
Common causes of nocturia what?

Generally, since little water after dinner, eating less, and falling asleep after reducing metabolism, blood flow is slow, the original urine flow through the renal tubular reabsorption can be fully, so the total nocturnal urine output was significantly less than during the day. Common causes of nocturia are: renal insufficiency, as the disease progresses, the number of renal units stored declining health, metabolic waste retention in the body, regardless of residual renal units must work continuously day and night, so the performance of the night Urine increase; between renal tubular interstitial disease, due to impaired renal concentration, early lesions that appear nocturia increased; nocturnal voiding occurs in the presence of moisture retention in the body, such as heart failure patients in the evening in bed, renal blood circulation improved retention in the body of water is conducive to the discharge, expressed as volume increases; mental stress of patients (such as long-term enuresis) is called nocturia increased preventive urination, will gradually form a habit, that spiritual nocturia.


