
The winter maintenance kidney eat five fish

Chronic nephritis patients should follow the doctor's advice, the right amount of salt intake, excessive salt is not necessary.If there are no symptoms such as hypertension, oedema of nephritis patients, can need not excessive limit salt problem.At ordinary times dietary attention is lighter, less salt.
A lot of nephritis patients have such consciousness: was kidney disease, can't disorderly disorderly eat and drink, and rose up like before.As the saying goes, chronic diseases to three partition seven FenYang, good diet is very important for the rehabilitation of chronic nephritis.
Part of nephritis patients but also because of excessive attention to diet and accidentally walked into the erroneous zone."Limit salt" this things, for one, a low salt diet has become the consensus of many kidney disease patients, some patients treated "limit salt" to the extreme, drops of salt.Limit salt really means eating less salt even don't eat salt?Let's listen to how nephritis experts said.
Nephritis patients: limit salt indicates the forbidden salt
Patients with nephritis edema, sometimes part and edema associated with salt, so some patients to control the salt intake to the point of a strict, even some patients implement banned "salt" policy.Experts said that the limit of the salt and salt are two happen.Ban salt or will lead to low serum sodium and serum chloride, muscle spasms, low blood pressure, low blood volume, as well as the orthostatic hypotension.Blind ban salt may even cause great threat to life safety.
Further pointed out that the limit salt intake at obvious edema or water sodium retention nephritis patients.This part of the patients do need to perform a low sodium diet, which means to limit salt.Patients had better away from the food containing high salt, such as pickles, salted eggs, bacon, pickles, preserved eggs, fermented bean curd, etc.
Supplements appropriate five fish fish the keeping in good health
The carp
Carp is rich in high quality protein, the body digestion and absorption rate can reach 96%.Carp is appropriate nephritis edema, jaundice hepatitis, liver cirrhosis ascites human consumption.Carp is hair content, not suitable for patients with malignant tumor, skin disease.To remove the intestines carp appropriate braise in soy sauce, cooking, or destruction.
Herring is rich in selenium, iodine, zinc and nucleic acid, have anti-aging and anti-cancer effect, often used in diet.Herring contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, can dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clotting.Herring is appropriate edema, hepatitis, blood fat, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis patient edible, is not suitable to spleen and stomach weak, lack of qi and blood and suffering from itchy skin disease of human consumption.Herring oil is more, suitable for baked, guarantee the fresh degree of meat.
Often eat hairtail have raise liver blood tonic, the effect of embellish skin raise hair.Although hairtail adipose content is higher than general fish, but mostly unsaturated fatty acid, have lower cholesterol effects.Hairtail, rich in magnesium, can protect the cardiovascular system, prevention of hypertension disease.Hairtail suitable long become empty, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry skin of human consumption, whereas patients with skin disease, asthma is unfavorable edible.Hairtail appropriate eating Fried, out of the pot before spray some cooking wine, taste better.
Crucian carp
Crucian carp is rich in protein, and easy to digest absorb, liver and kidney, is good sources of protein in patients with disease of heart head blood-vessel.Crucian carp in the spleen, with wet and appetizing, the effect of activating blood know luo, the edema, ulcer, chronic bronchitis, asthma, diabetes diet.Postpartum women eat carp soup, stew can tonify deficiency lead to milk.Cold accompanied by fever patients should diet crucian carp.Crucian carp is suitable for soup, has the very good tonic.

Loach have medicinal value, have to fill in the effect of raw tomifying qi, kidney essence.Loach is rich in the spermine and nucleoside, increases the skin elasticity and moisture, and enhance the body's antiviral ability.Loach is suitable for weak, spleen and stomach cold, body sweats people eat, is good for the treatment of acute hepatitis yellow gangrene.Loach may have parasites, so can't eaten raw, appropriate eating stew.


