
How do diabetics nocturia

Or course of more than 10 years in elderly patients with diabetes, often appear nocturia phenomenon, its causes and the decline of renal function, especially related to impaired renal tubular function. Modern medicine this lack of effective treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine is very effective in that regard.
What constitutes nocturia
Nocturia refers urine at night or abnormal increase in frequency of urination. Generally healthy people urinate about 1.6 liters per 24 hours, day and night urination normal ratio is about: Teen 3 to 4: 1, the elderly 1: 1.70 over the age of 1: 3. If the amount is greater than 1/2, or circadian nocturnal urination day total reduction ratio of urine are nocturnal enuresis. The clinical manifestations in addition there is a growing number of urine at night or outside, both patients often lack of sleep, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness and other symptoms.
Which disease causes nocturia
Kidney disease: glomerular diseases, chronic interstitial disease and kidney dysfunction concentration, increased urination at night often appear first, followed by the development of renal polyuria, even nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. The elderly, especially in patients with hypertension, diabetes, due to renal arteriosclerosis, renal dysfunction concentration, the most prone to an increase in nocturnal enuresis.
Heart failure or certain endocrine diseases: such as chronic adrenal insufficiency, primary aldosteronism, diabetes, also prone to increased nocturia.
Others such as electrolyte imbalance can also cause nocturia. Again there is a lot of water before bedtime habits, habits of drinking tea, coffee, or in patients with high tension or nervousness, poor sleep, that is mild to urinate when the bladder filling (less than 300 ml), the resulting increase in the frequency of urination at night, even cause habitual nocturia.
Diabetes causes of nocturia
Mechanisms of renal tubular damage caused by diabetes are many, metabolic disorders such as diabetes, blood hypertonic, high viscosity state, microvascular injury, glomerular filtration high, high perfusion status, etc. can make structural abnormalities of the renal tubules, such as renal tubular epithelial cells showed granular or vacuolar degeneration, later appeared tubular atrophy, basement membrane thickening. Abnormal structure will inevitably lead to dysfunction. The main function is to return absorbing tubular glomerular filtration liquid electrolytes, protein and most of the water, adjusting the pH value of the urine, diluted, concentrated urine. Back to absorb water which is mainly carried out in the distal tubules, when the distal renal tubular damage occurs urine concentration dysfunction, and produce low osmolality, low specific gravity of urine.
To pay attention to the treatment of increased nocturia
We already know that the main cause of renal tubular lesions caused nocturnal enuresis, studies have shown that changes in the renal tubules before histology, functional changes can occur, so that patients with diabetes often have no typical manifestation of kidney disease such as edema, high blood pressure before they can appear nocturnal enuresis, urine osmolality, urine specific gravity is reduced. Therefore, nocturia can be used as an early warning symptoms of kidney disease, you should actively treatment to slow renal complications. In addition, with the increased amount of nocturia, frequency and nocturia also increased, the light two to three times a night to urinate, weight up to 10 times, often leading to lack of sleep in patients, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness These in turn can become blood sugar, common causes uncontrollable. Thus should cause the attention of doctors and patients, and actively be treated.
What checks and efficacy evaluation should be done
Patients with nocturnal enuresis can check that the 12-hour urine osmolality water deprivation, specific gravity, urine, urine (daytime and nighttime ratio), creatinine clearance rate. Determine the efficacy of a standard, in addition to 12 hours of water deprivation in urine osmolality, urine specific gravity, creatinine clearance, tubular marker protein such as urine α1-MG, urinary β2-MG, NAG in urine, etc. can reference.
What life and medication should pay attention to?
Eliminate the incentive to cause an increase in nocturia as bedtime tea, coffee or drink too much; edema due to diabetic nephropathy taking diuretics need to be taken in the early morning when a one-time, rather than taking in the afternoon or evening; treatment of constipation drug It should be before bedtime, so that patients have a stool holding morning; intravenous infusion should be avoided in the afternoon or before going to bed; the appropriate use of antipsychotic drugs or medicine, improve sleep quality patient; can be used with anti-anxiety medications when necessary.
Chinese medicine how to treat nocturia?
To be treated for renal tubular dysfunction causes. Western medicine is not the exact effect of drugs on renal tubular injury. Chinese medicine, diabetic nephropathy nocturia should be the responsibility of the kidney. Kidneys water, the Secretary for opening and closing, long diabetes (diabetes that of traditional Chinese medicine) can easily lead to kidney loss, leaving the opening and closing loss Secretary, nocturia. Therefore, the main deficiency often nocturnal enuresis. The long illness and is often accompanied by blood stasis, so treatment should be Bushenhuoxue as the main principles and the proper use of the law astringent. It is emphasized that: for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy nocturnal enuresis, we must strive to eliminate renal tubular dysfunction can lead to some of the contributing factor, should strictly control blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, blood viscosity and so on.
Blood medicine treatment:
Intravenous infusion of alprostadil (prostaglandin E emulsion) from 10 to 20 micrograms, once daily, 10 to 14 days for a course of treatment; Salvia injection or intravenous infusion of 10 to 30 ml, once a day, 10 to 14 day a course of treatment; long-term use can CSDP or Tongxinluo capsules. We used leech pink, peach puree, rhubarb powder capsules, each 4, 3 times a day, long-term use, multiple complications of diabetes have a good preventive effect, including renal tubular injury.
Decoction treatment:
Select Suoquan drink Warming kidney, reduced spring stopped the leaks. Prescription is: Curculigo 9 grams, Epimedium 9 grams, 20 grams Gorgon, Jinyingzi 20 grams, ginkgo 9 grams, Sang cuttlebone 20 g, Placenta 15 grams, cornus 9 grams, lotus seeds and meat 9 grams, Cistanche 15 grams, 30 grams of astragalus, ginseng 3 to 6 grams (one-fried blended); if accompanied by prostatic hypertrophy plus alum 6 g (package fried), sage 6 g, 6 g Ju, incense 3 g ; if accompanied by weak waist, plus fried Eucommia 15 grams, 15 grams teasel; as with insomnia plus 30 to 60 grams of Semen, Schisandra 6 to 9 grams; as upset with irritability with raw lily 30 grams, Albizia julibrissin 12 g, traditional Chinese medicine 15 grams, 3 grams berberine; if urine long, 6 g plus short of films, Sichuan Guizhi 6 grams, 6 grams Antlers; if urine turbid, Niaowei weight, plus Sophora 9 grams, Long flabellata 9 grams, tuckahoe 30 grams. Two weeks after the medication is generally nocturnal enuresis can be significantly reduced.
Therapeutic treatment:

Cordyceps is available every day from 3 to 6, soaked cup of tea, after several chewing bubble Cordyceps; also available medlar 9 grams, 9 grams of raspberry, mulberry 9 grams, 9 grams soaked Jinyingzi of tea; or 60 grams astragalus, ginkgo 9 grams stew; or Gorgon 50 grams, 15 grams of black sesame seeds, fried barley 50 grams, longan (peeled) from 10 to 20 porridge. Cordyceps sinensis, medlar, raspberry, mulberry and other kidney qi to cure, ginkgo, Gorgon astringent to reduce urinary symptoms.


