
Diet therapy of chronic nephritis

Diet therapy of chronic nephritis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
(1) the protein supply. Dietary treatment of chronic nephritis should be determined according to the degree of renal dysfunction protein intake, if longer duration, renal damage is not serious, food protein is not strictly limited, but not more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day, high-quality protein to reach more than 50%.
(2) Since the part of the patient to limit the protein, its thermal energy to be supplied to carbohydrates and fats as the major source of energy supply, as the labor intensity dependent. The Breakers, adult daily supply of 126 kJ to 147 kJ (30 kcal to 35 kcal) / kg body weight. To meet the needs of the patient and the activities.
(3) controlling sodium intake. Severe edema and hypertension, to control the amount of sodium in the following 2 g / day, even given salt-free diet, generally low-salt appropriate.
● chronic nephritis food choices
(1) should be given plenty of vitamins, especially vitamin c, because chronic nephritis patients may have anemia, vitamin c can increase the absorption of iron, so should eat tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, fresh dates, watermelon, Xinlimei radish, cucumber, watermelon, oranges, kiwi and natural juices and other foods.

(2) poor appetite may supplement vitamin c preparations; at the same time should be more vitamin b and folic acid-rich foods, such as animal offal, green leafy vegetables and other foods, helps correct anemia. Hyperkalemia should not eat foods high in potassium, vegetables and fruits should be carefully selected. Chronic nephritis patients should not eat sugar drinks and spicy foods.


