
Patients with diabetic nephropathy diet health

Diabetic nephropathy is a very serious disease, diabetes, diabetic patients need to be highly vigilant from the outset should strengthen self-care and self-defense, in particular, start from the diet, reducing pressure on the kidneys.
A. salt intake should be limited. To protect the kidneys, reducing its workload, people with diabetes should be as tasteless some of the dishes, such as eating more raw salad, or steamed, stewed food, try to eat some coarse grains to increase dietary fiber and vitamins, inorganic salt intake. To time, and quantity, smaller meals, food variety, the best foods containing more than four or five classes at each meal. Salt intake should be controlled within 7 grams per day.
B. appropriate restrictions potassium and protein intake. Because diabetic nephropathy prone to acidosis and hyperkalemia, once this symptom occurs, it will induce heart rhythm disorders and hepatic coma, it should temperance beverage containing potassium, potassium fruits (such as apples, strawberries, papaya, watermelon, persimmons, bananas, grapes, grapefruit, etc.) intake. Protein should be controlled in a day per kilogram of body weight from 0.6 to 0.8 g, and in digestible animal protein, such as fish, lean meat is better, because the plant protein is not easily absorbed, will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, higher protein potassium, protein intake control to some extent, but also conducive to limit potassium.

C. adequate intake of vitamins, trace elements. Especially vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc, calcium, iron, etc., may play a protective effect on the kidneys. Vita many kinds of trace elements, proper proportion, easy to take one tablet daily can. Vitamin E is available to 11 international units per day of vitamin C daily 0.3 g, which is slightly larger amount anyway.


