
Symptoms of Renal Failure in Different Stages

In clinical, Renal Failure can be divided into three stages, in which the symptoms are completely different. Because of the special structure of the kidneys, Renal Failure patients won’t feel any apparent physical changes and symptoms until the renal function is close to complete loss.
There are different symptoms in different stages.
⑴ In Starting Stage: In this stage, patients often suffer from some known causes of ATN, such as hypotension, ischemia, sepsis, nephrotoxin etc, but there is no apparent damage of renal parenchyma. Acute Renal Failure can be prevented in this stage. As there is obvious injury to the renal tubular epithelium, GFR suddenly declines and symptoms of Renal failure become apparent in clinical, it enters maintenance stage. In the beginning, Renal Failure is usually asymptomatic and there is no alarming symptom for us to know how our kidneys are functioning, so we should take urine test and blood test regularly to follow up the disease condition. Sometimes, though Renal Failure patients feel good, some indications of kidney disease can be found through medical tests.
⑵ In Maintenance Stage or Oliguric Stage: The period is usually 7 to 14 days, and the shortest can be several days while the longest can be 4 to 6 weeks. GFR (glomerular filtration rate) of the patients is always low. Many patients may have oliguria symptom (urine volume <40Oml/d). However, some patients may not appear oliguria symptom. Their urine volume may be more than 400ml/d, and this is called Non-oliguric Acute Renal Failure. For this kind of disease, the patient’s disease condition is usually milder and the prognosis is good. Whether urine volume lessens or not, as the renal function declines, there will appear a series of symptoms of Renal Failure. Infection is another common and serious complication of Acute Renal Failure. Some other organs may also fail to work accompanying with Acute Renal Failure or in the progression of the disease.
⑶ In Recovery Stage: In this stage, the renewed renal tubule cells will repair the renal tubule to complete recovery. Glomerular filtration rate can gradually restore to normal or close to normal range. Patients with oliguria symptom become diuresis, and the daily urine volume can reach 3000-5000ml or more. The phenomenon may last 1 to 3 weeks and then glomerular filtration rate will recover to normal. Comparing with the recovery of glomerular filtration rate, the restoration of glomerular epithelial cells function (the reabsorption of solute and water) usually needs several months. A small number of patients will eventually suffer different degrees of renal structure and function deficiency.
The Systemic Symptoms of Renal Failure
The continuous accumulation of toxin and waste in the body may cause discomfort to Renal Failure patients. The Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, poor sleep in the night, no appetite, pruritus (skin itch) and fatigue.
Some Renal Failure patients will appear edema, decrease of urine volume, frequent urination (especially at night), swelling in wrist and ankles, breath hard and eyelid edema.
Kidneys can not secret enough hormone for producing blood cells because of the damage to renal function. People with anemia often feel cold and tired.
Other symptoms of Renal Failure
Blood urine (with brown or blood red color)
Foam in urine
Extreme thirst
Disturbed sleep or somnolence

Decline of sexual desire


