
Hemodialysis, an Untherapeutic Method to Renal Failure

Hemodialysis is a replacement therapy for Renal Failure, when kidneys fail to work effectively and waste and extra water cannot be filtrated from our bodies. It works as an artificial kidney, but it is unable to replace all functions of the real kidneys.
Kidneys can filtrate blood, form urine, remove excessive water, keep the normal osmotic pressure, adjust electrolyte concentration and balance acid base, which hemodialysis can take over from our kidneys as well, but hemodialysis cannot secrete essential chemical elements like erythropoietin as the real kidneys, so patients who have taken hemodialysis usually have Anemia, Hypopsia and other like complications.
Although hemodialysis is adopted in kidney disease treatment, it is not really curing the damaged kidneys. It just reduces the burden of the real kidneys and helps them clean the internal environment for other effective treatments. If the real kidneys continue being worsened, hemodialysis can not save their lives. In other word, this treatment merely slower the disease and prolong life span but it does not avoid complete kidney failure. Therefore, at the stage of uremia, hemodialysis just works as the main adjuvant treatment to provide a relative clean environment for kidney transplant, stem cell transplantation and other effective therapies.
Compared with kidney transplant and stem cell transplantation, patients who adopting hemodialysis must follow more strict diet, because nutriment runs off and protein is resolved in the course of hemodialysis. Such patients should have animal protein, high vitamin and rich cellulose but some food containing potassium are forbidden, such as beans, edible seaweed, mushrooms, lotus seeds, jujubes, bananas and oranges etc

However, it is still very curative for patients with End-Staged Renal Failure to take hemodialysis which can effectively eliminate waste and extra water, keeping enter-environment clean and making preparations for next therapies.


