
Creatinine over 600 uremia do

Patient Counseling: creatinine 600 is uremia it?
Experts Re: uremia is the development of acute and chronic renal insufficiency to severe stage, metabolites, a series of self-poisoning symptoms of water and electrolyte acid-base balance disorders arise, most of the high creatinine uremic patients have. Creatinine 600 uremia something? Creatinine than the clinical 707umol / L as uremic stage into, of course, this value is a reference value, according to the physical condition of the patient's own point of view, the level of creatinine values ​​is a serious kidney damage an important indicator of the degree.
So creatinine 600 how to treat? Kidneys regulate the immune blocking removal therapy with a new diagnosis, new drugs, new treatment system for treatment, the patient's immune blocker therapy into the treatment of immune tolerance phase, and then the patient into immunomodulatory therapy. On the basis of immune regulation, the introduction of the patient's immune protection treatment stage. And finally into the immune clearance phase of treatment, the so-called immune clearance therapy, is based on the characteristics of the patient taken immunoadsorption, plasmapheresis and blood purifier. Immune six-step treatment with Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration complementary therapy relationship; Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy and immunotherapy to block the regulation, protection and cleanup are inseparable; and objective process immunotherapy is also impassable; immunotherapy Recently, the majority of long-term efficacy in patients with kidney disease should take it seriously!

These are the introduction of creatinine over 600 uremia do, and uremia treatment with a little urine, indicating that there are remnants of renal units, standardized system through treatment there is still hope to extend the duration of dialysis or dialysis can lengthen the interval. Shijiazhuang kidney Disease Hospital in the treatment of uremia advocate integrative medicine, in symptomatic detoxification, while application of micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, the use of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, effective renal artery dilation levels, remove diseased tissue, ultimately uremia purposes.


