
Beware of Some Symptoms—Indicator of Kidney Disease

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Patient: Deng Chao (pseudonym)
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: Han
Marital Status: Married
Born Place: Sichuan Province, China
Chief Complaints: intermittent headache and dizziness accompanied by soreness of waist and weakness for more than 2 years
Hospitalization: April 18th, 2007
Physical Examination: T36.3 degrees centigrade, P75times/min, R19times/min, BP150/100mmhg, mild edema on bilateral lower limbs, serum creatine: 257.2umol/L, BUN: 15.0mmol/L, UA564 umol/L, Hb96g/L, urine protein: 3+, occult blood: +, urine protein in 24 hours: 1.7g/24h.
Patient’s condition when leaving hospital: vital signs become stable, there is no edema on bilateral lower limbs, chief complaint of dizziness and headache disappear, serum creatinine: 170 umol/L, HB: 120g/L, urine protein in 24 hours: 0.10g/24h, urine protein: - (negative), occult blood: +-, blood pressure: 120/80mmhg.
Diagnosis: Chronic Glomerulonephritis, Renal Insufficiency in azotemia stage, renal anemia, Renal Hypertension
Treatment: After the patient was hospitalized, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital carried out lowering blood pressure, eliminating toxin, correcting anemia, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and other treatments. Besides, chief doctor trained the patient with the knowledge of related diet and nephropathy and told him that proper diet and good living habit were important to the recovery of the disease. The patient positively cooperated with the doctor in clinical treatment. During he was hospitalized, through blocking renal fibrosis function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, mental state and appetite of the patient improved. In addition, through improving renal microcirculation effect, various reverse symptoms all improved.
Patient’s condition when leaving hospital: vital signs become stable, there is no edema on bilateral lower limbs, chief complaint of dizziness and headache disappear, serum creatinine: 170umol/L, HB: 120g/L, urine protein in 24 hours: 0.10g/24h, urine protein: - (negative), occult blood: +-, blood pressure: 120/80mmhg.
Experts’ analysis:
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the innovative therapy summarized from years of treatment practice by experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. After micro-processing, active substances in Chinese medicine can directly be transferred into the lesions through skin around kidney area by osmotic method. Through the three processes of invigoration the blood circulation, removing the stasis, repairing and renewal, renal microcirculation can be improved as well as state of ischemia and hypoxia, damaged glomerular basement membrane can be repaired, GFR can increase, creatinine, BUN and other toxins will naturally reduce and various symptoms can be relieved. Through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, all kinds of clinical symptoms of Deng Chao have been improved and renal function gradually gets repaired.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


