
Had renal failure urine less how to do?

What are the symptoms of kidney failure? Had renal failure urine less how to do?
Patient Counseling: My mother had renal failure have been treated nearly twenty days in the county hospital, can now rely on dialysis or urinate much, 76 years old this year, more than 500 creatinine beginning, and now more than 300, dialysis once every other day, I eat disgusting things
Experts Re: renal failure by dialysis had to urinate more than how to do it is because the body is caused by high creatinine such a situation is a common clinical presence of toxins, dialysis treat high creatinine is a good method, but there is a certain degree? conditions of people who can heal dialysis, like some people can not make dialysis healing, such as hypotension or shock. Patients with severe heart failure or arrhythmia is often no way tolerate cardiopulmonary bypass. Severe bleeding tendency. Cerebral vascular accident. Without the control of severe diabetes. Malignancies late. Mental disorders, with no method.
Hemodialysis is just footsteps in delaying progression of the disease, there is no method to play the efficacy of healing, to seek to achieve long hemodialysis purpose of rehabilitation is perhaps the. Essentially heal from uremia high creatinine, to do to control the deterioration of kidney, renal recovery, after improving renal microcirculation to correct ischemia and hypoxia, activate residual renal tissue recovery of renal function itself, so as to enable the disease to get the real turning point!

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration renal therapy, detoxification, not from the perspective of reducing serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, but the restoration of renal pathology from the structure, protection and recovery of renal function. After a micro-based medicine to make effective drug release high-powered, directly targeting positioning of the active substance in incomplete renal lesions. Through the gradual birth of new lesions, repair, making it the gradual recovery of renal function. With the recovery of renal function, urinary excretion of toxins continue to increase, with the ability to enhance the urine detox, no longer dependent on dialysis or intestinal detoxification.

How to reduce creatinine in patients with kidney disease?

The early stages of chronic renal failure patients reduced creatinine great importance. Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels reflect chronic renal insufficiency renal function status of the patient. The higher the index, the more serious injury of renal function. In general, the ratio of urea nitrogen and creatinine between about 1:10. Therefore, the treatment of early-stage kidney disease plot, lower creatinine and urea nitrogen in the treatment and renal insufficiency may be the most important means of prevention phase.
Specifically, creatinine how to reduce it? Should first be generated based on the etiology. In fact, kidney disease creatinine is elevated microcirculatory injury, chronic glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes. Means the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment, mainly to clear the glomerular basement membrane damage leads to chronic immune complexes and diseased tissue while repairing chronic glomerular basement membrane. As soon as the damaged basement membrane repair, alter kidney structure, expanding the area of ​​chronic glomerular filtration, creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process, then we must prevent a cold, controlling diet and emotions, not tired , control of blood pressure, blood sugar and other factors, can protect renal function. Just take note of these, creatinine must come down!
For kidney disease patients, the elevated creatinine, blood urea nitrogen is also often accompanied by elevated sometimes seen two increases alone. Creatinine and urea nitrogen are the two general performance and indicators of renal insufficiency of kidney disease can be. Under normal circumstances, creatinine increase over 177umol / l is chronic renal failure
, Including chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure and chronic
. Urea nitrogen is mainly renal damage can be, and in the blood urea nitrogen concentration can not be better from the urine, if a simple blood urea nitrogen increased, creatinine did not rise, meaning little to do observation. Second, there is a small part of chronic kidney disease, kidney disease syndrome patients may also be a transient increase in the case of occult blood urea nitrogen, mainly seen in the height of edema, oliguria due to urea nitrogen in the blood can not be with the urine, accumulate in the blood in the year. If you have elevated creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, creatinine increase treatment and therapy, as filtered through the kidney function after treatment can improve, creatinine decreased, blood urea nitrogen would also fall.
It is worth noting that in the past just blindly with diuretics that urine urea nitrogen will go down, but this is only a temporary law, can not fundamentally ease the patient's condition, besides a variety of factors which affected , sometimes blinded by the illusion of the patient. Using Micro-Chinese Medicine is to block the kidney tissue fibrosis, the hardening of progress, a fundamental repair damaged renal function can expand the renal artery, renal damage effectively increase blood perfusion, increased oxygen supply to the kidneys, improve renal microcirculation reduce the chronic glomerular pressure, promote chronic renal repair damaged structural changes in diseased tissue, power can be restored. Thereby increasing the amount of urine, urea nitrogen excretion from the body, relieve common symptoms of poisoning patients.

If you have any questions you can consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, or by mail to me explain your symptoms or needs.


Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotic nephropathy have any effect

Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotic nephropathy have any effect
Treatment for kidney patients is very important because kidney disease is a difficult to treat disease, Chinese medicine treatment for kidney disease, in the eyes of the Chinese medicine cure kidney disease is quite trustworthy, but many people do not understand what is micronized Chinese fathom nephropathy! Micro-Chinese Medicine fathom the treatment of kidney disease is on the latest medical methods, together we might look at what kind of effect.
In many cases, a lot more than the traditional treatment of kidney disease are for the treatment of primary disease, which is often blocked sieve eye. So good primary disease treatment, which is often blocked after sieve eye for a glomerular filtration membrane is still not repaired, urine protein, occult blood or urine still exists, and a greater accumulation, up to a certain after the number, which will cause the eye to break through a sieve, the consequences of repeated attacks.

Micro-Chinese Medicine clinical therapy and thus also to penetrate all levels of the blood vessels to expand the body, can also help to increase the effective systemic perfusion. This approach allows damaged cells to restore blood flow, or oxygen, relieve renal ischemia or hypoxia fundamentally, thereby also reduce the renal cells continue to damage. So many times it can provide the necessary materials for the repair of damaged kidneys, which causes functional nephron function was restored.
You can contact experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, or online email kidneyservice@hotmail.com to us.


Creatinine over 600 uremia do

Patient Counseling: creatinine 600 is uremia it?
Experts Re: uremia is the development of acute and chronic renal insufficiency to severe stage, metabolites, a series of self-poisoning symptoms of water and electrolyte acid-base balance disorders arise, most of the high creatinine uremic patients have. Creatinine 600 uremia something? Creatinine than the clinical 707umol / L as uremic stage into, of course, this value is a reference value, according to the physical condition of the patient's own point of view, the level of creatinine values ​​is a serious kidney damage an important indicator of the degree.
So creatinine 600 how to treat? Kidneys regulate the immune blocking removal therapy with a new diagnosis, new drugs, new treatment system for treatment, the patient's immune blocker therapy into the treatment of immune tolerance phase, and then the patient into immunomodulatory therapy. On the basis of immune regulation, the introduction of the patient's immune protection treatment stage. And finally into the immune clearance phase of treatment, the so-called immune clearance therapy, is based on the characteristics of the patient taken immunoadsorption, plasmapheresis and blood purifier. Immune six-step treatment with Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration complementary therapy relationship; Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy and immunotherapy to block the regulation, protection and cleanup are inseparable; and objective process immunotherapy is also impassable; immunotherapy Recently, the majority of long-term efficacy in patients with kidney disease should take it seriously!

These are the introduction of creatinine over 600 uremia do, and uremia treatment with a little urine, indicating that there are remnants of renal units, standardized system through treatment there is still hope to extend the duration of dialysis or dialysis can lengthen the interval. Shijiazhuang kidney Disease Hospital in the treatment of uremia advocate integrative medicine, in symptomatic detoxification, while application of micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, the use of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, effective renal artery dilation levels, remove diseased tissue, ultimately uremia purposes.


Patients with diabetic nephropathy diet health

Diabetic nephropathy is a very serious disease, diabetes, diabetic patients need to be highly vigilant from the outset should strengthen self-care and self-defense, in particular, start from the diet, reducing pressure on the kidneys.
A. salt intake should be limited. To protect the kidneys, reducing its workload, people with diabetes should be as tasteless some of the dishes, such as eating more raw salad, or steamed, stewed food, try to eat some coarse grains to increase dietary fiber and vitamins, inorganic salt intake. To time, and quantity, smaller meals, food variety, the best foods containing more than four or five classes at each meal. Salt intake should be controlled within 7 grams per day.
B. appropriate restrictions potassium and protein intake. Because diabetic nephropathy prone to acidosis and hyperkalemia, once this symptom occurs, it will induce heart rhythm disorders and hepatic coma, it should temperance beverage containing potassium, potassium fruits (such as apples, strawberries, papaya, watermelon, persimmons, bananas, grapes, grapefruit, etc.) intake. Protein should be controlled in a day per kilogram of body weight from 0.6 to 0.8 g, and in digestible animal protein, such as fish, lean meat is better, because the plant protein is not easily absorbed, will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, higher protein potassium, protein intake control to some extent, but also conducive to limit potassium.

C. adequate intake of vitamins, trace elements. Especially vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc, calcium, iron, etc., may play a protective effect on the kidneys. Vita many kinds of trace elements, proper proportion, easy to take one tablet daily can. Vitamin E is available to 11 international units per day of vitamin C daily 0.3 g, which is slightly larger amount anyway.

What is the cause of the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is?

What is the cause of diabetic nephropathy? Insulin diabetic nephropathy is caused by different etiology and pathogenesis absolute and relative lack of protein and fat that sugar metabolism, and chronic high blood sugar as the main clinical manifestations of systemic disease. So what is the cause of diabetic nephropathy is it?
What is the cause of diabetic nephropathy? Once kidney damage occurs diabetic patients with persistent proteinuria is irreversible disease often develop end-stage renal failure, diabetic nephropathy has become the leading cause of death in diabetic patients.
Etiology of diabetic nephropathy:
Hyperglycemia: diabetic nephropathy and high blood sugar closely related to poor glycemic control can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, good blood glucose control can significantly retard its development. After hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end product formation caused increased mesangial cell proliferation, extracellular matrix increased mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening.
Renal hemodynamic abnormalities in diabetic nephropathy, and played a key role, and may even be the initial factor.
1, high blood sugar, high glomerular perfusion, high filtration state, increased pressure across the capillary wall, the expansion of mesangial cells, epithelial cell foot process fusion and produce dense droplets, glomerular epithelial cells from the basement membrane the fall.
2, the glomerular basement membrane collagen Ⅳ messenger nucleic acid sugar increased, so that basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial nodular lesions occur glomerulosclerosis.
3, in the case of increased pressure, increased protein filtration, also deposited in the mesangial area and glomerular basement membrane and promote matrix proliferation, creating a vicious cycle, and can cause nodular and diffuse glomerulosclerosis.
Hypertension and diabetic nephropathy is not directly related, but the original course of the disease to hypertension or microalbuminuria of the blood pressure can accelerate the deterioration of the progress of diabetic nephropathy and renal function, increased urinary excretion of albumin.
Genetic factors do not occur in most patients with kidney disease eventually, some long-term good glycemic control in patients with diabetic nephropathy can occur in the same glucose transporter protein -. ¹ (GLUÞ ¹) is the major glucose transporter in mesangial cells.
Recent studies have found that, among individuals with diabetes GLUÞ ¹ mesangial cells and differential regulation of menus on one factor may be susceptible to kidney damage in some patients. And the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation. Some have a family history of hypertension in diabetic patients. The incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than that of patients with no family history of hypertension. In addition, between different ethnic incidence of diabetic nephropathy there are also differences. That this show that the incidence of diabetic nephropathy and genetic factors.

Conclusion is that the cause of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is more common in patients with diabetes duration of more than 10 years, proteinuria is the earliest manifestations of diabetic nephropathy, the disease mechanism is very complex and not yet fully understood. Research data show that the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is multifactorial.

The clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy

The clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy! Diabetic nephropathy is a serious microvascular complications of diabetes-specific, is also the main reason for the death of people with diabetes. Once a person has diabetes, kidney damage, persistent proteinuria, the continuing decline of renal function until the end-stage renal failure, so far no effective measures to prevent its occurrence and progression.
Clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy:
(1) proteinuria. Early diabetic nephropathy without clinical proteinuria, only by radioimmunoassay method to detect microalbuminuria. The only early clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy proteinuria, albuminuria evolved from intermittent persistent.
(2) edema. Early clinical diabetic nephropathy generally no edema, a small number of patients before lowering plasma protein, may have mild swelling. If proteinuria, plasma protein is low, edema aggravated, disease progression to late manifestations of.
(3) Hypertension. Hypertension also increased the proportion of type 1 diabetic patients without nephropathy than normal prevalence of hypertension was not increased in patients with hypertension, type 2 diabetes are more, but if when proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome patients with hypertension, this mostly moderate hypertension, a few severe.
(4) renal failure. There are great differences in the speed of progression of diabetic nephropathy. Some patients with mild proteinuria sustainable for many years, but with normal renal function, urinary protein rarely some patients may appear the rapid development of nephrotic syndrome, renal function gradually deteriorated, culminating in uremia.
(5) anemia. Patients with significant azotemia, may have mild anemia.
(6) the performance of other organ complications: such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, neuropathy, retinopathy. Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy: Continuous urine within six months there have been three times urinary albumin excretion in 20-200μg / min, and the exclusion of other possible causes of urinary albumin excretion increase was due to the early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy.
In particular the treatment of diabetic nephropathy and nephrotic significant efficacy in early clinical nephropathy, our results show that: traditional Chinese medicine, treatment of diabetic nephropathy, to reduce urinary protein, improve kidney function, the progress of the disease control has a positive effect, make early diabetic nephropathy 80% of patients with normal urinary albumin, can drop 60% rate of progression of renal failure in clinical nephropathy.
Specific Treatment programs are:
(1) kidney Yin Deficiency type.
Main symptoms: lassitude, less gas lazy words, oropharyngeal dry, dry stool, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, weak knees, dark tongue, fat, thin pulse string. Therapeutic: nourishing liver and kidney, qi and blood circulation. Basic side: cornus, medlar, astragalus, heterophylla, arrowroot, Radix, Salvia.
(2) the spleen and kidney yang deficiency type gas.
Main symptoms: lassitude, waist and knee pain, foot face edema, chills, poor appetite, fat tongue with teeth marks, thin weak pulse. Therapeutic: replenishing spleen and kidney, Qi.
The clinical manifestations of diabetic nephropathy! About the causes of kidney disease is more, we own body to be a lot of attention, such problems do not take it lightly, as soon as possible to the hospital for examination and treatment to kidney disease, prevent disease progression.

If you have any questions you can consult our online experts, we will be happy to serve you.

Four typical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication caused by diabetes come, it makes a lot of patients are suffering, it is also more complex pathological features. So what are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy? Here is a kidney specialist to make a detailed answer.
1, proteinuria
Since the beginning of the glomerular filtration membrane filtration pressure increased and the charge change in urine albumin appears only for selective proteinuria, no globulin increase sustainable in this state for many years. With the increase of the glomerular basement membrane filter hole macromolecules can arise through non-selective clinical proteinuria, with the further development of the disease, urinary protein gradually becomes persistent severe proteinuria. This is a common symptom of diabetic nephropathy.
2, edema
Early diabetic nephropathy is generally no edema, a small number of patients in the pre-reduced plasma protein, may have mild swelling, when the 24-hour urine protein over three grams, edema occurs. Significant systemic edema, seen only by the rapid development of diabetic nephropathy.
3, renal failure
When the lesion increased, normal glomerular filtration rate of less than 1/3, azotemia. Some patients showed progressive deterioration of renal function and into people with end-stage renal failure.
4, anemia
Diabetic patients with significant azotemia, may have mild to moderate anemia with iron therapy. Anemia is a disorder caused by erythropoietin, may be associated with long-term dietary protein restriction, azotemia related. This is also one of the symptoms of diabetic kidney disease.

These are symptoms of diabetic nephropathy introduction, if the above symptoms must be timely to the regular side hospital. Patients with friends who want to be able to get healthy as soon as possible!

Surface symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Although diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes, but in understanding the disease, when also taking into account the symptoms of diabetes. Let's look at the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy in the skin.
Similarly skin and kidney tissue of our body's metabolism, they have some connection in some way, so we can observe the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy through the skin.
A patient can be diagnosed diabetic nephropathy in accordance skin erythema
Patients with diabetic nephropathy blisters usually appear hurt. Thin wall, which contains transparent slurry bubble around no flush. Under normal circumstances erythema long finger, toe, hand, foot and the back or bottom edge can form single or multiple appear within a few weeks to heal, but it will again appear.
Second, patients with diabetic nephropathy usually the itchy skin condition
Many patients with diabetic nephropathy appears systemic or local dry skin scaling, itchy. Especially so for women with vaginal itching patients should pay more attention.
Third, the patient can be diagnosed diabetic nephropathy sweating through daily
Patients with diabetic nephropathy usually appear abnormal sweating condition, and for the patients themselves, it can be diagnosed through this to work diabetic nephropathy, often occur for no reason, sweating, and more common in the upper limbs or trunk, some patients Even sweating phenomenon.
Fourth, neck folliculitis
Pus may appear in the occipital head neck prickly kind of inflammation, tenderness, and may develop into boils or cellulitis. After pus discharge can heal, but after a while will relapse.
Five, foot gangrene
Patients can often occur foot pain and temperature sensation disappears, dry and easy to crack, prone to ulcers, purulent, necrosis, and difficult to heal, or even perforation foot disease.

Finally, kidney disease experts have warned that when some of our skin lesions, in fact, sometimes not a simple skin disease, is likely to be outward manifestation of internal organ diseases. So we can not simply look at this issue, if there is abnormal skin diseases or symptoms, we must promptly to the hospital for examination, including blood tests, urine tests, diagnosis and exclusion of diabetic nephropathy is the top priority.


Increase plasma protein levels in patients with nephrotic syndrome approach

Only patients with drugs to relieve nephrotic syndrome, plasma protein levels to stabilize rising to return to normal. However, when patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome, the drug is difficult to effectively down three measures of integrated applications, to a certain extent, can also increase plasma protein levels.
1 to maintain protein intake: daily protein intake should be normal intake (1.0 g / kg body weight) plus the amount of urinary protein loss, and to ensure adequate heat.
(2) promote liver protein synthesis: after ingestion of protein is absorbed, it must be metabolized by the liver, in order to turn it into its own proteins. To promote liver protein synthesis, the patient can be served Angelica (12 g / dose), Astragalus (60 g / dose) decoction, sooner or later, each serving half agent. Animal experiments and clinical observations have been fully confirmed it can promote liver protein synthesis.

(3) reduce urinary protein loss: Because of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin AT1 receptor blockers can reduce glomerular hypertension and improve glomerular filtration membrane selective permeability, so they have reduce urinary protein excretion role has now been widely adopted the role of "symptomatic" of reducing the treatment of urinary protein. Effective cases, the drug can be reduced by 30% -50% of urinary protein excretion.

Primary nephrotic syndrome, complications may arise which

1 infection
Because hypoalbuminemia and malnutrition in patients with low resistance, and some immunoglobulins and complement component missing from the urine, impaired immunity, coupled with corticosteroids and cytotoxic therapy, more patients with increased susceptibility. Therefore, in patients with nephrotic syndrome are prone to various infections, especially respiratory and urinary tract infections. From the point of view of microbial species, in addition to general bacterial and viral infections, but more alarming is the combination of the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and dual infection Pneumocystis carinii infection.
2 thrombosis and embolism
Nephrotic syndrome, because of changes in the coagulation system, fibrinolytic system and the system of blood platelets in a hypercoagulable state, and lack of effective circulating blood volume and hyperlipidemia, etc., and also allows increased blood viscosity, combined with medication factors (hormones aggravated hypercoagulable, excessive urination increased blood viscosity), it is prone to blood clots, thrombosis that induce thrombosis.
Nephrotic syndrome, the most common renal vein thrombosis. Acute renal vein thrombosis, typical symptoms can appear clinically manifested as sudden back pain and ipsilateral percussion pain, hematuria or hematuria and proteinuria aggravate existing, impaired renal function, B-ultrasound showed increased risk of kidney large. But the more common clinical renal vein thrombosis is a branch of small blood clots, usually no clinical symptoms. Renal vein thrombosis is possible with a large high-resolution B-ultrasound, CT or magnetic resonance imaging confirmed. If the above checks failed to obtain a clear conclusion, or suspected presence of a small branch thrombosis, renal vein must intubation angiography.
3 hyperlipidemia
Refractory nephrotic syndrome, there is often a long-term hyperlipidemia, may thus induce atherosclerosis, leading to cardiovascular complications.
4 Hypoproteinemia
Long-term protein deficiency because the body can cause the patient weight loss, muscle atrophy, malnutrition, children with growth stagnation. Since vitamin D3 binding protein loss, can cause vitamin D3 deficiency, patients with hypocalcemia, or low calcium tetany. Since trace element binding protein is lost, patients with iron deficiency (often leading to anemia), zinc (can retard wound healing) and copper deficiency, such as performance.
5 renal dysfunction
About one-third of patients with renal comprehensive gap due to moisture seeping to the subcutaneous tissue and body cavities, causing lack of effective circulating blood volume, poor blood supply to the kidneys appear prerenal azotemia. Fully handful of kidney patients, especially recurrent cases of small lesions, can still occur idiopathic acute renal failure, pathogenesis less clear.

Thus, primary renal mechanized must be treated early to prevent the emergence of various complications, as well as questions may consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for kidney complications as well as diet and mechanized nephrotic syndrome treatment will a detailed description.

Primary dry syndrome existing kidney damage kidney appearance which

Sjogren's syndrome, also known as Sjpgren syndrome, is a major violation of exocrine autoimmune inflammatory disease involving the lacrimal gland and size to saliva (salivary) glands and cause mouth, dry eye is characterized. Glandular lesions can be extended to outside the organization, involving the whole body system, kidneys, is one of the most commonly affected organs. SS majority of tubule kidney damage interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis small part. The primary Sjogren's syndrome with renal kidney damage existing appearance, what does?
1 salivary secretion, resulting in a dry stomatitis, dry mouth, dry lips, thirst, difficulty chewing and swallowing difficulties may be associated with gingivitis and dental caries.
2 reduced secretion of the lacrimal gland involvement, dry eyes, resulting in keratoconjunctivitis sicca, often accompanied by corneal ulcers.
3 other endocrine glands affected: respiratory and digestive dry, dry nose, throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis prone, but also have vaginal dryness, dry skin, body itching.
4 glands and other organs involved: lung as the main organ involved, may have to reduce small airway function, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. Other systems such as central nervous system involvement migraine, psychosis, peripheral nerve disorders such as arthritis, joint involvement performance, blood system involvement occurs lymphoma.

If the patient has symptoms above should immediately go to a regular hospital, so as not to delay the disease, the patient will have to kidney damage has occurred aggressive treatment to prevent exacerbations. There did not solve the problem of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital can consult experts, expert for your dedicated service.


What is the reason it appears cause of diabetic nephropathy

Many of my friends are for diabetic nephropathy understand that this disease is one of the last few years the incidence of the disease began to slowly increase, for human harm is enormous, what reason would cause it to happen? Below please experts to to tell you about how diabetic nephropathy caused.
1, the body does not ignore the kidney ischemia and hypoxia, the main reaction is to stress response, renin secretion. With ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, a growing number of renin secretion, renin - angiotensin will lead to increased secretion of adrenal aldosterone, aldosterone main role is to promote kidney tubules distal tubule reabsorption sodium, and sodium increases aldosterone causes increased absorption, resulting in a lot of sodium and water retention, the external manifestations of the body was swollen.
2, patients with diabetic nephropathy as the disease continues to increase, more and more impaired renal units, increasing glomerulosclerosis, tubular - between the increasing degree of fibrosis, and thus more protein leakage, excessive protein loss Multiple form hypoalbuminemia, loss of protein from the glomerular capillaries, resulting in decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure (plasma colloid is mainly composed of plasma protein), an important role in regulating plasma colloid is water inside and outside the exchange of blood vessels, which appears osmotic pressure will cause water retention in the tissue spaces, causing edema. Meanwhile, hypoalbuminemia can cause effective hypovolemia, so secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion, tubular reabsorption of water, sodium increased, causing swelling.

Through the above-described content, we induced diabetic nephropathy how should understand it. I hope you can understand after, try the preventive work.

Diabetic diet attention

Currently in medicine, diabetic nephropathy as a kind of medical disease, since it is a medical disease, so patients during illness in addition to timely treatment, should also pay attention to doing the daily care of diseases such as diabetic nephropathy do diet, which is helpful for the rehabilitation of the disease. So what can we do in life diabetic nephropathy diet?
Without timely patients with diabetes to control blood sugar, which can cause a variety of acute and chronic complications, such as mergers eye disease, kidney disease, coronary heart disease, neurological and vascular lesions. Once complications occur, it will increase the difficulty of treatment, aggravating the condition. Therefore, diabetic patients should adhere to food therapy, medication and exercise, regular monitoring of blood sugar, prevent complications occur. In the event of complications, should be strictly controlled diet, especially nephropathy.
Church of patients and their families in accordance with standard weight standard to calculate the heat content of protein, fat and carbohydrate diet, meals and teach the patient how to distribute food, and reasonable arrangements diet. Patients with renal insufficiency may control the intake of vegetable protein, to relieve the burden on the kidneys. According to the specific circumstances of the patient, and the patient's weight nutritionist together, the condition required to calculate the proportion of daily calories and carbohydrates, protein, fat, and provide food in accordance with the requirements, to encourage patients to quantitative meals on time.
Provide high-quality high-protein diet, intake of vegetable protein to control when such as milk, eggs, fish, renal insufficiency. To ensure normal diet when dietary carbohydrate intake, but also to control carbohydrate intake, glycemic control, by providing sufficient heat to reduce the autologous protein breakdown. Limiting sodium intake, daily dietary sodium should be less than 3g, oliguria control potassium intake should ensure that comprehensive nutrition.

What is the good of diabetic nephropathy diet? These are the diet of diabetic nephropathy an overview of the diet of diabetic nephropathy believe we have an understanding. Experts advise: suffering from a disease to be treated early, so as not to cause unnecessary harm exacerbations. I wish you health.

How to treat diabetic nephropathy

How to treat diabetic nephropathy? This is the case the majority of patients with diabetic nephropathy most want to know. The disease can use Western medicine treatment can also be used in the treatment process, not only taking what drugs is very important, proper treatment philosophy and functional exercise is very important.
(1) can be used to enter uremia dialysis, including peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.
(2) aggressive treatment of urinary tract infections. Unless a last resort, should be prohibited catheterization.
(3) avoid the use of toxic drugs and renal angiography.
(4) kidney transplant. Kidney transplant patients with diabetes compared with non-diabetic effect of poor survival and graft survival after transplantation were lower.
(5) high-quality low-protein diet. In early diabetic nephropathy began to give high-quality low-protein diet, combined edema, hypertension should limit sodium to low-salt diet.
(6) effectively control hypertension. Hypertension, diabetes, renal damage not only to accelerate progress, and increased diabetic retinopathy. Effective control of hypertension can reduce urinary protein excretion, reduced renal function can slow down the speed, prolong life, when blood pressure is greater than 18.62/11.97kPa (140/90mmHg), antihypertensive treatment should be carried out.
(7) strict control of blood sugar. Clinical and experimental studies have shown that chronic metabolic disorder of high blood sugar, is the main cause of diabetic microangiopathy. Has been confirmed by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy to control blood sugar, which can effectively control the progression of nephropathy.
(8) symptomatic treatment. Edema can be applied diuretics, joint use of available spironolactone and thiazides. Severe refractory edema were available sodium or diuretic furosemide; heart failure can be applied to digitalis therapy; severe hypoalbuminemia may intravenous albumin and essential amino acids; severe anemia may be a small amount of blood transfusion.
(9) anticoagulant therapy: now that the causes of diabetic nephropathy in addition to metabolic factors, as well as coagulation factors, anticoagulant therapy is often effective, have reported the dipyridamole reduces proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy.

How to treat diabetic nephropathy? Above is an overview of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, we believe the treatment of diabetic nephropathy understand. Experts advise: suffering from a disease to be treated early, so as not to cause unnecessary harm exacerbations. I wish you health.

What is the diet to restore diabetic nephropathy

What is diabetic diet nursed back to health? Diabetics are mostly caused due to improper diet, then, what diet to restore diabetic nephropathy is it? Everybody wants patients to have a good mind and body to receive treatment, in order to let everyone know more about this, here in our hospital experts to explain to everyone.
Diabetic nephropathy diet to restore the patient's rehabilitation and treatment is very important. How urine diabetes itself features, combined with high summer temperatures, the body of water is easy to lose, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, more water is necessary. Summer fruits listed many patients have to have a choice to eat low-sugar fruits, such as apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., and high bananas, dates, watermelon and other fruits is the sugar content of the patient can not eat.
What is diabetic diet nursed back to health? Also, in diabetic nephropathy diet, fruits should be eaten between meals, fruits and calculate calories to the daily intake of total calories inside the patient, that is, you have to reduce eating fruit staple food intake. Patient blood sugar is higher than 10mmol / L, and try not to eat a high sugar content of the fruit.
Diabetic nephropathy diet to restore to note that as excessive consumption of foods containing protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys, induced renal failure. In addition, patients with diabetes, such as eating high-fat foods may be more difficult to control blood sugar, resulting in adverse effects on the body, it should be noted. Sugary drinks make blood sugar rise rapidly induced diabetic complications in diabetic patients is very dangerous, but also quantitatively the liquor.

The above is for diabetic nephropathy diet to restore what is relevant introduction, I hope you can understand this, if you do not understand there are other places you can feel free to contact our online experts for consultation


The key point of treatment of diabetic nephropathy

Many of the early symptoms of the disease is not obvious, patients are no early detection, resulting in many patients missed the timing of treatment, but experts point out that in order to effectively stabilize the disease, early control of sugar particularly critical illness, treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy. It had to start from the understanding of this disease, here we talk about diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy controls on sugar.
Glycemic control is not satisfactory, the body produces ketones, a large kidney in the metabolism of ketones when the damage this time will soon develop complications. On this basis, regularly to the hospital laboratory tests. While avoiding diabetes and hypertension, otherwise more prone to kidney problems.
Patients with diabetic nephropathy has potential kidney disease, but some people get sick for a long time, some people get sick time. Sick for a long time, the disease is relatively heavy, kidney disease and other complications manifest themselves; sick time is short, the condition is very light, kidney disease and other complications have not yet manifested. But do not show it, does not mean that no complications, diabetic nephropathy to a certain extent, renal failure, uremia kidney disease will be inevitable. Thus, patients with diabetic nephropathy with or without symptoms of kidney disease, should be regularly to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Diabetic nephropathy before renal lesions occur no large, are reversible, so be sure to preventing diabetic nephropathy kidney disease, the best way is to do a urine test. If you wait until the symptoms go to the hospital, mostly belonging to chronic kidney disease advanced, the disease has not reversed. If diabetic nephropathy patients find their urine is abnormal, such as urine, excessive foam, color turbidity, should immediately go to the hospital to check whether there is a problem with the kidneys. Normally, urine in the toilet bowl while the foam disappears. In the case of color drink less, and have yellow, muddy phenomenon. If not, is likely to be early symptoms of kidney disease.

Tips: When friends of patients diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy after, at an early stage should be strictly controlled in terms of diet, sugar intake, as long as such, the next treatment only stable foundation, to control the disease and prevent the occurrence of disease complications, Patients must remember friends. Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery.


The main factors that lead to nephritis

The main factors that lead to nephritis: Anemia is the most common complication in patients with nephritis. Chronic nephritis, renal damage occurs late, may be complicated by a variety of hematological abnormalities, such as anemia, platelet dysfunction, lymphocyte dysfunction and clotting mechanism and so on. These can cause serious effects on our lives. To avoid these concurrent diseases, we need to do is to do preventive work to prevent the occurrence of nephritis from the source. Let the experts introduced factors which lead to nephritis:
Clinically more common are: water and electrolyte disorders, acid-base balance disorders. It belongs to the etiology of nephritis.
A, stress: If over time the body can withstand the stress ability, such as a sudden gastrointestinal bleeding, severe gastroenteritis, etc., can also damage healthy kidneys, leading to nephritis. Therefore, it also belongs to induce nephritis cause.
B, taking inappropriate drugs, which is one of the causes leading to nephritis: in the treatment of diseases of the kidney if used from the side effects of some drugs, if there have been cases when taken improperly, it will harm the health of the kidney, leading to diseases .
C, fatigue transition, but also one of the leading causes of nephritis: a long-term heavy manual labor, strenuous exercise, burn the midnight oil, and even housing workers, all of which can make the disease.
D, infected effects: experts, viruses, bacterial infections, kidney health will have a great impact, leading to nephritis. This is more common causes of nephritis.

These are the main factors for the introduction triggered nephritis, I hope you understand nephritis help, please always pay attention to changes in their physical condition, adjust their work schedules for themselves to create a healthy living environment. If you have further questions about the terms of the need to consult nephritis can click online experts.
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Middle-aged nephritis can be cured

Middle-aged patients with nephritis great harm, is a serious disease affecting kidney function, so we need timely treatment. So what exactly is the middle-aged nephritis can be cured? Following experts made a presentation on this question, with a look.
Middle-aged nephritis can be cured? Treatment in the early stages of inflammation nephritis if not timely, the disease will increase. In this case, the corresponding clinical signs and symptoms generally more obvious, such as high blood pressure; headache, dizziness, fatigue; loss of appetite; limb peripheral coldness; nocturia; serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen began to rise; anemia occurs; glomerular filtration over rate.
Due to the dynamic balance of synthesis and degradation mechanism disorders, resulting in a large number of ECM deposition and aggregation, replacing the healthy kidney units, appeared glomerulosclerosis, tubular degeneration, atrophy, interstitial tissue, blood vessels, etc. fibrosis.
Due to decreased renal units, irreversible structural damage gradually increased, renal function injury aggravated the disease develops gradually deteriorate, then the need to prevent the disease continues to worsen and develop into end-stage renal failure, uremia.
We pay special attention to this problem, do not own blind medication, be sure to like doctor regularly to the hospital for examination, so that it might be a good physical conditioning.

Middle-aged nephritis can be cured? Through the content described above, I hope for your help. Patients need to pay more attention and timely detection of disease, and the need for early treatment, hospital for treatment of the disease is very good, is a good choice for patients.
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What are some good methods for treating nephritis it?

The most common form of clinical nephritis kidney disease, patients with many different types, is plagued by many people, so everyone should be treated the job, do not delay. The following experts to introduce a method of treatment which good nephritis it? Hope to help patients.

What are the best methods for treating nephritis it? Experts say both sides of the kidney nephritis is non-suppurative inflammatory lesions. Kidney damage due to renal corpuscles appear edema, hypertension, proteinuria, and so on. This is what is to introduce the concept of nephritis. Many different types of nephritis, according to initial etiology can be divided into primary and secondary glomerulonephritis glomerulonephritis. Divided by time, then divided into acute nephritis and chronic nephritis.

Nephritis patients because the disease status of each is different, so we must be symptomatic treatment, this is the best method of treatment of nephritis. First, mild edema of nephritis patients without treatment by salt restriction and rest can disappear. Edema patients, drug therapy is available, generally applied consistently better than intermittent use.

Understand what is nephritis, patients are most concerned about the treatment of the problem but also to understand fully. Nephritis patients in the acute phase of infection focus in the case has enough give to anti-infective therapy, when no foci, generally do not have to be duly. The presence of hypertension nephritis patients need routine treatment of hypertension. Nephritis patients with heart failure, high blood volume due to the presence of early problems in patients with acute nephritis, nephritis treatment should focus on clear water and sodium retention slip, reduce blood volume above.

The main coagulation and platelet aggregation of fibrin deposition in glomeruli. Therefore, in the treatment of such patients, anticoagulant therapy may be used to help alleviate nephritis. Chinese medicine treatment side effects, focusing on the restoration and protection of the kidney, but also has the effect of treating the symptoms. Nephritis, nephrotic key is to choose a regular hospital, after effective treatment, is able to be cured.

What better way nephritis treatment have it? Through the above explanation, whether it be helpful for the treatment of disease. The best time nephritis treatment sooner the better, fight for control of the disease as early as possible, as soon as possible to restore health. If you have any questions need to be answered, you can consult the online experts.


Chinese medicine can reduce the urine of patients with chronic nephritis

After suffering from nephritis, hematuria, many patients will be the case, some people see when you urinate, the urine was blood red, felt panic. Kidney experts pointed out that patients with chronic nephritis with hematuria is one symptom exacerbations, there is no definitive treatment Medicine, Chinese medicine through research showed that three patients can significantly reduce chronic nephritis hematuria, alleviate the condition.
1, expelling blood Fushen soup
Drugs: cicada, wind, honeysuckle, loosestrife, Millettla, Zeeland, Agrimony, blood over charcoal, Yiyiren, ebony, Schisandra, licorice-based. According to traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, hot and humid, reuse loosestrife, Yiyiren; blood stasis, reuse Millettla, Zeeland, wet stasis mutual knot, reuse Yiyiren, loosestrife, Millettla, Zeeland. The 1st one, decoction clothing, two weeks as a course of treatment.
2, cooling comfrey soup
Drugs: comfrey, Agrimony, diffusa, Eclipta, Dan, rhizome. Modified: Qi susceptible Astragalus, Ginseng; Yin emphasis plus habitat, Anemarrhena; stasis obvious Salviae, 2937; wet weight plus iris, Yiyiren; had gross hematuria plus Puhuang charcoal, madder. Day one, decoction to 300 to 400 ml, morning and evening serving Dayton.
3, compound decoction yellow thistle
Ingredients: Rehmannia, thistle 2, rhizome, Shi Wei, Huang Pu fried, madder, Oujie, Burnet charcoal, charcoal Eucommia, Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta, first soaked in cold water for 1 hour, warm gently 2 times, every half hour, every day one can be divided into 2 service. 3 month course of treatment.
Read the description above, the situation of the Chinese how to relieve your urine should be clear now, we must take a look, if you are now faced with similar symptoms, you may wish to try the above methods, as early as possible to the regular professional kidney hospital treatment, is the best choice.

Patients with chronic nephritis okay to eat vegetables

Among kidney disease, nephritis is the most common, can be among the living, many people nephritis is a general concept, in fact, there are a good variety of nephritis, such as acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc., in which the kidney glomerulonephritis impact on the human body is great, then we have to pay attention to what?
Glomerulonephritis patients to eat vegetables as a whole? Glomerulonephritis China is currently relatively common disease, when patients are diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, when patients and their families will feel very confused, it is understood, kidney small ball nephritis patients can eat some vegetables rich in vitamin C, fresh vegetables can improve the patient's appetite glomerulonephritis. So glomerulonephritis patients to eat vegetables as a whole?
When glomerulonephritis patients with little, or no urine potassium increased, it should limit the potassium-rich vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, leeks, garlic, celery, toon, spinach, bamboo shoots, dried dates, fresh mushrooms, seaweed and other foods.
Glomerulonephritis patients usual diet is important note that, while the correct and timely treatment is also very important. Glomerulonephritis patients must be early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. Choose the right method of treatment. Currently the best way to treat patients with glomerulonephritis is white fungus therapy rake teeth, white teeth rake bacteria for treating acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, renal insufficiency, uremia and other diseases have a good efficacy, immune complexes can be swallowed, stomach glomerular improve circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation, enhance immune function, to gradually recovered nephropathy.
Read the introduction above, you eat vegetables for glomerulonephritis patients whether it should be clear benefits, we must take a look. Although many people do not want to get sick of things, but a reasonable diet to disease is also very good, and the side effects are relatively small, you may wish to try.

Patients with chronic nephritis okay to eat vegetables

Among kidney disease, nephritis is the most common, can be among the living, many people nephritis is a general concept, in fact, there are a good variety of nephritis, such as acute and chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc., in which the kidney glomerulonephritis impact on the human body is great, then we have to pay attention to what?
Glomerulonephritis patients to eat vegetables as a whole? Glomerulonephritis China is currently relatively common disease, when patients are diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, when patients and their families will feel very confused, it is understood, kidney small ball nephritis patients can eat some vegetables rich in vitamin C, fresh vegetables can improve the patient's appetite glomerulonephritis. So glomerulonephritis patients to eat vegetables as a whole?
When glomerulonephritis patients with little, or no urine potassium increased, it should limit the potassium-rich vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, leeks, garlic, celery, toon, spinach, bamboo shoots, dried dates, fresh mushrooms, seaweed and other foods.
Glomerulonephritis patients usual diet is important note that, while the correct and timely treatment is also very important. Glomerulonephritis patients must be early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. Choose the right method of treatment. Currently the best way to treat patients with glomerulonephritis is white fungus therapy rake teeth, white teeth rake bacteria for treating acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, renal insufficiency, uremia and other diseases have a good efficacy, immune complexes can be swallowed, stomach glomerular improve circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation, enhance immune function, to gradually recovered nephropathy.
Read the introduction above, you eat vegetables for glomerulonephritis patients whether it should be clear benefits, we must take a look. Although many people do not want to get sick of things, but a reasonable diet to disease is also very good, and the side effects are relatively small, you may wish to try.

Nephritis in patients with a healthy diet can help patients recover faster

In Nephrology among nephritis is the most common diseases, the highest incidence, maximum number of cases, it is against a lot of people's lives. It is understood that nephritis patients diet attention can be effectively restored the disease, especially in the knowledge of the patient's diet, a healthy diet for patients can play a multiplier effect. With a look.
1, avoid high-fat foods and plant proteins: chronic nephritis patients with high blood pressure and symptoms of anemia, hypertension and anemia animal fats are unfavorable factors, plant protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, to avoid the accumulation of proteins in the body, So for nephritis patients should be limited to these foods.
2, avoid using strong spices: strong spices and other adverse renal function, should not eat. MSG due after more food will thirst, while limiting the amount of water, it should be less MSG. Light diet based mainly on the patient.
3, limiting the amount of liquid: chronic nephritis patients with hypertension and edema, to limit the intake of liquids. If severe edema, then into the water even more strictly controlled. In the case of urination may be relaxed.
4, limiting salt: edema and blood volume, sodium great relationship. Nephritis patients, such as eating too much salt, and urinary function and damage, often aggravate symptoms of edema, blood volume increases, resulting in heart failure, patients must limit salt, to give low-salt diet.
By introducing the above, I believe we should understand a little, nephritis patients need to follow the principle of what diet? Reasonable diet for the rehabilitation of the disease is very good, we must learn. In addition, early to kidney hospital is also critical, early treatment, early peace of mind.

Pyelonephritis in women can be pregnant

And kidney disease is linked long relationship, it is not a simple cure for the disease, such as pyelonephritis. Suffering from pyelonephritis pregnant women can not do? This is a question many people are concerned about pregnancy to have a huge burden of renal function, and even injury. Experts said that not all patients with pyelonephritis can not be pregnant, mainly to see the disease condition.
Pregnancy will increase the burden on the kidney
For patients with pyelonephritis can be pregnant without question, a matter of concern at present a lot of female friends, as they do not understand some of the cases of the disease, many patients have been afraid to be female fertility. Urinary tract infections are a common problem of women, pyelonephritis is one of the more important diseases, if they can control the disease stable, asymptomatic, with normal renal function, consider fertility.
Before deciding to pregnancy, you need to check to see whether the urinary tract malformations, obstruction, stones, polyps, diverticulitis and other diseases, and gynecological inflammatory diseases, which are an important cause of recurrent urinary tract infections. Check kidney function is normal, if uremia has occurred, you should not give birth.
Experts said that not only has a history of chronic pyelonephritis long-term repeated urinary tract infections, as well as changes in the structure of the kidney, tubulointerstitial damage, such as kidney cortex scar calyceal distortion, nocturia, and decreased urine specific gravity, needs related to the hospital to confirm the diagnosis.
Conditions pyelonephritis pregnant patients
Patients with pyelonephritis by understanding that if you want to be pregnant is also not impossible, but must comply with the relevant conditions before, women during pregnancy is a significant increase in renal blood flow and glomerular perfusion in a high, high filtration state, with patients with sodium and water retention, the presence of a hypercoagulable state, so that the anatomical structure of the kidney volume increases, pyelonephritis calyx and ureter expansion, these changes may cause or aggravate and worsen chronic nephritis primary renal disease , and even renal insufficiency.
Just as patients with chronic pyelonephritis, urinary sediment abnormalities, pregnancy and more able to pass, but even if only proteinuria, complications during pregnancy and the incidence of stillbirth occurs also higher than normal pregnant women, patients with pyelonephritis best to slow down Do pregnancy. To give birth, you must get a doctor's consent, which must meet the following conditions in order to allow, chronic nephritis stable in more than two years, two years without hematuria, proteinuria less than 0.5 grams per day. Normal renal function. No urinary tract infection, high blood pressure.
Pathological type light, such as small lesions, minor lesions, viscosity mesangial proliferative and early membranous nephropathy. After pregnancy, chronic nephritis patients should get more rest, regular checks of blood pressure and urine, kidney function, etc., to prevent and treat gestational hypertension. Third trimester of pregnancy should be hospitalized for observation treatment and close observation of renal function, if there is deterioration of renal function, pregnancy should be immediately discontinued.
By introducing the above, we can pregnant women for pyelonephritis should be clear now, in short, kidney experts said, pyelonephritis patients should be vigilant, not just pregnancy, before pregnancy to be fully prepared, even if it is suffering do not be afraid of disease, early treatment effect is still possible.

What reason pyelonephritis produced

Lifestyle due to adverse effects, leading to increased incidence of various diseases, including pyelonephritis, for this disease, we should not hindsight, we must be careful. Pyelonephritis refers to inflammation of the kidney due to bacterial infection. In clinical pyelonephritis can be divided into acute and chronic pyelonephritis caused specifically how? Let us introduce experts.
Glomerular disease can be divided into primary and secondary two categories. Analysis of multi-fingered front primary glomerular disease, divided nephritis, nephrotic to mechanized full psychosis based. The secondary glomerular diseases common in systemic lupus erythematosus, allergic purpura and diabetic nephropathy, etc.
Nephritis is how caused, to a generic problem, nephritis mostly refers to occult and proteinuria urine examination. Generally refers to a variety of pathogenic incentives lead to glomerular inflammation, glomerular filtration membrane permeability ball, macromolecular protein leakage.
The reason pyelonephritis which produced
1, other issues such as parasitic infections (such as schistosomiasis), protozoal infections (eg Plasmodium), biological toxins invade the body (such as pollen, bee venom), drugs (such as penicillamine), heavy metals (such as gold, mercury, bismuth), Endogenous antigens, cancer, benign tumors, also can cause different types of glomerulonephritis.
2, by a bacterial infection caused by glomerulonephritis, mainly with upper respiratory tract infections, skin infections, scarlet fever and other hemolytic streptococcus infections, other bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, diphtheria bacilli can cause nephritis.
3, glomerulonephritis caused by a viral infection, such as influenza virus, mumps virus, hepatitis virus, measles virus, varicella-zoster virus and so can cause kidney disease. The virus can direct violation of kidney tissue, can also cause viral antigen immune complex glomerulonephritis.
Read the description above, the reason everyone should be clear pyelonephritis produced it, we should pay particular attention Oh, just noticed abnormal kidneys, even without kidney disease and do not ignore symptoms, early symptomatic treatment. Some do not go through the process of chronic rapid development of renal failure. I wish you health.


Symptoms of uremia in a different type of system performance

Symptoms of uremia in the performance of different systems is not the same, is more common gastrointestinal performance, which is likely to cause a symptom than the performance of attention to patients. But may sometimes based only on the performance of a symptom can not infer their exact condition, need step closer to speculate. National Kidney Hospital - Hospital kidney specialist to introduce you to the performance of a variety of symptoms of uremia, hope will be helpful to you.
1, the general symptoms: pale face darkened, malaise, weight loss.
2, gastrointestinal manifestations: are the symptoms of uremia earlier and more prominent performance. Anorexia, abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth ulcers, urinary breath smell, can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and post-emergence melena and vomiting.
3, mental, neurological manifestations: headache, dizziness, blurred consciousness, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness and even coma. Irritability, muscle shake, convulsions, seizures are common in advanced.
4, the cardiovascular system: blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia common; symptoms of uremia still appear cellulose pericarditis and heart failure in late stage.
5, hematopoietic system performance: severe anemia, late can still have bleeding.
6, the performance of the respiratory system: respiratory acidosis deep and long. Uremic late can cause bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.
7, skin manifestations: skin minimalist, dry desquamation. After discharge from the sweat glands of urea, urea can be cemented in white frost, the emergence of itching and skin irritation.
8, metabolic acidosis and acid-base balance of symptoms caused by:
① dehydration or edema;
② metabolic acidosis;
③ hyponatremia and sodium retention;
④ hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia: hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia can stimulate the A side gland, causing a secondary hyperparathyroidism, leading to bone demineralization, young patients can cause renal rickets, adult patients can To uremic osteodystrophy;
⑤ hypokalemia and hyperkalemia; hypokalemia and hyperkalemia is a common cause of uremia arrhythmia and sudden death;
⑥ Hypermagnesemia.
Experts on the "symptoms of uremia different manifestations in different systems," to explain, I hope to help each patient as soon as possible to get rid of disease problems. Hospital treatment of male diseases expert with many years of practical experience, the introduction of a number of leading international technology, so if you want to understand the content-related diseases, hospital specialists will provide you will give you a detailed answer, according to the patient's illness , take the appropriate treatment. If you have any questions you can consult our online experts.

Renal function is not omnipotent cured? Most medicine is the treatment of choice

Renal Almighty had not cured? Patients with renal insufficiency are more of the problem, there is no hope for their disease can be treated. Renal dysfunction is caused by a variety of reasons, glomerular seriously damaged, the body panics after clinical syndrome group in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulating water and electrolyte, acid-base balance and so on. Prognosis is serious, is one of the major life threatening disease. And renal dysfunction treatment is a relatively long process, patients must adhere to treatment can not be discarded in the course of treatment hope. So renal insufficiency Almighty cured? So we ask the experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, let us take a look at the detailed description of experts it.
Metabolic function of the kidney is particularly strong, and under normal circumstances most kidney function is under "rest" state, only a small part of the work, if elevated blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, indicating which part of the kidney function has been implied use up, but can not maintain the normal function of the human body, and the indicators appear elevated. Then kidney function often have damage to the sixty to seventy percent, and this made isotope renogram, CT, etc. can be confirmed. This is commonly referred to as renal failure, early uremia, in just the onset of stage time must be good opportunities to catch the formal treatment system, if the effect missed the better treatment period, do not pay attention, because evoked a variety of reasons (colds, fever,) soon to the symptoms of uremia it. This is a mistake committed by most patients, such as the beginning of something that did not progress to uremia regret is useless
Renal Almighty had not cured? All patients regardless of renal failure early, mid and late is also clinically proven to take better treatments to the main Western this auxiliary (mainly treating complications such as heart disease, hypertension, infection, etc.) due to the Western thought kidney Once the injury can not be reversed. Only symptomatic treatment, if the indicator is not high that is not serious, such as serum creatinine rises to a certain indicator of a serious, you can hemodialysis, if not the only kidney transplant dialysis which of the. Li confirmed that a considerable part of the kidney function can be restored, if the patient is an early renal injury is not very serious, it can go back to normal. To use anti-inflammatory, anti-glomerular degeneration fibrosis, glomerular proliferation and exudation against promoting fibrin melt, reducing platelet aggregation, increased glomerular filtration rate and improve the glomerular capillary through permeability, promote recovery of renal function, increase their resistance to disease in order to achieve recovery.

If the above for "kidney function is not crucial that the Almighty cured treatment options," the brief, thorough enough to let you know, you can also click on the customer service, free online consultation in our hospital specialists. Should be noted there are factors that may lead to the disease, early detection of an early treatment.

Early clinical manifestations of kidney disease can be cured with renal atrophy

For 'clinical manifestations of renal atrophy' and other issues related to kidney specialists give the following reminder. If you take into account your on 'kidney hospital' and other aspects of knowledge is not very understanding, will delay the disease's manipulation, and treatment. So please do not hesitate to contact our experts with communication, detailed instructions for you to do, and this time the disease treatment, diet and other life considerations.
Kidney specialists reply said: renal atrophy is a pathological anatomy noun, ie renal atrophy, volume was significantly reduced, also known as end-stage kidney. Then the patient's glomerular renal atrophy, tubular (ie renal units) have destroyed most or all of the kidney has lost physiological functions.
Renal atrophy and renal volume is based on the person's age, gender and body height and weight compared with each other. · Renal hospital has been advocating the adoption of B-mode ultrasound Attorney kidneys, it is more simple and convenient, and economical. B-mode ultrasound method for measuring the size of the kidneys including kidney poles diameter and thickness of the renal parenchyma. Kidney diameter according to ethnicity, height, age and there are some differences, the left kidney slightly longer than the right kidney, males slightly larger than females. According to survey Chinese population, adult kidney diameter was about 10 ~ 12cm, width 5 ~ 6cm; kidney volume increment older age and shrink, the survey recognized in human kidney diameter of 9.2-11.8cm, 9.2cm is less than renal atrophy, greater than 11.8cm kidney increases. About 1.5 ~ 2cm, older adults also no significant difference in the thickness of the renal parenchyma, 1.5cm to narrow, 2.0cm thickened. Generally diameter plus kidney renal parenchymal thickness measurement to identify acute and chronic renal failure, in line with rate of 92.6%. Suffering from chronic kidney disease, kidney size measured regularly, can help monitor disease progression.
Had renal atrophy in clinical symptoms in detail what is it?
1, the contralateral kidney compensatory increase is not common, but most enhanced renal blood flow.
2, unilateral renal atrophy itself does not cause high blood pressure, such as congenital renal dysplasia, kidney from cut, renal tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis is not accompanied by high blood pressure, but the renal arteries narrow due to activation of the renin - angiotensin - ol testosterone system leaving the elevated plasma renin levels, a common cause of hypertension.
3, renal arteries narrow with dorsal limb arterial pulse weakened or disappeared uncommon.
4, renal artery dilatation narrow by DSA, atrophy of renal blood flow increased significantly, kidneys significantly increased compared with the previous, the visible part of the kidney atrophy is reversible.
5, severe renal arteries narrow, exploration and less blood flow, but after collateral circulation to maintain a good blood supply to the kidneys, the kidneys will not lead to a serious decline.
6, the isotope renogram, kidney disease developing delayed excretion slowed to excretory dysfunction first appears. Renal blood flow was significantly reduced or disappear.
Unilateral renal atrophy clinical manifestations:
Clinically unilateral renal atrophy is not uncommon, often with symptoms of high blood pressure patients, backache and other treatment, the line B-or KUB, IVP, etc. can be found when prosecutors. In addition to the onset of symptoms, no significant occult blood, proteinuria and renal function is normal, but if the fatigue, infections, especially urinary tract infections, urinary tract obstruction, renal damage induced by physical applications, the rapid deterioration of renal function may, renal atrophy after several years should be paid attention.
Kidney experts remind you: Any one who is a part of the family, friends, busy work, health is equally important. Want to make your own life better, then have a healthy body is a top priority. Our nephrologist day online, you can consult our experts free.

TCM treatment of renal atrophy

Kidney cancer is very small chance of shrinking, shrinking from gastritis to intestinal metaplasia to recessive kidney to the proliferation of the gastric process is very long, if combined with moderate renal atrophy of intestinal 10-15 years of observation, the probability of cancer is 6% about.
Bianzheng of governance is a feature of Chinese medicine is based on the patient's individual case, for the different treatment methods, if a patient with renal atrophy upper abdominal pain, pain, thermophilic hi, lassitude, anorexia, after eating Zhang belly, easy to diarrhea, pale tongue side of teeth marks, thin white fur, thready pulse and other symptoms, it is judged spleen and stomach, spleen Qi approach can be taken for treatment, it can take prescription: Liujunzi soup, Huangqijianzhong soup.
If the patient abdominal pain (and two even threatened), chest tightness, poor, belching more, sighing, seizures and exacerbation of symptoms and emotional relationship is more significant, thin white fur, pulse string and other symptoms, it is judged disharmony of liver and certificates can be taken Shuganhewei approach to treatment, it can take prescription: CHSGS.

Common symptoms of renal atrophy

Patients with renal atrophy, fatigue, nausea and vomiting will emerge continuously worsening anemia and other episodes of uremia
Renal atrophy patients will face leg edema, pruritus symptoms emerged and also willing to be associated with swelling of the feet of patients with back pain will get worse long-term sedentary
Patients with renal atrophy can also be hematuria
Urinary excretion of red blood cells is hematuria means an increase in the urinary system can have severe disease signals centrifugal sedimentation of urine per high-power field ≥ 3 non-centrifuged urine red blood cells than 1 or 1 hour urinary red blood cell count over 100 thousand or 12-hour urine sediment were counted more than 500,000 showing an increase in urine red blood cells is called microscopic hematuria only perceive light polycythemia called microscopic hematuria; severe watery appearance wash the meat or blood clot called gross hematuria usually contain a liter of urine has blood that is visually see when 1mL urine was red or water samples were washed meat
Experts say that the cause of the majority of renal atrophy without effective treatment of kidney diseases caused when patients have renal atrophy or renal function must appear full until renal failure - uremia
Renal atrophy common in kidney development is well known that while the full extent of diabetes-induced renal damage with inflammation, injury, blood circulation disorders, drug side effects, such as renal atrophy also appear more straightforward damage all structures involved in kidney renal atrophy and glomerular sclerosis extent progress has straightforward relationship nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anemia and other symptoms lead to glomerular basement membrane thickening
Content on renal atrophy symptoms introduce hope to help everyone understand another

Kidney failure diet

Kidney failure diet
Many food therapy of renal failure, renal failure before the diet to understand first look at what is kidney failure. Renal failure is a manifestation of renal damage after a gradual decline, if not timely control and treatment, kidney failure soon developed into uremia, renal function slowly lose this time, become a burden on the body. For renal failure patients, renal function due to damage, after eating the food into the body, toxins and waste products can not normally excreted.

● high protein diet increased renal excretion of waste, increasing the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, patients with kidney failure, to limit protein intake. Optional protein-protein foods, such as milk, egg protein, meat, contains more essential amino acids to supply the body needs. The vegetable protein is scarce.

● Calculation of heat is important, the deployment of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, carbohydrates increase the amount of heat required to maintain, decreased protein intake. Consider edible fats monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil.

● restrict water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys. Cause edema

● If the kidneys continue to deteriorate, we must pay attention to the body's accumulation of severe potassium ions affect the function of the heart, so much potassium foods should be avoided. Such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce, wheat, etc.

● magnesium ions can eat foods such as dark green vegetables, chocolate, avoid taking antacids and laxatives containing magnesium salts.

Patients with renal failure diet should eat what is good?

Patients with renal failure diet should eat what is good?
Renal failure patients should eat what is good? Renal failure patients in addition to actively carry out treatment, for their own care is also very important, especially in the patient's diet must be carefully arranged. Well, renal failure patients should eat what is good? Here we take a look at it!

Experts introduced to patients with renal failure diet, the most important thing is quality protein intake. If excessive intake of protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby increasing the disease. Recommended daily intake of protein is 20 grams.

20 grams of high quality protein daily intake of animal protein like him enough

In general, for patients with renal failure, eating an egg a day, drink 200 ml of milk, you can intake of 12-15 grams of high quality protein. Plus other things already contains protein, enough of the daily intake.

Good quality protein intake in patients with renal failure foods are: chicken, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, essential amino acids containing excessive non-vegetable protein, so patients need less intake of vegetable protein.

Intake of salt intake does not need doctor can not

In addition, the experts stressed that road, many patients think that we should strictly prohibited edema salt and water intake. This is wrong, not all kidney failure patients need to control salt, water intake, the specific situation should follow the doctor's orders.


Three brief staging of chronic renal failure

You understand chronic renal failure staging it? Chronic renal failure is a serious illness, even a threat to the lives of patients. During the onset of chronic renal failure, generally divided into three phases, namely, renal decompensation, azotemia and renal failure, here we asked the experts for us to introduce these three specific phases.

A: renal decompensation:

During this period the patient's glomerular filtration rate will drop several hundred times higher than normal renal function in patients already noticeable degradation. A decrease of approximately 20% -25% of renal units in this period. Despite the loss of renal reserve capacity, but for the excretion of metabolites, regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance is still good, there is no specific clinical manifestations, muscle enzymes and blood urea nitrogen is usually normal or mildly elevated sometimes.

Two: azotemia:

Then the patient's glomerular filtration rate will further decline in renal units will be reduced by more than half, renal concentration will appear obvious obstacles, there nocturia or urine, varying degrees of anemia, often azotemia, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen levels. Clinically fatigue, loss of appetite, mild nausea and general discomfort. This neglect of renal function, such as overhead protection or body, there will be severe vomiting, diarrhea, caused by hypovolemia, if infection or use of nephrotoxic drugs, etc., can cause rapid kidney function decline and failure.

Three: renal failure:

During this period the patient is actually in which the threat of uremia, it can be said that this is the early stage of patients with secondary uremia, glomerular filtration rate is reduced to the time during which 10-15 ml per minute, approximately 70% decrease in renal units -90%, severely impaired renal function, metabolism and can not maintain water and electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body. Impossible to maintain a stable internal environment, resulting in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, diluted urine concentration dysfunction, acidosis, sodium retention, low calcium, high phosphorus, potassium and other balance disorders performance.

The above introduces you to three periods of chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure, hope to help you understand. Experts advise, kidney failure if not treated or not treated properly, it will develop uremia, to the time it would be more difficult to treat. If you have any need to know, please click on the experts to consult professional medical organizations.


What is the cause of hematuria in children?

Once hematuria child, the parents will be very anxious. In fact, there are many reasons children hematuria, on behalf of the child's physical health is different, parents can observe carefully, do not panic the hands and feet. If children with glomerular hematuria Once there, be sure to identify the cause of the disease as early as possible in order to understand the specific symptomatic treatment. Children hematuria which specific reasons:
1, children with glomerular hematuria:
① nephrotic syndrome: hematuria accompanied by edema, proteinuria, have high cholesterol, hypoalbuminemia when blood tests.
② glomerulonephritis: children suffering from the disease often recently had a long skin, pustules, boils or sore throat, tonsillitis and other medical history, accompanied by hematuria while oliguria, edema, hypertension. Urine tests have red blood cells, protein casts.
③ lupus nephritis: more common in children older than 7 years, the incidence of many girls, and occasionally in infants under 3 years old. In addition to hematuria, may have a high fever or fever, bright red skin rash, typical butterfly was, there rash, red rash, bullous rash. Most children with joint pain, cardiomyopathy changes may lungs, gastrointestinal tract, blood, and other nervous system diseases.
④ nephritis: sick children in addition to urine, the possibility also have abdominal pain, joint swelling, bleeding skin rash, rash on both lower extremities or around the ankle appear dense, followed seen in the buttocks and upper limb. Early this rash is pink papules, color deepened after the formation of erythema, erythema center spotting occurs, the color turned dark purple.
⑤ epidemic hemorrhagic fever: early manifestations of the disease are fever, face, neck, upper chest, flushing, hypotension heat back water in urine, hematuria, shock.
⑥ Goodpasture syndrome: hematuria associated with unexplained fever, weight loss, anemia, hemoptysis.
⑦ hereditary nephritis: the performance of persistent or recurrent gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria. Acute exacerbations of respiratory tract infection after about 30% to 40% of children have increased, from about 30% to 40% of the children had nerve deafness, about 20% of eye disease, kidney failure after adult emergence. Families often have deafness, eye and renal failure patients.
2, children with drug-induced hematuria:
Some of nephrotoxic drugs, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin can cause hematuria; Some drugs such as phenylbutazone, polymyxin, sulfa interstitial nephritis caused by immune mechanisms, performance hematuria, oliguria, back pain, abdominal pain, skin rash. For this reason, when hematuria in children is the best on the hospital as soon as possible to avoid misdiagnosis.
3, children with non-glomerular hematuria:
① congenital malformations such as polycystic kidney disease, renal pelvis fluid can cause hematuria.
② hematuria associated with voiding dysfunction such as urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria to consider when urinary tract infection, renal tuberculosis, hemorrhagic cystitis, urethral foreign body; may be associated with urinary tract stones such as back pain or abdominal pain, hematuria time. Hematuria associated with systemic bleeding, blood disorders to consider, such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia; Some vitamins (such as vitamin K1, vitamin C) deficiency may also occur hematuria.
③ idiopathic hypercalciuria: In addition to hematuria, but no other symptoms, laboratory tests can be found in urinary calcium excretion increased incidence of kidney stones home up to 30% to 70%.
④ nutcracker phenomenon, also known as the left renal vein compression syndrome, hematuria or proteinuria that occurred after vein compression.
⑤ urinary system tumors: children in common is embryonic kidney tumor, the disease does not occur early hematuria, when the majority of sick children with hematuria palpable mass in the abdomen, do B ultrasound, CT and other checks can be found lumps.


Iga nephropathy you got to eat cherries

Iga nephropathy is a kidney disease, many patients find themselves after suffering iga nephropathy want to know a few things to note some of iga nephropathy, especially what precautions diet there. So many patients raised many questions, such as cherries had iga nephropathy eat it? Below experts for everyone to make this presentation.
Iga nephropathy eat cherries do:
iga nephropathy, uremia patients with renal excretory function disorders, regulate water and electrolyte function damage. Cherry composition contains large amounts of potassium, the ingested through the diet, healthy kidney function by adjusting the excess of potassium excreted, but kidney failure, loss of renal function in patients with the metabolic uremia, excessive accumulation of potassium in the body component, will lead to hyperkalemia, it myocardial cell injury is very serious, cause heart disorders, severe cardiac arrest and even death. The moisture content of the fruit up to 90% to 95% of patients who need to control fluid intake is concerned, it is wrong to let go and eat.
Mild hyperkalemia is the potassium <6 mmol / l and generally requires close observation, strictly limit the high intake of potassium-rich foods and drugs. High potassium include some Chinese medicines, blood products, certain antihypertensive drugs and potassium-sparing diuretics. High potassium foods are bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate. By freezing, soaking, discard the broth, these foods can reduce potassium.
Moderate and severe hyperkalemia is the potassium> 6.5 mmol / l who, in addition to the above matters need attention, but also intravenous calcium gluconate, 5% sodium bicarbonate (cardiac insufficiency with caution), hypertonic glucose (requires subcutaneous insulin) and dialysis.
Cherry, also known as Orioles peach, cherry beads, Rosaceae, Prunus. In our country there are more than 3,000 years of cultural history. Cherry and ripe berry first, not only sweet fruit, while Shuzi elegant, much people appreciated through the ages, the great poet, praise cherry fruit is "...... Ying confusion Regent Red, Daigo really smell as beads not perforated, as fire do not burn people. "cherry with its unique charming, elegant temperament attracts thousands of visitors to the eater, won the" Spring fruit first branch "praise. Cherry high potassium content, iga nephropathy, although uremic patients can not be ignored cherries have a good effect, but it's high potassium content is not be underestimated, 258 mg of potassium per 100 grams, not a little for kidney patients numbers.

Nephritis patients do eat kiwi

Nephritis patients eat kiwi it? Lot of information online are contradictory, given the patient due to the restricted diet, daily nutrition is not balanced, especially resistance to think what can add dimension C? While the high nutritional value of fruits such as kiwi, many say that you can eat, but the kiwi is potassium sodium, potassium can not eat, why recommend it said, in the end can you eat? What other fruits to eat it? According to experts answer nephritis patients eat kiwi it?
Generally, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, will not appear hyperkalemia, unnecessary worry. If nephritis leading to kidney failure, decreased urine output, the risk of hyperkalemia appeared, it can not eat foods containing high potassium. The main limitation is generally intake, protein intake of salt. Without diabetes, then he can eat. Eat and eat, and comprehensive look. If you want to know what you can and online expert consultation, online kidney specialists will provide you with the most comprehensive answer.


Common important complication of acute renal failure

   Most acute renal failure after oliguria (or anuria), polyuria and recovery of the three stages of development of complications of acute renal failure in oliguria may occur are:
    (1) infection is the most common and serious complication, more common in severe trauma, burns due to high decomposition acute renal failure.
    (2) cardiovascular complications, including cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, pericarditis, hypertension, etc.
    (3) the performance of the nervous system complications, headache, drowsiness, muscle convulsions, coma, seizures and so on. Neurological complications and retention in the body of toxins and water intoxication, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance disorders.
    (4) digestive complications manifested as anorexia, nausea, vomiting rugged, bloating, vomiting blood or blood in the stool, bleeding due to gastrointestinal mucosal erosions or ulcers caused by stress.
    (5) hematologic complications sharply decreased due to renal function, reduced erythropoietin can thus cause anemia, but most are not serious. Few cases due to reduced clotting factors, may have a bleeding tendency.
    (6) electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia may occur, hyponatremia and severe acidosis, is one of the complications of acute renal failure is the most dangerous.
    In the urine of patients with daily urine output of up to 3000-5000ml, due to discharge large amounts of water and electrolytes, there may be dehydration, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, etc., if you do not replenish, patients can die from severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
    Into the convalescent serum urea nitrogen, creatinine levels returned to normal, uremic symptoms subside, renal tubular epithelial cell regeneration and repair, the majority of patients with renal function can be fully restored, a small number of patients can be left under varying degrees of renal impairment.

What are the symptoms of renal failure, oliguria

What are the symptoms of renal failure, oliguria, dysfunction treatment drugs which are many patients want to know, is the development of a variety of chronic renal failure, kidney disease to kidney or part of the latter caused the loss of all of the pathological state. Here we understand the next oliguria What are the symptoms of kidney failure:
What are the symptoms of renal failure, oliguria
1, electrolyte imbalance
Common in patients with renal failure, oliguria potassium, sodium, calcium, high magnesium, high phosphorus and low chlorine levels.
2, sodium retention
Oliguria renal failure in children may manifest as edema, hypertension, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema and heart failure, sometimes due to water retention can occur hygroscopic hyponatremia.
3, metabolic acidosis
Oliguria renal failure patients nausea, vomiting, fatigue, drowsiness, rapid deep breathing, loss of appetite, and even coma, lower blood pH. Previous: renal failure in health-related searches: symptoms of kidney failure

What are the symptoms of acute renal failure?

Acute renal failure is a kidney disease, it will have nausea, anorexia, fatigue, anemia and other symptoms appear, the disease is not a lot of people know, because many patients are not aware of this disease and what kind of symptoms produced, so The early detection of missed opportunity. Then I'll tell you this, what kind of symptoms of kidney disease, so that we do self-examination, early detection and early treatment to achieve a goal.
Symptoms of acute renal failure are:
Acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis on pathology and repair in two stages, ATN is the biggest characteristic of renal function can be restored to normal, the process including the restoration of damaged cells, necrotic cell lumen tube removal, cell regeneration, and finally to the integrity of the renal tubular epithelial cells fully restored, acute renal failure, according to the common law of the clinical manifestations and course of the disease, generally divided into oliguria, polyuria and recovery of three phases:
1 Clinical manifestations of little or no urine oliguria mainly nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, irritability, fatigue, drowsiness and coma, as oliguria body of water, sodium accumulation, patients may present with hypertension, pulmonary edema and heart failure, when the product of protein metabolism can not be excreted by the kidneys, resulting in nitrogenous substances accumulate in the body appears azotemia, as accompanied by infection, injury, fever, then accelerate protein catabolism, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine increased rapidly, that the formation of uremia, the current main features are:
(1) decreased urine output:
        Or decreased urine output plummeted, continuing daily urine output of less than 400ml are known as oliguria, who called no less than 50ml of urine, ATN patients rarely completely free urine, no urine continued poor prognosis and should, except renal obstruction and bilateral renal cortical necrosis due to causes and varying severity, duration oliguria inconsistent, generally 1 to 3 weeks, but a few cases oliguria Sustainable three months or more, who is generally believed that the duration of renal toxicity short, while those of longer duration ischemic If oliguria lasting more than 12 weeks should reconsider the diagnosis of ATN, there may exist renal cortical necrosis or renal papillary necrosis, oliguria prolongation should be noted fluid retention, congestive heart failure, hyperkalemia, hypertension and various complications.
Non-oliguric ATN, refers to patients during the period azotemia continued in 500ml of urine a day or more, or even 1000 ~ 2000ml, the incidence of non-oliguric there is an increasing trend in recent years, up to 30% to 60%, The reason for the people to raise awareness of this type of renal toxicity and antibiotic widely used diuretics such as furosemide, mannitol and other early applications, etc., and does not reduce the amount of urine There are three reasons to explain:
① impaired renal units each with varying degrees of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate in the presence of a small part of the nephron, while the corresponding tubular reabsorption of significant barriers to function.
The degree of impairment of renal units ② all had the same, but much lower than tubular reabsorption dysfunction glomerular filtration rate in proportion to the extent of reducing weight.
③ renal medulla ability to form deep hyperosmolar state is reduced, resulting in medullary loop filtrate water reabsorption reduce non-oliguric common cause of long-term use of nephrotoxic drugs, major abdominal surgery, and after open-heart surgery, general believes that non-oliguric although fewer urinary-type light condition, shorter hospital stay, need to lower the percentage of dialysis treatment, fewer upper gastrointestinal bleeding and other complications, but the incidence of oliguric hyperkalemia caused by similar non-small Urine-based mortality is still as high as 26%, the treatment can not be ignored in any aspect.
(2) progressive azotemia:
        Because of reduced glomerular filtration rate caused little or no urine, resulting in the discharge of nitrogen and other metabolic wastes qualitative reduction in plasma creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, which increases the speed and state of body protein breakdown, in the absence of complications and treatment right cases, increased blood urea nitrogen slower day, about 3.6mmol / L (10mg/dl), increased plasma creatinine concentration of only 44.2 ~ 88.4μmol / L (0.5 ~ 1.0mg/dl), but in the high resolution state, such as with extensive tissue trauma, sepsis, etc., every day can be increased urea nitrogen 7.1mmol / L (20mg/dl) or more, plasma creatinine increase 176.8μmol / L (2mg/dl) or more a day to promote proteolytic hyperthyroidism factors still insufficient supply of heat, muscle necrosis, hematoma, gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, fever, glucocorticoid and so on.
(3) water, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance disorders:
① too much water: seen moisture control is not strict, excessive intake or fluid volume, the amount of water such as vomiting, sweating, wound infiltration capacity, etc. as well as the estimated amount of liquid supplement inaccurate ignored when calculating raw, with oliguria prolonged prone to excessive water, expressed as the dilution hyponatremia, soft tissue edema, weight gain, high blood pressure, heart failure and acute cerebral edema.
② hyperkalemia: 90% of the normal intake of potassium excretion from the kidneys, ATN oliguria due to the decrease in urinary excretion of potassium, if the state of the body while the presence of high resolution, such as crush injuries when muscle necrosis, hematoma and other infections, inadequate caloric intake due to proteolysis in vivo, releasing potassium ions, intracellular acidosis transferred to the extracellular potassium, and sometimes severe hyperkalemia can occur within a few hours, if the patient could not be diagnosed in time, intake of Potassium more food or drink, intravenous infusion of large doses of penicillin potassium (potassium per 1 million U penicillin potassium 1.6mmol); enter a large inventory of blood when bleeding (stock 10 days up to 22mmol potassium per liter of blood ); may cause or aggravate hyperkalemia, generally without medical complications cause ATN daily rise in serum potassium less than 0.5mmol / L, hyperkalemia can no characteristic clinical manifestations, or nausea, vomiting, numbness of limbs and other sensory abnormalities, heart rate, severe neurological symptoms, such as fear, irritability, apathy consciousness until late sinus room or atrioventricular block, sinus still, intraventricular conduction delay or ventricular fibrillation, blood potassium ECG changes disorder may precede the clinical manifestations of potassium, so the ECG effects of hyperkalemia on cardiac care is important, generally potassium concentration in 6mmol / L, the electrocardiogram showed tall and narrow base of the T wave, with blood potassium increased P wave disappeared, QRS widening, ST segment can not be identified, the final integration and T wave, followed by severe arrhythmia, until ventricular fibrillation, cardiac toxic effects of potassium sodium is still affected by the body, calcium and acid-base balance impact, while at the same existence sodium, hypocalcemia or acidosis, hyperkalemia more significant ECG and easy to induce arrhythmia, is worth mentioning that between serum potassium concentration and ECG sometimes the existence of inconsistencies, hyperkalemia is one common cause of death in patients with oliguria, early dialysis can prevent its occurrence, but severe muscle tissue necrosis often persistent hyperkalemia should completely remove necrotic tissue in order to control the high treatment potassium blood.
③ metabolic acidosis: normal daily fixed acid metabolite is 50 ~ 100mmol, 20% and bicarbonate ions, 80% excreted by the kidneys, acute renal failure when, due to the discharge of acidic metabolites decreased renal tubular secretion of acid ability and decreased ability to save, such as sodium bicarbonate, resulting in daily plasma bicarbonate concentration decreased to varying degrees; decreased at high resolution state more quickly, mostly from endogenous proteolytic fixed acid, a small part from the sugar and fat oxide, phosphate and other organic anions are released and accumulate in body fluids, resulting in increased anion gap of the patients, oliguria ongoing metabolic acidosis cases if not fully correct, rapid muscle breakdown in vivo, in addition, still acidosis reduce the ventricular fibrillation threshold, ectopic rhythm, hyperkalemia, severe acidosis and hypocalcemia, hyponatremia is a serious condition acute renal failure in patients already receiving dialysis Although less common, but in some cases drugs during dialysis still correct metabolic acidosis.
④ hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia: ATN when hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia is better when chronic renal failure outstanding performance, but there are reports oliguria 2 days hypocalcemia can occur, due to the often accompanied by acid poisoning, so that an increase in extracellular free calcium ions, the common clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia does not occur, hypocalcemia and more as hyperphosphatemia caused by normal intake of 60% to 80% of phosphate excreted in urine, ATN oliguria often mildly elevated serum phosphorus, but if there are significant metabolic acidosis, hyperphosphatemia compared prominent, but rarely significantly increased after correction of acidosis, phosphorus may have declined to a certain extent, this If the continued acceptance of total parenteral nutrition therapy patients should pay attention to hypophosphatemia occurred.
⑤ hyponatremia and hypochloremia: both multi-exist, the reason may be due to hyponatremia caused by too much water dilution hyponatremia due to burns or vomiting, diarrhea or gastrointestinal lost from the skin caused by, or on non-oliguric patients large doses of furosemide reactions still occur loss of sodium hyponatremia, severe hyponatremia can cause blood osmotic concentration decreased, resulting in moisture penetration into cells, cell edema occurs, manifestations of acute cerebral edema symptoms, clinical manifestations of fatigue, weakness, lethargy or unconsciousness, disorientation disappeared, even hypotonic coma, low chlorine levels common in vomiting, diarrhea or non-oliguric with plenty of loop diuretics, bloating or shallow breathing, convulsions and other metabolic alkalosis performance.
⑥ Hypermagnesemia: 60% of the normal intake of magnesium excreted in the feces and 40% excreted in the urine, as magnesium and potassium are the major intracellular cation, potassium and therefore often parallel rise in serum magnesium concentration when ATN when muscle damage Hypermagnesemia more prominent, and magnesium ions inhibit the central nervous system, severe hypermagnesemia can cause respiratory depression and cardiac depression, should be vigilant, Hypermagnesemia ECG changes also showed PR prolongation and widened QRS complex, when corrected hyperkalemia, ECG PR interval prolongation still occurs and (or) QRS widening should be suspected, hypermagnesemia hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and acidosis were increased myocardial toxicity of magnesium ions.
(4) the performance of the cardiovascular system:
① Hypertension: In addition to renal ischemia neurohormonal factors induce the secretion of active substances increased vasoconstrictor factors, too much water can cause excessive load capacity increased blood pressure, hypertension early ATN rare occurrence, but if sustained less urine, about 1/3 of patients with mild to moderate hypertension, usually in 18.62 ~ 23.94/11.97 ~ 14.63kPa (140 ~ 180/90 ~ 110mmHg), and sometimes higher, even hypertensive encephalopathy, accompanied by pregnancy in particular, should be closely observed.
② acute pulmonary edema and heart failure: oliguria is a common cause of death, which is mainly caused by fluid retention, but high blood pressure, severe infections, arrhythmias and acidosis are factors, the higher the incidence of early and take corrective missing oxygen, water and the control measures early dialysis incidence has decreased significantly, but still is a common cause of death in severe type of ATN.
③ arrhythmias: In addition to hyperkalemia caused by sinus pause, sinus still, sinus room block, varying degrees of atrioventricular block and bundle branch block, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, can still due to virus infection and digitalis applications caused ventricular contraction and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation occurred ectopic rhythm.
④ pericarditis: an annual rate of 18%, taking early dialysis reduced to 1%, more performance for pericardial friction sound and chest pain, unusual large pericardial effusion.
⑤ digestive performance: most early manifestation of ATN, common symptoms are significantly reduced appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, hiccups or diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a common late complication, gastrointestinal symptoms and diseases are still the primary water , electrolyte imbalance, or other relevant acidosis, persistent, severe gastrointestinal symptoms often prone to electrolyte imbalance significantly increase the complexity of the treatment of early gastrointestinal symptoms suggestive of significant early implementation of dialysis treatment.
⑥ nervous system Lightweight patients without neurological symptoms: Some patients with early signs of fatigue, poor spirit, if early consciousness apathy, irritability, lethargy or even coma, severe illness prompted Benedict, should not delay dialysis, nervous system and severe infection, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, some heavy heavy metal poisoning, severe trauma, multiple organ failure and other causes related.
⑦ blood system performance: ATN early rare anemia, due to the extent of the primary disease, duration of disease, and so closely related to the presence or absence of bleeding complications, severe trauma, major surgery, blood loss, hemolytic anemia factor, ATN and other serious infections and emergency situations, Anemia can be more severe if there is clinical bleeding tendency, thrombocytopenia, low consumption of coagulation and fibrinolysis signs of disease, has not a early DIC.
2 Multi urine of urine of daily 2.5L said polyuria, ATN diuretic early common urine gradually increased after as little or no urine in the urine within 24h increased and appeared more than 400ml, can be considered a period of polyuria start, polyuria period lasts about two weeks time, urine output may increase exponentially every day, diuresis of 3 to 5 days up to 1000ml, then daily urine output of up to 3 ~ 5L; progressive increase in urine output began to recover renal function a sign, but the symptoms of polyuria beginning of uremia is not improved, even more serious, and the GFR is still 10ml/min or less; When urea nitrogen began to decline, the condition gradually improved, polyuria Early still hyperkalemia, sustained more urine can occur hypokalemia, hyponatremia, dehydration and, in addition, this period is still prone to infection, cardiovascular complications and upper gastrointestinal bleeding, it should be closely observed water, electrolyte and acid-base balance.
Polyuria clinical manifestations are mainly physical weakness, malaise, palpitations, shortness of breath, weight loss, anemia, during this period due to renal function is not fully restored, the patient is still in azotemia state, the lower the resistance is prone to infection, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and cardiovascular complications, so there is still some risk.
(3) recovery according to etiology, disease severity, polyuria duration, complications and age and other factors, ATN patients in early recovery varied greatly, may have no symptoms, feel good about themselves, or physical weakness, fatigue, weight loss; When the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine decreased urine output gradually returned to normal, except for a few, the glomerular filtration rate returned to normal more than 3 to 6 months, but in some cases of renal tubular dysfunction concentrated than 1 year of sustainable If renal function does not recover lasting, permanent legacy may suggest kidney damage.
Read my introduction, surely we should be aware of the symptoms of this disease, and if it appears the above-mentioned symptoms, you should be vigilant, because this could be a precursor to the disease appeared, then you should do is go to the hospital for examination and treatment, if diagnosed, should adopt a positive attitude to face. Finally, I wish a speedy recovery to early majority of patients through treatment.
