
Symptoms of uremia in a different type of system performance

Symptoms of uremia in the performance of different systems is not the same, is more common gastrointestinal performance, which is likely to cause a symptom than the performance of attention to patients. But may sometimes based only on the performance of a symptom can not infer their exact condition, need step closer to speculate. National Kidney Hospital - Hospital kidney specialist to introduce you to the performance of a variety of symptoms of uremia, hope will be helpful to you.
1, the general symptoms: pale face darkened, malaise, weight loss.
2, gastrointestinal manifestations: are the symptoms of uremia earlier and more prominent performance. Anorexia, abdominal discomfort, followed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth ulcers, urinary breath smell, can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and post-emergence melena and vomiting.
3, mental, neurological manifestations: headache, dizziness, blurred consciousness, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness and even coma. Irritability, muscle shake, convulsions, seizures are common in advanced.
4, the cardiovascular system: blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia common; symptoms of uremia still appear cellulose pericarditis and heart failure in late stage.
5, hematopoietic system performance: severe anemia, late can still have bleeding.
6, the performance of the respiratory system: respiratory acidosis deep and long. Uremic late can cause bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.
7, skin manifestations: skin minimalist, dry desquamation. After discharge from the sweat glands of urea, urea can be cemented in white frost, the emergence of itching and skin irritation.
8, metabolic acidosis and acid-base balance of symptoms caused by:
① dehydration or edema;
② metabolic acidosis;
③ hyponatremia and sodium retention;
④ hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia: hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia can stimulate the A side gland, causing a secondary hyperparathyroidism, leading to bone demineralization, young patients can cause renal rickets, adult patients can To uremic osteodystrophy;
⑤ hypokalemia and hyperkalemia; hypokalemia and hyperkalemia is a common cause of uremia arrhythmia and sudden death;
⑥ Hypermagnesemia.
Experts on the "symptoms of uremia different manifestations in different systems," to explain, I hope to help each patient as soon as possible to get rid of disease problems. Hospital treatment of male diseases expert with many years of practical experience, the introduction of a number of leading international technology, so if you want to understand the content-related diseases, hospital specialists will provide you will give you a detailed answer, according to the patient's illness , take the appropriate treatment. If you have any questions you can consult our online experts.


