
Drug abuse can cause kidney failure

Drug abuse can cause kidney failure. "At present, there are a lot of acute renal failure ward is caused because of substance abuse. For example, some patients as long as the cold on a bunch of anti-inflammatory eat immediately, or one eating a variety of cold, which is very dangerous." The doctor said that if patients often substance abuse, is likely to occur toxicity, urine concentration will be further increased, and thus the direct toxic effects caused by renal tubular cells, eventually leading to kidney failure. Doctors remind our friends: in the purchase of non-prescription products, be sure to look carefully the instructions, pay attention to the instructions on the tips of the amount specified when used with taboo issues and avoid other nephrotoxic was used in conjunction.

In addition, doctors advise common: for example, Arrowhead Mountain, Coriaria fruit, cows son, Xanthium, poppy, Aconitum, Tianma, bloom roots, so that a gentleman, Sweet, Plumbago and Panda Hai, etc; with horse pocket bell acid components: such as Aristolochia, Guan Mu Tong, angel vine, green wood, fangchi, look for bone wind, etc., all contain toxic ingredients kidney.


Nephritis patients with the most obvious manifestation is hematuria

Nephritis patients with the most obvious manifestation is hematuria, but there are a lot of kidney disease are hematuria, and the patient to the hospital the next best. So, what the symptoms of nephritis? Here you have the experts detailed answers.
Symptoms nephritis generally have the following:
First, hematuria: hematuria with gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria points, is also common early symptoms of nephritis. Microscopic hematuria only if it can be found under the microscope. While gross hematuria is visible to the naked eye hematuria, cloudy urine and red, some children have bloodshot clip urine or blood clots. Hematuria is most of the symptoms of chronic nephritis.
Second, eyelid edema: is the most obvious symptom of nephritis, mainly because of renal water excretion and regulation functions are damaged, so that the amount of water the patient is increased, excess water accumulated in the body loose organization, and eyelid is loose organization more parts. Eyelid edema is characterized by a clear morning when, after hypoactivity.
Third, an increase in urine bubble: the urine mostly smaller foam-based and interconnected together with a long time can not be dispersed, suggesting that children with urine protein, high tension caused by the same common nephritis symptoms. Preventive work is the easiest way to the hospital to check urine to rule out the possibility of proteinuria.

The above describes the symptoms of nephritis, we want to help. If you still do not understand the problem, please consult online experts who will give you the right advice, thank you for your support and trust this site, at this sincerely wish you have a healthy body
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Nephritis patients with nocturia is how is it?

Nephritis patients with nocturia is how is it? Nephritis kidney nocturia symptom of this show? Kidney disease experts believe that an increase in urine output is a so-called "Night of urine / weight ratio" as an indicator to determine whether nocturia standards. If the value of 10 ml / kg body weight or more (that is, 50 kg weight people in 500 ml of urine at night or more), it is regarded nocturia.
Nephritis patients with nocturia is how physiological nocturia usually found in infants and young children and senior citizens, the former because metabolism, kidneys regulate the function is not perfect;? The latter mainly antidiuretic hormone secretion and renal concentration the decrease. If the young or young elderly (55 to 60 years old) unexplained nocturnal performance, consider the following diseases.
? Nephritis patients with nocturia is how kidney specialists say, what disease we need to take into account:
1, serum albumin concentration, such as severe hepatic dysfunction due to liver albumin synthesis capacity decreased, can lead to increased leakage of urine.
2, benign prostatic hyperplasia, the disease is not much actual urine, but urinary frequency, there is not the sense of urine, can lead to frequent nocturnal enuresis.
# P # 3, reduced bladder capacity, such as bladder stones, bladder tumors, the number of nocturia will appear, but not much for each discharge urine.
4, kidney disease, especially renal tubular reabsorption destruction, such as acute and chronic nephritis, a serious urinary tract infection, can happen.

5, diabetes control are not satisfied, high blood sugar leads to osmotic diuresis, so nighttime urine volume. Asymptomatic nocturnal increase the likelihood of diabetes should be highly vigilant.
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Nephritis patients was significantly increased urine output

Nephritis patients urine volume, this performance is relatively easy to find patients. Then the symptoms of nephritis mainly in where? Let our experts come to explain, I hope you finish reading this article can help.
Symptoms nephritis generally have the following:
1, for patients with chronic renal insufficiency staff, symptoms may nephritis showed only nighttime urination and increased urine output.
2, chronic renal insufficiency condition of the patient reaches moderate, patients are often dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, pale and so on, these are the symptoms of nephritis.
3, a small number of patients may increase in blood pressure, the performance of a variety of common symptoms of nephritis as memory loss, headaches, poor sleep and so on.
If you have any questions you can contact Shijiazhuang kidney hospital online experts.


How do diabetics nocturia

Or course of more than 10 years in elderly patients with diabetes, often appear nocturia phenomenon, its causes and the decline of renal function, especially related to impaired renal tubular function. Modern medicine this lack of effective treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine is very effective in that regard.
What constitutes nocturia
Nocturia refers urine at night or abnormal increase in frequency of urination. Generally healthy people urinate about 1.6 liters per 24 hours, day and night urination normal ratio is about: Teen 3 to 4: 1, the elderly 1: 1.70 over the age of 1: 3. If the amount is greater than 1/2, or circadian nocturnal urination day total reduction ratio of urine are nocturnal enuresis. The clinical manifestations in addition there is a growing number of urine at night or outside, both patients often lack of sleep, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness and other symptoms.
Which disease causes nocturia
Kidney disease: glomerular diseases, chronic interstitial disease and kidney dysfunction concentration, increased urination at night often appear first, followed by the development of renal polyuria, even nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. The elderly, especially in patients with hypertension, diabetes, due to renal arteriosclerosis, renal dysfunction concentration, the most prone to an increase in nocturnal enuresis.
Heart failure or certain endocrine diseases: such as chronic adrenal insufficiency, primary aldosteronism, diabetes, also prone to increased nocturia.
Others such as electrolyte imbalance can also cause nocturia. Again there is a lot of water before bedtime habits, habits of drinking tea, coffee, or in patients with high tension or nervousness, poor sleep, that is mild to urinate when the bladder filling (less than 300 ml), the resulting increase in the frequency of urination at night, even cause habitual nocturia.
Diabetes causes of nocturia
Mechanisms of renal tubular damage caused by diabetes are many, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, blood hypertonic, high viscosity state, microvascular injury, glomerular filtration high, high perfusion status, etc. can make structural abnormalities of the renal tubules, such as renal tubular epithelial cells showed granular or vacuolar degeneration, later appeared tubular atrophy, basement membrane thickening. Abnormal structure will inevitably lead to dysfunction. The main function is to return absorbing tubular glomerular filtration liquid electrolytes, protein and most of the water, adjusting the pH value of the urine, diluted, concentrated urine. Back to absorb water which is mainly carried out in the distal tubules, when the distal renal tubular damage occurs urine concentration dysfunction, and produce low osmolality, low specific gravity of urine.
To pay attention to the treatment of increased nocturia
We already know that the main cause of renal tubular lesions caused nocturnal enuresis, studies have shown that changes in the renal tubules before histology, functional changes can occur, so that patients with diabetes often have no typical manifestation of kidney disease such as edema, high blood pressure before they can appear nocturnal enuresis, urine osmolality, urine specific gravity is reduced. Therefore, nocturia can be used as an early warning symptoms of kidney disease, you should actively treatment to slow renal complications. In addition, with the increased amount of nocturia, frequency and nocturia also increased, the light two to three times a night to urinate, weight up to 10 times, often leading to lack of sleep in patients, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness These in turn can become blood sugar, common causes uncontrollable. Thus should cause the attention of doctors and patients, and actively be treated.
What checks and efficacy evaluation should be done
Patients with nocturnal enuresis can check that the 12-hour urine osmolality water deprivation, specific gravity, urine, urine (daytime and nighttime ratio), creatinine clearance rate. Determine the efficacy of a standard, in addition to 12 hours of water deprivation in urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, creatinine clearance, tubular marker protein such as urine α1-MG, urinary β2-MG, NAG in urine, etc. can reference.
What life and medication should pay attention to?
Eliminate the incentive to cause an increase in nocturia as bedtime tea, coffee or drink too much; edema due to diabetic nephropathy taking diuretics need to be taken in the early morning when a one-time, rather than taking in the afternoon or evening; treatment of constipation drug It should be before bedtime, so that patients have a stool holding morning; intravenous infusion should be avoided in the afternoon or before going to bed; the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs or medicine, improve sleep quality patient; can be used with anti-anxiety medications when necessary.
Chinese medicine how to treat nocturia?
To be treated for renal tubular dysfunction causes. Western medicine is not the exact effect of drugs on renal tubular injury. Chinese medicine, diabetic nephropathy nocturia should be the responsibility of the kidney. Kidneys water, the Secretary for opening and closing, long diabetes (diabetes that of traditional Chinese medicine) can easily lead to kidney loss, leaving the opening and closing loss Secretary, nocturia. Therefore, the main deficiency often nocturnal enuresis. The long illness and is often accompanied by blood stasis, so treatment should be Bushenhuoxue as the main principles and the proper use of the law astringent. It is emphasized that: for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy nocturnal enuresis, we must strive to eliminate renal tubular dysfunction can lead to some of the contributing factor, should strictly control blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, blood viscosity and so on.
Blood medicine treatment:
Intravenous infusion of alprostadil (prostaglandin E emulsion) from 10 to 20 micrograms, once daily, 10 to 14 days for a course of treatment; Salvia injection or intravenous infusion of 10 to 30 ml, once a day, 10 to 14 day a course of treatment; long-term use can CSDP or Tongxinluo capsules. We used leech pink, peach puree, rhubarb powder capsules, each 4, 3 times a day, long-term use, multiple complications of diabetes have a good preventive effect, including renal tubular injury.
Decoction treatment:
Select Suoquan drink Warming kidney, reduced spring stopped the leaks. Prescription is: Curculigo 9 grams, Epimedium 9 grams, 20 grams Gorgon, Jinyingzi 20 grams, ginkgo 9 grams, Sang cuttlebone 20 g, Placenta 15 grams, cornus 9 grams, lotus seeds and meat 9 grams, Cistanche 15 grams, 30 grams of astragalus, ginseng 3 to 6 grams (one-fried blended); if accompanied by prostatic hypertrophy plus alum 6 g (package fried), sage 6 g, 6 g Ju, incense 3 g ; if accompanied by weak waist, plus fried Eucommia 15 grams, 15 grams teasel; as with insomnia plus 30 to 60 grams of Semen, Schisandra 6 to 9 grams; as upset with irritability with raw lily 30 grams, Albizia julibrissin 12 g, traditional Chinese medicine 15 grams, 3 grams berberine; if urine long, 6 g plus short of films, Sichuan Guizhi 6 grams, 6 grams Antlers; if urine turbid, Niaowei weight, plus Sophora 9 grams, Long flabellata 9 grams, tuckahoe 30 grams. Two weeks after the medication is generally nocturnal enuresis can be significantly reduced.
Therapeutic treatment:

Cordyceps is available every day from 3 to 6, soaked cup of tea, after several chewing bubble Cordyceps; also available medlar 9 grams, 9 grams of raspberry, mulberry 9 grams, 9 grams soaked Jinyingzi of tea; or 60 grams astragalus, ginkgo 9 grams stew; or Gorgon 50 grams, 15 grams of black sesame seeds, fried barley 50 grams, longan (peeled) from 10 to 20 porridge. Cordyceps sinensis, medlar, raspberry, mulberry and other kidney qi to cure, ginkgo, Gorgon astringent to reduce urinary symptoms.


How to prevent children with primary nephrotic syndrome

How to prevent children with primary nephrotic syndrome
How to prevent it in children with primary nephrotic syndrome, this is the problem the majority of parents of children with nephrotic syndrome and friends are very concerned, as the incidence of nephrotic syndrome continues to rise, it has seriously affected the growth and health of children, as This parents and friends for children with primary nephrotic syndrome how to prevent, has begun widespread concern them, we all hope that their children can be perfectly healthy lifetime.
First we have to understand nephrotic syndrome is a common pediatric kidney disease, is caused due to various causes of the glomerular basement membrane permeability, a large number of protein lost in the urine clinical syndrome. In children under 5 years of age, pathological type of nephrotic syndrome do more for minimal change, and pathology of the older children in a non-minimal change in the majority.
In the growth of a child, the parents and friends with particular attention to a few points for children with primary nephrotic syndrome preventive measures:
1, balanced nutrition, enhance physical fitness and body resistance of children.
2, usually to arrange lifestyle system of children, strengthen children's physical exercise, and should avoid fatigue.

3, pay attention to personal hygiene and supervision of children's environmental health.
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Early detection methods nephrotic syndrome

Early detection methods nephrotic syndrome
Early detection methods nephrotic syndrome have what, this is a question friends of patients are very concerned about the vast number of nephrotic syndrome.
Nephrotic syndrome, caused by a loss due to the large number of plasma proteins, the protein is lost from the urine, the clinical features of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia and was swollen. According to etiology and age of onset can be divided into primary, secondary, congenital three categories, primary renal disease is divided into two simple nephrotic syndrome and nephritis nephropathy.
① urine examination under a microscope shows a large number of red blood cells, white blood cells and various cells or granular casts. Visible eosinophils in allergic interstitial nephritis urine of patients. Urinary sodium concentration of 10 ~ 40meq / L.
② Blood: During immune complex deposition, reducing serum complement components. Under certain conditions, it can be detected in circulating immune complexes. Other assays can be found in lupus erythematosus and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and other systemic diseases.
③ biopsy: biopsy will show acute interstitial nephritis or glomerulonephritis characteristic pathological changes. Glomerular capsule widely visible crescent formation. X-ray examination: intravenous urography or renal isotope scan may appear as bad development. Because the contrast agent nephrotoxicity, and should therefore be avoided conventional intravenous urography. Ultrasonography is the best way to rule out urinary tract obstruction.
Above is introduced in the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome, generally are required for most of the kidney from the urine, blood, biopsy, etc. to be diagnosed, when people pay attention to the diagnosis of nephrotic of these three aspects, I believe you can a clear cause and symptoms and severity.

If you have any questions you can contact Shijiazhuang kidney hospital online experts.
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Hypertensive nephropathy is best not to eat the food

Hypertensive nephropathy is best not to eat the food
Hypertensive nephropathy is best not to eat what food, this is the problem the majority of hypertensive patients with nephropathy friends who are very concerned about getting high blood pressure after kidney exactly how diet, diet principles to develop high blood pressure kidney disease based on etiology and pathology.
Hypertensive nephropathy is persistent hypertension as a cause directly damage the kidneys, causing renal arteriosclerosis, nephron atrophy, and a series of clinical symptoms of renal dysfunction occurs, severe disease can also occur renal failure. Clinically change kidney function and function caused by the high blood pressure on this, called hypertensive renal damage.
The following is a hypertensive renal disease patients can not eat the food:
1. carbohydrate foods can not eat the food: sweet potatoes, dry beans, sour biscuits category.
2. Protein foods: You can not eat fatty food (cattle, pork, Pai flesh, whale meat, herring, eel, tuna, etc.), processed products (sausages, etc.).
3. Vitamins, minerals, food can not eat the food: fiber hard vegetables (next to cattle, bamboo shoots, corn), strong irritant vegetables (spicy vegetables, such as mustard, onions, celery class).
4. The fatty food can not eat the food: animal oil, raw lard, bacon, sardine oil. If you have further questions about food can not eat, please click here, will have high blood pressure kidney specialists answer questions online for free.

5. Other not eat foods: spices (pepper, mustard, curry powder, alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong black tea, etc.), carbonated drinks, salted foods (pickles class, salty salmon, salted fish sub, fishy roe, sugar, soy sauce and cook vegetables, pickles).
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Proteinuria patient needs to be done to check

Proteinuria patient needs to be done to check
Proteinuria patients should do what check? Causes a lot of proteinuria, which checks that patients with proteinuria should clear the cause of proteinuria do? Kidney specialist kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang free to introduce you to related issues.
(A) history
Such as edema history of hypertension, the diabetes, a history of allergic purpura, kidney damage drug use history, the history of heavy metal poisoning salts, proteinuria and history of diseases, metabolic disorders and gout history of connective tissue.
(Ii) physical examination proteinuria
Note edema and effusion cases, bone joint inspection, the degree of anemia and heart, liver, kidney and signs checks. Fundus examination, fundus normal or mild acute nephritis, vascular spasm, chronic nephritis fundus arteriosclerosis, bleeding, exudation, diabetic nephropathy in diabetic eyes often appear.
(C) laboratory tests proteinuria
Urine protein checks can be divided into qualitative and quantitative examination and special examination.
1. Qualitative examination
Preferably morning urine, morning urine most concentrated and may exclude orthostatic proteinuria. Qualitative screening check only, not as a precise indicator of urinary protein.
Urinary protein excretion inspection
3. proteinuria special inspection

Urine protein electrophoresis tests, can distinguish between selective and non-selective proteinuria proteinuria. Multiple Myeloma examination of urine protein electrophoresis typing help. Radioimmunoassay for early diagnosis of renal tubular dysfunction help greatly.
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dietary Principles for Purpura nephritis Patients

dietary Principles for Purpura nephritis Patients
1, patients should try to avoid the occasion to air pollution, because once the patient prolonged inhalation of stale air can lead to infection, thereby causing the deterioration of the condition, such examples have occurred in their lives.
2, patients sleep at night to prevent mosquito bites, should always pay attention to their own warm, or the flu, etc. will only make the condition quickly deteriorated.
3, because nephritis patients susceptible to external factors, leading to disease progression, it is recommended that patients go out wearing long sleeves, wear a mask, a serious condition proposals bed rest at home.
4, in the diet, patients should be strictly controlled protein intake, because the plasma protein can lower resistance to continued decline, prone to infection, edema repeatedly, worse, high-protein diet can cause high glomerular filtration too, long time is promoting glomerulosclerosis. Daily protein intake to 1g / kg of body weight is appropriate, low-salt diet, general daily intake of 1-3 grams of allergic purpura nephritis patients cooking without animal oil, reduce hyperlipidemia.
5 patients during treatment should remain a good rest, seriously ill must not own a long bath, to prevent colds and fatigue. Watching TV or reading a book can not be more than half an hour, to avoid cycling, absolutely can not go out shopping, to feel comfortable, to lay down the burden of thinking strictly prescribed, establish the confidence to overcome the disease.

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Purpura nephritis patients should pay attention to diet

Purpura nephritis patients can not be strictly controlled protein intake, but not too much emphasis on high-protein diet, because of low plasma protein continued resistance can drop prone to infection, edema repeatedly, worse, high-protein diet can cause glomerular high filtration, long time is promoting glomerulosclerosis. With high biological protein-based, such as eggs, lean meat, fresh milk. Purpura nephritis patients should pay attention to salt intake: If purpura nephritis patients with edema or hypertension without having to limit salt, like normal daily intake with 10 grams of salt, limiting salt intake mainly for edema and high blood pressure, usually every day, control salt 2-3 grams, oliguria, elevated serum potassium should restrict potassium intake. Purpura nephritis patients should pay attention to water intake: purpura nephritis patient's condition if there is no oliguria edema is not required to control water intake, the patient should be based primarily edema urine and edema to grasp water intake other than the amount, in general, if the edema, early feeding, water intake best limited 500-800ml / day more appropriate. Purpura nephritis patients should Jifu: Food allergies, fishy spicy, fried, aquatic products, (shrimp, crab) pepper, garlic, green onions, parsley, dog, horse, donkey. Mainly in low-salt diet, light and food rich in vitamins, types of patients may be appropriate to add a small amount of seasoning, such as a small amount of sesame oil, monosodium glutamate.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Nephritis problems that need attention

1, the intake of patients with allergic purpura nephritis water oliguria edema if no case is not required to control water intake, the patient should be based primarily edema urine and edema to control water intake Generally speaking, if the edema, other than the beginning of eating, water intake better than the limit in 500-800ml / day more appropriate. After suffering from urinary tract infection, in order to avoid and reduce bacteria in the urinary tract and reproductive stay, the patient should drink more water, urinating frequently, often in order to achieve the purpose of flushing the bladder and urethra.
2, salt intake if allergic purpuric nephritis patients without edema or hypertension do not have to limit salt, like normal daily intake with 10 grams of salt, limiting salt intake mainly for edema and hypertension patient, because salt can aggravate Shuinazhuliu limited, so difficult edema subsided, causing high blood pressure. Usually every day, control salt 2-3 grams, oliguria, elevated serum potassium should restrict potassium intake.
3, control of protein intake for protein intake in patients with allergic purpura also have certain requirements allergic nephritis patients Purpuric neither strictly controlled protein intake, high protein diet and can not be overemphasized, because plasma proteins continue low resistance can drop prone to infection, edema repeatedly, worse, high-protein diet can cause high glomerular filtration, long time is promoting glomerulosclerosis.

About nephritis if you have any questions can contact Shijiazhuang kidney hospital online experts, we will give you free help and effective treatment options.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Purpura nephritis patients how to care science

1, maintain a good mood
In the course of treatment the patient should keep a good attitude, you should not have negative psychological, to establish a firm confidence. Keep optimistic thoughts. Thus for the rehabilitation of patients is very helpful.
2, nephritis diet should pay more attention to in the diet, the patient can not eat salty food category, spicy foods, patients nor should eat contaminated food and barbecue none should eat.
3, prevent infection
Purpura nephritis patients should pay attention to in everyday life trauma, infection, because the infection is one cause of purpura nephritis, a serious injury to patients, so patients do not usually should pay attention to their infection.
4, to prevent colds

Study confirmed that cold is cause kidney damage in patients with kidney disease, one of the most important factors. Clinical show that patients suffering from chronic nephritis cold day or next day will relapse worse, aggravate kidney damage. Acute nephritis generally cold easily in 10-14 days after emergence, symptoms appear as edema, hematuria, renal function if it is detected, you will find that the rapid increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Many patients suffering from chronic nephritis in the cold after watching had "fought" Nephrology, there are many patients with kidney disease is to be found in the incidence of colds.
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Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

What allergic purpura pathogenesis

Purpura is a blood vessel by a different causes allergic hemorrhagic disease, its pathogenesis is not clear, now that through the following two mechanisms may lead to disease.
1, Ⅲ type of allergy: HSP patients with elevated serum IgA concentration in peripheral blood cells increased production of IgA in disease activity can be measured to contain IgA, C3, factor P and other circulating immune complexes; immunofluorescence can be measured IgA deposition in the skin capillaries and kidney capillaries and C3 consisting of immune complexes. It suggests allergens into the body to stimulate the body to produce antibodies to form circulating antigen - antibody complexes, which activate the complement system via the alternative pathway, causing damage to the small blood vessels.
2, Ⅰ type hypersensitivity: allergens into the body and the body become antigen binding protein, which stimulates the production of IgE antibodies that bind to blood vessels and connective tissue surrounding the mast cells and basophils in the blood cell surface material . When allergens enter again, directly bind IgE, stimulate mast cells released into the group, slow-reacting substance A and other inflammatory mediators, causing vasculitis. Making use of the two possible outcomes are caused by skin and visceral vasculitis, plasma extravasation, and ultimately lead to subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes and internal organs bleeding and edema. Skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and other organs of vascular involvement, can cause a corresponding series of clinical symptoms.

If you have any questions you can contact Shijiazhuang kidney hospital online experts.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Nephritis patients can live how long ah

Purpura nephritis in a more difficult to treat. It does not mean that can not be cured but intractable. Do not treat patients lose confidence and patience. Furthermore, how long it can not be generalized to live, or look at the patient's condition and treatment as well as the usual habit comprehensive decision.
Purpura nephritis patients can live long? Purpura bring great impact, especially this year data indicate that HSP nephritis in pediatric kidney disease incidence is rising, duration protraction, to children's health It brought great harm. Purpura nephritis, generally mild early, and by the mid-late into renal insufficiency, and even uremia, so allergic purpura nephritis will be a life-threatening.

Purpura is an allergic capillaries and microvascular disease, multiple food allergies caused by the drugs, often involving the kidneys and other organs can cause purpura renal microvasculature. Pathogenesis of nephritis is due to immune complex deposition in the glomerular mesangial area, resulting in glomerular basement membrane damage, leading to long-term leakage occult blood or protein, so if not promptly repair the damaged glomerular basement membrane disease Long-term repeatedly, increasing systemic and renal microvascular disease, continues to affect kidney function, will inevitably move towards renal insufficiency or uremia. Purpura nephritis clinical manifestations in addition to skin purpura, joint pain, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, mainly hematuria and proteinuria occurred within one month after the skin purpura, or some can and see skin purpura, abdominal pain, and some only asymptomatic urinary abnormalities. If too much protein is lost, the performance of nephrotic syndrome can also occur, if hematuria, proteinuria persist for long periods can also be associated with renal dysfunction, leading to chronic renal failure. Nephritis serious harm, so the treatment: Western symptomatic glucocorticoids or immune system suppression allergy elimination occult blood. TCM to repair the damaged glomerular basement membrane is fundamental. Usually try to avoid allergies, fatigue, infections, colds. So as not to aggravate pathological kidney damage, should pay attention to low-salt, low-fat, high-quality low-protein diet to diet.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


What kind of renal insufficiency diet attention

What kind of renal insufficiency diet attention
What kind of renal insufficiency diet Note that this is the problem the majority of kidney patients and friends are very concerned about the daily life of patients who are not too concerned about diet, that diet with their illness recovery does not matter, it is not true, Diet is a side treat disease recovery, which is adjuvant therapy.
1, to ensure sufficient heat food polysaccharides, multi-vitamins, low-protein, no salt or low-salt foods. Common foods: rice, noodles, vermicelli, lotus root starch. Glucose feeding may be different ways of honey, fruit juice, fructose, sucrose, and the like.
2, choose food quality protein supplement milk, eggs, fish, poultry, lean meat and other foods, can ensure the supply of essential amino acids, but also reduce the accumulation of body waste.
3, a comprehensive vitamin supplement a lot of vitamins, can help promote the metabolism of toxins. Patients choose foods rich in B vitamins and vitamin c, vitamin E foods, and low in potassium and phosphorus, fruits and vegetables, such as cabbage, celery, spinach, cabbage, grapes, watermelon, tomatoes and so on.
4, early moisture control edema, urine should be more water, in order to facilitate the discharge of protein metabolites such as urea. Late edema, urine output is low, every day should be discretion to reduce the discharge amount, so as not to aggravate edema.
5, limit intake of minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium and other patients should not eat pickles, seafood, pickles and other foods containing high salt to reduce the burden on the kidney. Late renal insufficiency may occur in vivo potassium retention, and too much potassium can cause cardiac arrest, so patients should avoid eating foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, wheat, soybean powder. In addition, renal insufficiency often have magnesium retention in vivo, so patients should eat foods rich in magnesium, such as beans, nuts, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, chocolate and so on.

Experts advise: renal insufficiency sure to attract attention, and left untreated, it will not make it worse, so that it will not lead to other complications. If you find the above symptoms, must be timely medical treatment, so as not to affect the treatment of the disease, making the disease worse. Patients must go to a regular hospital for a medical examination to ensure the accuracy of diagnosis.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Common clinical symptoms of IgA nephropathy What

Common clinical symptoms of IgA nephropathy what, this is the problem the majority of the patients with IgA nephropathy friends who are very concerned about the symptoms of patients with IgA nephropathy generally expressed as gross hematuria, hematuria with proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome and renal failure and other symptoms . IgA nephropathy is caused by a group of multi-cause immunopathology have the same characteristics, the disease is a special glomerular diseases. About disease etiology, medicine has not yet come to a definite result.
First, the clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: clinical manifestations of multiple episodes of such IgA nephropathy in children and adolescents, can not detect the disease in general, are often detected during a medical examination. Its performance for a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of proteinuria. Of patients with mild proteinuria, its quantitative generally less than 1g / 24h, but does not exclude some patients with massive proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome appear. In addition, some patients may be rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis syndrome, renal failure, embolism, but also a small waist and abdomen will be pain associated with hematuria.
Second, the clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy episodic gross hematuria: This symptom often seen in pediatric patients, gross hematuria often in the onset of tonsillitis and other respiratory tract infections, as well as in acute gastroenteritis, or urinary tract infection have occurred case, the interval of time is usually 24-72 hours. Gross hematuria longer duration, typically a few hours to several days, and then will be converted into persistent microscopic hematuria. Some hematuria symptoms may disappear, but maybe recurrent episodes, gross hematuria reappears every attack, but will be accompanied by muscle aches, back pain, painful urination, transient increases in blood pressure or blood urea nitrogen and other systemic symptoms, But the symptoms are not obvious, mostly minor.

Third, the clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy and prognostic factors: First, many men with onset age of relatively large, poor prognosis; patients with persistent hematuria with proteinuria, the prognosis is poor; and severe protein Urinary patients eventually develop kidney failure, the prognosis is poor; however, symptoms of IgA nephropathy in patients with nephrotic syndrome, if the disease is not serious kidney tissue, while glucocorticoid therapy response better person The prognosis is good; patients with hypertension, especially severe hypertension, the prognosis is poor; if the patient is during pregnancy, but no symptoms of high blood pressure and renal dysfunction, the pregnancy is safe.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Uremic patients diet, what does?

Uremic patients diet, what does?
Uremic patients diet, what does, this is the problem the majority of patients with uremia friends who are very concerned about, uremia is an incurable disease, the patient not only in the hospital for regular treatment, but also in life diet pay more attention to kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney specialist knowledge to you about the diet of uremic patients.
A low-salt diet: patients should use low-salt diet, chronic renal failure patients often suffer from high blood pressure, low-salt diet can help prevent high blood pressure. For patients with edema, a low-salt diet is particularly important, severe edema of salt intake even more strictly limited. Drinking water scheme should also be made in accordance with the patient's symptoms.
Second, limiting protein intake: patients should be adequate intake of protein a day, after meeting the body needs to minimize the intake of protein, in order to maximize reduce the burden on the kidney. Eating too much high-protein foods will increase the burden on the kidneys, increased urea nitrogen; and inadequate intake of protein can cause malnutrition, may also cause increased serum creatinine. But patients should not eat foods containing large amounts of plant proteins, such as soy products.
Third, the patient should be Shensi potassium foods: Potassium is an important ions in the human body, involved in the metabolism and maintain cardiac function. Chronic renal failure patients are prone to high blood, the heart function is affected, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest. Potassium in the human body mainly by ingestion from food, excreted in urine. Chronic renal failure, renal excretion dysfunction, the body of excess potassium can not be discharged from the urine, it will cause elevated serum potassium.

Related presentations by experts, you must have a certain understanding of the relevant knowledge. Experts remind friends, in their daily lives should maintain good habits, if found disease symptoms, should go to regular hospital for examination and treatment, so as not to delay treatment.

How to prevent and treat diabetic nephropathy work?

How to prevent and treat diabetic nephropathy work?
How to carry out prevention of diabetic nephropathy, this is the problem the majority of the patients with diabetic nephropathy friends are very concerned about patients with diabetic nephropathy after treatment must control the amount of sugar intake, the following Shijiazhuang kidney hospital Professor Wang Zhanping please explain to everyone How to carry out prevention of diabetic nephropathy, we hope to be able to help.
How to carry out prevention of diabetic nephropathy in terms of the following?:
1, control blood sugar. For patients with diabetic nephropathy, as long as a stable blood sugar at normal levels, with the normal is no different. Good control of blood sugar can make the probability of type 1 diabetes patients with diabetic nephropathy in half, you can make type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic nephropathy lower probability 1/3.
2, to prevent urinary tract infections. After treatment in patients with diabetic nephropathy, it must allow patients at home to avoid infection urinary tract infections, to avoid the results of repeated recurrence.
3, to prevent high blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the causes of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy so should maintain normal diet, maintain a stable blood pressure.

4, control protein. Diabetic nephropathy patients should control good protein intake, exceptionally high-quality animal protein should be added. But in the late stage of diabetic nephropathy, or if a large number of patients with the disease will make the intake of protein metabolism of proteins in the blood rises, this will give patients great harm.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Polycystic kidney disease can be inherited prevention

In addition to the regular treatment of the disease outside the rehabilitation help in everyday life should also be reasonable care. So, polycystic kidney disease prevention needs to pay attention to what? Here we take a look at how the experts to answer.
How to prevent polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease patients usually bilateral renal enlargement, cortex and medulla have many liquid cyst formation and increasing secondary renal dysfunction. It can affect multiple systems, such as the digestive system, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, reproductive system, formation of liver cysts, splenic cyst, aneurysm, heart valve abnormalities. But according to the latest research it shows that at any time, are available including fetal disease.
Well, adult polycystic kidney disease can be inherited prevent it?
Based on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ie, adult polycystic kidney disease) genetic law, proved it can be done effectively prevent their offspring, and should be done:
1, patients should be 10 weeks of pregnancy the amniotic fluid or chorionic villus of "cyst gene" test. Since the disease was 50% of the inheritance of (unilateral sick parents), check the molecular genetics of polycystic kidney disease can help families choose a healthy child, and the child will no longer carry the genes affect future generations.

2, premarital attention B-ultrasound (especially parents who have polycystic kidney disease), and to avoid the risk of both men and women marry this disease, because that would increase the incidence of the next generation;

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More
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Cause of polycystic kidney disease in patients with low back pain

Cause of low back pain patients with polycystic kidney disease - polycystic kidney disease belongs to a family, a congenital disease, the patient's health and daily life have some impact. Especially low back pain, the patient is very painful. ? So the reason of low back pain in patients with polycystic kidney disease, what is it, a kidney specialist to find out more:
1, physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary.
2, due to kidney or cysts grow, or capsule acute massive bleeding, renal capsule pulling or towing renal pedicle vessels and nerves causing pain.
3, after the merger, or bleeding blood clots blocking ureteral calculi, ureteral obstruction can cause renal colic.
4, increased kidney renal pedicle fall stretch, waist and abdomen can cause dull pain is one of the causes of low back pain in patients with polycystic kidney disease appear.
5, polycystic kidney disease complicated by urinary tract stones, kidney or ureteral stones because the urine erosion caused by moving activities can cause kidney pain.
6, can cause kidney pain cyst complicated by urinary tract infection.
7, cyst rupture caused a sharp increase perirenal hematoma or abscess and cause pain.

In the treatment of kidney patients can choose white finger fungus treatment, white finger bacteria for the treatment of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, renal insufficiency and other diseases have a good effect, can swallow immunity composite, improve glomerular stomach circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation, enhancing immune function, to the gradual recovery of kidney disease.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More
