
Uremic patients diet, what does?

Uremic patients diet, what does?
Uremic patients diet, what does, this is the problem the majority of patients with uremia friends who are very concerned about, uremia is an incurable disease, the patient not only in the hospital for regular treatment, but also in life diet pay more attention to kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney specialist knowledge to you about the diet of uremic patients.
A low-salt diet: patients should use low-salt diet, chronic renal failure patients often suffer from high blood pressure, low-salt diet can help prevent high blood pressure. For patients with edema, a low-salt diet is particularly important, severe edema of salt intake even more strictly limited. Drinking water scheme should also be made in accordance with the patient's symptoms.
Second, limiting protein intake: patients should be adequate intake of protein a day, after meeting the body needs to minimize the intake of protein, in order to maximize reduce the burden on the kidney. Eating too much high-protein foods will increase the burden on the kidneys, increased urea nitrogen; and inadequate intake of protein can cause malnutrition, may also cause increased serum creatinine. But patients should not eat foods containing large amounts of plant proteins, such as soy products.
Third, the patient should be Shensi potassium foods: Potassium is an important ions in the human body, involved in the metabolism and maintain cardiac function. Chronic renal failure patients are prone to high blood, the heart function is affected, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest. Potassium in the human body mainly by ingestion from food, excreted in urine. Chronic renal failure, renal excretion dysfunction, the body of excess potassium can not be discharged from the urine, it will cause elevated serum potassium.

Related presentations by experts, you must have a certain understanding of the relevant knowledge. Experts remind friends, in their daily lives should maintain good habits, if found disease symptoms, should go to regular hospital for examination and treatment, so as not to delay treatment.


