
Anka What are the symptoms of nephritis

Anka nephritis, kidney disease by ANCA associated vasculitis caused, although the clinical manifestations of ANCA-associated vasculitis are many, but the multi-organ involvement in the kidney as the most, so most of its symptoms are and more similar to the kidney disease, but because the disease is a common species of the West, the domestic rare, so the majority of patients admitted to hospital treatment has been more severe renal insufficiency, and even when a small non-specialist hospital misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis rate quite high, resulting in many patients do not get timely treatment. To this end, Beijing Branch of Chinese medicine kidney hospital experts from all aspects of the physical changes to our friends Anka nephritis explain some of the symptoms:
A urine urine varying degrees of change.
ANCA-associated vasculitis can cause large number of small blood tubule cell necrosis or inflammation, and kidney tubules capillary blood volume in the body organs are arranged in the forefront, which also led directly to the rapid and severe organ damage kidneys, renal case tubules are inflammatory cell infiltration, glomerular was severely damaged, a lot of protein and red blood cells were filtered to urine, thus forming proteinuria and hematuria due to vasculitis can always check into the bloodstream, forget seizure of urine, leading to serious misdiagnosis When the patient visually observed hematuria, renal function has been severely damaged.
Since Anka nephritis is caused by vascular inflammation, oliguria or polyuria phenomenon occurs, the patient's own urine when frequently changing concept note, timely inspection, in order to avoid misdiagnosis.
Second, edema and hypertension is one of the complications.
Due to insufficient kidney function, decreased glomerular filtration, resulting in the transfer to the interstitial water, water metabolism disorder caused sodium retention, edema formation in vitro performance, its symptoms can be found in the site, "the symptoms of edema is what kind of" .
When swelling occurs in patients, mostly accompanied by high blood pressure, this time many patients with back pain, dizziness, blurred vision, nocturia and other common symptoms of kidney disease can be found in the site, "symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy what."
Third, hormones and other drugs lead to increased concurrent symptoms.
Anka nephritis is caused by the ANCA-associated vasculitis, renal not the only damaged organs, so the treatment can not just go to a single treatment of kidney, medication is also quite different from other single kidney disease, hormonal and immune inhibitors are commonly used drugs the disease, because of the side effects of these drugs, resulting in more patients, such as acne, hair loss, obesity, and a series of external performance.
Fourth, more than a lung infection to sputum hemoptysis.
Anka nephritis is caused by ANCA-associated vasculitis, although the main lesions in the kidney, but is still a major cause of vascular inflammation, vascular inflammation while also cause lung disease, so patients are mostly accompanied by pulmonary infection, outstanding performance are much more respiratory infections, shortness of breath, cough, coughing up blood, but because the symptoms are pulmonary manifestations, and therefore it can not determine at this time how much the damage the kidneys, but can not therefore ignore these appearances, check When urine test should be done before conclusive.
Finally, the Beijing Branch of the Chinese medicine hospital experts remind the majority of kidney nephritis patients Anka resistance, although sometimes due to misdiagnosis and missed a lot of access to treatment, and therefore do not have to worry about it, after the "5C international Kangshen system" therapy, the vast majority able to improve the patient's condition, from dialysis, prolong life.
5C international Kangshen system - scientific norms thorough treatment Anka nephritis
"5C international Kangshen system," Anka scientific and effective treatment of nephritis, is starting from the initial cytology, opened five categories 15 subcategories almost a hundred checks, classification fine sieve etiology, accurate test results obtained through expert consultation , the use of more than 20 core technologies to develop a reasonable treatment rehabilitation programs. One party, dialectical therapy, from the root cause and treatment, blocking progression of the disease, and can accurately and quickly repair damaged diseased cells, promote regeneration and recovery of residual renal function activated ,7-15 days overall improvement in renal function cell system effectively curb the disease again. "5C international Kangshen system" to achieve the purpose of the following treatments:
1, rapidly relieve symptoms: expert group to develop the best treatment plan based on etiology and their individual differences, one party, dialectical therapy, multi-channel, multi-target, multi-channel combination therapy for the treatment means, effectively improve the kidneys microcirculation, so that renal ischemia and hypoxia eased.
2, to prevent disease progression: To repair the damaged kidney tissues and provides a relatively stable environment for the protection of liberal remnant tissue, slowing the progression of kidney disease progressed to uremia, effective containment recurrent disease.
3, delaying dialysis until no dialysis: differentiation from lesions, blocking progression of the disease, and can accurately and quickly repair damaged diseased cells; promote cell regeneration and recovery of residual renal function activated, the effective protection of residual renal units, overall improvement renal system function, to prevent dialysis to reduce the number of dialysis, the dialysis interval extended until from dialysis purposes.

4, to improve the quality of life and prolong life: through scientific norms and effective treatment can quickly repair damaged and diseased cells, promote regeneration and recovery of residual renal function activated c


