anemia, patients with chronic renal failure should need treatments below:
1.se to examine your level of erythropoietin and red blood cell, and adopt the injection of erythropoietin prescribed by your doctor, after analyzing your specialized requirement
2.Traiter damaged Immunotherapy .L'anémie is mainly due to the injury of renal endocrine function .So the main treatment should be based on repairing damaged inherent Immunotherapy. Patients with chronic renal failure have experienced the loss of nephron function .If patients take appropriate and timely and effective treatment, scar Immunotherapy can be repaired and renal fibrosis can be prevented. By this treatment, we can prevent the disease progress to the final stage of renal failure.

Renal anemia is a dangerous signal, patients should not be neglected, choose an appropriate timely treatment .If you still have questions, you can consult our online experts for free or email us directly .Our the e-mail address is:kidneyservice@hotmail.com


Treat chronic renal failure Immunotherapy

Treat chronic renal failure Immunotherapy
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Does Immunotherapy can be used to treat kidney failure? For a correct answer, we must study more knowledge about Immunotherapy, and then we can know the function of immunotherapy in the treatment of kidney failure.
Immunotherapy is the treatment of transplanting healthy Immunotherapy the patient's body to reach the goal of treating the disease .The treatment Immunotherapy has already used in many areas there are .For years research and observations of experts and scientists the function of immunotherapy is to renew and differentiate into new immunotherapy, which is necessary for the body .By observation, can differentiate into all Immunotherapy Immunotherapy of damaged organs of the body, and after the transplantation, immunotherapy can directly and automatically reach the damaged organs.
On the basis of this finding, treatment of immunotherapy have already been used in the field to treat kidney failure. Renal injury is serious for patients with kidney failure and there are three kinds of Immunotherapy: healthy Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy damaged partially damaged Immunotherapy entirely. This is a common sense that there is no treatment can repair damaged again Immunotherapy fully Voilà, Immunotherapy will play a special role to renew the new immunotherapy. Immunotherapy can reach the damaged organs of the entire body, but after the transplantation, the culture and the specialized external stimulation, most Immunotherapy reach damaged areas of the kidney function .With Immunotherapy, increasingly Immunotherapy kidney differ by Immunotherapy Immunotherapy these work like other healthy kidney Immunotherapy .The result is that the kidney condition is obviously improved .It differs from dialysis and renal transplantation, does not require patients to seek the operation during the treatment process .L'autre advantage is that the effect is better than dialysis and kidney transplantation because Immunotherapy can improve the condition of the kidney by repairing damaged kidneys.
One can easily see from here that treatment of Immunotherapy is more effective than dialysis and renal transplantation in the treatment of renal failure .From more new immunotherapy will play its role to repair damaged Immunotherapy. Consequently, patients have a better life in the future, even patiens who need dialysis can also get rid of dialysis.

If you want to know more Immunotherapy treatment information, please contact us by sending email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com, or you can contact us online.

How to treat chronic renal failure anemia

How to treat chronic renal failure anemia
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
There are many therapies to treat anemia of chronic renal insuffisnce in the world, but most of them just aim at self anemia and it can not prevent relapse .The basic method is to repair damaged kidneys and reconstruct normal function.
Traditional treatments
1. check hematuria. In fact, chronic renal failure is caused by progressive damage to the glomeruli because autoimmunity reaction .Etant given that immune complexes and damaged intrinsic Immunotherapy rush and do the filtering down, and the glomeruli can not filter the red blood cells .so inhibit autoimmunity reaction can effectively reduce hematuria .The common drugs are hormone and immunosuppressant.
2. Injection of erythropoiesis hormone. The main reason for chronic renal failure anemia is that necrotic cells capable of secreting erythropoiesis, which stimulates normal bone marrow is producing red blood cells .In the treatment of medicine, erythropoiesis increases in the body patient by subcutaneous injection, this treatment uses only a small amount, will have a long effective .This treatment can usually last four to six months.
3. Iron supplementation, folate and protein. iron, folic acid and protein are important substances for the formation, development, and the red blood cells .The patients can make compressed folic acid orally to add folic acid .It can be obtained food such as beet juice, molasses, curry powder and etc. However, patients should take from the physician opinions, especially patients who hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia.
4. The blood injection. Patients who are in the final stage of renal failure, it is because immunity is too low to act as hemostatic .So it is a common measure for patients.
The osmotherapy Chinese micro-medicine and Immunotherapy
Anemia is causing chronic renal failure to treat anemia, we must first treat kidney failure .It is clear that hemodialysis is only replacement therapy, and can not not repair kidney function .The Immunotherapy with osmotherapy Chinese micro-medicine will be a better choice.

The osmotherapy Chinese medicine can enlarge micro-blood vessels, anti-inflammation and anti-clotting, reduce blood viscosity and renal fibrosis, delaying the development of kidney failure and improve the indoor environment is favorable .The Immunotherapy Immunotherapy intrinsic repair and rebuild renal function is already damaged because the injection of Immunotherapy needs a good environment to grow and develop in damaged Immunotherapy Immunotherapy .The can stimulate the body to release factors to begin the self-healing. Those are all effective to treat chronic renal failure with anemia.
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Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

The kidney failure diet

The kidney failure diet
The kidney failure diet
Because of the functional kidney damage and kidney function decline, many patients respond to food taboos. Absolutely, food taboos does not mean that patients can not take power, it is only to recommend patients to eat food that is good for health and avoid foods that do not agree to the disease. The idea is to reduce the burden on the kidneys, to avoid overwork the kidneys and prevent further deterioration of the kidneys .The diet should be low in protein, and low in phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

A low protein diet

What treatment can repair kidney function?

Protein is important for our body, it can maintain muscle, prevent injection, repair and replace tissue. Protein in urine is decomposed in the process of metabolism .More proteins are washed, further urine is produced. With renal function decline, the kidneys can not excrete all the urine and cause accumulation of urine. Therefore, it is necessary to take the low protein foods to maintain health. Foods that are low in protein are cereals and vegetables.

A diet low in phosphorus

Phosphorus can combine with calcium to healthy and robust OS. With the decline of renal function, the kidneys can not adjust the balance as normal, phosphorus content increases. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the blood, it not only damages the blood vessels by forming sharp crystal, but take calciums bones and then the bones become weaker. So it's best to eat foods that are low in phosphorus, such as broccoli, non-cola soda, substitute non-dairy milk and etc.

A diet low in potassium

For the heart, potassium is important .When the kidneys are damaged, they can not control them as usual. The irregular potassium content is dangerous and many potassiums blood may cause heart rhythm irregularity, and even death without prediction. The low potassium foods are apples, grapes, pears, watermelons, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, rice, noodles, bread.

A low sodium diet

Sodium helps to maintain fluid balance, sodium level can be controlled by the kidneys .Without the role of normal renal function, sodium lose balance and perhaps because edema or swelling. Foods that are low in sodium contain various seasonings, garlic, oregano and lemon.

Food helps control the progression of the disease, you should respect the correct principle. In addition, because the situations are varied depending on the person, it is best to consult your doctor or dietitian about a better diet.

The symptoms of different types of lupus nephritis

The symptoms of different types of lupus nephritis
Shijiazhang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Lupus nephritis is divided into different types, the symptoms are different for different types. So now let us bring this knowledge to everyone.
Symptoms of lupus nephritis Ⅰ: In this condition, patients do not have almost pathological reaction, they usually have only the indifferent omens of illness, and the omens is easily neglected, the patient's kidney health is atteindu not seriously.
Symptoms of lupus nephritis Ⅱ: gnerale in this type of patient may restore smooth healthy after effective treatment, the prognosis is good. The appearance is the mesangial cell proliferation, membrane thickening in the clinical symptoms, there is a small amount of proteinuria and haematuria can look under the microscope.
Symptoms of lupus nephritis Ⅲ: these patients rarely suffer kidney failure. Control the disease condition is the important point. The glomeruli involved do not exceed the level of 50% .There was a small or moderate amount of proteinuria, hematuria is not looked on hormone response is good.
Symptoms of lupus nephritis Ⅳ: the condition is bad prognosis .It is because the number of glomeruli involved exceeds 50% .The irregular glomerular basement membrane proliferates, extensive necrosis, may be accompanied with severe proteinuria, urine with tubular Immunotherapy and hypertension.

Symptoms of lupus nephritis Ⅴ: the prognosis of these patients is unstable .From many patients, the disease can develop kidney failure. Generally, the patient may have thickening and mesangial basilar membrane, but not the proliferation and cell necrosis .It is often a large amount of urinary protein, edema, increased to blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces the amount of hemoglobin and even hormonal treatment effect is unstable .In therefore, we must receive various treatments depending on the symptoms and the type of lupus nephritis.
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