
How chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to diet

How chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to diet
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Variety of clinical manifestations of chronic nephritis, may have common type, kidney type, hypertension and asymptomatic type type. In severe cases, symptoms may have hematuria, proteinuria, edema, hypertension, anemia or renal damage. Light may be asymptomatic, duration varies, deterioration may develop faster than the onset of a few months into the uremia, the light can also be self-limiting, but also sustainable over the decades, ranging 甚达 year. Slow progress of the disease, is relatively stable. Dietary requirements should be treated according to the different stages of disease development and clinical manifestations of difference.
1. asymptomatic. Hematuria, proteinuria small (1--2 grams per day), can give general diet, a little salt restriction.
2. urinary protein more low plasma protein, no azotemia may be appropriate to increase the supply of protein to 1 g per kg body weight per day, regularly check renal function at any time to adjust the protein intake.
3. Renal dysfunction should limit the amount of protein intake. Daily controls (including the staple food containing protein) 30 - 40 grams. Mild renal dysfunction may 0.7--0.8 g per kg body weight per day supply. Selection of high quality protein foods such as lean meat, eggs, milk, etc. within a limited range, accounting for over 50% of the best days of the total as well.
4. sodium intake depends on the degree of edema and hypertension, the general principle is appropriate in light food.
5. To caution choose the higher potassium high potassium fruits and vegetables.
6. hyperlipidemia to be used less oil low cholesterol diet.

7. hanged alcoholic beverages and spicy foods.


