
iga nephropathy diet ate!

iga nephropathy diet ate!
iga nephropathy diet ate! iga nephropathy many friends often worry about their diet. Do not eat, the body is not afraid of resistance, fear of eating worse. In fact, everything has its rationality and scientific nature. Appropriate to do. Then the following and we talk. Friends iga nephropathy patients in their daily lives should pay attention to what diet. Maybe helpful to you.
1, iga nephropathy diet should pay attention to what, oils, how to eat?
iga nephropathy is best to use vegetable oil, and try to eat, you can not use animal fat; patients can eat meat, lean meat, mainly chicken, egg whites can eat. But do not eat beans and their products, because soy protein is inferior protein, will increase the burden on the kidneys.
2, iga nephropathy diet should pay attention to what fruit to eat, what not to eat?
Specific iga nephropathy can not eat fruit, should be based on the condition may be, diabetes, kidney disease patients, myocardial infarction should not eat apples, because apples contain large amounts of carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to heart and kidney health; bananas containing sodium and more suffering from hypertension, edema patients who should be careful to eat; severe heart failure and edema patients should not eat watermelon. Litchi fruit consumption also vary.
3, iga nephropathy diet should pay attention to what, salt restriction is very important?

iga nephropathy diet should pay attention to what many articles have mentioned iga nephropathy in patients with kidney disease should be less salt, which is correct, to alleviate the burden on the kidneys, salt to eat a little bit like, a day, not more than 1 gram. So no salt is a very difficult thing, patients' daily life, can find a solution, for example, not the vegetables in salt, can dip to eat, it will feel a little a little taste. In addition, if there is no next point, then you can taste sweets.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital


