
Nephritis problems that need attention

1, the intake of patients with allergic purpura nephritis water oliguria edema if no case is not required to control water intake, the patient should be based primarily edema urine and edema to control water intake Generally speaking, if the edema, other than the beginning of eating, water intake better than the limit in 500-800ml / day more appropriate. After suffering from urinary tract infection, in order to avoid and reduce bacteria in the urinary tract and reproductive stay, the patient should drink more water, urinating frequently, often in order to achieve the purpose of flushing the bladder and urethra.
2, salt intake if allergic purpuric nephritis patients without edema or hypertension do not have to limit salt, like normal daily intake with 10 grams of salt, limiting salt intake mainly for edema and hypertension patient, because salt can aggravate Shuinazhuliu limited, so difficult edema subsided, causing high blood pressure. Usually every day, control salt 2-3 grams, oliguria, elevated serum potassium should restrict potassium intake.
3, control of protein intake for protein intake in patients with allergic purpura also have certain requirements allergic nephritis patients Purpuric neither strictly controlled protein intake, high protein diet and can not be overemphasized, because plasma proteins continue low resistance can drop prone to infection, edema repeatedly, worse, high-protein diet can cause high glomerular filtration, long time is promoting glomerulosclerosis.

About nephritis if you have any questions can contact Shijiazhuang kidney hospital online experts, we will give you free help and effective treatment options.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


