
Five kinds of food to reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease

Five kinds of food to reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is a major health threat, in addition to medical treatment, by adjusting the diet will also help reduce the risk of kidney disease. American "Love Women" website for the latest papers, summed up by scientifically proven beneficial kidney food.
Garlic. Fresh garlic has a strong anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce cholesterol, is one of the best kidney diet. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant. Studies confirm that regular consumption also helps fight cancer.
Kale. Broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K and other nutrients have kidney function. Moreover, these vegetables are relatively low potassium content helps protect kidney. Among them, the highest iron content of kale, but also rich in β-carotene and calcium, and kidney effects best.
Egg white. Egg whites are rich in vitamins and essential trace elements, helps improve overall health. Egg white contains a lot of protein, potassium and more iron phosphorus helps the kidneys to maintain the best condition.
Olive oil. The study found that in order to replace the butter, olive oil and other edible oil area, heart disease, cancer and kidney disease morbidity are significantly lower. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that help fight free radical damage to the body, reduce arterial inflammation.
Apple. Apple contains a lot of help to resist inflammatory compounds, and potassium content is relatively low, is the perfect snack to protect the kidneys.


