
Primary nephrotic syndrome, complications may arise which

1 infection
Because hypoalbuminemia and malnutrition in patients with low resistance, and some immunoglobulins and complement component missing from the urine, impaired immunity, coupled with corticosteroids and cytotoxic therapy, more patients with increased susceptibility. Therefore, in patients with nephrotic syndrome are prone to various infections, especially respiratory and urinary tract infections. From the point of view of microbial species, in addition to general bacterial and viral infections, but more alarming is the combination of the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and dual infection Pneumocystis carinii infection.
2 thrombosis and embolism
Nephrotic syndrome, because of changes in the coagulation system, fibrinolytic system and the system of blood platelets in a hypercoagulable state, and lack of effective circulating blood volume and hyperlipidemia, etc., and also allows increased blood viscosity, combined with medication factors (hormones aggravated hypercoagulable, excessive urination increased blood viscosity), it is prone to blood clots, thrombosis that induce thrombosis.
Nephrotic syndrome, the most common renal vein thrombosis. Acute renal vein thrombosis, typical symptoms can appear clinically manifested as sudden back pain and ipsilateral percussion pain, hematuria or hematuria and proteinuria aggravate existing, impaired renal function, B-ultrasound showed increased risk of kidney large. But the more common clinical renal vein thrombosis is a branch of small blood clots, usually no clinical symptoms. Renal vein thrombosis is possible with a large high-resolution B-ultrasound, CT or magnetic resonance imaging confirmed. If the above checks failed to obtain a clear conclusion, or suspected presence of a small branch thrombosis, renal vein must intubation angiography.
3 hyperlipidemia
Refractory nephrotic syndrome, there is often a long-term hyperlipidemia, may thus induce atherosclerosis, leading to cardiovascular complications.
4 Hypoproteinemia
Long-term protein deficiency because the body can cause the patient weight loss, muscle atrophy, malnutrition, children with growth stagnation. Since vitamin D3 binding protein loss, can cause vitamin D3 deficiency, patients with hypocalcemia, or low calcium tetany. Since trace element binding protein is lost, patients with iron deficiency (often leading to anemia), zinc (can retard wound healing) and copper deficiency, such as performance.
5 renal dysfunction
About one-third of patients with renal comprehensive gap due to moisture seeping to the subcutaneous tissue and body cavities, causing lack of effective circulating blood volume, poor blood supply to the kidneys appear prerenal azotemia. Fully handful of kidney patients, especially recurrent cases of small lesions, can still occur idiopathic acute renal failure, pathogenesis less clear.

Thus, primary renal mechanized must be treated early to prevent the emergence of various complications, as well as questions may consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for kidney complications as well as diet and mechanized nephrotic syndrome treatment will a detailed description.


