
A good way to treat lupus nephritis

A good way to treat lupus nephritis! Currently, the onset of lupus nephritis higher rate, but there are some people with lupus nephritis did not pay attention to it. Experts say that only by understanding the disease-related information in order to make early case detection of the disease, and thus early treatment.
Career Nursing: Promoting physical and mental rest, such as renal hypertension blood pressure should be on time, change the situation on the basis of the blood pressure increase bed rest time. Message oral care: sooner or later, and after the meal should mouth, keep the mouth clean, remove bad breath, reduce nausea and prevent bacterial and fungal students. Proper diet for the treatment of lupus nephritis is also important: the diet should lupus nephritis patients with specific dietary guidance of each disease according to the situation, such as when kidney failure should be taken high in calories (sugar-based), high-low protein diet, limit the amount of fluid intake to maintain water balance.
When treating kidney patients, mostly limit intake of high protein foods, nutrient supplements on the diet, there are some issues, such as restrictions on stress and its own economic conditions, loss of appetite and other factors, so that all aspects of the body relatively weak, prone to colds gastrointestinal infections. If lupus nephritis patients proper exercise, not only can enhance the body's resistance to disease, to maintain a happy mood, and to some extent the increase in food intake, for malnutrition, muscle atrophy caused by lack of protein, there are certain improvement.
Control diabetes because diabetic patients blood vessels gradually harden, especially at the end of a little blood vessels. The kidney is composed of millions of tiny blood vessels consisting of severe diabetes, kidney function may also be damaged. According to statistics lupus nephritis experts, the "dialysis" a quarter to one-fifth of patients is caused by diabetes late. Often to the hospital for kidney and kidney function tests must be done once every six months check urine screening, blood pressure testing. Almost - kidney damage in patients with kidney during half is carried out unconsciously, so wait until the body was not feeling it might have been to end-stage renal disease - the need to rely on dialysis to survive time.

Allergic lupus There is no specific treatment should be possible to find out the possible allergens, and be removed, antispasmodic symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms, adrenal cortical hormone to relieve joint and gastrointestinal symptoms have some help, short-term application . Secondly, lupus nephritis, lupus nephritis or lupus renal failure uremia, clinicians should be based on different symptoms and renal pathology, to develop individualized treatment programs, the light can be oral medicine, severe cases need to be given hormones and cyclophosphamide immunosuppressive therapy. Cyclophosphamide and other cytotoxic therapy, efficacy is uncertain, and the side effects. Chinese medicine in the treatment of this disease has its strengths and expertise, the use of integrative medicine treatment approach can significantly improve the outcome.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital


