
FSGS will develop into renal failure, please carefully

You know that FSGN is a disease which is caused by the epithelial cells get damaged. The main pathogenetic causes of FSGN are two aspects:
 1). the internal kidney reason like own immunity decrease.

2). the external kidney reasons like antigen of the infection, cold etc. combined with antibody after invade into human body, then form the immune complex of antigen and antibody( mainly featured by IgM and C3 deposition), these immune complex will flow with blood circulation and deposit in the glomerular capillary loops, which gives rise to segmental hyaline degeneration in the epithelial cells of the glomerulus, the surface of epithelial cells of the glomerulus is desquamation, inflammatory mediator continue to invade, thus leading to the function of epithelial cells which have negative electrostatic/charge barrier get damaged, protein in the blood which contains negative charge will run into urine when the barrier function of epithelial cells get damaged, then discharge out of body with urine.At the same time, after epithelial cells get damaged, they will turn into myofibroblast, thus giving rise to glomerulosclerosis, start the process of renal fibrosis. At this time, the urine test shows protein are +.You know without a proper treatment it will develop into renal failure.


People with high uric acid diet taboos are there?

Major metabolite of uric acid birds and reptiles, slightly soluble in water, easy to form crystals. The main products of normal human urine as urea, uric acid containing a small amount. Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism. Three groups purine, its alcoholic weakly acidic. After various purine oxidation of uric acid in the urine. Because of low solubility, in vivo formation of urinary stones or gout excessive.
This is a question a lot of uric acid in patients with very high concern. I do not know what foods not to eat, then what are people with high uric acid diet taboos it? Here is the kidney specialist to introduce hospital, we take a look.
1, people with high uric acid diet taboos are there? People with high uric acid diet taboos eat acidic foods, such as coffee, fried foods, high fat foods. PH imbalance can affect physical function, increased liver and kidney burden.
2, people with high uric acid diet taboo to eat high cholesterol foods: organ meats (liver, intestine, kidney, brain), fatty meat, squid, fish, cuttlefish.
3, alcohol: Do not drink, especially beer, rice wine. Once the blood alcohol concentrations up to 200mg/dl, blood lactate with the oxidation of ethanol will increase, so that renal excretion of uric acid blocked, resulting in an increase in blood uric acid. 4, quit eating high-purine foods: people with high uric acid diet taboos to quit organ meats, seafood, shellfish food, meat, soy foods, beans, spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, soup, oatmeal.

These are the kidney hospital experts to introduce, I believe we should be high uric acid diet taboos have some understanding, and if you still do not understand, you can click on the online consultation, kidney hospital experts will answer your questions in detail.

What are the symptoms of female nephritis?

This is a question a lot of female friends are very concerned about, in recent years, the ratio of women suffering from nephritis growing, in order to prevent women nephritis, nephritic for women should be more understanding, then the symptoms women nephritis, what does ? Here are a few kidney hospital experts to introduce, we take a look.
Effect of the urinary system 1. Urethra by the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, a part of any impact outbreak urethra are known of. Experts suggest that every day for the job, the family bustle women worry about their bodies to be more superior or subordinates transformation, not too tired. Women of nephritis early symptoms to attract attention.
2 · infections: acute glomerulonephritis, and chronic glomerulonephritis patients with acute exacerbation often with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract and skin infections. Therefore, when these infectious diseases should be checked with urine.
3 · edema: glomerulonephritis patients despite the lack of specific symptoms, but often appear early fatigue, weakness, back pain, eyelids, face, ankle edema, increased urine foam, abnormal urine color. Thus, the emergence of these symptoms, you should go to the hospital to check urine.
4 · Anemia: chronic renal failure patients more often combined with moderate anemia, fatigue, dizziness, pale and other symptoms. Except in patients with anemia, such as blood disorders, should pay attention to whether the presence of chronic renal insufficiency.

These are the symptoms of kidney disease hospital specialists to introduce women nephritis, hope the above article to be able to help, I hope women friends to pay attention to, what if we do not understand, you can click on the online consultation, the hospital's kidney specialists Details for your answer.

Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it?

Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it? Kidney hospital experts tell us : allergic purpura is an autoimmune disease , the body is the body of certain drugs , bacteria, containing allogeneic protein foods, insect bites and other allergic and inflammatory changes caused by capillaries . Suffering from allergic purpura nephritis patients first to actively cooperate with the doctors to provide reasons may cause allergies , such as whether to use what is in front of that before the onset of the drug , whether the cold had recently eaten anything , and to what place , etc. so try to say some of the details , so stay away from allergy-causing substances, but also easy due to treatment .
Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it? Kidney hospital experts tell us : allergic purpura is an autoimmune disease , the body is the body of certain drugs , bacteria, containing allogeneic protein foods, insect bites and other allergic and inflammatory changes caused by capillaries . Suffering from allergic purpura nephritis patients first to actively cooperate with the doctors to provide reasons may cause allergies , such as whether to use what is in front of that before the onset of the drug , whether the cold had recently eaten anything , and to what place , etc. so try to say some of the details , so stay away from allergy-causing substances, but also easy due to treatment .
Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it? Kidney hospital experts tell us : First, a variety of food allergens should be fasting .
Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it? Food allergy is a major cause of the disease , variant protein in many foods can cause allergic purpura, these foods are fish, shrimp , crab , eggs , milk, beans, pineapple . Once the patient has a food sensitization may cause exacerbations, increase the burden of renal function. Therefore, in patients with allergic purpura nephritis , the kind of food should be disabled for life , but also can not be used in contact with food over this cookware and cutlery. In addition , allergic purpura nephritis patients he had never eaten better not to eat fresh vegetables like buds , because there are reports that pollen is also a common allergen .
While the cause of treatment , but also prevention and control of infection, the use of some antimicrobial agents , and according to the disease for symptomatic treatment. If nephropathy heavier larger dose adrenocorticotropic hormone available in combination with cyclophosphamide , get better results. As can Integrative Medicine , the better .

Purpura nephritis patients can not eat it? Hospital experts explained the kidney nephritis patients can not eat what 's the problem , if you have any questions, you can contact our experts , our experts will provide you with patient and meticulous explanations. Kidney Hospital for many years to treat kidney disease in integrative medicine , the original micro-based therapy, the patient is allergic purpura nephritis trusted hospital.


Nephrotic syndrome diet introduction and notes

Nephrotic syndrome is a method of therapeutic treatment of nephrotic syndrome , but the effect is no drug treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the effect is obvious . However , the treatment of nephrotic syndrome can not be a lack of adjuvant therapy for nephrotic syndrome diet. Comply with the principles of diet is not only beneficial control of nephrotic syndrome , but also conducive to the treatment of nephrotic syndrome . In everyday life , patients with kidney disease need to pay attention to the following points
1, the diet should eat light some wine and eat spicy foods, eat less greasy and more Hunxing containing animal protein foods ( such as fat , shrimp, crab , etc. )
2 , eat beans and their products ( such as tofu , bean sprouts , soy flour , etc. )
3 , edema , hypertension, heart failure , should eat less salt or salt-free diet.
4 , renal insufficiency , uremia patients but also to note special meaning :
① fasting beans and their products , Eat nuts ( such as: walnuts, chestnuts , almonds , etc. ) and preserved foods ( such as pickles , pickles , etc. ) .
② daily intake of protein ( such as lean meat , milk, eggs, etc. ) should control the volume . Each patient according to the disease , usually about two adult day 2-3 , and 3-5 minutes to eat .
③ renal failure kidney drainage capacity is limited , the need to control water intake recommended by the formula: = the amount of water the day before the total amount of urine +500-800 ml.
④ In order to creatinine, blood urea nitrogen can increase the discharge , you must make clear urine , stool rather two or three times a day instead of second or third day . Melon , watermelon , gourds diuretic , red bean soup , black bean soup , bean soup, sugar drink , heat diuretic . Honey , bananas , pears , carrots, walnut meat, black sesame seeds , can be laxative , these foods can be combined with drug , often used.

Although diet is not a drug , does not see a very significant therapeutic effect , but it can cause exacerbations , no recurrence of the disease , better and faster to see the effect of the treatment effect . Therefore kidney diet needs long-term adherence .

Experts tell how to hypertensive nephropathy kidney diet

Hypertensive nephropathy is the cause of essential hypertension benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis and malignant renal arteries harden , and accompanied by appropriate clinical manifestations of the disease . Long-term high blood pressure causes progressive loss of renal function , and even lead to kidney failure. Hypertensive renal disease patients should protect renal function , prevention of renal dysfunction. The following is a complex network of experts we can kidney briefly under hypertensive renal disease in the diet should pay attention to what issues ? Hypertensive renal disease patients how science diet ?
Hypertensive nephropathy diet and considerations summarized in the following main points:
1 , salt restriction
Diet should be light , eat salty ; eat MSG, soy sauce, pickles , ketchup , pickles and other pickled products ; eat sausage , sauce, beef , luncheon meat, cooked chicken and other frozen foods, canned foods and convenience of fast food desserts ; eat snacks , ice cream, beverages , etc. World Health Organization : salt intake per person per day in six grams or less. For hypertensive nephropathy is concerned, the daily salt intake of 2-3 grams is appropriate . Excessive intake of salt intake , hardening of the arteries and causes blood pressure, salt restriction can not only improve the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs , but also reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs , thereby reducing the side effects of drugs .
2 , limit fat
Hypertensive kidney disease should limit intake of fat, especially animal fat , high cholesterol , can accelerate atherosclerosis.
3 , limit sugar
Hypertensive nephropathy patients to eat sweets, sweets high sugar content , can be converted in the body into a fat , easy to promote atherosclerosis.
4 , quit alcohol
Hypertensive nephropathy patients should quit alcohol , because alcohol intake can cause heart, brain, kidney and multiple organ damage.
5 , high-quality protein and vitamin supplements
Hypertensive renal disease patients should eat foods rich in quality protein and vitamins in foods such as fish , eggs, lean meat, tofu and other soy products. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in potassium , such as tomatoes, celery , zucchini, celery, mushrooms and a variety of green leafy vegetables ; fruits are oranges, apples , pears, bananas , persimmons, kiwi, watermelon, pineapple and so on.

In addition to the above hypertensive nephropathy diet and precautions , hypertensive renal disease should maintain a good mood, a regular daily diet , moderate physical exercise to control weight in the normal range , which are conducive to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertensive nephropathy .

Uremic kidney transplant do what needs to be done to prepare before ?

For kidney transplant must choose the most appropriate time , in order to withstand adverse conditions in the surgical trauma and complications, high-dose corticosteroids, and immunosuppressive therapy , get every opportunity to survive . Thus , by the kidney by proper preparation before surgery is necessary .
( 1 ) prior to transplantation surgery necessary preparations : ① disease nephrectomy : Unless renal tumors , huge polycystic kidney disease, a lot of urine , severe renal tuberculosis , etc., generally do not advocate removal of kidney disease , as well as part of voiding residual renal and endocrine function. ② gastrointestinal surgery : Repeated or severe peptic ulcer bleeding , to prevent exacerbation of bleeding and infection after transplantation and endanger the patient's life , should be treated before transplantation . ③ lower urinary tract surgery : before transplantation , surgery to remove the post because of the urethra, urinary tract obstruction caused by an enlarged prostate .
( 2 ) should be adequate hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis before transplantation to effectively remove excess moisture and uremic toxins , correcting water and electrolyte imbalance and acidosis , significantly reduced symptoms of uremia , can reduce or eliminate the heart, lungs , liver and other vital organs of complications , the patient returned to normal activities, which the patient can tolerate for a kidney transplant and immunosuppressive therapy helps a lot .
( 3 ) to correct anemia. Dialysis patients can not correct the anemia status , severe anemia can affect kidney transplant preparation , blood transfusions can temporarily correct anemia status . In recent years that preoperative blood transfusion recipients to improve graft survival , but there are drawbacks transfusion : First, enter both toxic antibodies , and second, increasing the chance of infection hepatitis. In recent years, recombinant human erythropoietin used clinically, may be better to correct anemia , the patient transfusion before transplantation significantly reduced .
( 4 ) tissue typing : including AB0 blood typing , complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatching , human leukocyte antigen system (HLA), reactive antibody (PRA).
( 5 ) mental preparation : Before deciding to receive a kidney transplant surgery , should be ready to accept psychologically prepared to do the surgery . Surgery should be aware of the general content and a variety of complications that may occur. Surgery should know that there are many potential hazards to health care workers with governance .
( 6 ) strengthening diet therapy , given nutritious and easy to digest foods , aggressive treatment of high blood pressure , improve heart function , and so clear the infection foci .

( 7 ) funding, the need to maintain each year around 80,000 kidney transplant costs , should be fully prepared before surgery , otherwise unable to pay for their drugs will come to naught.


Kidney check, check what is the clinical significance of urine shape?

In the inspection of kidney, urine check is the renal pathology of the disease and to examine the effects of treatment of the most commonly used method, in the urine sample in the shape of a check is necessary, so the shape of the urine examination in clinical has what effect?Shandong weifang can double kidney disease hospital kidney disease experts explain in detail for you.
(1) the proportion of reflect the quality of the solute in unit volume of urine.The eduction in normal daily urine soluble solids volume is constant, the proportion is between 1.010 ~ 1.030.Proportion reflect the renal tubule and collecting duct of urine concentration and dilution function.In the early morning urine specific gravity is usually acuity 1.018 for the first time.Men and women over the age of 40, urine concentration function gradually reduce, increase 10 urine specific gravity by 0.00015 on average.Pathologic urine specific gravity lower in chronic renal damage, renal tubular concentration decreasing ability, diabetes insipidus, drinking lots of water and rehydration.CRF as the proportion of low and fixed.Diabetes, water shortage, such as vomiting, diarrhea and high fever sweating a lot of urine specific gravity dehydration state, normal renal enrichment function.
(2) normal urine bubble without bubbles.If the content of protein in the urine, the change due to surface tension, discharge of urine floating on the surface of a layer of tiny bubbles, these small bubble is not easy to disappear.To put proteinuria in vitro gently shake surface appear small bubble urine may also be seen.
(3) with ammonia smell urine smell, usually because of bacteria to produce ammonia and urea decomposition scent.E. coli infection in urine smell of corruption, ketonuria fruit aroma, a variety of metabolic disease can produce special smell.
(4) color normal urine from colorless to deep amber color change is bigger, depends on the urine of pigment concentration and urine ph value.Cause abnormal urine color many, in addition to food and drug can affect the color of urine, some disease often can make the urine color change, therefore, urine color can often provide clues for clinical diagnosis, such as chyluria, porphyrin urine, blackwater, etc.But clinically important be hematuria, hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria between the identification, and to distinguish with other cause of red urine, benzidine test, test, was the commonly used o-toluidine test and microscopic examination of the urine red blood cells to differentiate hematuria, hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria.

(5) the turbidity when urine is more clear, more cloudy after placement.Cold can make the urine mineral salt crystallization precipitation, alkaline urine easily appear phosphate precipitation, acid urinary uric acid salt precipitation is seen.Turbid urine can be caused by bacterial growth.Can itself can also be used by bacteria by bacteria urease turn urea phosphate precipitation caused by turbid urine, but less common.In addition, the mild hematuria, chyluria, nephrotic syndrome when fat urine, epithelial cells (white pollution) can also cause urinary cloudy.

IGA nephropathy patients in dietary respect have what idea

What will you pay attention to diet in patients with IGA nephropathy, this is a lot of IGA nephropathy patients want to know about the problem.
Overall, the IGA nephropathy patients diet need to pay attention to the principle of "low five projects" : low salt, low fat, low protein, low phosphorus, low potassium, high quantity of heat, high vitamin.
: 1. Low salt nephrosis patient's daily salt intake control in 3 grams, prevent because of excessive salt intake, appear unstable blood pressure, body dropsy, and so on and so forth.
2. Low fat, can't eat fat meat, animal grease.
3. Low protein: for not dialysis patients, daily intake of about 0.3 g/kg body weight;For patients with renal failure dialysis, daily intake of about 0.6 g/kg body weight;If the patient had severe hypoalbuminemia, could increase the intake of high-quality protein, need a doctor formulated according to the patient's specific situation.High quality protein refers to the animal protein: meat, egg white, milk, etc., plant protein (inferior) : soy products, do not eat, because bad protein can aggravate the burden of the kidney.
4. Low phosphorus: if phosphorus intake too much, can affect the absorption of calcium, appear hypocalcemia.
5. Low potassium: if the excessive intake of potassium, prone to hyperkalemia, especially in patients with renal insufficiency;If patients have hypokalemia, can more adequate intake of potassium.
6. High quantity of heat, patients need enough calories to meet the needs of the body, to avoid the wastage of the protein.
7. High vitamin: right amount eat more vegetables and fruits.

IGA nephropathy patients still need to pay attention to seafood, Fried food, raw onion ginger, garlic, animal liver, egg yolk is need food taboos.If the patient's diet attention, for recovery of great help.

Hypertension is the cause of microalbuminuria it?

Hypertension is the cause of microalbuminuria it? Hypertensive patients do urine tests can help us understand the extent of kidney damage . A clear relationship between high blood pressure and kidney disease , but the presence of the shortcomings of poor sensitivity of conventional urine detection method. In recent years, some hospitals have launched a number of new more sensitive method for the determination of urinary albumin and N- acetyl -β group glucose glycol (NAG), retinol binding protein (RBP), urinary immunoglobulin G ( IgG) , etc., can be early detection of subclinical microalbuminuria . It is beneficial for a variety of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and kidney damage or kidney disease early diagnosis and treatment.
( 1 ) microalbuminuria urinary albumin excretion refers to exceed 20 micrograms or 24 hours per minute over 30 mg. Urinary albumin excretion and blood pressure are closely related , at about mild hypertension, microalbuminuria was 5% ; blood pressure was significantly elevated (> 170-180/100mmHg) microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients with the principle of universal and serious. Its mechanism of hypertension increases the pressure within the glomeruli and filtration fraction increased, causing functional and structural abnormalities of the glomerular basement membrane . Therefore , only the blood pressure in hypertensive patients was significantly higher before microalbuminuria appears.
( 2 ) diabetes due to abnormal changes in the glomerular basement membrane charge , glomerular basement membrane thickening system . The increased permeability to albumin , diabetic nephropathy only increased glomerular filtration rate . Only after microalbuminuria , blood pressure can be gradually increased. Compared with diabetic patients with hypertension , the blood pressure is 170-180/100mmHg same level . Diabetes than the average urinary albumin excretion in hypertensive patients 100 times . Therefore , the evaluation of urinary albumin excretion in early diabetic nephropathy is more sensitive and important. When hypertension and diabetes , urinary albumin excretion skyrocketed . The prognosis is poor.

( 3 ) A number of clinical drug studies are used as indicators of albumin excretion were observed protective effect of drugs on the kidney , for example, converting enzyme inhibitor Lotensin treatment of renal failure in patients with a variety of international APRIE trials. In addition to the most common urinary albumin excretion to reflect glomerular lesions unpredictable outside , NAG and RBP is a reflection of renal tubular function indicators. NAG is an enzyme , mainly from the renal proximal tubule epithelial cells , RBP is a binding protein , and its content reflects renal tubular reabsorption , suggesting that high blood pressure or diabetes when they are due to increased tubular reabsorption dysfunction . So far, the urinary excretion of albumin micro- nation is not simply used to detect kidney disease , it has been considered to be an independent predictor of hypertension in patients with small vessel damage , retinal change than a more sensitive indicator .

How to treat children with nephrotic syndrome

For many parents of children suffering from nephrotic syndrome , it will very worried , fear not cure the disease , fear that they will affect the child later in life and so on . So if the treatment for nephrotic syndrome in children is good ? This is a lot of parents want to know the child's problem .
What nephrotic syndrome is a disease? Why is it so difficult to treat ? Independence of nephrotic syndrome is not a disease but a group of clinical syndromes having the same clinical manifestations . The typical clinical manifestations are: 1 proteinuria ( urinary protein greater than 3.5 g / liter ) , 2 hypoalbuminemia ( serum albumin less than 30 g / l ) , 3 edema, 4 hyperlipidemia . .. Wherein the first and second are necessary for the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome .
Nephrotic syndrome is divided into primary and secondary two categories. Primary nephrotic syndrome in children with nephrotic minimal change nephrotic mainly secondary to allergic purpura nephritis , hepatitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis , chronic glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis based. The main reason why children with nephrotic syndrome is difficult to treat their recurrent and progressive , there are many patients to a local hospital after the onset of treatment, hormone , spend some drugs , such as cyclophosphamide and found edema disappeared, protein plus also no , the parents thought the sick healed . But after the child was discharged home after hormone reduction , or there is a cold, fever , etc., to the hospital to review and found that the protein plus sign came out again , this time more anxious , and how illness and repeated it? The reason why the disease is repeatedly pathological kidney damage has not been repaired because the main role of hormones, cyclophosphamide and other drugs to suppress the immune response is controlled protein and other effects, but for pathological damage the kidneys and not repaired, and so Once the hormone reduction or experiencing fatigue , colds , fever , etc., prone to recurrent disease . And for children, the side effects of the hormone are more serious , obesity, acne, affect the child's growth and development , aseptic necrosis of the femoral head .
For the treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome , must be careful, you can choose a small child hurt Chinese medicine treatment methods . And Chinese medicine, can fundamentally regulate the body 's immune system, improve children's physical fitness , and further restoration of renal pathological damage inside , only to be deposited inside the kidneys leading to kidney damage in patients with some immune complexes discharged for further pathological damage kidneys restorative treatment . So as to control the disease from the root.

How the child had nephrotic syndrome treatment , the key still need to find the right treatment, it will not delay the child 's condition. If you have any questions, please consult the online experts


Kidney disease in patients with smoking affect rehabilitation

" Nephrotic syndrome " (nephrotic syndrome, NS) referred to renal comprehensive , is referred to by a variety of causes , in order to increase the glomerular basement membrane permeability and decreased glomerular filtration rate associated with glomerular lesions Lord, a group of syndromes . Clinical has four characteristics : ① proteinuria , more than 3.5g / d, the urine may have lipid ; ② hypoalbuminemia , serum albumin less than 30g / L; ③ hyperlipidemia ; ④ edema. Depending on the etiology and pathology of the levy will be divided into three categories : the primary nephrotic syndrome , congenital nephrotic syndrome, secondary nephrotic syndrome.
Most patients with nephrotic syndrome all know smoking on their own rehabilitation disadvantage, but most people are unable to control . Here to remind yourself what the patient can not control cravings , at least not to smoke during the medication. Large number of medical studies have shown that smoking during the medication will affect drug metabolism in nephrotic syndrome , affect the drug's effectiveness , even adversely affected by illness .
Cigarettes contain nicotine in the human body , may cause liver metabolic enzyme systems have an impact, so that the process of drug metabolism to speed up or slow down , resulting in an effective reduction in the concentration of drug in the blood , can not play its due role. Nicotine release of antidiuretic hormone , so that metabolites nephrotic syndrome can not be discharged , leading to accumulation of toxic drugs . Further , excessive loss of smoking synthetic vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 and various essential minerals needed nutrients indirectly adversely affect the course of drug treatment .
Not all drugs are significantly affected by smoking . Medical research shows that drug efficacy has obviously been smoking affects antipyretic analgesics, anesthetics , asthma drugs, anti- angina drugs , antiplatelet agents , lipid-lowering drugs, antidiabetic drugs , patients with nephrotic syndrome, diuretics, anti- antacids , mucosal protective drugs, contraceptives , a common theophylline, caffeine , propranolol, antipyrine , imipramine , phenacetin, a new analgesic , propoxyphene , furosemide .

So remind nephrotic syndrome patients during the medication must be extra careful. Especially for those patients with diabetic nephropathy , and smoking a great impact on morbidity and treatment. Do not smoke in the patients with oral pharmaceutical thirty minutes , once this time will be unable to control the plasma concentration will be reduced so that non-smokers when 1/20 , resulting in efficacy can not function properly .

How to protect your kidneys do ?

The kidney is called the body's second heart , to health and longevity , sound good kidney function is an indispensable condition. ? Then how should usually protect their kidneys do Tongji Hospital of Xi'an kidney specialists in order to protect their proposal no kidney problems, we should do the following:
1 kidney is a relatively delicate organ, a strong sensitivity . So the first thing in the diet should be careful not to eat too much protein, high -salt diet , to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys . Protein 1.5 to 2.0 day / kg body weight , sufficient normal requirements . Secondly , do not try to use less toxic to the kidneys strong drugs to avoid or reduce exposure to a variety of renal toxicity strong poison . Such as kidney damage drugs are antibiotics, such as cephalosporins , penicillins and their derivatives , sulfonamides, aminoglycosides , etc. ; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin , indole acetic acid, Bullock Finland and so on. Also due to the high potassium herbs for human kidneys were damaged .
2 quit alcohol. Smoking can microvascular contraction, pulse rate, blood pressure , headache, dizziness , insomnia , vision loss and other symptoms. Drinking also can make blood pressure, elevated serum creatinine and creatine metabolism in hyperthyroidism so . When alcohol decomposition can produce acidic substances , metabolic acidosis, nausea , loss of appetite , depression and other symptoms.
3 women in the menstrual period , pregnancy , postpartum , etc. In particular, pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent urinary tract infections. Develop a regular habit of urinating regularly , should not tolerate the urine .
4 . Promote a healthy and civilized life , tried to stay to prevent sexually transmitted diseases harm the kidneys.
5 thin slender physique , and they should strengthen the training, improve lumbar muscle contraction , preventing renal ptosis .
6 regular check-ups , especially urine tests , renal function tests , early detection, timely diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease.

7 have dizziness, waist and knees, pain, urine long , nocturia , but no abnormal laboratory tests people generally are Chinese, " kidney ", the discretion to wear some medicine such as kidney Qiangshen Liuweidihuangwan , Ji Sheng Shen Qi balls , or herbs such as walnut porridge, steamed yam, wolfberry pork, shrimp, leeks , recovery soup.

How should the diagnosis of proteinuria

Proteinuria (Proteinuria) are typical symptoms of chronic kidney disease , the causes of proteinuria and glomerular barrier function has a close relationship . Glomerular capillary structure composed of three layers , respectively from inside to outside the endothelial cell layer , the base layer and the epithelial cell layer. Because of this there are three cells are distributed filter pore sizes and a negative charge, so the glomerular capillary barrier function can be divided into two types , namely mechanical barrier - the filter holes and charge barrier - a negative charge.
( A ) physical
Note edema and effusion cases , bone joint inspection, the degree of anemia , heart, liver , kidney and signs checks. Fundus examination, fundus normal or mild acute nephritis vasospasm , arteriosclerosis, chronic nephritis, retinal hemorrhage , exudation , often occurs in diabetic retinal diabetic nephropathy .
(B ) history
According to the different causes of proteinuria should be focused questioning history , such as edema , hypertension occurrence , history of diabetes, history of allergic purpura , kidney damage drug use history , the history of heavy metal poisoning salts, as well as the history of connective tissue disease , metabolic disease and gout episode .
(C ) special examination of urinary protein from
Common urine protein electrophoresis tests, can distinguish between selective and non-selective proteinuria proteinuria . Multiple myeloma examination of urine protein electrophoresis typing help, can be divided into the following five types : chat. IgG, IgA, IgE, IgD type . Urinary protein radioimmunoassay is a qualitative method of urine , when urine negative, may show positive radioimmunoassay , the drawback of false positive rate. Radioimmunoassay determination of urinary β2-mg early diagnosis of renal tubular dysfunction more helpful .
(D ) laboratory tests
Urine protein checks can be divided into qualitative and quantitative inspection and special inspection.
A qualitative examination is best morning urine , morning urine most concentrated and may exclude orthostatic proteinuria. Qualitative examination only screening , daily urine output 2000ml qualitative ' +' urine than 400ml of urine protein characterized as " + ' by many, it is not an accurate indicator of urinary protein content . The diagnosis of kidney disease , observation of the disease, the efficacy of the judgment should be based on urinary protein excretion is appropriate.

2 more urine protein screening method , there are pasteurized , double reduction dolphin law , phosphotungstic acid method , a read acid , ferric chloride method to reduce dolphin double the most accurate method most commonly used . 24h urine protein 1g less fewer opportunities glomerular disease , a common cause of pyelonephritis and renal sclerosis, urinary tract obstruction , urinary tract tumors and calculi. The most common cause of urinary protein 1 ~ 3g is a primary or secondary glomerular diseases. 24h urinary protein found in 3.5g or more primary or secondary nephrotic syndrome.

How early recognition of symptoms of kidney failure

In our life, some people are always nice muddle of their physical condition does not understand, do not understand the symptoms of kidney failure , leading to early disease is not found in time , this early treatment of patients with very unfavorable. The following experts for the symptoms of kidney failure to make a comprehensive introduction, we want to help:
1, low blood sugar : When renal failure occurs when the kidneys , then will not effectively inactivate insulin , and some had high blood sugar in diabetic patients will hypoglycemia symptoms.
2 , anemia : patients with renal failure is easy to make anemia, renal failure, resulting in reduced erythropoietin , patients will have the whole body fatigue and other symptoms of anemia .
3 , fracture: general for renal failure patients are more prone to fractures , kidney failure leads to regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of active vitamin D3 reduced, patients prone to fracture.
4 , nosebleeds : For patients with renal failure usually often stay nosebleed , renal failure resulting in blood coagulation dysfunction , patients often cause nosebleeds .
5 , of heart failure : Most renal failure patients will have varying degrees of heart failure, when patients with renal failure and acidosis toxins inhibited the ability of systolic and diastolic myocardial cells to induce heart failure .
6 , male " female " of : kidney renal failure can not be inactivated in vivo estrogen, many male patients will be breast enlargement , reduction of body hair feminization symptoms.

After outlining the above experts on how to identify early symptoms of kidney failure can it be , I believe we also have symptoms of renal failure in a more comprehensive understanding of it. If life appeared similar symptoms , be sure to take timely diagnosis and treatment

Why exactly recurrent nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome, a kidney disease is relatively easy to repeated attacks, then why do so repeatedly cause disease? To this end, we find kidney specialist hospital specialists to understand. Experts said this is mainly for the following reasons:
1, stress disorder is relatively large, can not keep a good attitude good, poor quality sleep can also cause recurrent disease.
2, excessive fatigue, eating unclean living without restraint, colds, diarrhea can cause relapse in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome excessive intake of protein in the diet.
3, the number of patients with nephrotic syndrome excessive considering the side effects of drugs, or reduce drug withdrawal itself, leading to illness relapse. Not strictly be prescribed medication, the disease caused by too much randomness relapse. Own, and shorten the course, once the swelling disappeared, proteinuria disappeared disable the hormone on their own, or change clothes medicine. This practice very easily lead to relapse, hormone therapy can also become invalid. So, nephrotic syndrome, and doctors told the family must endeavor to comply, in accordance with the requirements of the doctor, take medication.
4, if the long-term prednisone nephrotic syndrome, adrenal their cortical atrophy phenomenon appears, therefore, no longer after discontinuation of hormone secretion, resulting in insufficient body's own hormones, in this case easy to nephrotic syndrome relapse, but also attracted a terrible careless adrenal crisis. So, nephrotic syndrome try taking prednisone less harmful to the kidneys and other drugs.
5, clinical studies show that nearly 15 years, national experts to study the relationship between kidney disease nephrotic syndrome recurrence of leukocyte antigen, found that patients with certain leukocyte antigens easy to relapse, and this antigenicity is determined by genetics, but also That is a congenital form, can not be changed, which is destined to bear the pain of those children may be long-term repeated recurrence.
Some patients with nephrotic syndrome of recurrent disease and infection have a great relationship, especially with viral upper respiratory tract inflammation (ie cold) related to a cold will make the urine protein was positive, there will be some swelling. Cold better, proteinuria has disappeared, which is the best, but there are some children with colds, although more, but proteinuria did not disappear, plus the amount of the hormone would have to disappear. So, nephrotic syndrome in children and their families do not ignore the small infections and colds, it can be a fatal blow.

Through the above explanation we should understand the causes of nephrotic syndrome recurrence of those, Henan Yu Mei kidney hospital experts pointed out that patients must work closely with doctors, early diagnosis. Conditions may make biopsy to determine the nature of the disease from the structure of horizontal cells and then develop targeted individualized treatment plan. Cautiously positive response to colds, infections. Statistics from the predisposing factors of recurrence, the cold is the most major predisposing factors.


Children purpura nephritis creatinine is as high as 400 treatment with Chinese medicine how

Question: in patients with experts, hello.History of my child for six years, six years ago found that two legs legs with purpura, three plus assay of urine protein, occult blood two plus western medicine prednisone used gradually retreat in a year later, again after treatment with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), proteinuria, a period of time has, for a period of time, by the tests found in April this year, urine protein. Occult blood is all three plus, creatinine kidney function, 320 to now four months creatinine increased to 400, to today has been treated with TCM, consult experts: children purpura nephritis creatinine is as high as 400 treatment with Chinese medicine how?
Doctor: hello!According to what you have said, this situation has arguably caused by purpura renal damage, and kidney damage degree of the renal failure stage has been reached.The pathology of renal injury is very serious.Not treated with positive development to uremia.
The presence of the protein and occult blood is due to the damaged kidney can't block caused by the leakage of protein and red blood cells, creatinine increases because the same gathered large amounts of toxins in the body can not out of the body.Indicators of abnormal is only the outward sign of kidney damage, the nature of the disease is in seriously damaged kidneys, from the perspective of the treatment of patients, is not very thorough, after the disease development to a certain degree, can't just rely on western medicine or oral Chinese medicine to treat, the efficacy of these drugs have already could not overcome disease, or illness will easily repeatedly, and pathological damage will aggravate the relapse once time, the patient was illustrated by this problem.
So be sure to set up a perfect treatment plan, and it is the key to the treatment to the control of purpura at the same time in view of the renal inherent cells to repair damaged, maximum reversal is not inherent cell necrosis, protection of residual renal unit at the same time, in order to improve the function of the kidneys to excrete toxins, make the illness under control, even in the direction of the improvement in reverse, as long as the function of the kidney repair in place, the protein and occult blood will disappear naturally, creatinine will gradually come down, achieve the goal of treatment, and not easy to relapse.Specific about the treatment you can also contact me directly through the online experts.

Natural immune balance therapy is guided by traditional Chinese medicine theory, combining with the latest theory of modern immunology and using the contemporary most advanced medical technology, through the overall coordination of human heart lung spleen kidney five zang-organs, harmonic flag environment within the immune balance of Yin and Yang, regulating channels, the factors, activate the restore kidney function.

Hematuria , mild proteinuria nephrotic syndrome with focal necrosis

Constitute their respective clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with nephrotic syndrome, etiology , found involved in diseases including : ANCA -positive primary vasculitis , nephrotic syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, purpura, anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody -associated nephropathy and no clear cause of idiopathic FSNGN. Therefore, although the clinical cases of mild, but extremely active pathological dramatic progress is possible and should be strengthened immunosuppressive therapy , may be intravenous methylprednisolone pulse therapy treatment, and prednisone plus cyclophosphamide therapy. Nephrotic syndrome is the name of an immune pathology , renal pathology manifestation, is also one of FSNGN pathology . Recalling the past 30 years, cases of nephrotic syndrome in the hospital they have accounted for 10.3 percent FSNGN appear , indicating not uncommon. But our statistics showed that the performance of FSNGN nephrotic syndrome while only 2.26% of all nephrotic syndrome , it is possible to select the relevant cases with biopsy . Performance FSNGN nephrotic syndrome clinically mainly involving young , no significant multi-system involvement, and the occurrence of hematuria, proteinuria was l00%, which with other pathological types of nephrotic syndrome are not very different . DAmico , also reported that , compared with non- necrotic nephrotic syndrome , FSNGN nephrotic syndrome in patients with similar clinical manifestations , but its onset is more abrupt , and enter ESRD More ; in pathology , its capillary extracellular hyperplasia and interstitial mononuclear cells, T lymphocytes accumulate even more significant, it may be related to the pathogenesis . Past performance is less of nephrotic syndrome research FsNGN , but recently its importance as a vasculitis activity index and prognosis of increasing attention. The study found. Appears FSNGN appearance and crescents (especially cell crescent ) is consistent, which is considered a form of kidney damage . Montinaro , also believes necrosis can cause rapid progression of kidney damage and that may continue to stimulate IgA immune complexes related. In fact, many studies have found that if there nephrotic syndrome and focal necrosis ( or ) crescent formation , timely application of intensive immunosuppressive therapy , the prognosis of patients with long-term stability of renal function especially useful . Thus focal segmental necrotizing lesions Chinese Journal of Nephrology Kidney disease activity has been prompted . Guidance to strengthen an important indicator of immunosuppressive therapy.

Nephrotic syndrome is the most common primary glomerular disease, nephrotic syndrome and occult is its most common clinical manifestations. Now that the nephrotic syndrome, including form occult nephritis with nephrotic syndrome , not all benign lesions. Since the age of onset nephrotic syndrome in 20 to 30 years old, many patients progress to ESRD age than other kidney disease early. The disease caused by the economic burden on society and family has become a social problem worldwide . Therefore, may occur early diagnosis, early intervention treatment of nephrotic syndrome progression will undoubtedly be an important issue facing academia kidney disease . However, nephrotic syndrome vary greatly, it is possible that the clinical and pathological syndrome also includes several kinds of diseases , according to its development trends can be divided into three categories in the clinical, pathological and prognostic aspects: ( 1 ) patients showed occult process or stable condition , is not progress . Some scholars have proposed clinical manifestations of mild (Scr  

The harm of cadmium rice: rice cadmium can cause kidney failure

Rice is one of the country one of the most common staple food, analysis of modern nutrition, rice protein, fat, vitamin B1, A, E and A variety of minerals.Recently, however, for some time, this was supposed to human body health supplement "positive energy" staple food, has been the forefront of society.
Cadmium rice shady.The incident at the same time of tenderness countrymen that sensitive nerve, inevitable also caused a stir in society, but also raised for another round of food safety of the thinking and discussion.
Cadmium enters the body after discharge is slow, the person is the biological half-life of renal cortical cadmium 10 to 30 years, the incubation period of chronic cadmium poisoning is usually 15 to 20 years, the most serious harm to one's health of target organ is the kidney, is the main hazard in connective tissue damage, reproductive system disorders, kidney damage and birth defects and cancer.
The reporter understands, cadmium is a silver luster of heavy metals, chemical symbol Cd, atomic number 48.It exists in the form of compounds, not rendezvous with human life.The industrial revolution released the demon.Abroad research, the global each year, 22000 tons of cadmium in soil, which is the source of food caused by cadmium content in rice overweight.
Due to cadmium poisoning is the most serious harm to human body from the kidney, one patient at the beginning of the facial dropsy phenomenon, and do not disappear for a long time, at first, patients don't know really want to do not have mind, know one day patients found edema has already spread to the whole body, something even it is difficult to put on pants and shoes, and a perception of lower extremities, hearing voices of terrible symptoms, to go to the hospital inspection, found that patients with cadmium exceeds bid, have serious loss of renal function, and diagnosed with kidney failure.Cadmium mainly accumulated in liver, kidney, and will not disappear naturally, after several years or even decades after chronic accumulation, the body will be significant cadmium poisoning symptoms.Cadmium poisoning is the most usually path, damage to the kidney, cause human body metabolism of bone growth, triggering of bone lesions.
Small make up remind:

Because of excessive amounts of cadmium content of rice is still white, no peculiar smell, except with special inspection technology, people can not identify what is cadmium rice.Due to the limited of cadmium in food hygiene standards formulated by the state have a safety factor, so occasionally eat cadmium food does not mean that damage will appear.But also because of cadmium poisoning is a chronic process, only a small amount of intake, long-term, accumulated to a certain degree of symptoms, so must before eating rice, carefully screening, caution beg a certificate, only to buy good quality rice, let myself from cadmium hazards.

Comprehensive accounts of the renal failure

Acute and chronic renal failure can be divided into, the rapid progression of acute renal failure, usually due to insufficient kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burn), impaired kidney caused by some factors blocking or poison damage, cause of acute renal failure.The main reason for chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure, along with the time and the disease, the function of the kidney gradually decline, causing the occurrence of kidney failure.
Kidney failure that the late development of all kinds of chronic kidney disease caused by the loss of part or all of the renal function of a pathological state.
The main classification
1. Acute renal failure: the rapid progression of acute renal failure, usually due to insufficient kidney blood supply (such as scratches or burned), impaired kidney caused by some factors blocking or poison damage, cause of acute renal failure.
2. Chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure the main reason for chronic kidney disease (CKD), along with the time and the disease, kidney disease detection research institute, Chinese academy of sciences that the function of the kidney gradually decline, causing the occurrence of kidney failure.
Chronic renal failure (chronic takes failureCRF) refers to all kinds of kidney disease caused by slow progressive renal damage resulting in loss of uremia and kidney function completely, cause a series of clinical symptoms and biochemical endocrine and metabolic disorders of clinical syndrome from the primary disease onset to the beginning of the renal insufficiency, time interval can be a year to more than ten years.
Stage 1. Renal function reduce (compensatory) : endogenous creatinine clearance rate in more than 30% of the normal, no clinical symptoms, blood biochemical indexes without exception, but renal reserve capacity to reduce.
Issue 2. Renal insufficiency: further damaged renal parenchyma, polyuria, nocturia, mild nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, anemia, etc.The endogenous creatinine clearance rate fell to 25% ~ 30% of normal.
3. Kidney failure) : endogenous creatinine clearance rate fell to 20% ~ 25% of normal.Clinical manifestations, the heavier nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, acidosis, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and severe anemia, polyuria, nocturia, etc., accompanied by some symptoms of uremia poisoning.Collect medicine teaching | education network

4. Uremia period: endogenous creatinine clearance dropped to less than 20% of the normal, there is a clear water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, and many system dysfunction, and a series of uremia poisoning symptoms.


Why suffer from nephrotic syndrome?

This is a lot of patients have been issues of concern, so why is suffering from nephrotic syndrome?This is a worthy of our concern.Below we together to get to know.
Nephrotic syndrome may be immune complex diseases, simple kidney disease are not immune complex disease and may be associated with the organism cellular immunity function disorder.Because influenced by, or other elements, glomerular basement membrane filter hole, leakage of protein, constitute the proteinuria;More quantity of protein from urine loss will become the main reason of hypoalbuminemia;Hypoalbuminemia and plasma capacity to reduce systemic edema;With hypercholesterolemia, may be due to hypoalbuminemia stimulate hepatic synthesis of various types of protein, including lipoprotein, not out of the kidneys filter lipoprotein accumulation in the plasma and make all kinds of lipids in plasma (such as cholesterol, lecithin, neutral fat, etc.).The most common type simple kidney disease is a small lesions,;Nephrotic syndrome with proliferation of lesions, membrane venereal variant, membranous proliferative draw focal sclerosis type, referred to as non small lesions.
Why suffer from nephrotic syndrome?
1, the primary nephrotic syndrome: one is the reason of unknown idiopathic nephrotic syndrome;A provoked by the primary glomerular disease, nephritis is seen with a sudden.
2, secondary to other diseases: secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (sle), diabetes, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin's disease and infectious diseases, etc.
3, renal blood provoked nephrotic syndrome: by the severe punishment of right heart failure, constrictive pericarditis and renal vein thrombosis provoked.
4, congenital nephrotic syndrome is associated with heredity.
5, other: pollen allergy, bee sting, snake bites, and mercury, bismuth, gold and other renal toxic matters.

Above is the answer of "why suffer from kidney disease syndrome", if you have any questions, you can, kidney disease, a senior expert for your detailed answers.

A cold can induce children nephrotic syndrome

A cold can induce children nephrotic syndrome?Upper respiratory tract infection is incentive.Children's respiratory tract infection, such as colds, tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, if not timely and effective control of infection, after 1 ~ 4 weeks it may induce nephrotic syndrome.In general, children with nephrotic syndrome have early symptoms of infection, its outstanding characteristic is high one low, namely, highly edema and proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia and hypoalbuminemia.See more at nephrotic syndrome is minimal change disease onset age children 2 to 6 years old, and boys than girls, easy to relapse and deferment, long course of the disease.【 】
Children because of weak physique, the immune cells in the body less than normal people, the immune function is not strong, so sometimes immune cells did not eat bugs, inclusive, but put germs germs antibody in the body and the pathogen itself combined into a kind of immune complex, as the blood circulation, the kidney, the deposit to the glomerular basement membrane, which has a damage to the kidney, make a lot of protein loss, eventually leading to nephrotic syndrome.
Why is cold induced pediatric nephrotic syndrome?What should I do?Adherence to treatment is the key
Had longer duration of nephrotic syndrome and easy to break out repeatedly.To maintain a year and a half to two years of treatment.According to clinical data, some two or three children at the age of onset, the disease is not well at the age of 10 ~ 12, upper respiratory tract infection is break out repeatedly.Break out repeatedly for a long time can affect the growth and development of children, and made the nephrotic syndrome is extremely difficult to treat.

A cold can induce children nephrotic syndrome?Ill after care, to prevent a cold, children should not eat salty food and protein.The child's activity level should be strictly restricted.Children clothes don't wear too long is not change.During the treatment should not be any reduction or withdrawal.In addition, at ordinary times should pay attention to observe the child's urine, if discover the child urine color change, etc., should be timely send urine tests to the hospital.

What causes kidney cysts ?

Simple renal cysts whether congenital or acquired , it was not clear. Its origins may be similar to polycystic kidney disease, only a difference in degree . On the other hand , by causing renal tubular obstruction and ischemia, animals can suffer from simple renal cysts. This, in turn suggesting that the lesions can also be acquired for . With the increase of the cyst , based oppression can damage the renal parenchyma , but still not so impaired renal function . Part of an isolated cysts can occur just oppressive to the ureter , causing progressive hydronephrosis, after this situation occurs then be complicated by infection .
The main condition will produce the following recipe
( 1 ) waist , abdominal discomfort or pain : pain is characterized by pain, dull , fixed on one or both sides , to the lower lumbar back radiation ;
( 2 ) hematuria : can be expressed as gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria ;
( 3 ) abdominal mass : Sometimes the main reason for patients to seek treatment for 60 to 80 percent palpable enlargement of the kidneys. The larger the kidney , kidney function was worse ;
( 4 ) proteinuria : Average amount of small, not more than 2 grams of urine within 24 hours , it will not happen nephrotic syndrome ;
( 5 ) Hypertension: oppression kidney cysts , causing renal ischemia, the increase in renin secretion , causing high blood pressure.
Specific methods of prevention
( 1 ) Most of the liver and kidney cyst is a congenital , there are single , but also multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said kidney cyst is not much impact on human health.
( 2 ) is too large kidney cysts. On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around compression symptoms or inflammation, available needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy , use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation .
Liver ( 3 ) do not form oppression , renal cysts can not be treated , no effective treatment .
( 4 ) palm diagnosis of liver , kidney cyst is very reliable, generally do not have to do more checking.
( 5 ) can work and live , large liver, kidney cysts, should be taken to avoid local trauma .

( 6 ) liver, kidney cysts usually develops slowly, not cancerous , the prognosis is good.


Symptoms of kidney failure in patients with different stages of

Basically, there are two types of kidney failure , chronic renal failure and acute renal failure, since the different types that they appear different symptoms , in addition to the symptoms of kidney failure in different periods are different , so it also requires everyone should have a basic understanding of renal failure, in order to avoid errors in judgment to delay treatment. What are the specific symptoms of renal failure patients ? Then you find out.
Nosebleeds , chronic renal failure symptoms yet ?
Acute renal failure is a sudden disease, chronic renal failure, renal disease is a slow course . Nosebleeds are also symptoms of chronic renal failure do ? In life nosebleeds are very common disease , lit , factors other diseases can become a cause of nosebleeds .
What are the early symptoms of chronic renal failure ?
1 , urine changes. Because the symptoms of kidney function loss incurred . Since landing kidney filtration function , some patients with the disease will gradually reduce the amount of urine pause . Even normal urine , because urine to eliminate toxins that reduce the quality of land , you can not get rid of excess waste , so to some extent on the amount of urine your kidneys do not function well explain the good and bad .
2 , physical discomfort. Due to the continuous accumulation of toxins and waste in the body , the patient may feel malaise . Symptoms include nausea , vomiting, trouble sleeping at night , loss of appetite , itching , and fatigue.
3 , anemia. Because kidney function in patients suffering damage , the body does not produce enough hormones needed for the manufacture of red blood cells , resulting in anemia. Anemia often feel cold and tired.
4 , edema . Some patients appear puffiness. Decreased urine output , frequent urination ( especially at night ) . Hand foot and ankle swelling. Other symptoms include shortness of breath , swelling around the eyes , swelling of the symptoms , if present , to take timely measures to eliminate the treatment of the symptoms .
5, the other symptoms. Hematuria ( blood was brown or red ) , high blood pressure , urine bubble appears , diarrhea , extreme thirst, restless sleep, or drowsiness , decreased libido .
Common symptoms of acute renal failure ?
Symptoms of a skin pigmentation, itching.
2 symptoms , gastrointestinal symptoms: loss of appetite , nausea, vomiting.
3 symptoms , neurological symptoms: delirium , coma , convulsions , peripheral neuritis .
Symptoms 4 , hypocalcemia , crush injuries muscle rupture and acute pancreatitis.
5 symptoms , systemic symptoms : weakness, anemia, bleeding diathesis , acidosis, hyperkalemia , hyponatremia , water retention, infection.
6 symptoms , cardiovascular symptoms: high blood pressure , arrhythmia , pericarditis , pulmonary edema.
Common symptoms of glomerular renal failure
In the late variety of kidney disease , renal dysfunction , water, electrolyte imbalance , toxins can not be successfully excreted in urine , causing systemic poisoning symptoms, which is chronic renal failure.
The most common cause of chronic glomerulonephritis, accounting for about 50% -60 %. Often a consequence of a variety of glomerular diseases. Such as acute glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome. There are other chronic pyelonephritis , lupus nephritis , urolithiasis , diabetic nephropathy , hypertension, renal artery stenosis, poisoning nephropathy and so on. It can be said of these may lead to chronic renal failure disease should pay attention to , active treatment.
Such as acute glomerulonephritis may occur at any age, but is more common in children, the vast majority occur after infection , especially after hemolytic streptococcal infection , caused by changes in glomerular inflammatory immune mechanisms , the infection is more common in the respiratory tract infections, skin infections and scarlet fever . When this occurs in addition to active treatment after infection , should also check the urine in 2-3 weeks . In the treatment of pyelonephritis be sure to use really effective antibiotic treatment and foot treatment ( acute pyelonephritis two weeks , chronic pyelonephritis two months ) , the joint use of antibiotics . Avoid the use of drugs should be nephrotoxic drugs ( eg streptomycin ) .
What are the early symptoms of kidney failure women ?
1 , edema
This is a relatively easy to find the phenomenon . Because the kidneys can not eliminate excess water in the body and lead to fluid retention in the body tissue space , only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break , when expanded , if persistent or generalized edema to have the disease do not carry light .
Symptoms of kidney failure in patients with different stages of
2 , drowsiness , fatigue
It may be early manifestations, but the most easily overlooked due cause drowsiness , fatigue reason indeed too much. Especially those in business , " full fight " , most people put the blame on the work of panic and fatigue . If a little rest and symptoms improved , are more easily overlooked .
3, due to high serum creatinine caused by gastrointestinal function disorders
This is due to the toxins in urine retention, affect the digestive function caused most people disagree . Subject to the condition commenced , will be presented Fullness abdominal discomfort, nausea , vomiting, resulting in an increase in stool frequency or pulpy mass will be at this time, the disease has been heavy, this is an important reason patients often have medical treatment .
4 , pale yellow
This is due to anemia caused by attacks and because of this performance is very slow to start , which is not too short a period of time does not render a clear " contrast " , as people find it difficult to meet sooner or later, the slow unfolding of various changes in the same .
5 , hypertension symptoms
Because kidney natriuresis , drainage function , impaired renal function when the body will attack with sodium and water accumulation , In this case, the kidneys secrete a number of substances increase blood pressure . Therefore , early renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If prone to cause clotting mechanism coupled with poor hypertension nose or gum bleeding, to attract attention .
6 , urine output changes

Since landing kidney filtration function , some patients with the disease will gradually reduce the amount of urine pause . Even normal urine , because urine to eliminate toxins that reduce the quality of land , you can not get rid of excess waste , so to some extent on the amount of urine your kidneys do not function well explain the good and bad .

Renal dialysis can live long

The progression of renal failure can be divided into acute and chronic , acute renal failure quickly , usually caused by insufficient blood supply of the kidney ( such as trauma or burns ) , due to some factors of kidney function is impaired or blocked causing hurt by the poison , causing acute renal failure is generated . The main reason for the long-term chronic renal failure kidney disease, along with the time and the disease, decreased kidney function , resulting in renal failure .
Renal failure is the development of a variety of chronic kidney disease caused by the latter part of renal function or complete loss of a pathological state .
Renal failure, dialysis can live? Many patients with renal failure under the various factors had to dialysis to sustain life. Well , renal failure dialysis can live?
Many patients are very concerned about these issues, but is not very clear , then , for all these questions today, we asked experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital for everyone to answer these questions, let's look at how the experts are introduced bar.
Renal dialysis can live? Experts tell us that with renal failure patient's condition continued to increase , the body of toxins from the body can not be discharged , the emergence of various complications , thereby endangering lives. At this point, renal failure patients in urgent need of an effective way to relieve the body expel toxins complications , maintain normal body signs . Dialysis ( including hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis ) became one of the effective means of treating renal failure patients at the moment .

Renal dialysis can be much longer to resolve , then, renal dialysis can live? Experts pointed out that , in fact, is just part of an alternative dialysis therapy , once stopped , then another long-term dialysis dialysis , then the disease will rebound . And dialysis will bring some disease complications problems. Dialysis can not make the toxin levels down to normal , a long time toxic effects on the body other systems is obvious. Twenty-three days have dialysis once, and spend dialysis is relatively high .

Reasons for kidney enlargement

The kidney is the organ of our body medicine , but patients with renal enlargement is also very common , then what are the reasons for kidney enlargement ? Kidney enlargement is a pathological change , patients should pay attention to the treatment , but also to the right treatment , it is important to identify the cause , here we introduce specific knowledge of the reasons for kidney enlargement , patients should know more about .
Experts say that a normal kidneys generally can not be touched , when kidney disease increased half times to twice as rational , even if there is no downward shift can also be touched to know , mild renal enlargement needs to be done to detect ultrasound , x-ray or the way radionuclide scan or CT scan , often more than the normal size of the kidneys value multiples .
The reason the relationship between renal enlargement enlargement of certain diseases , unilateral renal enlargement seen in kidney cancer, renal cysts, hydronephrosis, renal echinococcosis , nerve full thrombosis, Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis or side renal agenesis or cause side contralateral kidney after kidney atrophy compensatory hypertrophy .
Bilateral renal enlargement seen in acute or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome , congenital multiple cysts , bilateral hydronephrosis, side and side compensatory hypertrophy tumors , kidney abnormalities, kidney amyloidosis . So there are many reasons kidney enlargement possibilities , we must identify the job.
Through the above description I believe we have a considerable understanding of the causes of kidney enlargement , and if you have any questions you can leave a message or online via an online consultation contact us.


Reduced glomerular filtration rate causes

Really play the role of the kidney function is the function of each kidney cells . The main role is to clear the blood of harmful substances out of the body , this role is clear glomerular filtration rate . For this reason , people attach great importance to the strength of this glomerular filtration capabilities.
So, the glomerular filtration rate is how drop it? To understand this problem, we first analyze the glomerular filtration rate is how to achieve. The study found that glomerular filtration is achieved by two functions , one is a mechanical barrier function of the glomerulus , the second is the charge of glomerular barrier function . Mechanical barrier function means that there is a way to let the glomerular filtration of small molecules , macromolecules without allowing the ability to filter out . This ability to make blood macromolecules remain in the blood, while the extremely small molecules into the urine . And because the blood of toxins are generally small molecules , so the toxins generally be discharged into the urine. The so-called charge barrier means so there is a glomerular ability by positively charged species in order to ensure the negatively charged substances left in the blood. Through the above two functions is realized ensure glomerular filtration process for small molecules in the blood into the urine with the positive charge of the function, and when the urine flows through the tubules, and through its tubular back absorptive capacity , the urine of some ingredients beneficial to human body re- absorbed back into the blood and urine harmful part of the body.
Later, with the further discovery of medical science , people and uncover the secret of the glomerular filtration rate and renal tubular absorption function . Found in the glomerular layer of the mechanical barrier function is the function of glomerular capillary endothelial cells derived from the - capillary cell interaction mesangial cells and endothelial capillaries and played a mechanical barrier . Glomerular function is derived from the charge barrier layer of the glomerular function of skin cells - a capillary epithelial cells have the ability to control the negatively charged species through . Combined effect of these three functions in the cell before the glomerular filtration process to ensure that the small molecule with a positive charge in the blood is filtered into the urine. After the urine into the renal tubules , but also a function of the endothelial cells in the renal tubules - tubular epithelial cells in urine turn with a positive charge and the human and material needed for re- absorption. The four functions of cells through multiple checks ensures that the useful substances in the blood retained in the blood, into the urine and the harmful substances are eventually excreted .

But once the body against disease occurs , it will first cause changes in human blood components. And cause glomerular and tubular load exceeds the capacity of their work , and the emergence of injury or damage to the original filtration balance. The nature of this damage is to break the above four functions of cells or one or two or all destroyed. For this study found a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate is often said , in essence, is the function of the four glomerular and tubular function of cell destruction occurred . At this point, people will come to a meaningful conclusion : the decline of renal function Renal Unit is - glomerular filtration and tubular function and return the result of decreased absorption , and renal tubular dysfunction the reason is the functional glomerular and tubular cells - glomerular capillary endothelial cells, mesangial cells, epithelial cells, and tubular epithelial cells in the functional decline is a result of the destruction . Study here, we finally found the real reason for the decline in glomerular filtration rate - the composition of the unit cell renal function , renal function that is inherent in the function of cells was decreased after injury damages .

The cause of the high creatinine, creatinine is high?

In doing when renal function tests , serum creatinine someone will find themselves somewhat high. Of course , not necessarily a high serum creatinine by the kidney damage .
( Editor's Note: Creatinine is one of the indicators to measure kidney function tests , in general, a strong compensatory ability of the kidneys , the kidneys are not damaged to a certain extent patients often have no symptoms, when the glomerular filtration rate decreased to normal when more than 50% , serum creatinine began to rise rapidly , only far exceeded normal serum creatinine ( due to different measurement method over the country, normal serum creatinine also different , the normal range is 40 - 120umol / L is considered impaired kidney . )
What is the reason for the high creatinine ?
Existing renal insufficiency people, such as infection, including colds, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections , elevated serum creatinine may occur in the short term .
Body water loss, such as fever, sweating, reduce water consumption , resulting in blood concentration of polyuria , renal blood flow reduction , elevated serum creatinine may occur .
Patients with existing kidney disease , kidney damage drug use can occur serum creatinine , and even irreversible.
Original kidney disease patients , because relapse , oliguria , and even anuria phenomenon, can be combined with acute renal insufficiency , leading to elevated serum creatinine .
Life appeared tired, rest well, pay attention to the details of life , it can cause a transient increase in serum creatinine .
Existing hypertension , blood pressure is not controlled, medium- and long-term heavy proteinuria ( total 24-hour urine protein greater than 1 g or 1.5 g ) , elevated serum creatinine may slow progression unknowingly .
The above points are the reasons for the high serum creatinine , creatinine height must go to regular hospital routine examination , and ultimately get diagnosed and treated accordingly .
What are the symptoms of high creatinine ?
Water metabolism disorders include: polyuria, nocturia , thirst, dry mucous membranes , fatigue ; or systemic edema , elevated blood pressure , pulmonary edema and heart failure.
Sodium metabolic disorders : hyponatremia or hypernatremia .
Potassium metabolism disorders: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
Metabolic acidosis , patients may have to breathe deep and long, lack of appetite , abdominal pain and nausea , vomiting , weakness , headache, restlessness and even coma.
Aluminum, magnesium , copper, zinc , selenium and metabolic abnormalities.
Renal osteodystrophy : bone pain and proximal muscle weakness ; pain often generalized to the bone as heavy lower body discreet , skeletal deformities can cause short stature and so on.
Respiratory disease.
Circulatory system diseases.
Digestive diseases.
Blood disorders, such as renal anemia and so on.
Neuromuscular system lesions and skin symptoms.
Endocrine disorders, such as : thyroid dysfunction, sexual dysfunction , growth retardation .
Metabolic disorders, such as: carbohydrate metabolism , lipid metabolism , protein and amino acid metabolism disorders, and other metabolic waste retention .
How to creatinine down ? Creatinine High how to do? Uremia cure Case 1:
High creatinine drugs and food to eat what ?
Serum creatinine is a common understanding of the main methods of renal function , serum creatinine higher than normal in most mean kidney damage , serum creatinine can more accurately reflect the situation of renal damage , not sensitive indicators . Because the normal glomerular filtration rate dropped to 1 /3, serum creatinine was significantly increased. Meaning that , because human kidney metabolic ability , when kidney damage is generally less obvious discomfort , so a lot of people when the real nausea , vomiting, dizziness , in fact, a serious kidney damage already , then began to rise significantly in serum creatinine . So what to eat drugs and high serum creatinine food? Below we explain in detail to this problem :
First, what to eat high creatinine drugs that lower creatinine drugs are medical charcoal , this drug can quickly reduce creatinine values ​​, but need to point out is that this therapy can not cure the root cause, can only increase the toxins emitted from other sources number to temporarily relieve the symptoms of high creatinine and creatinine did not solve the problem of high radically. Long-term use side effects, but once the patient withdrawal, creatinine values ​​will rise rapidly , and creatinine values ​​even higher than before .
High creatinine eat what food? This requires what stage in accordance with renal insufficiency and creatinine , creatinine level is different, there are differences in the diet , but no matter what stage had to follow the kidney diet principles : low salt , low fat and a small amount of high quality protein , avoid spicy .
Creatinine high dietary taboos : tobacco
Tobacco contains a variety of harmful substances that can damage the liver and kidney function , inhibition of renal units repaired, thus suffering from kidney disease must be determined to quit smoking. The alcohol in fusel oil and kidney tissue degeneration and nitrosamines can cause cancer, kidney disease and therefore should not drink to avoid liver and kidney damage.
How to creatinine down
Why would elevated creatinine , creatinine high mean? How to creatinine down ? Uremic serum creatinine is excreted because they can not function after kidney damage as a result of in vivo serum creatinine is too high, is the greatest harm to the body , heart and brain lungs and many other complications are due to creatinine, urea nitrogen and other toxins damage year.
How to creatinine down ? Kidney damage is a gradual process , that part has been formed for renal scar tissue has no therapeutic value , but the scar is not fully formed , still in the process of development of kidney disease as well as the value of those treatments .
Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies to block penetration therapy for kidney disease uremia , for the formation of lesions mainly play two roles:
On the one hand through degradation , these scarring removal of necrotic tissue from the body , to prevent them from causing further damage to other kidney tissue.
On the other hand , the kidneys do not form scar tissue repair , supply of protein , amino acids and other substances must be required to repair the kidneys , preventing them from scarring . In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy Huoxuetongluo Stasis role of the new aspects of the cleanup and restoration of three students, improve the environment of the whole kidney , kidney provide good conditions for the restoration , and promote recovery of renal function .
After blocking fiber kidney disease process , renal protection . After the kidney is mainly excreted in urine , creatinine toxins function, renal function protection , creatinine naturally not up again . In addition , high serum creatinine kidney damage is minor cycle , glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes . By blocking kidney disease treatment, mainly in fiber to prevent kidney disease show the same time, to clear the cause of immune complexes and diseased tissue glomerular basement membrane damage , and repair the glomerular basement membrane . As soon as the damaged basement membrane repair , alter kidney structure , expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration , serum creatinine will gradually decline.

Most uremic patients develop kidney disease takes time , requires a process , therefore , treatment recovery also requires a process , then we must prevent colds , diet and emotions, not tired , control of blood pressure , blood sugar and other factors, many ways to protect kidney function. Timely treatment , and then noted that, in order to make creatinine down !

Specific measures of kidney failure diet

1 - This diet has worked in patients with renal failure .
2 - must follow a diet with your doctor or dietitian should be inquiring of them if you do not know .
3 - Use a small amount of salt in the kitchen and avoid adding to the food after cooking . And avoid salty foods , such as canned foods , pickles, sauces, ready-made .
4 - abstain from all foods rich in potassium .
5 - when feeling thirsty can eat ice cubes .
Diet proposed
Breakfast :
- Half a cup of milk or a quarter cup of milk or yogurt
- 30 grams of salt a little cheese or egg or bean or jam
- Half Bzaarbe Obz Samoli ( Samun )
- Fresh fruit or juice ( allowed )
Lunch :
- 30 grams of meat, chicken or fish
- A cup of rice or pasta or groats Orr GIFF
- Average Arabic bread or bread Samoli 2 ( Samun )
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables ( allowed )
- Half fruit juice or fresh ( allowed )
- ½ cup salad
- Half a cup of coffee or Shahi with a piece of non- salty biscuits
Dinner :
- Half a cup of milk or milk or ¼ cup yogurt
- 30 grams of meat, chicken or fish
- A cup of rice or pasta or groats or half-baked Arabic or one pill Samoli ( Samun )
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables ( allowed )
- Half fruit juice or fresh ( allowed )
- ½ cup salad
Vegetables are proposed:
• ½ cup soy .
• ½ cup green beans or canned , cooked or snow .
• ½ cup white beans .
• ½ cup cabbage all kinds.
• ½ cup fresh cauliflower .
• half a pack or cooked celery clip .
• ½ cup sliced ​​cucumber without peel .
• ½ cup black eggplant .
• 2,5 grain of fresh mushrooms .
• onions of all kinds .
• pepper or pepper .
• 3 beads radishes or 8 beads Abu scalp .
• 30 gm lettuce .
Fruits are proposed:
· ½ cup applesauce .
· One-third cup strawberries .
· ½ cup fruit juice or a problem .
· 10 grapes or juice cup .
· ½ cup canned Yusuf Effendi .
· ½ cup canned pear .
· ½ cup fresh or canned pineapple .
· 1 grain of canned peaches .
· 1 cup fresh lemon .

· 2 tablets canned plum .

The winter maintenance kidney eat five fish

Chronic nephritis patients should follow the doctor's advice, the right amount of salt intake, excessive salt is not necessary.If there are no symptoms such as hypertension, oedema of nephritis patients, can need not excessive limit salt problem.At ordinary times dietary attention is lighter, less salt.
A lot of nephritis patients have such consciousness: was kidney disease, can't disorderly disorderly eat and drink, and rose up like before.As the saying goes, chronic diseases to three partition seven FenYang, good diet is very important for the rehabilitation of chronic nephritis.
Part of nephritis patients but also because of excessive attention to diet and accidentally walked into the erroneous zone."Limit salt" this things, for one, a low salt diet has become the consensus of many kidney disease patients, some patients treated "limit salt" to the extreme, drops of salt.Limit salt really means eating less salt even don't eat salt?Let's listen to how nephritis experts said.
Nephritis patients: limit salt indicates the forbidden salt
Patients with nephritis edema, sometimes part and edema associated with salt, so some patients to control the salt intake to the point of a strict, even some patients implement banned "salt" policy.Experts said that the limit of the salt and salt are two happen.Ban salt or will lead to low serum sodium and serum chloride, muscle spasms, low blood pressure, low blood volume, as well as the orthostatic hypotension.Blind ban salt may even cause great threat to life safety.
Further pointed out that the limit salt intake at obvious edema or water sodium retention nephritis patients.This part of the patients do need to perform a low sodium diet, which means to limit salt.Patients had better away from the food containing high salt, such as pickles, salted eggs, bacon, pickles, preserved eggs, fermented bean curd, etc.
Supplements appropriate five fish fish the keeping in good health
The carp
Carp is rich in high quality protein, the body digestion and absorption rate can reach 96%.Carp is appropriate nephritis edema, jaundice hepatitis, liver cirrhosis ascites human consumption.Carp is hair content, not suitable for patients with malignant tumor, skin disease.To remove the intestines carp appropriate braise in soy sauce, cooking, or destruction.
Herring is rich in selenium, iodine, zinc and nucleic acid, have anti-aging and anti-cancer effect, often used in diet.Herring contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, can dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clotting.Herring is appropriate edema, hepatitis, blood fat, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis patient edible, is not suitable to spleen and stomach weak, lack of qi and blood and suffering from itchy skin disease of human consumption.Herring oil is more, suitable for baked, guarantee the fresh degree of meat.
Often eat hairtail have raise liver blood tonic, the effect of embellish skin raise hair.Although hairtail adipose content is higher than general fish, but mostly unsaturated fatty acid, have lower cholesterol effects.Hairtail, rich in magnesium, can protect the cardiovascular system, prevention of hypertension disease.Hairtail suitable long become empty, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry skin of human consumption, whereas patients with skin disease, asthma is unfavorable edible.Hairtail appropriate eating Fried, out of the pot before spray some cooking wine, taste better.
Crucian carp
Crucian carp is rich in protein, and easy to digest absorb, liver and kidney, is good sources of protein in patients with disease of heart head blood-vessel.Crucian carp in the spleen, with wet and appetizing, the effect of activating blood know luo, the edema, ulcer, chronic bronchitis, asthma, diabetes diet.Postpartum women eat carp soup, stew can tonify deficiency lead to milk.Cold accompanied by fever patients should diet crucian carp.Crucian carp is suitable for soup, has the very good tonic.

Loach have medicinal value, have to fill in the effect of raw tomifying qi, kidney essence.Loach is rich in the spermine and nucleoside, increases the skin elasticity and moisture, and enhance the body's antiviral ability.Loach is suitable for weak, spleen and stomach cold, body sweats people eat, is good for the treatment of acute hepatitis yellow gangrene.Loach may have parasites, so can't eaten raw, appropriate eating stew.


iga nephropathy urinary protein high how to treat it

iga nephropathy urinary protein high how to treat it ? past two years , iga nephropathy incidence is rising state, and the disease is being spread throughout the country . According to the relevant personnel statistics , iga nephropathy patients appear proteinuria should be what kind of therapy do experts solve this problem, make the following specific analysis ? :
iga nephropathy high urinary protein how to treat it ? iga nephropathy what is right ? iga nephropathy is a mucosal immune deficiency diseases, mainly in the upper respiratory tract infection / gastrointestinal infection / urinary tract infection appears next to gross hematuria or persistent microscopic hematuria , with or without urinary protein characterized . At this point in the inflammatory response of kidney damage , characteristic of this period is that if we continue to standard treatment , is completely healed , otherwise do not adhere to standard treatment as it is easy to enter fibrosis and scarring of the period . Occult blood is due to the emergence of a large number of immune complex deposition in the glomerular mesangial area , filtration barrier damage , caused by increased permeability . For iga nephropathy treatment of urinary protein high , it can not just simply eliminate occult blood , it is easy in the face of repeated illness predisposing factors , to increase the difficulty of treatment .
High urinary protein and occult blood are important signs of kidney disease. Creatinine values ​​from your point of view, your kidney disease control is still relatively good . Proteinuria and occult blood does not mean the presence of a serious disease , IGA nephropathy appears certain amount of urinary protein and occult blood is normal in the treatment phase . Recommended by the amount of drug control , while strict attention to diet.

iga nephropathy urinary protein high how to treat it ? recommend the use of pure Chinese medicine comprehensive therapy, including oral medicine , cloud fire live kidney , herbal steam treatment , TCM herbs , etc., in the treatment of kidney disease , but also active treatment and maintenance of other organs , because mutual restraint between the heart, liver, spleen and lung , interdependent , so while treatment can not only quickly alleviate the condition , eliminate symptoms , and can shorten the course of treatment, in favor of IgA nephropathy speedy recovery. Of particular note is that the cloud of fire living kidney according to Chinese medicine , " the disease outside the rule " principle, in order to "fire " as a vehicle to " guide massage " as the way to "skin , sweat glands, acupuncture , capillary " of course , the penetration of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine to the kidneys , directly on the tumor tissue , the elimination of immune complexes and necrotic tissue for damaged glomerular basement membrane to remove deposited on the basement membrane of immune complexes and diseased tissue while repair damaged basement membrane , activating the body's immune system , accelerate their metabolism and repair.

Relationship creatinine , serum creatinine, urine creatinine between

What is creatinine ?
Creatinine is the metabolic waste generated by human muscle creatine , the muscle metabolism can produce 20g per 1mg creatinine . Creatinine mainly by glomerular ( an important part of the kidney ) filtration excreted. Creatinine is a small molecule substances in the muscle , creatine primarily through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly generates creatinine, glomerular filtration through , little absorption in the renal tubules , creatinine daily body produces almost All with the urine, urine is generally not affected . Renal insufficiency and creatinine accumulate in the body become harmful toxins. Therefore, the total amount of serum creatinine and muscular body closely , substantially free from the diet , and other catabolic effects of high -renal factors , exogenous intake creatinine stability , the amount of homeostasis ( daily 20mg/kg) in the case , serum creatinine concentration depends on glomerular filtration rate .
Serum creatinine, creatinine and urine creatinine divided
1 , serum creatinine
Creatinine muscle metabolism in vivo after release into the blood , compared with serum creatinine . Serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate is not entirely consistent, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate than more sensitive . In early renal dysfunction ( decompensated ) , creatinine and creatinine clearance rate was normal . When the glomerular filtration rate to more than 50% of normal , serum creatinine began to rise rapidly , so when serum creatinine was significantly higher than normal, often expressed in renal function has been seriously compromised. As the creatinine clearance rate is also affected by glomerular function concentrated , in the case of impaired renal concentration of creatinine is the most reliable indicators reflect glomerular function . Normal male serum creatinine of 53-106gmol / L, females 44.2-97.2gmol / L.
Serum creatinine increased: seen in acromegaly, gigantism , diabetes , infection, hypothyroidism , eating meat , exercise, intake of drugs ( such as vitamin C, levodopa , methyldopa , etc. ) .
Reduce serum creatinine : seen in acute or chronic renal insufficiency , severe congestive heart failure , hyperthyroidism , anemia, muscular dystrophy , leukemia, vegetarians , and taking male hormones, such as thiazide drugs .
2 , urine creatinine

Creatinine blood circulatory system in vivo released into the urine, compared to urine creatinine . Urine creatinine (Cr) normal range for men 5.3 ~ 16mmol / d; Women 7 ~ 18mmol / d. Determination of urinary creatinine concentration alone for the evaluation of renal function with little help, but together with the determination of serum creatinine , creatinine clearance as required rate index

Comprehensive analysis of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis principles , indications and precautions

Dialysis (dialysis): diffusion through the semipermeable membrane into the water ( or buffer ) of small molecules by the principle of the separation of small molecules and biological macromolecules of a separation and purification techniques.
Dialysis component ( solute or water ) in the treatment of body fluids discharged through the semipermeable membrane in vitro . Commonly used in acute or chronic renal failure, in the case of drugs or other toxins accumulated in the body . Commonly used in dialysis hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis there .
The patient's blood and the dialysis solution while introducing the dialyzer ( opposite to the direction of flow of both ) , use of a dialyzer ( artificial kidney ) a semipermeable membrane , the excessive accumulation of blood toxins and excess water cleared from the body, and supplementary base to correct acidosis, electrolyte imbalance adjustment , replacement kidney excretory function .
Is commonly known as artificial kidney dialysis , hollow fiber type and flat type coil type 3 . The most common is a hollow fiber type, and from 1 to 15,000 hollow fibers, i.e. the walls of the hollow fiber dialysis membrane , a semipermeable membrane properties. Hemodialysis blood flow into each of the hollow fibers , and dialysate flows outwardly through the hollow fibers of each flow direction of blood flow in the opposite direction with the dialysate , removal of toxic principle through a semipermeable membrane , and the permeate by ultrafiltration to remove moisture .
Indications include hemodialysis :
① acute renal failure .
② acute intoxication of drugs or poisons .
③ chronic renal failure.
④ renal function prior to transplant after kidney transplant failure or rejection of renal allografts were nonfunctional .
⑤ other diseases ( hepatic failure , schizophrenia, psoriasis ) .
Hemodialysis relative contraindications include :
① extremely critical condition , hypotension, shock .
② severe infection sepsis .
③ severe myocardial dysfunction or coronary heart disease .
④ After major surgery three days were . ⑤ severe bleeding tendency , cerebral hemorrhage and severe anemia .
⑥ psychiatric substandard author . ⑦ cancer patients .
Usually patients need dialysis three times a week , every 4 to 5 hours. Early initiation of dialysis should be irreversible organ damage and to facilitate the body's metabolism to correct excessive accumulation of toxins caused due when creatinine clearance decreased to 10 ~ 12mL/min when dialysis should begin . Effect of dialysis patients 15 to 60 years old is good and safe , but because of dialysis technology continues to improve and new emerging dialysis equipment , patients over the age of 70 can get good results.
To ensure the quality of life of dialysis patients , improve recovery rates , hemodialysis patients should ensure that the daily protein intake of 1.0 to 1.2 g / kg and 146.3 kJ / kg , taking adequate intake of water-soluble vitamins and trace elements to supplement the dialysis lost volume . The 5-year survival in dialysis patients reported in different countries , about 50 % to 80 %, 10 -year survival rate of over 50% also reported .
Peritoneal dialysis therapy
Is the use of peritoneal dialysis as a semipermeable membrane , into the peritoneal dialysis fluid through the tube to the abdominal cavity , removing toxins through the diffusion theory, correction of electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, by osmosis principle ( to within plus glucose peritoneal dialysis solution to improve osmotic solution ) ultrafiltration to achieve alternative renal excretory function .
Peritoneal dialysis compared with hemodialysis equipment is simple, can be operated at the bedside , and avoid sudden changes in fluid balance .
Peritoneal dialysis into continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD, the patient can carry the device freely ) , persistent cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD, the advantage with CAPD, nocturnal dialysis dialysis machines rely on the abdominal wall , can still work during the day ) and intermittent peritoneal dialysis ( for acute patients ) . Average daily should be 4 to 6 times dialysis , each poured into 2000mL dialysate . Without relying on peritoneal dialysis machine , easy to operate , no special training of personnel , it is inexpensive, can be carried out in primary health care units .
Although peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis same indications , but each has pros and cons , you can not replace each other , it should be properly selected according to the primary disease , illness and health , economic condition of the patient , so that patients get the maximum benefit. Priority should be given the following circumstances peritoneal dialysis :
① elderly , persons with poor cardiovascular function .
② hemodialysis vascular access difficulties .
③ severe bleeding tendency can not make those systemic heparin hemodialysis .
④ diabetic nephropathy uremia , they will be joined by intraperitoneal insulin , glucose can control better.
The following cases of peritoneal dialysis Contraindications:
① abdomen three days after major surgery.
② peritoneal adhesions or intestinal obstruction .
③ abdominal infection who can not be cloned into dialysis tubes .
④ abdominal tumors , intestinal fistula, diaphragmatic hernia , etc.

Strict aseptic peritonitis can cause repeated episodes of peritonitis can reduce abdominal area dialysis , dialysis efficacy decline. In addition, because the peritoneal membrane pores on the membrane pore size larger than hemodialysis unit , so the nutrients lost when compared to hemodialysis dialysate from serious . Therefore, strict aseptic technique and adequate nutrition is peritoneal dialysis guarantee of success. Peritoneal dialysis 1,2,3,4,5 -year survival rate was 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 65 % and 46 %, about 10% annually diminishing , has survived for 20 years has been reported by the world.
