
Four typical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication caused by diabetes come, it makes a lot of patients are suffering, it is also more complex pathological features. So what are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy? Here is a kidney specialist to make a detailed answer.
1, proteinuria
Since the beginning of the glomerular filtration membrane filtration pressure increased and the charge change in urine albumin appears only for selective proteinuria, no globulin increase sustainable in this state for many years. With the increase of the glomerular basement membrane filter hole macromolecules can arise through non-selective clinical proteinuria, with the further development of the disease, urinary protein gradually becomes persistent severe proteinuria. This is a common symptom of diabetic nephropathy.
2, edema
Early diabetic nephropathy is generally no edema, a small number of patients in the pre-reduced plasma protein, may have mild swelling, when the 24-hour urine protein over three grams, edema occurs. Significant systemic edema, seen only by the rapid development of diabetic nephropathy.
3, renal failure
When the lesion increased, normal glomerular filtration rate of less than 1/3, azotemia. Some patients showed progressive deterioration of renal function and into people with end-stage renal failure.
4, anemia
Diabetic patients with significant azotemia, may have mild to moderate anemia with iron therapy. Anemia is a disorder caused by erythropoietin, may be associated with long-term dietary protein restriction, azotemia related. This is also one of the symptoms of diabetic kidney disease.

These are symptoms of diabetic nephropathy introduction, if the above symptoms must be timely to the regular side hospital. Patients with friends who want to be able to get healthy as soon as possible!


