
What is the reason it appears cause of diabetic nephropathy

Many of my friends are for diabetic nephropathy understand that this disease is one of the last few years the incidence of the disease began to slowly increase, for human harm is enormous, what reason would cause it to happen? Below please experts to to tell you about how diabetic nephropathy caused.
1, the body does not ignore the kidney ischemia and hypoxia, the main reaction is to stress response, renin secretion. With ongoing ischemia and hypoxia, a growing number of renin secretion, renin - angiotensin will lead to increased secretion of adrenal aldosterone, aldosterone main role is to promote kidney tubules distal tubule reabsorption sodium, and sodium increases aldosterone causes increased absorption, resulting in a lot of sodium and water retention, the external manifestations of the body was swollen.
2, patients with diabetic nephropathy as the disease continues to increase, more and more impaired renal units, increasing glomerulosclerosis, tubular - between the increasing degree of fibrosis, and thus more protein leakage, excessive protein loss Multiple form hypoalbuminemia, loss of protein from the glomerular capillaries, resulting in decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure (plasma colloid is mainly composed of plasma protein), an important role in regulating plasma colloid is water inside and outside the exchange of blood vessels, which appears osmotic pressure will cause water retention in the tissue spaces, causing edema. Meanwhile, hypoalbuminemia can cause effective hypovolemia, so secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion, tubular reabsorption of water, sodium increased, causing swelling.

Through the above-described content, we induced diabetic nephropathy how should understand it. I hope you can understand after, try the preventive work.


