
Symptoms of kidney failure, what does an adult

Symptoms of kidney failure, what does an adult
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Kidney failure is a serious kidney disease, kidney failure and therefore must be treated to prevent the disease endanger our lives and health. So what are the symptoms of adult kidney failure? Here the expert made a presentation on this issue, work together to understand it.
Symptoms of adult kidney failure, what does?
More common are:
1, the initial period. The patients often suffer ATN some known causes, symptoms such as hypotension, renal failure, ischemia, sepsis and renal toxins. But significant renal parenchymal damage has not yet occurred. At this stage of acute renal failure is preventable. But with the apparent renal tubular epithelial damage, GFR sudden drop in the performance of the clinical syndrome of acute renal failure becomes apparent, then enter the maintenance phase.
2, the sustain period. Also known as oliguria. Renal failure symptoms typically 7-14 days, but can be as short as a few days to 4-6 weeks long. Glomerular rate remained at a low level. Many patients may be oliguria (<40Oml / d). However, some patients may not have oliguria, urine output in 400ml / d or more, known as non-oliguric acute renal failure, which mostly mild disease, the prognosis is good. However, regardless of whether the reduction in urine output, with renal dysfunction, may appear a series of clinical manifestations of uremia. Another common infection is acute renal failure and serious complications. In acute renal failure at the same time or in the course of disease progression is also merge multiple organ failure, mortality can be as high as 70%.

3, the recovery period. Tubule cell regeneration and repair, tubular integrity restored. Glomerular filtration rate gradually returns to normal or near-normal range. Symptoms of kidney failure in patients with oliguric began diuresis, urine can have performance, daily urine output up 3000-5000ml, or more. Usually lasts 1-3 weeks, and then again returned to normal. Compared with the glomerular filtration rate, glomerular epithelial cell function (solute and water reabsorption) relative delay recovery, often take several months after recovery. A few patients may ultimately left with varying degrees of renal structural and functional defects


