
Why exactly recurrent nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome, a kidney disease is relatively easy to repeated attacks, then why do so repeatedly cause disease? To this end, we find kidney specialist hospital specialists to understand. Experts said this is mainly for the following reasons:
1, stress disorder is relatively large, can not keep a good attitude good, poor quality sleep can also cause recurrent disease.
2, excessive fatigue, eating unclean living without restraint, colds, diarrhea can cause relapse in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome excessive intake of protein in the diet.
3, the number of patients with nephrotic syndrome excessive considering the side effects of drugs, or reduce drug withdrawal itself, leading to illness relapse. Not strictly be prescribed medication, the disease caused by too much randomness relapse. Own, and shorten the course, once the swelling disappeared, proteinuria disappeared disable the hormone on their own, or change clothes medicine. This practice very easily lead to relapse, hormone therapy can also become invalid. So, nephrotic syndrome, and doctors told the family must endeavor to comply, in accordance with the requirements of the doctor, take medication.
4, if the long-term prednisone nephrotic syndrome, adrenal their cortical atrophy phenomenon appears, therefore, no longer after discontinuation of hormone secretion, resulting in insufficient body's own hormones, in this case easy to nephrotic syndrome relapse, but also attracted a terrible careless adrenal crisis. So, nephrotic syndrome try taking prednisone less harmful to the kidneys and other drugs.
5, clinical studies show that nearly 15 years, national experts to study the relationship between kidney disease nephrotic syndrome recurrence of leukocyte antigen, found that patients with certain leukocyte antigens easy to relapse, and this antigenicity is determined by genetics, but also That is a congenital form, can not be changed, which is destined to bear the pain of those children may be long-term repeated recurrence.
Some patients with nephrotic syndrome of recurrent disease and infection have a great relationship, especially with viral upper respiratory tract inflammation (ie cold) related to a cold will make the urine protein was positive, there will be some swelling. Cold better, proteinuria has disappeared, which is the best, but there are some children with colds, although more, but proteinuria did not disappear, plus the amount of the hormone would have to disappear. So, nephrotic syndrome in children and their families do not ignore the small infections and colds, it can be a fatal blow.

Through the above explanation we should understand the causes of nephrotic syndrome recurrence of those, Henan Yu Mei kidney hospital experts pointed out that patients must work closely with doctors, early diagnosis. Conditions may make biopsy to determine the nature of the disease from the structure of horizontal cells and then develop targeted individualized treatment plan. Cautiously positive response to colds, infections. Statistics from the predisposing factors of recurrence, the cold is the most major predisposing factors.


