
Under normal circumstances a normal adult day and night ( 24 hours ) urination O.8 ~ 2.0L

Urine protein in urine is how ? What is the clinical significance ? In clinical urine can not be ignored a preliminary examination, a lot of early kidney disease can occur in proteinuria or urinary sediment visible components . Once urinary abnormalities , often the first indication of kidney or urinary tract disease , often also provide important clues to the nature of the pathological process . In recent years, many people have stressed that doctors should be responsible for do -it-yourself urine routine examination , doctors found that in general is beneficial for kidney disease diagnosis .
Urine routine examination content : Urine routine examination including urine color, transparency , pH , protein , leukocytes, epithelial cells, casts , erythrocytes, and urine specific gravity qualitatively .
( 1 ) Urine color: normal color of urine, the urine is mainly caused by the pigment , the daily excretion of large body is constant , so the depth of the urine with urine color changes . Normal urine was straw yellow , the color may be due to abnormal urine food , drug , dye , such as blood factors.
( 2 ) Transparency : normal fresh urine , unless the urine of women slightly cloudy seen , the majority is clear and transparent , if placed too long slight turbidity occurs , which is due to changes in the pH of urine , mucus protein in the urine , nucleoprotein and so gradually precipitated the rules.
( 3 ) pH : normal urine is acidic, neutral or may be alkaline, the pH of the urine in the diet depends largely on the type, the type of disease , and medications .
( 4 ) Protein: Protein is generally considered normal daily discharge mass 40 to 80 mg , up to 100 to 150 mg, conventional qualitative test was negative. Pathological proteinuria seen in glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, acute renal failure , hypertension, kidney disease , diabetes, kidney disease, toxemia of pregnancy , lupus nephritis, radiation nephritis and other inflammatory renal disease , poisoning , cancer and so on.
( 5 ) Tube Type : Normal urine contains only a trace amount of albumin, without tube, or occasionally a small transparent tube . If a tube appears in the urine , can reflect at least a nephron , is a sign of kidney disease, has important implications for diagnosis.
( 6 ) Cell: the clinical significance of urine cell erythrocytes , leukocytes and epithelial cells of the small circle . ① red blood cells. Normal urine may occasionally red blood cells, after centrifugation per high-power field not more than three . If large amounts of red blood cells appear in urine , the kidneys may be due to bleeding , urinary tract bleeding , kidney congestion and other reasons. Strenuous exercise and blood circulation disorders can also lead to increased glomerular permeability , and the emergence of protein and red blood cells in the urine. ② leukocytes. There are a small number of white blood cells in the urine of normal existence , centrifugation of urine per high-power field no more than five . Abnormal urine contains large amounts of white blood cells , which means that there is suppurative disease of the urinary tract , such as pyelonephritis , cystitis and urethritis. ③ small round epithelial cells. Normal urine , can sometimes be found steatosis few small round epithelial cells. If glomerular nephritis , urine epithelial cells increased . If renal tubular lesions , there may be many small round epithelial cells.
( 7 ) Specific gravity: urine specific gravity between about 1.015 ~ 1.025 , low infant's urine specific gravity , specific gravity by age , water intake and affect sweating . Specific gravity level , depending on the concentration of kidney function , so the determination of specific gravity can be used as one of renal function tests .
( 8 ) qualitative urine : You can trace glucose within normal urine, the daily urinary sugar content of 0.1 to 0.3 g , the maximum not more than 0.9 grams , qualitative test was negative. Positive urine common in renal diabetes , hyperthyroidism, diabetes and other diseases .
Urine volume (Vol)
Urine test results analysis:
Check the amount of urine
Under normal circumstances a normal adult day and night ( 24 hours ) urination O.8 ~ 2.0 liters. However, water intake , exercise, sweat , urine output temperature can be affected
Overnight urine > 2500 ml of urine, < 400 ml of oliguria < 100 ml of urine completely or completely within 12 hours to urinate , such as nocturia volume > 500 ml , urine specific gravity < 1.018 to increase the amount of nocturnal
Urine color (Col)
Check urine color
Normal urine is pale yellow to brown. Often affected by diet, exercise , sweating and other effects
Diabetes insipidus , diabetes patients more urine almost colorless ; hepatocellular jaundice, see orange or yellow , that tangled bilirubin in urine obstructive jaundice, but if taking riboflavin , complex Vit B, furans drugs also dark yellow , should be above bilirubinuria difference ; urinary tract tumors, stones , trauma , or acute inflammation and tuberculosis ( such as acute cystitis ) hematuria , the appearance of red , visible under a microscope, a large number of red blood cells, a large number of white blood cells in urine appears , microorganisms, or when there are a large number of epithelial cells and amorphous phosphates to urate milky color . In addition, the visible color of soy sauce , red wine color , dark brown and other colors urine, except for the influence of drugs , it is recommended to the hospital for further examination
Transparency (Clr)
Examination of urine dialysis transparency
Fresh urinary crystal clear no precipitation . Place for some time, there may be flocculent precipitate , especially female urinary
When urine that is cloudy , often due to leukocytes, epithelial cells, mucus , microbes and other causes, the need for microscopic examination to be identified, few patients urinary Africa crystalline phosphate precipitation , cloudy urine also , there was no clinical significance
Specific Gravity (SG)
Check the specific gravity of the urine
Normal 24-hour urine specific gravity of about 1.015 . Often in 1.010 ~ 1.025 fluctuations due to diet, exercise , sweating and other effects . Random fluctuation range of specific gravity 1.005 to 1.030 .
24 hours mixed urine specific gravity increased when seen in high fever dehydration, acute glomerulonephritis, cardiac insufficiency. Proteinuria and diabetes also increased urine specific gravity . 24 hours mixed urine specific gravity is lowered diabetes insipidus , chronic nephritis, renal dysfunction concentration seen . Determination of any one random urine, urine protein and no sugar , the proportion of ≥ 1.025, indicates normal kidney function concentrated , diluted gravity ≤ 1.005 indicates kidney function is normal, such as fixed at about l.010, called isotonic urine. Was affected by renal parenchyma loss of kidney function due to reduced concentration and dilution
Acid-base reaction (pH)
Check the urine acid-base reaction
Normal fresh urine is acidic, so pH6.O, due to the impact of food , pH often fluctuates between 5.O ~ 8.O
In the heat of sexually transmitted diseases , profuse sweating , when proteolytic strong, especially when acidosis, strongly acidic urine acidity , pH decline , taking ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, dilute hydrochloric acid and other drugs, was also found in urine acidity . Alkalosis , mixed with a lot of pus in the urine when blood, taking Minnesota and other basic drugs , the urine is alkaline , pH rises
Urinary white blood cells ( granulocytes lipase LEU)
Bacterial infections of the urinary system indicators
Qualitative test : negative
Anomalies suggest the possibility of urinary tract infections
Urinary nitrite (NIT)
Bacterial urinary tract infection screening index
Qualitative test : negative
Normal urine contains nitrates. Reduction by bacteria ( mainly Enterobacteriaceae ) together . Therefore, when urinary tract infection (e.g., cystitis , pyelonephritis ) can be positive , since the Enterobacteriaceae ( such as E. coli Greek , Proteus, etc. ) is a common bacterial urinary tract infection , it is often used as this examination of urine Road infection screening test
Urine protein (PRO)
Urine protein examination kidney disease diagnosis, treatment , prognosis of the important indicators of

Qualitative test : negative


