
Specific measures of kidney failure diet

1 - This diet has worked in patients with renal failure .
2 - must follow a diet with your doctor or dietitian should be inquiring of them if you do not know .
3 - Use a small amount of salt in the kitchen and avoid adding to the food after cooking . And avoid salty foods , such as canned foods , pickles, sauces, ready-made .
4 - abstain from all foods rich in potassium .
5 - when feeling thirsty can eat ice cubes .
Diet proposed
Breakfast :
- Half a cup of milk or a quarter cup of milk or yogurt
- 30 grams of salt a little cheese or egg or bean or jam
- Half Bzaarbe Obz Samoli ( Samun )
- Fresh fruit or juice ( allowed )
Lunch :
- 30 grams of meat, chicken or fish
- A cup of rice or pasta or groats Orr GIFF
- Average Arabic bread or bread Samoli 2 ( Samun )
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables ( allowed )
- Half fruit juice or fresh ( allowed )
- ½ cup salad
- Half a cup of coffee or Shahi with a piece of non- salty biscuits
Dinner :
- Half a cup of milk or milk or ¼ cup yogurt
- 30 grams of meat, chicken or fish
- A cup of rice or pasta or groats or half-baked Arabic or one pill Samoli ( Samun )
- Half a cup of cooked vegetables ( allowed )
- Half fruit juice or fresh ( allowed )
- ½ cup salad
Vegetables are proposed:
• ½ cup soy .
• ½ cup green beans or canned , cooked or snow .
• ½ cup white beans .
• ½ cup cabbage all kinds.
• ½ cup fresh cauliflower .
• half a pack or cooked celery clip .
• ½ cup sliced ​​cucumber without peel .
• ½ cup black eggplant .
• 2,5 grain of fresh mushrooms .
• onions of all kinds .
• pepper or pepper .
• 3 beads radishes or 8 beads Abu scalp .
• 30 gm lettuce .
Fruits are proposed:
· ½ cup applesauce .
· One-third cup strawberries .
· ½ cup fruit juice or a problem .
· 10 grapes or juice cup .
· ½ cup canned Yusuf Effendi .
· ½ cup canned pear .
· ½ cup fresh or canned pineapple .
· 1 grain of canned peaches .
· 1 cup fresh lemon .

· 2 tablets canned plum .


