
Uremic kidney transplant do what needs to be done to prepare before ?

For kidney transplant must choose the most appropriate time , in order to withstand adverse conditions in the surgical trauma and complications, high-dose corticosteroids, and immunosuppressive therapy , get every opportunity to survive . Thus , by the kidney by proper preparation before surgery is necessary .
( 1 ) prior to transplantation surgery necessary preparations : ① disease nephrectomy : Unless renal tumors , huge polycystic kidney disease, a lot of urine , severe renal tuberculosis , etc., generally do not advocate removal of kidney disease , as well as part of voiding residual renal and endocrine function. ② gastrointestinal surgery : Repeated or severe peptic ulcer bleeding , to prevent exacerbation of bleeding and infection after transplantation and endanger the patient's life , should be treated before transplantation . ③ lower urinary tract surgery : before transplantation , surgery to remove the post because of the urethra, urinary tract obstruction caused by an enlarged prostate .
( 2 ) should be adequate hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis before transplantation to effectively remove excess moisture and uremic toxins , correcting water and electrolyte imbalance and acidosis , significantly reduced symptoms of uremia , can reduce or eliminate the heart, lungs , liver and other vital organs of complications , the patient returned to normal activities, which the patient can tolerate for a kidney transplant and immunosuppressive therapy helps a lot .
( 3 ) to correct anemia. Dialysis patients can not correct the anemia status , severe anemia can affect kidney transplant preparation , blood transfusions can temporarily correct anemia status . In recent years that preoperative blood transfusion recipients to improve graft survival , but there are drawbacks transfusion : First, enter both toxic antibodies , and second, increasing the chance of infection hepatitis. In recent years, recombinant human erythropoietin used clinically, may be better to correct anemia , the patient transfusion before transplantation significantly reduced .
( 4 ) tissue typing : including AB0 blood typing , complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatching , human leukocyte antigen system (HLA), reactive antibody (PRA).
( 5 ) mental preparation : Before deciding to receive a kidney transplant surgery , should be ready to accept psychologically prepared to do the surgery . Surgery should be aware of the general content and a variety of complications that may occur. Surgery should know that there are many potential hazards to health care workers with governance .
( 6 ) strengthening diet therapy , given nutritious and easy to digest foods , aggressive treatment of high blood pressure , improve heart function , and so clear the infection foci .

( 7 ) funding, the need to maintain each year around 80,000 kidney transplant costs , should be fully prepared before surgery , otherwise unable to pay for their drugs will come to naught.


