
What Causes Renal Failure—Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

In general, Renal Failure means part or complete loss of renal function which is caused when various chronic kidney diseases develop into the end stage. According to the priority of the disease, Renal Failure can be divided into Acute Renal Failure and Chronic Renal Failure. When patients are diagnosed with Renal Failure, they often wonder what causes Renal Failure to them. The following are the reasons for Renal Failure.
Chronic Kidney Diseases
Renal Failure is a pathologic state part or complete loss of renal function. Various chronic kidney diseases may lead to the progressive decline of kidney functions and gradually develop into end stage. The chronic diseases which may lead to Chronic Renal Failure include Primary Glomerulonephritis, Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy, renal interstitial tubular nephropathy, Polycystic Kidney etc.
According to the survey to many patients with Renal Failure, it is found that the improper intake of renal toxic drugs in a long term can cause damage to the kidneys, and when it develops into certain stage, Kidney Failure will occur. Take painkiller for example, because painkiller contains phenacetin, if taken for a long time, it will do constant damage to kidneys, causing chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis and then Renal Failure; Besides, drugs like gentamicin, if improperly used, can also lead to Renal Failure.
Inappropriate application of renal toxic drugs will aggravate the disease and quickly lead to Renal Failure. However, patients can not stop using renal toxic drugs because of its renal toxicity. If these drugs are taken under the instruction of professional doctors and the renal toxicity is well controlled with corresponding measures, we can make full use of its advantages.
Misdiagnosis Leading to Chronic Renal Failure
Because some symptoms of kidney disease are similar to those of other diseases, it would easily cause misdiagnosis and delay the right treatment. Thereby the disease will deteriorate, and the damage to kidneys will be aggravated, finally causing Renal Failure. For example, when there is anemia, if the patients lack the general knowledge of kidney disease, they will go to treat only anemia, and ignore the mild symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, high blood pressure, nocturia etc or refuse to go to see a doctor because of lack of money. Consequently, they will miss the best treatment time. On the other hand, if doctor just diagnoses from the symptoms, ignore the complications and does not do the related exams, it would result in misdiagnosis, delay the disease and lead to Chronic Renal Failure.
Because of the dysfunction, kidneys will not generate urine, which will lead to the accumulation of waste in the blood. The water in the body also can not be excreted, thus forming dropsy. Chemical concentration in the body regulated by kidneys at all times will suffer severe balance disorder.
Mild attack of Acute Renal Failure is common, but more serious Acute Renal Failure (for example: Acute Renal Failure caused by glomerulonephritis) is rare.
Tips from Experts:

Whatever the causes of Renal Failure are, the kidneys have been damaged and symptoms of rise of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, various complications have already occurred. So the patients should positively find the appropriate treatment method to improve their condition. 80% of nephrons are impaired when the disease develops into Renal Failure, so the key of treatment is to actively control complications and stabilize the patients’ condition and protect the remaining healthy nephrons. Through treatment, it should achieve the aim of reversing the phenotypic transformation of renal cells, restoring the renal function as much as possible, treating the disease from the source of pathological damage to the kidneys and completely reducing creatinine, urea nitrogen etc. Since we have understood the causes of Renal Failure, we should do early prevention. When diagnosed with the disease, patients should take observation and treatment as soon as possible in case the disease deteriorates.


