
Eating Black Foods can Tonify the Kidneys

For kidney disease patients, what they want to know most is the diet and how to arrange their diet so as to benefit their kidneys. People can eat more black foods which are good to kidneys.
1. Black beans.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that black beans have the effect of anti-aging. Black beans are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin B1 and B2, nicotinic acid and other nutrient substance. Estrogen in black beans is helpful to delay senility, maintain beauty and keep young. Black beans can also help remove edema and invigorate blood circulation. According to the research results of pharmacology, black beans can nourish Yin and supplement Qi.
◆Various eating ways: It can be boiled, cooked into porridge, made into soybean milk or bean mud for making dessert etc.
Fermented milk of black beans can relieve and treat food or drug poisoning.
2. Black fungus
Black fungus can prevent cancer. Due to its high fibrin, black fungus can effectively remove waster and carcinogenic in blood vessels, prevent heart cerebrovascular diseases, dilute carcinogenic in large intestine, so it is helpful to prevent colorectal cancer. Black fungus can regulate blood sugar, and reduce blood viscosity and cholesterol in blood. Black fungus can increase the satiety so that it is helpful to control weight and keep one’s figure. Besides, eating black fungus can help to remove color spot on the face, thus achieving the effect of maintaining beauty and keeping young.
◆Before cooking, it should be soaked for a long time and wash for several times so as to remove impurity.
It is suitable to various cooking styles: fry, stew, rinse or make cold dish.
3. Die Purpuralgen
Die Purpuralgen is rich in calcium and ferrum. It can not only help treat anemia of women and children, it can also promote the growth of skeleton and teeth and protect skeleton and teeth of children and the old. Abundant choline in die purpuralgen can strengthen memory. Die purpuralge has the function of resolving hard lump, and due to its mannitol constituent which has strong diuretic effect, so it can be used for the auxiliary food for treating edema. Die purpuralgen has rich iodine, so it is used for treating goiter from the ancient times.
◆It is suitable to make soup or sushi, which has a fresh taste.
Before cooking, it should be soaked.
4. Laminaria japonica
Eating laminaria japonica can prolong life expectancy. It has rich carbohydrate, less protein and fat. Comparing with spinach and rape, except vitamin C, protein, sugar, calcium and ferum in laminaria japonica are times or dozens of times of that in spinach and rape. Laminaria japonica is a kind of seaweed rich in iodine, so it has effect of prevent goiter and disease with edema, besides it can reduce phlegm and resolving hard lump. On the surface of laminaria japonica, there is a layer of white flour like hoar-frost, which is a kind of valuable medication—mannitol, it has the effect of reducing blood pressure, diuresis and removing edema. Besides, laminaria japonica contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acid EPA, which can reduce the blood viscosity and decrease vascular sclerosis, thus eating lamiaria japonica for a long time can prevent cardiovascular diseases.
◆It is mostly used to making soup, cold dish and it is edible with vegetable or meat.
When washing it, pay attention to do not wash out the white flour on the surface so as to avoid the loss of nutrition.
5. Black sesame
According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, black sesame has the function of benefiting liver, tonifying kidneys, nourishing blood, moistening dryness, darkening hair, maintaining beauty. Black sesame has abundant nutrition constituents. Ferrum and vitamin E in black sesame are the important constituents of preventing anemia and removing cholesterol in blood vessels; Black sesame can help to prevent and treat gall-stone, and it is good for brain and beneficial of wit as well as prolong life.
◆It is can be fried, made into paste or used for the stuffing of dessert.
People can not eat too much and the amount should be control within a spoon. Otherwise, it would lead to loss of hair.
6. Black rice
According to the study, black rice contains 18 types of amino acid, selenium, ferrum, zinc, B1 and B2. It has a high nutritional value and has the effects of nourishing Yin and tonifying kidneys, tonifying spleen and warming liver, improving eyesight and invigorating blood circulation. Eating black rice for a long time can promote sleep as well as treat dizziness, anemia, white hair, eye disease, lassitude in loin and legs. Modern Medicine thinks black rice has certain effect on enriching the blood, relieving pain, treating inside and outside injury. Black rice can help puerpera recover; by eating black food products or wiping the smashed black rice on the skin, it can speed up the recovery of injuries from falls and fracture; it can also treat rheumatism and arthritis as an auxiliary treatment.
◆It is suitable for making porridge and it can also be used for making dessert, rice dumpling, traditional Chinese rice-pudding, bread and so on.

Wash rice with cold water, do not rub the rice, boil the rice with the washed rice water so as to fully keep its nutrition constituent.

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