
Nephritis contagious?

Life, nephritis disease is relatively easy to relapse, repeated episodes to the patient's body and cause great psychological pain. For this reason, people nephritis disease caused concern, we need to focus on its preventive measures in life and avoid harm illness.
Purpura nephritis is relatively common men, but also a great harm nephritis, the disease occurs if men must be timely treatment, if not treated promptly hazards will increase, and nephritis contagious? Many patients want to understand this problem, the following experts to introduce you in detail this issue.
Nephritis contagious?
Experts for the "? Nephritis will be contagious," pointed out etiologies purpura nephritis is a lot of different causes harm is not the same, it's contagious is determined according to the cause, kidney typical case - nephritis caused by allergies its etiology and wind, wet, hot, toxic and other factors. TCM theory purple skin spots classified as "rash." Purpura nephritis patients often intrinsic blood heat, exogenous pathogenic wind or wind foods are moving goods, wind or heat Competing toxic heat flaming. But do not worry too much of infectious diseases, the following details for you.
Suggest that the majority of men in the usual life more attention to their habits, learn more about the cause, actively prevent the emergence of the disease. Purpura nephritis patients with hematuria, proteinuria symptoms, indicating the patient's kidneys are too tired, but the disease is not contagious. Most purpura nephritis patients with purpura rash as the main symptom, but in some cases by recurrent abdominal pain as the main symptom, before the rash appears, the cause will be difficult to confirm the diagnosis, misdiagnosed as acute abdomen, at present, the clinical think nephritis kidney endothelial cells allergy, leading to a series of secondary renal disease characterized by kidney disease is not contagious, patients do not believe the disease is not contagious to relax their vigilance, and treatment must be timely.

Nephritis contagious? Through the above description I believe you already know! Harm nephritis is great, although not contagious, but still a lot of harm, it is worth noting that in the treatment of male Purpura Nephritis time to choose a formal professional hospital treatment, avoid negligent treatment of small hospitals.


