
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital - The hospital trust

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, founded in 1986, we in the "build a century hospital, all kinds of kidney attack" mentality, with "utmost to cherish life care;. A century to create a harmonious hospital endless," the purpose of the "concentric circles service model, big effect mode, great service mode "service standards, after 27 years of glorious development, has become a set of medical, teaching, scientific research as one of the new modernized kidney disease treatment facility. Hospital Chief occupies 48,000 square meters total area, with a total construction area of 66,000 square meters of modern hospital district, and completed more than 90,000 cases of kidney repair treatment, carried out various types of kidney disease checks.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital main entrance
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital main entrance nearly 700 medical institutions to exchange and learn. The total construction area of 66,000 square meters, within a short period of time to become one of China's current large-scale facilities are complete, is currently relatively strong doctor-owned power kidney specialist hospital.
Our treatment specialties folding Edit this paragraph Shijiazhuang kidney Disease  hospital in accordance with the different types of nephropathy, is divided into eighteen hospital ward, the current settings are: purpura kidney, pediatric kidney, kidney and other inpatient rehabilitation ward.
At the same time the hospital has a large dialysis center, the existing 36 dialysis machines and three sets of ultrafiltration machine can be equipped to carry out a variety of difficult work dialysis. 39 station dialysis equipment and two water treatment equipment for all the German original, "McPherson Eustace" high-end equipment, clinical treatment and provides reliable protection.
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital opened in renal fibrosis exclusive domestic inspection program is an important foundation to support the theory of renal fibrosis, kidney fibrosis, which can display the "matrix metalloproteinases" content inspection and research projects for domestic initiative. Kidney cells can reflect the extent of damage and restore natural conditions "cell activating factor" test project is the leading domestic. In kidney inspection carried out routine testing and intrinsic renal cell damage and kidney fibrosis condition for the test, providing a large number of practical scientific data for clinical diagnosis, but also for the combination therapy provides a number of detailed experimental data, has been highly praised by industry peers.
"Shijiazhuang therapy" is the first characteristic of therapy of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital summarized. Through years of clinical practice as well as examples of the hundreds of thousands of patients to verify that the current "basic theory and clinical renal fibrosis" (Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House), a book has been officially published and distributed abroad. The book detailed records of the hospital more than two decades on the kidney research and clinical pathology results.
Our signature treatments fold Edit this paragraph Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies penetration penetration folding Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy is one of the characteristics of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital treatment, and its core technology is an effective prescription treatment of kidney disease, ultrafine grinding, the purpose of the drug the active ingredient is released and mix thoroughly. Then by means of effective penetrants and penetration device, by topical way, the drug will penetrate to the effective renal lesion site, to achieve the purpose of effective treatment of kidney disease.
Meaning therapy
① micro refers to the meaning of the processing methods of traditional Chinese medicine is crushing and boiling. We will make a new processing methods to make the powder finer, more easily absorbed, called micro-based solid, in essence, is more miniaturized. Of course, the specific processing method, for the purpose of protection of the hospital, will no longer be explained in detail.
② penetration refers to the meaning, in our hospital at the time of the formation of the Court of treatments, and the effective use of traditional Chinese medicine in the topical therapy. But over the years, because there is always a topical medicine is difficult to overcome the problem that effective drugs actually penetrate into the body's capacity of less than ideal, so that people are wondering the real effect of this therapy. To this end, the institute is designed topical formulations of drugs, the use of a unique method of drug penetration, thus ensuring a unique topical drug treatment. In order to highlight the special nature of this approach, we are introducing the therapy, it highlighted the "penetration" word.
③ When the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapies designed to fully absorb the foreign Western edge technology, so that the theory of Chinese medicine treatment to get a very good interpretation. Western medicine treatment of kidney disease, according to the current international frontier theory, the incidence of kidney disease theory from organizational development theory to the cytology theory, so the diagnosis of kidney disease, also into the pathological diagnosis from clinical diagnosis fine. To this end, the scientific method of kidney disease diagnostic analysis of cell dysfunction on the situation on the basis of cell damage became. The original theory of renal damage will become inherent in today's kidney cell function damage, injury diagnosis theory. On this basis, the treatment of kidney disease, will become curb repair damaged kidneys continue inherent intrinsic renal cells and cell function. And to repair the kidney inherent cells, it is necessary to solve a problem is to completely remove the cause kidney inherent cell damage, the culprit damage - kidney inherent cell extracellular matrix.
Therapy effects
Kidney disease and urinary protein leakage of red blood cells, mainly by glomerular filtration membrane permeability caused by damage caused. Diabetic nephropathy is like a long-term high blood sugar because the body state, causing renal microcirculation disease, glomerulosclerosis, basement membrane damage and protein leakage occurs.
In the past, generally only for primary disease treatment, poorly targeted on the restoration of glomerular filtration membrane. It can be seen, even if the urine protein, reduced or even disappear over time, but it does not solve the fundamental cause of glomerular filtration membrane has not yet been fixed. After the disappearance of drugs, or for some reason induced proteinuria why would simply disappear?
Micro-Chinese medicine treatment after a stronger drug activity, it is full of the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment to make broken again effective medicine molecular chain link, while the formation of the new features. Also for the injured glomerular basement membrane, is deposited on the base film to remove immune complexes and diseased tissue, repair damaged basement membrane. This approach focuses on the renovation kidney disease genes and impaired kidney diseased cells and activates intracellular DNA replication of damaged tissue, promote structural changes in kidney damage, the damaged kidney function was restored. Therefore, after the repair, due to the underlying causes of disease caused by diminish the invisible, urinary protein bound to gradually decrease until it disappears, and this disappeared with the removal of the cause of the disappearance, it is difficult to occur repeatedly, of course, but there is no rebound symptoms after stopping.
Immune six folding step therapy immunodiagnostic
Immunodiagnostic reflect kidney damage is immune to the elements around. Through diagnostic test to identify a specific cause kidney damage in different immune elements to determine the treatment and medication standards.
Immune clearance
Immune clearance is the use of harmful substances in the blood purification technology to clean up human blood. This is actually a blood purification technology is the purification of blood purification technology refers to the immune secondary part of harmful elements. Including hemodialysis, hemofiltration, immunoadsorption and blood perfusion, plasma exchange, blood lipid purification, biological filtration, to remove white blood cells and so on.
Immune clearance has the following benefits:
1, not only can effectively protect the kidneys, reducing harmful substances in the blood of kidney damage again.
2, to prevent and mitigate damage to other organs and tissues may lead to poisonous blood. In particular to avoid harmful immune elements of the heart and brain damage, in order to reduce the probability of sudden death and brain failure occurs, that is to avoid and mitigate renal complications. Because this is a major cause of kidney disease leading to death.
3, for the effective treatment of kidney disease, improve the effectiveness of drug treatment effects and provide a guarantee.
4, immune clearance or an effective treatment of kidney disease advanced technological means.
Immune blocking
Causes the kidneys is kidney radical resulting from the immune response. That is, in fact, kidney disease, kidney excessive immune inflammatory response. Was the result of extreme immune kidney inflammation, is because the human body can cause the body's immune system decline innate immune system is damaged. The body's innate immune system is destroyed after, immune complexes will be deposited in a particular part of the kidney.
To clear this part of the human body immune complexes, it will start the body's immune and inflammatory response system. Will mobilize a large number of inflammatory mediators in the human body immune complex deposition in the kidney region aggregation, and inflammation occur simultaneously.
Our treatment approach is to: Select overreaction potent immune-suppressing drugs, the body's immune and inflammatory response would be drastic to stop living. Let in the kidney area of immune and inflammatory response to stop, stop to the purpose, which is forced to stop the immune inflammatory response in renal tissue and cell damage caused to continue.
Immune tolerance
The so-called immune tolerance is allowed, tolerance and acceptance of the fact that immune complex deposition in the kidneys.
Immune tolerance therapy should be how to achieve it?
1, insist on long-term kidney disease, immune blocker therapy continued to ensure that the patient's immune inflammatory response does not appear. That is a long-term, sustained to patients on a regular basis, quantitative infusion of various types of immunosuppressive drugs.
2, regular testing of immune inflammation circumstances of each patient, in order to observe different patients at different times recurring immune and inflammatory responses, to varying degrees.
3, periodic testing sustained immune blockade therapy during immune complex changes. Immunization deprivation therapy to determine the effectiveness and the innate immune system to recover.
Immune tolerance therapy process should pay attention to what the problem?
1, regardless of the kidneys at any stage, the treatment of immune tolerance can be implemented, can be implemented immune blocked.
2, as long as the implementation of immune blocking occurs immune tolerance. Both treatments are tied.
3, immune tolerance and coexistence of the innate immune system rebuild. To ensure long-term immune tolerance during extreme inflammatory immune response does not occur, it must have the innate immune system to re-establish a miracle.
4, immune tolerance therapy is a therapeutic technique very difficult to grasp. Because, as long as the presence of immune tolerance, it may at any time re-occurrence of inflammation. Therefore, we must attach great attention.
Deposition of immune complexes need to be excreted, but how to troubleshoot? We take the Micro-Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine. Such methods eliminate the immune complexes, chemical reaction method is not Western medicine can not be done instantly effective. It takes a long time, long-term course of medication, the body upright and gradually recover, which is gradually achieve the establishment of Chinese medicine, yin and yang balance of the system. Because this process is very long, and is a process of gradual adjustment, so we called immunomodulatory therapy.
Immunomodulatory therapy indications:
1, patients with kidney disease who are immunomodulatory therapy indications are.
2, as long as the patient's immune adapt blocking therapy, are in line immunomodulatory therapy.
3, immunomodulatory drug use, be sure to rotate. A drug can not be pegged to continue using it.
4, we must stare patient medication. Can not be overlooked. To insist on a return visit. Ready to solve the problem of medication.
Immune protection
Etiology of kidney disease is not just the human body's innate immune system is damaged, causing the body's immune and inflammatory response caused by excesses. Any disease, especially all kinds of chronic diseases, because of the same reasons.
In addition, all patients with chronic diseases, there is a common characteristic, that is, after the innate immune system is damaged, not long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation, resulting in the body is always in the role of the stage of the adaptive immune system.
Therapy of immune protection benefits are the following:
1, this treatment is a no damage, no side effects of the therapy. Only beneficial to the human body, there is no harm.
2, the treatment technology is the origin of the human body to maintain. It not only helps the body to restore and rebuild the innate immune system, can also ensure that the body's innate immune system in good condition long time, does not appear the phenomenon of decreased immunity and results.
3, adapt to a wide range of protective immunity therapy. Any ill people who are indications. In addition, there is one characteristic, usually unwilling to let the human innate immune system is compromised and that they are to adapt to this therapy.
Immune protection therapy to note the following:
1, note that the characteristics of immune protection between therapy and immunomodulatory therapy, in order to facilitate our combination.
2, immune protection technology is a big range of techniques and tools available for a long time. Not only can be used in patients, healthy people can also be used. Just a lot of patients to use, appropriate use of health.

3, we must attach great importance to the application of immune protection technology.
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