
How to treat diabetic nephropathy

How to treat diabetic nephropathy? This is the case the majority of patients with diabetic nephropathy most want to know. The disease can use Western medicine treatment can also be used in the treatment process, not only taking what drugs is very important, proper treatment philosophy and functional exercise is very important.
(1) can be used to enter uremia dialysis, including peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.
(2) aggressive treatment of urinary tract infections. Unless a last resort, should be prohibited catheterization.
(3) avoid the use of toxic drugs and renal angiography.
(4) kidney transplant. Kidney transplant patients with diabetes compared with non-diabetic effect of poor survival and graft survival after transplantation were lower.
(5) high-quality low-protein diet. In early diabetic nephropathy began to give high-quality low-protein diet, combined edema, hypertension should limit sodium to low-salt diet.
(6) effectively control hypertension. Hypertension, diabetes, renal damage not only to accelerate progress, and increased diabetic retinopathy. Effective control of hypertension can reduce urinary protein excretion, reduced renal function can slow down the speed, prolong life, when blood pressure is greater than 18.62/11.97kPa (140/90mmHg), antihypertensive treatment should be carried out.
(7) strict control of blood sugar. Clinical and experimental studies have shown that chronic metabolic disorder of high blood sugar, is the main cause of diabetic microangiopathy. Has been confirmed by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy to control blood sugar, which can effectively control the progression of nephropathy.
(8) symptomatic treatment. Edema can be applied diuretics, joint use of available spironolactone and thiazides. Severe refractory edema were available sodium or diuretic furosemide; heart failure can be applied to digitalis therapy; severe hypoalbuminemia may intravenous albumin and essential amino acids; severe anemia may be a small amount of blood transfusion.
(9) anticoagulant therapy: now that the causes of diabetic nephropathy in addition to metabolic factors, as well as coagulation factors, anticoagulant therapy is often effective, have reported the dipyridamole reduces proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy.

How to treat diabetic nephropathy? Above is an overview of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, we believe the treatment of diabetic nephropathy understand. Experts advise: suffering from a disease to be treated early, so as not to cause unnecessary harm exacerbations. I wish you health.


