
Treating Renal Failure with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Patient: LI Jiahong
Gender: Male
Age: 47 years old
Chief Complain: edema in bilateral lower limbs interruptedly for 5 years, accompanying with nausea and vomiting for 2 weeks
Physical Examination: BP150/95mmHg, R20times/min, moist rales can be heard in bilateral lung base and heart is enlarged with low blunt sounds, heart rate 95times/min, there are pitting edema on both lower limbs of the patient, red, swollen, fever and pain on the skin of pretibial of left lower limb, Cr 1056 Umol/L, BUN33.19mmol/L, K6.16mmol/L.
Clinical Diagnosis: Chronic Nephrotic, Renal Insufficiency in Uremia Stage
Treatment Process: First we adopted hemodialysis to improve the symptom of heart failure, and then applied Micro-Chinese Medicine to repair the renal function. After 6 days’ treatment, patient sweat from head to foot, years of cold bilateral lower limbs improved, appetite returned normal, symptoms of nausea and vomiting disappeared, urine volume increased and diuretic could be stopped. After 20 days’ continuous treatment, mental state improved with rosy cheeks, edema disappeared, urine volume in 24 hours increased to about 1400ml, urine became turbid, smell of urine became thick, red and swollen, red, swollen, fever and pain on the skin of pretibial and left lower limb went away, creatine level declined to 657umol/L while BUN 12.22mmol/L, K5.4mmol/L and BP 130/75mmol/L.
Analysis: Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate renal artery and improve the effective perfusion ability of the glomerulus, which can gradually improve the state of high pressure and high filtration in glomerulus, thereby, the patient can stop taking the oral hypotensor because of the decline of blood pressure, and get rid of the diuretic due to the increase of urine volume. Its effect of promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction channels can effectively accelerated the systemic blood circulation, improve the microcirculatory disturbance in intestinal mucosa and blood vessels in skin. Therefore, edema in gastrointestinal mucous membrane can be removed, the secretion of gastrointestinal fluid can increase, appetite improves, sweat gland unblocks with ruddy cheeks, cellulitis have been cured, which have no good effects by using antibiotics and other drugs for many years.


