
What is the cause of hematuria in children?

Once hematuria child, the parents will be very anxious. In fact, there are many reasons children hematuria, on behalf of the child's physical health is different, parents can observe carefully, do not panic the hands and feet. If children with glomerular hematuria Once there, be sure to identify the cause of the disease as early as possible in order to understand the specific symptomatic treatment. Children hematuria which specific reasons:
1, children with glomerular hematuria:
① nephrotic syndrome: hematuria accompanied by edema, proteinuria, have high cholesterol, hypoalbuminemia when blood tests.
② glomerulonephritis: children suffering from the disease often recently had a long skin, pustules, boils or sore throat, tonsillitis and other medical history, accompanied by hematuria while oliguria, edema, hypertension. Urine tests have red blood cells, protein casts.
③ lupus nephritis: more common in children older than 7 years, the incidence of many girls, and occasionally in infants under 3 years old. In addition to hematuria, may have a high fever or fever, bright red skin rash, typical butterfly was, there rash, red rash, bullous rash. Most children with joint pain, cardiomyopathy changes may lungs, gastrointestinal tract, blood, and other nervous system diseases.
④ nephritis: sick children in addition to urine, the possibility also have abdominal pain, joint swelling, bleeding skin rash, rash on both lower extremities or around the ankle appear dense, followed seen in the buttocks and upper limb. Early this rash is pink papules, color deepened after the formation of erythema, erythema center spotting occurs, the color turned dark purple.
⑤ epidemic hemorrhagic fever: early manifestations of the disease are fever, face, neck, upper chest, flushing, hypotension heat back water in urine, hematuria, shock.
⑥ Goodpasture syndrome: hematuria associated with unexplained fever, weight loss, anemia, hemoptysis.
⑦ hereditary nephritis: the performance of persistent or recurrent gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria. Acute exacerbations of respiratory tract infection after about 30% to 40% of children have increased, from about 30% to 40% of the children had nerve deafness, about 20% of eye disease, kidney failure after adult emergence. Families often have deafness, eye and renal failure patients.
2, children with drug-induced hematuria:
Some of nephrotoxic drugs, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin can cause hematuria; Some drugs such as phenylbutazone, polymyxin, sulfa interstitial nephritis caused by immune mechanisms, performance hematuria, oliguria, back pain, abdominal pain, skin rash. For this reason, when hematuria in children is the best on the hospital as soon as possible to avoid misdiagnosis.
3, children with non-glomerular hematuria:
① congenital malformations such as polycystic kidney disease, renal pelvis fluid can cause hematuria.
② hematuria associated with voiding dysfunction such as urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria to consider when urinary tract infection, renal tuberculosis, hemorrhagic cystitis, urethral foreign body; may be associated with urinary tract stones such as back pain or abdominal pain, hematuria time. Hematuria associated with systemic bleeding, blood disorders to consider, such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia; Some vitamins (such as vitamin K1, vitamin C) deficiency may also occur hematuria.
③ idiopathic hypercalciuria: In addition to hematuria, but no other symptoms, laboratory tests can be found in urinary calcium excretion increased incidence of kidney stones home up to 30% to 70%.
④ nutcracker phenomenon, also known as the left renal vein compression syndrome, hematuria or proteinuria that occurred after vein compression.
⑤ urinary system tumors: children in common is embryonic kidney tumor, the disease does not occur early hematuria, when the majority of sick children with hematuria palpable mass in the abdomen, do B ultrasound, CT and other checks can be found lumps.


