
Increase plasma protein levels in patients with nephrotic syndrome approach

Only patients with drugs to relieve nephrotic syndrome, plasma protein levels to stabilize rising to return to normal. However, when patients with refractory nephrotic syndrome, the drug is difficult to effectively down three measures of integrated applications, to a certain extent, can also increase plasma protein levels.
1 to maintain protein intake: daily protein intake should be normal intake (1.0 g / kg body weight) plus the amount of urinary protein loss, and to ensure adequate heat.
(2) promote liver protein synthesis: after ingestion of protein is absorbed, it must be metabolized by the liver, in order to turn it into its own proteins. To promote liver protein synthesis, the patient can be served Angelica (12 g / dose), Astragalus (60 g / dose) decoction, sooner or later, each serving half agent. Animal experiments and clinical observations have been fully confirmed it can promote liver protein synthesis.

(3) reduce urinary protein loss: Because of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin AT1 receptor blockers can reduce glomerular hypertension and improve glomerular filtration membrane selective permeability, so they have reduce urinary protein excretion role has now been widely adopted the role of "symptomatic" of reducing the treatment of urinary protein. Effective cases, the drug can be reduced by 30% -50% of urinary protein excretion.


