
How to protect your kidneys do ?

The kidney is called the body's second heart , to health and longevity , sound good kidney function is an indispensable condition. ? Then how should usually protect their kidneys do Tongji Hospital of Xi'an kidney specialists in order to protect their proposal no kidney problems, we should do the following:
1 kidney is a relatively delicate organ, a strong sensitivity . So the first thing in the diet should be careful not to eat too much protein, high -salt diet , to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys . Protein 1.5 to 2.0 day / kg body weight , sufficient normal requirements . Secondly , do not try to use less toxic to the kidneys strong drugs to avoid or reduce exposure to a variety of renal toxicity strong poison . Such as kidney damage drugs are antibiotics, such as cephalosporins , penicillins and their derivatives , sulfonamides, aminoglycosides , etc. ; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin , indole acetic acid, Bullock Finland and so on. Also due to the high potassium herbs for human kidneys were damaged .
2 quit alcohol. Smoking can microvascular contraction, pulse rate, blood pressure , headache, dizziness , insomnia , vision loss and other symptoms. Drinking also can make blood pressure, elevated serum creatinine and creatine metabolism in hyperthyroidism so . When alcohol decomposition can produce acidic substances , metabolic acidosis, nausea , loss of appetite , depression and other symptoms.
3 women in the menstrual period , pregnancy , postpartum , etc. In particular, pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent urinary tract infections. Develop a regular habit of urinating regularly , should not tolerate the urine .
4 . Promote a healthy and civilized life , tried to stay to prevent sexually transmitted diseases harm the kidneys.
5 thin slender physique , and they should strengthen the training, improve lumbar muscle contraction , preventing renal ptosis .
6 regular check-ups , especially urine tests , renal function tests , early detection, timely diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease.

7 have dizziness, waist and knees, pain, urine long , nocturia , but no abnormal laboratory tests people generally are Chinese, " kidney ", the discretion to wear some medicine such as kidney Qiangshen Liuweidihuangwan , Ji Sheng Shen Qi balls , or herbs such as walnut porridge, steamed yam, wolfberry pork, shrimp, leeks , recovery soup.


