
Early clinical manifestations of kidney disease can be cured with renal atrophy

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Kidney specialists reply said: renal atrophy is a pathological anatomy noun, ie renal atrophy, volume was significantly reduced, also known as end-stage kidney. Then the patient's glomerular renal atrophy, tubular (ie renal units) have destroyed most or all of the kidney has lost physiological functions.
Renal atrophy and renal volume is based on the person's age, gender and body height and weight compared with each other. · Renal hospital has been advocating the adoption of B-mode ultrasound Attorney kidneys, it is more simple and convenient, and economical. B-mode ultrasound method for measuring the size of the kidneys including kidney poles diameter and thickness of the renal parenchyma. Kidney diameter according to ethnicity, height, age and there are some differences, the left kidney slightly longer than the right kidney, males slightly larger than females. According to survey Chinese population, adult kidney diameter was about 10 ~ 12cm, width 5 ~ 6cm; kidney volume increment older age and shrink, the survey recognized in human kidney diameter of 9.2-11.8cm, 9.2cm is less than renal atrophy, greater than 11.8cm kidney increases. About 1.5 ~ 2cm, older adults also no significant difference in the thickness of the renal parenchyma, 1.5cm to narrow, 2.0cm thickened. Generally diameter plus kidney renal parenchymal thickness measurement to identify acute and chronic renal failure, in line with rate of 92.6%. Suffering from chronic kidney disease, kidney size measured regularly, can help monitor disease progression.
Had renal atrophy in clinical symptoms in detail what is it?
1, the contralateral kidney compensatory increase is not common, but most enhanced renal blood flow.
2, unilateral renal atrophy itself does not cause high blood pressure, such as congenital renal dysplasia, kidney from cut, renal tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis is not accompanied by high blood pressure, but the renal arteries narrow due to activation of the renin - angiotensin - ol testosterone system leaving the elevated plasma renin levels, a common cause of hypertension.
3, renal arteries narrow with dorsal limb arterial pulse weakened or disappeared uncommon.
4, renal artery dilatation narrow by DSA, atrophy of renal blood flow increased significantly, kidneys significantly increased compared with the previous, the visible part of the kidney atrophy is reversible.
5, severe renal arteries narrow, exploration and less blood flow, but after collateral circulation to maintain a good blood supply to the kidneys, the kidneys will not lead to a serious decline.
6, the isotope renogram, kidney disease developing delayed excretion slowed to excretory dysfunction first appears. Renal blood flow was significantly reduced or disappear.
Unilateral renal atrophy clinical manifestations:
Clinically unilateral renal atrophy is not uncommon, often with symptoms of high blood pressure patients, backache and other treatment, the line B-or KUB, IVP, etc. can be found when prosecutors. In addition to the onset of symptoms, no significant occult blood, proteinuria and renal function is normal, but if the fatigue, infections, especially urinary tract infections, urinary tract obstruction, renal damage induced by physical applications, the rapid deterioration of renal function may, renal atrophy after several years should be paid attention.
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