
Relationship creatinine , serum creatinine, urine creatinine between

What is creatinine ?
Creatinine is the metabolic waste generated by human muscle creatine , the muscle metabolism can produce 20g per 1mg creatinine . Creatinine mainly by glomerular ( an important part of the kidney ) filtration excreted. Creatinine is a small molecule substances in the muscle , creatine primarily through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly generates creatinine, glomerular filtration through , little absorption in the renal tubules , creatinine daily body produces almost All with the urine, urine is generally not affected . Renal insufficiency and creatinine accumulate in the body become harmful toxins. Therefore, the total amount of serum creatinine and muscular body closely , substantially free from the diet , and other catabolic effects of high -renal factors , exogenous intake creatinine stability , the amount of homeostasis ( daily 20mg/kg) in the case , serum creatinine concentration depends on glomerular filtration rate .
Serum creatinine, creatinine and urine creatinine divided
1 , serum creatinine
Creatinine muscle metabolism in vivo after release into the blood , compared with serum creatinine . Serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate is not entirely consistent, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate than more sensitive . In early renal dysfunction ( decompensated ) , creatinine and creatinine clearance rate was normal . When the glomerular filtration rate to more than 50% of normal , serum creatinine began to rise rapidly , so when serum creatinine was significantly higher than normal, often expressed in renal function has been seriously compromised. As the creatinine clearance rate is also affected by glomerular function concentrated , in the case of impaired renal concentration of creatinine is the most reliable indicators reflect glomerular function . Normal male serum creatinine of 53-106gmol / L, females 44.2-97.2gmol / L.
Serum creatinine increased: seen in acromegaly, gigantism , diabetes , infection, hypothyroidism , eating meat , exercise, intake of drugs ( such as vitamin C, levodopa , methyldopa , etc. ) .
Reduce serum creatinine : seen in acute or chronic renal insufficiency , severe congestive heart failure , hyperthyroidism , anemia, muscular dystrophy , leukemia, vegetarians , and taking male hormones, such as thiazide drugs .
2 , urine creatinine

Creatinine blood circulatory system in vivo released into the urine, compared to urine creatinine . Urine creatinine (Cr) normal range for men 5.3 ~ 16mmol / d; Women 7 ~ 18mmol / d. Determination of urinary creatinine concentration alone for the evaluation of renal function with little help, but together with the determination of serum creatinine , creatinine clearance as required rate index


