
High uric acid, creatinine, how high do we go?

Kidney patients in the clinical examination will fluctuate creatinine, serum creatinine showed higher than normal, below normal and urine creatinine. Since the kidneys subjected to violations of various causes after the damaged kidney inherent phenotypic transformation of cells, the formation of pathological changes in the kidneys to stimulate fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, because the kidneys continue to cause damage, the excretion of waste function decreased, causing the accumulation of toxins in the body, such as creatinine, while patients will have high blood pressure, high degree of swelling and other symptoms elsewhere in the body. Which appeared in the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine in urine decreased renal filtration rate and so on.

High creatinine and urea nitrogen how to treat? From the above analysis, creatinine and urea nitrogen in vivo is due to the high intrinsic renal cell damage, decreased glomerular filtration caused. So the key to treatment is to block the development of kidney fibrosis in therapy at recommended Integrative therapy in the treatment of drug above, the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine creatinine high penetration therapy can do the following:

1 vasodilator: Because kidney disease causing renal tubular epithelial cells in ischemia and hypoxia, the idea of ​​vasodilator purpose is to improve blood circulation kidneys status of each system, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia inherent in each cell, as Next epithelial cell repair to provide a good environment.

(2) Anti-inflammatory: is to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells, reduce re-injury of renal tubular epithelial cells.

3 anticoagulation: increase in inflammatory cells in the blood, the blood will increase viscosity to some extent, which increases the renal capillary micro thrombosis. The use of anticoagulant drugs is to reduce the pressure of thrombosis, in order to lay the foundation for epithelial cell repair.

4 Degradation: tubular capillaries increase in inflammatory cells and vascular micro thrombus deposition of urate crystals, causes tubular epithelial cells and capillary endothelial cells of capillary tubular aggregation and cell sediment an increase in the extracellular matrix. To do this go through the use of related drugs to continue to degrade the extracellular matrix deposition and make excreted in the urine.

In the use of drugs, the scientific method should be used in combination or a combination of Chinese and Western methods. Not simply a way to use the medicine or western medicine. By the effect of a method for single always have limitations.

By application of the four fair treatment of renal tubular epithelial cells of capillaries will be repaired, its normal kidney function will naturally recover.

Patients Q: iga nephropathy common symptoms

Doctors Answer: iga common symptoms of kidney disease, what does this harm is relatively large for kidney disease, to understand their symptoms can help people detect diseases early in life, so the best time to seize the treatment of disease, to avoid diseases? the delay. So, iga nephropathy symptoms, what does? Here we invite experts to us about kidney symptoms iga nephropathy!
1, IGA nephritis patients with the most common symptoms mainly in the microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic proteinuria. These symptoms are not easily found in many of the checks and screening of students to join the army, marriage and other routine health check found and diagnosed as renal biopsy. For children and young people with IgA nephropathy major clinical manifestations.
2, gross hematuria, which is the IGA nephritis patients with the most common symptoms. One of the most common upper respiratory tract infection, and hematuria occurs after a very short time interval, it can be called pharyngitis sync hematuria. Gross hematuria continued for several hours to several days, usually less than three days. There are repeated episodes of gross hematuria characteristics.
3, the majority of patients with IgA nephropathy proteinuria showed mild proteinuria, ECTkey = 24-hour urinary protein excretion 24-hour urinary protein excretion nephrotic syndrome. Recommended REVIEW >> Patients Q: hypertensive nephropathy care measures which
4, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis syndrome, this symptom is not common, most patients have persistent hematuria and a lot of proteinuria. Renal function in a short time there will be abrupt deterioration may have edema and mild to moderate hypertension. Glomerulonephritis and acute and chronic pyelonephritis has distinction. In the acute onset if we can get effective treatment, almost always cured, if it is difficult to turn into a chronic cure.
iga nephropathy symptoms, what does? above description is for everyone iga nephropathy symptoms, I believe we should have some understanding by the above description, and we want to help, iga nephropathy symptoms found that people should go to the hospital check about their physical condition before making a decision! If you have any need for further understanding, please consult the online experts! ~

What foods can lower creatinine ?

What to eat can lower creatinine ? Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism in the body , and then excreted through the kidneys , if the patient 's kidney inherent cell damage , kidney detoxification function decline in patients with elevated serum creatinine occurs naturally in the body of toxins higher status affect the function of each of the other systems of the body , can occur , such as gastrointestinal discomfort , anemia or hypertension. Therefore, in order to focus on patients with high creatinine diet, but to eat what food drop creatinine ? Foods can reduce the burden on the kidneys , alleviate elevated creatinine , and creatinine can not be reduced .
Effective method of reducing creatinine recommended :
Weihua Chinese penetration therapy, is the active ingredient penetration of the drug through the point spread to patients with kidney , in order to pass kidney meridians , promoting blood circulation , detoxification of Jiangzhuo ways to clear the kidneys , activate kidney function for the purpose. Cloud fire live kidney therapy can promote and improve the already shrinking necrosis of the kidney microcirculation, accelerate the metabolism of kidney disease , the drug active ingredients fully play its role , repair damaged glomeruli, renal reabsorption enhance and restore normal kidney physiological functions , so that the serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen to normal.
So , pay attention to diet high creatinine .
Low-protein diet
● All of the vegetables is relatively low protein foods, protein rich relative legumes , sweet potato leaves ( longevity grass ) proteins are more abundant.
● Low protein can be used intravenous infusion of albumin, milk food , mainly fish , and limit protein diet is the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD), the special is an important part of chronic renal failure.
● salt should look at whether patients with high blood pressure and edema , if there is , it should be taken to control the amount of salt intake , were given low-salt or salt-free diet.
● protein in order to control the continued deterioration of renal function , patients should control the amount of protein intake , high-quality selection of high-quality protein diet. Daily protein intake should be controlled at 0.8-1.0 g / kg body weight.
● selection of foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C foods .

Symptoms of lupus nephritis have?

Everyone nephritis may be more understanding , but to talk about lupus nephritis , it may not be so familiar , it is understood , the incidence of this disease is very high . Clinically, patients with lupus kidney disease characteristics with a variety of different manifestations of the disease is not the same , so be sure to pay attention during the combined treatment of patients with specific conditions . Here we come to know the performance of some of the typical onset of lupus kidney disease together .
Film type : patients with this disease characteristics to timely control the disease progresses , to avoid kidney failure. Under normal circumstances, patients may have mesangial basement membrane thickening, but no bad cell proliferation and death . Often have a lot of protein in urine , edema , hypertension and cholesterol, serum albumin eliminated, good times and bad hormone therapy , the prognosis big change .
Focal proliferative type : clinical characteristics of patients with this relatively common in life , therefore , we should pay attention to prevention and treatment , generally do not override the 50% glomerular involvement . Glomerular endothelial cell proliferation and focal segmental bad death , a large or moderate proteinuria , hematuria rare, hormone therapy response is good, less renal failure .
Proliferative filled : Typically , lupus kidney patients are generally exhibit the onset type override 50% glomerular involvement . Glomerular basement membrane irregular proliferation throughout the bad death may have severe proteinuria, urinary tube and hypertension.
Xiao Bian performance on the incidence of lupus nephritis made ​​a detailed introduction, after you read, whether clear out? Requires our attention is that during treatment for lupus kidney disease , there must be symptomatic treatment , which is an important guarantee to achieve the desired therapeutic effect , in addition, routine care is also critical for the rehabilitation of the disease which is very good .

Membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured

For the Department of Nephrology of the disease , people should be the deepest impression nephritis , kidney stones , kidney , uremia , etc., there are many available nephropathy , glomerulonephritis is one of them . So, membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured? This is a question many patients and their families are most concerned about . Here's a look Experts membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured right answer , hoping to bring you the gospel.
Membranous nephropathy is generally rendered asymptomatic proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome , is a chronic slow development of a relatively benign disease , membranous nephropathy factors more general extent of the damage after the leakage of protein and renal function . So, membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured? For such external indicators in the control condition , while the key is for the renal vasodilator factors by inflammatory anticoagulant , degradation of the extracellular matrix and other comprehensive treatment measures to achieve symptoms and the purpose of the treatment of disease while protecting the kidney tissue.
Experts said that the membranous glomerulonephritis Tips can cure you , in the treatment of attention should be paid ? :
1 , diuretics applications: in edema , nor when low blood volume, decreased urine output, limiting sodium invalid, the appropriate use of diuretics such as furosemide , spironolactone , etc. .
2 , rest : When edema nephrotic syndrome, renal blood flow should improve the rest .
3 , diet management:
① When oliguria and blood volume ones, should limit the amount of water intake.
② Heat : The edema nephrotic syndrome , the daily calorie intake , adequate caloric intake to prevent protein degradation increases.
③ sodium restriction : One of the main reasons for the water edema , sodium retention , and therefore low-salt diet is one of the basic measures .
④ protein : As in recent years, many reports confirmed the glomerular protein diet can cause high load, high filtration damage. We believe that significant hypoalbuminemia , and renal function when there is no damage , may be appropriate to supplement protein intake to 1 ~ 1.5g / (kg · d) appropriate, high-quality protein containing essential amino acids based. Appropriate intravenous albumin , when necessary, in order to improve colloid osmotic pressure , improve circulation plasma volume , increase diuresis , to alleviate the symptoms.
Saw the introduction of the above , I believe we have a spectrum of the heart , in the end glomerulonephritis Can heal , I do for you a detailed answer . However , small series to remind everyone , membranous glomerulonephritis treatment to choose their own treatment, and the treatment , when proper care is essential , not only in life or in the diet, patients should be strict with themselves .

How does this therapy after suffering from kidney stones

With the adverse effects of the habit of life, to more and more people suffering from kidney stones , why is it so? Kidney experts say , the kidneys secrete urine is the body of metabolic waste and toxic substances , maintain body water and electrolyte balance of critical systems , when some substances accumulate in this area will lead to the occurrence of kidney stones . So, after suffering from kidney stones , how to do it ?
What kind of medicine the best kidney stones , experts point out that not all drug treatment of kidney stones can be good . In general, stones 6 mm or less chance there is discharged by the drug , and then a big chance , then discharge is relatively small , of course , it was also discharged one centimeter of stones, but rare.
1 , drinking water
Drink plenty of water is the best medicine treatment of kidney stones , drink at least eight glasses a day above the water , the body can increase the frequency of urination prevent the spread of kidney stones. Very effective for the treatment of kidney stones .
2, vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 efficacy for the treatment of kidney stones is also very evident in the treatment of kidney stones drug Vitamin B6 is the most economical and affordable drugs. Vitamin B6 in the body can promote the citric acid in the urine calcium in combination with each other , may undermine the formation of calcium oxalate crystals that kidney stones in the kidneys can no longer siltation, play a role in prevention.
3 , potassium citrate
Potassium citrate is also a kidney stone treatments. Research confirmed that potassium citrate can provide a lot of citric acid which will increase the acidity of urine , raise the pH of the urine , kidney stones can be effectively controlled and triggered because the alkaline urine , severe renal tubules even uremia .
Read the description above , and everyone on the pathogenesis of kidney stones should be clear of it, even if we did not change the disease must also take a look at , oh , finally, to remind the majority of patients with kidney disease to thoroughly understand their condition changes, understand kidney disease cutting-edge treatment, standard treatment early , to avoid delaying the disease , causing irreparable damage .

What renal cysts dietary needs attention ?

What renal cysts dietary needs attention? Iron-rich fruits and vegetables , such as carrots . Fruits and vegetables high in vitamin . To accommodate fossils vegetable foods , such as black fungus and other foods have a diuretic effect . Alkaline foods resembles taking treatment can play a supporting role .

Eating a renal cyst , can not eat fermented foods : mainly bacteria becomes fermented foods , such as fermented bean curd , rotten eggs category. Avoid eating such a growth rate would be beneficial cyst .
2 renal cysts diet , can not eat animal offal food : in particular, the liver of animals , many animals left behind after the slaughter of metabolic toxins in the gut , if the patient eat will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys .
3 renal cysts diet , can not eat high-protein foods: such as chicken , duck , fish, meat, eggs , milk, soy, tofu and other soy products . Avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis , reduce renal excretion of force .
4 renal cysts diet , disabling toxic side effects of the drug on the kidneys , ban alcohol .
5 renal cysts diet , can not eat chocolate and the like, can not eat nephrotoxic drugs.
What renal cysts dietary needs attention? You should already know . Patients with renal cysts should be banned strenuous exercise , physical labor we must do what , as long as the attention of renal cysts these body there will certainly be some good improvements.


How diet helps reduce creatinine it?

How diet helps reduce creatinine it? Creatinine in patients with high need to do is either the treatment or diet on daily life , all we need to carry out a wide range of attention. In particular, many issues must be taken in the diet . Science diet can contribute to improving the condition of the patient. So, how does the diet help reduce creatinine ?
    High serum creatinine is to look at factors that lead to the source of our patients in terms of the specific disease . Significant changes in serum creatinine concentration by the glomerular filtration ability ( glomerular filtration rate ) for resolution. Filtration ability landed , the creatinine concentration. Serum creatinine higher than normal , said a small number of kidney damage , creatinine renal repercussions can be more correct environmental damage to nature , not sensitive targets. Since landing normal glomerular filtration rate of 1/ 3 to creatinine was increased significantly. Meaning to say, due to the ability of human renal metabolism strong , when kidney damage is light as ordinary people do not feel significant discomfort , so many people when the real show nausea , vomiting, dizziness , kidney once the damage is really tight , then the blood creatinine also began to rise significantly.
    Intake depends on the patient's specific condition to reasonable restrictions protein : protein provides : Since the presentation of the patient azotemia , renal missing , in order to manipulate the continuous improvement of renal function should manipulate protein intake , the choice is rich in high excellent quality protein diet.
    Excessive salt supplement that led to a serious deterioration of the consequences of kidney disease : Generally missing decompensated renal azotemia in patients with high serum creatinine of course , and all sorts of mild clinical symptoms began to appear fine , but the pathology moderate damage , high blood pressure and swelling of the environment or without considerable manipulation salt intake , low salt and probably distinguish given salt-free diet . If renal creatinine renal missing only high , but no oliguria, no swelling of salt and water help patients adhere to low -salt diet . If there is tension edema, heart failure and high blood pressure or even the harsh environment should be limited to ban salt .
 During treatment and creatinine in patients with high disease after treatment should be timely observation: uremic patients because of decreased urine output, through the mouth into the liquid will remain in the body, causing swelling of the body , blood pressure, or pulmonary edema , renal failure patients therefore must be strictly limited daily fluid intake, usually by oral intake of fluid is approximately equal to the amount of full-day urine output plus 500 ml. If you sweat more , you can eat the increase . But do not forget to measure body weight per day to drinking water as their reference .
    For the above "How diet helps reduce creatinine ? " Details made ​​, I believe we have to understand it, I hope we can bring these elements to help . I hope everyone in life must pay attention to considerations of these diets. Hope that through therapy and dietary conditioning , patients can get better soon .

Chronic kidney transplant after atrophy can live long

Patients with chronic renal atrophy progression to advanced uremia , renal gradually shrinking , so patients know that chronic renal atrophy after a kidney transplant can live long been a problem in patients with chronic renal atrophy very concerned about. Here you specifically explain .
Chronic kidney transplant can live long after shrinking Statistics : ? Current kidney transplant survival rates : one year after renal transplantation graft survival was 95.2% , three-year graft survival was 85.3% , five-year graft survival was 74.2 % graft survival was 59.1% in ten years . Factors affecting graft survival is mainly chronic rejection . But if it is higher than the family for more than kidney "kidney survival ." Please note the "kidney survival ."
Understood the chronic renal atrophy after a kidney transplant can be much longer , we need to understand what types of kidney patients required the use of this therapy for treatment, has been mentioned above , creatinine uremic patients achieved 1500umol / L or more, then you need to rely on Lifetime dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life . Of course, if your creatinine still 1500umol / L or less , then it is possible to transplant without uremia can be completely cured, ( your condition is not possible without dialysis kidney transplant can not be completely cured ? Needs and Powered disease after online doctor talked to know ) if your creatinine within 1300umol / L, 24小时urine volume in 1200ml or more, and the number of dialysis at 10 times less , then such patients using the cloud characteristics of therapy does not fire live kidney dialysis not a kidney transplant can be completely cured.
Above is the treatment of renal atrophy disease experts on the topic of chronic renal atrophy after transplant can live long explanation. In addition, I would like to remind families of extremely sick patients must be treated early to avoid delays in the best timing of treatment .

How to arrange renal atrophy patient's diet

Patients with renal atrophy speaking , the daily diet is important . Reasonable feeding help protect kidney function, and delay the occurrence of renal insufficiency . Well, renal atrophy patient's diet how to arrange it?
Total energy : adult total daily energy supply 8 .368 ~ 16 .7361 kg.
Water and salt : If you have swelling or severe high blood pressure, you should eat low-salt or salt-free diet. If severe edema, oliguria , heart failure, the amount of liquid a day people should be controlled within 1 000ml.
Usually to limit protein intake, may be appropriate consumption of milk, meat , they contain many essential amino acids , the body needs to supply . Water , electrolytes and other substances ingested . Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys causing edema.
Salts and vitamins : vitamin diet should supply A, D, B, C and the mineral -rich foods .
Protein: If renal function is normal , the amount of protein in the diet can not strictly limited, daily intake per kilogram of body weight lg; If increased urinary protein , plasma proteins is low, normal renal function , can give high-protein diet , the daily per kilogram of body weight 1. 2 ~ 1.5g; If azotemia , it is necessary to limit protein intake per day per kilogram of body weight can only supply 0.6 ~ O.8g, but also to the intake of protein containing essential amino acids and more .
Fat: try to eat , especially not eat animal fats, unsaturated fatty acids should eat more vegetable fats .
To fasting spicy , not alcohol tobacco, attention exertion. Pasta. Patients with renal atrophy edible proper pasta, but do not eat hard pasta , not eat much. Renal atrophy diet is very important. So how patients with renal atrophy conditioning diet? Renal atrophy patient edible proper pasta, but do not eat hard pasta , not eat much. Meat consumption may be appropriate , but it is preferable not to use beef and the like .
Avoid eating too much potassium foods such as bananas, dried fruit , beef , pork, sardines, soy sauce , lettuce and wheat . Eat more dark green vegetables. If some of the uncomfortable situation , we must promptly to the hospital to check for treatment.
Renal atrophy diet should pay attention to fat intake . Fat should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil. Protein intake . Meat consumption may be appropriate , but it is preferable not to use beef and the like . Usually to limit protein intake, may be appropriate consumption of milk, meat , they contain many essential amino acids , the body needs to supply .
Renal atrophy patients should pay attention to substance intake of water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys causing edema. Avoid eating too much potassium foods such as bananas, dried fruit , beef , pork, sardines, soy sauce , lettuce and wheat .
Eat more dark green vegetables , etc. If some patients with renal atrophy uncomfortable situation , we must promptly to the hospital to check for treatment. Fat should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil.
Kidney atrophy due to renal failure diet most scientific treatment , is fundamentally prevent renal fibrosis , renal intrinsic cells continue to prevent damage by the potent medicine necrotic tissue lesions , splitting resolve excreted inherent repair damaged cells, renal pathological damage can be controlled, restored kidney function.
Chronic renal atrophy is a manifestation of kidney damage kidney patients , usually patients with chronic renal atrophy progressive renal impairment or renal insufficiency has come to life or uremic stage. For chronic renal atrophy , patients in addition to diet in their daily lives , but also timely treatment to prevent its progressive renal atrophy down.


Forward after renal transplantation due to elevated serum creatinine What are the reasons?

Chronic renal allograft dysfunction is most prelude graft dysfunction, although new immunosuppressive agents and infection control measures applied, making the loss of acute graft decreased significantly, but the loss did not improve long-term kidney transplant, kidney transplant patients currently face The main risk factors for: cardiovascular disease, cancer, infection leads to death and chronic allograft dysfunction leading to graft loss.
Chronic renal allograft dysfunction caused by many factors, common are the following:
1, donor type (live or dead body),
2, hot and cold ischemic time is too long
3, there have been previous acute rejection,
4, advanced chronic rejection
5, primary glomerular disease recurrence,
6, delayed graft function after recovery
7, BK virus-associated nephropathy
8, the transplanted kidney Doppler ultrasound, vascular resistance index (RI)> 0.80
9, diabetes, hypertension,
10 histocompatibility antigen pair does not meet the elevated levels of reactive antibody
11, subclinical rejection,
12, poor patient compliance, treatment does not conform
13 transplant renal artery stenosis
14 renal transplant urinary tract obstruction
15 recipients of lower urinary tract obstruction
16, nephrotoxic immunosuppressive

The above situation can cause chronic renal allograft dysfunction, so the above reasons for the identification of renal transplant protection is very important. Many reasons clearly need a transplant biopsy, so transplant biopsy is very important. Only by examining and even transplant biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and for treatment in order to achieve therapeutic effect, prolonging graft survival time.

Kidney dialysis patients choose good or good in the peritoneal dialysis?

Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is good is good? Treatment of patients with advanced kidney disease are only three: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation, kidney transplantation is certainly the most thorough, but elusive, to sustain life, kidney patients can only choose hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. That in the end good or peritoneal dialysis is good?
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are two ways to dialysis, kidney cleansing efficacy are the same as the working principle is the same, but hemodialysis is exported directly to the use of blood dialysis machines to replace kidney function, dialysis is the use of cover In the abdominal wall and dirty film layer (including liver, spleen, intestines or bones) in place on the kidney function. Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is good is good? Southern Chinese and Western Nephrology Physicians Hospital Medical summed up the points.
1 hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis convenient?
Hemodialysis requires health care monitoring, dialysis patients themselves or their families need only to be at home, if carried uremic dialysis or kidney failure patients, the hospital can save queuing time and travel expenses back and forth. Hemodialysis on space, equipment and manpower needs are great, but a limited number of patients on the machine, our hemodialysis demand has reached saturation point in some areas, while peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis treatment is basically the same from the hospital far more suitable for peritoneal dialysis kidney patients can save time and save a transportation fee.
2 hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis safe?
Many uremia or renal failure patients may feel that they operate dialysis, will doubt your ability, but dialysis patients or family members to undergo training for two weeks in the hospital, the hospital be allowed to pass on their own assessment of dialysis, and medical staff will follow-up. As long as peritoneal dialysis patients from themselves, to ensure that dialysis and dialysis supplies clean and sterile environment, medication and referral follow doctor's orders to avoid infection, it is no different with hemodialysis patients.
3 hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis expensive?

Rough estimate, the cost of hemodialysis year about 9-100000 yuan, while the peritoneal dialysis than hemodialysis province about 10% -15%. According to the national health insurance policy, as long as the purchase of health insurance, patients can enjoy uremic dialysis reimbursement, dialysis patients can enjoy the protection of 7,500 yuan per month limit, as long as their attention to avoid infection or other complications in uremic patients adequate peritoneal Dialysis costs, plus eliminating some of the cost and time to and from the hospital, peritoneal dialysis should be a very good choice.

Renal insufficiency to end-stage development should be how to do?

Renal insufficiency to end-stage development, the use of medications to alleviate the symptoms are often not conservative therapy, other approaches must be discharged metabolites in the body, improve symptoms, improve quality of life. Of the following methods can be selected:
1 Dialysis: to discharge technology to replace the kidney in vivo metabolites by artificial means, there are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in two ways, several times a week hemodialysis requires medical institutions to conduct peritoneal dialysis 3-4 times a day you need to own complete the operation.

2 kidney transplants: In a well-functioning transplant patient's kidneys. Human kidneys are not replaced any precision instrument, the kidney transplant is an internationally recognized quality of life can bring the best alternative for the uremic kidney patients.

Daily life in patients with chronic renal failure Precautions

Daily life in patients with chronic renal failure Precautions
Chronic renal failure ( referred to as chronic renal failure CRF), refers to a variety of causes of primary or secondary chronic kidney disease caused by progressive renal parenchymal damage , resulting in renal dysfunction , metabolic products retention, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance , system involvement , such as severe clinical syndrome. The slow progress of the disease , and even then showed progressive loss of renal function or worsening until uremia .
The common causes of secondary factors western countries mainly among diabetes, hypertension is the first CRF two factors . Our primary disease to chronic glomerulonephritis based, but in recent years, with secondary factors of CRF gradually increased, followed by hypertensive nephropathy , diabetic nephropathy, lupus nephritis, nephritis , hepatitis B virus associated nephritis.
Of adult patients with chronic kidney disease rate of 9.4% to 13.6 %, and the incidence is still increasing , reaching more than 7 % a year. Based on projections , China chronic kidney disease more than 100 million , 1% develop ESRD , then China will reach 100 million dialysis patients .
With the continuous progress of chronic kidney disease , cardiovascular disease risk increased significantly in 2010, according to International Data Institute and the International Federation of Kidney Disease Kidney Foundation announced the existence of the world's 500 million people have varying degrees of kidney damage , there are hundreds each year people with chronic kidney disease and death caused by cardiovascular disease . Renal failure and mortality is almost identical to cancer mortality. It is worth noting that the incidence of chronic kidney disease getting younger and younger , many CRF patients as young as their twenties and thirties , the youngest only teens.
Although dialysis and kidney transplantation in patients with end-stage section allows survival has improved greatly , however it is not suitable for early , mid- treatment, and medical costs . So early on the CRF , the patient how to delay or prevent the mid- pathological process of chronic renal failure is a modern study of kidney disease hot and difficult . TCM unique understanding of the disease and treatment , possession of non- dialysis chronic renal failure in an important position , especially for CRF decompensation early at this stage to uremia , Chinese medicine treatment has obvious advantages. Chronic renal failure everyday life considerations are there?
First, pay attention to prevent the throat , lungs , urinary tract infections, exacerbation of chronic renal failure in order to avoid infection .
Second, to avoid the cold , fatigue , diarrhea, trauma . Because every once infected , the disease may aggravate once.
Third, you should use antibiotics to control infection after infection , prohibited the use of gentamicin , kanamycin , amphotericin , avoid toxic to the kidneys drugs, otherwise it will increase accelerated deterioration of renal function .
Fourth, control of hypertension , because hypertension can lead to deterioration of renal function faster, blood pressure is generally maintained at 130/80mmHg or less.
Fifth, aggressive treatment of the primary disease should reduce lost protein. Because hypertension, proteinuria is an independent risk factor for progression of chronic kidney disease , but the damage was the strongest factor proteinuria , proteinuria can contribute to long-term deterioration of renal function .
    Six diet recuperating
Diet recuperating non- dialysis chronic renal failure is the most basic , the most effective measure is the foundation of all drug treatment . Its role is as follows :
① maintain good nutritional status ;
② slow the progression of renal failure ;
③ prevent and alleviate metabolic disorders caused by renal failure ;
④ postponed after entering the number of dialysis dialysis to reduce the time and dialysis .
Its contents include: high quality low volume protein diet ; high-calorie diet and adequate intake of vitamins and minerals ; controlled sodium, potassium, phosphorus , purine and lipid intake.

Chronic renal failure diet adjustment

Diet recuperating non- dialysis chronic renal failure is the most basic , the most effective measure is the foundation of all drug treatment . Its role is as follows :
① maintain good nutritional status ;
② slow the progression of renal failure ;
③ prevent and alleviate metabolic disorders caused by renal failure ;
④ postponed after entering the number of dialysis dialysis to reduce the time and dialysis .
Its contents include: high quality low volume protein diet ; high-calorie diet and adequate intake of vitamins and minerals ; controlled sodium, potassium, phosphorus , purine and lipid intake. So, patients with chronic renal failure diet should pay attention to what ?
1 water restrictions : If discharged decreased urine output, fluid retention through the mouth into the body, causing swelling of the body , blood pressure, pulmonary edema and even at this time, must be limited to the daily fluid intake , usually by mouth approximately equal to the amount of fluid intake throughout the day urine output plus 500cc appropriate.
2 , high-quality low-protein diet : Patients with chronic renal failure promote quality protein diet which is rich in essential amino acids. Such as milk , eggs, lean meat , fish and so on. Protein intake should be adjusted according to the patient's creatinine clearance . Usually recommended protein intake is 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight , for example, weighs 50 kg , a daily protein intake should be controlled to 30 grams. While under strictly limited protein intake must be carefully selected sources of protein , the body can be fully utilized, allowing the daily recommended amount of at least 2/3 of the supply of high -quality protein. Protein -rich plant foods such as peanuts , beans and products : tofu , tofu , soy milk, Yuba and other caution.
3 , low-salt diet :
While 80% of patients with chronic renal failure with hypertension, renal insufficiency when , unable to discharge the body of excess sodium ions , causing high blood pressure , edema , ascites, pleural effusion , increasing the burden on the heart , falling easily lead to heart failure . Excessive sodium intake can cause sodium and water retention , not only can aggravate edema, and can aggravate high blood pressure. Therefore, we must limit sodium intake, sodium intake can be limited to 2 ~ 3g / d according to the disease , while fasting and other preserved foods , salt , soy sauce, monosodium glutamate , tomato sauce, barbeque sauce , which contain a lot of sodium , processed and canned pickled sodium content is also a lot , so try to choose natural foods everyday life , you can make more use of cooking sugar, vinegar , onion, ginger , garlic, spices, cinnamon , pepper, parsley , etc. to make foods other flavor, increase food palatability .
4 , limiting phosphorus ions: The main function of phosphorus is to strengthen bones, almost all foods contain phosphorus, kidney failure patients because the kidneys do not work properly, the excess accumulation of phosphorus in the blood , causing high blood phosphorus can lead to itchy skin and bone lesions . Physicians usually prescribe to aluminum or calcium hydrogen tablets, both of which are phosphate binders This can be combined with dietary phosphorus , making it discharged from feces. In addition to taking phosphate binders , but for higher phosphorus foods such as dairy products , soft drinks , cola , yeast, organs, dried beans , whole grains ( brown rice , whole wheat bread ) , eggs, dried fish , also care should be taken to avoid more food . Chronic renal failure , hyperuricemia, should be strictly controlled diet high purine foods , such as milk, egg yolks , organ meats , bone marrow, and other seafood .
5 , limit potassium ions:
When poor kidney function , may not effectively remove excess potassium, high potassium can cause serious cardiac conduction and contraction abnormalities, and even death. Potassium intake, as long as more than 1000ml generally do not limit the amount of urine , serum potassium is high, the choice should be less high potassium content of fruits and vegetables . Such as seaweed , bamboo shoots, spinach, potherb mustard , corn , mushrooms, cauliflower , spinach, spinach, bamboo shoots , carrots, mustard , guava , loquat , hard persimmon , orange , banana , longan , etc. ; Others, such as coffee, tea , chicken cattle sperm , ginseng extract , concentrated broth, thin salt soy sauce , salt soy sauce, half salt, salt substitutes such as potassium content is also high .
6 , to supplement the heat : chronic renal failure patients should supply a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats , to ensure sufficient heat to reduce protein breakdown , nitrogen low-protein diet has been fully utilized , reducing the consumption of protein . Daily supply should be no less than 30kcal/kg, edible vegetable oil and sugar , rice and noodles because of the poor quality of the protein also contains therefore encourage patients to eat more sweet potatoes, taro , potato, yam powder , lotus root powder. It should be noted also supply rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid and iron food. Daily calorie intake recommendations: per kg body weight of 35 to 45 kcal .
Chronic renal failure patients ate it?
1 , should be soft diet , avoid hard food and fried foods
Chronic renal failure patients because of toxins in the body retention and blood microcirculation and other reasons caused by gastrointestinal mucosa often has congestion, erosion of the state , such as eating hard food , fried foods such as sugar, sesame cake , fried donuts , etc. , often leading to food cut through the blood vessels and cause stomach bleeding . Due to chronic renal failure , coagulation function in patients with uremia obstacles , bleeding difficult to stop , it will lead to death.
2, the diet should be light , avoid spicy food
Chronic renal failure , gastrointestinal mucosa in patients with uremia often has congestion, erosion status , such as eating chili , white wine , spicy food , often aggravate erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa , leading to the stomach lining of blood vessels bleeding .
3 , dogs, sheep, chickens, fish, geese and other food should be cautious

Chinese medicine believes that dog meat, lamb, fish, chicken , goose and other fat objects , can lead to relapse or worsening really see the clinical systemic lupus erythematosus or chronic nephritis caused by renal failure patients to eat dog meat after exacerbations , remains to be seen whether a coincidence , but in patients with chronic renal failure or not to eat these foods as well. This is also the chronic renal failure patients need to pay attention to diet is a problem .

Peritoneal dialysis patients of mental health problems

Domestic and international studies have shown that dialysis patients prone to anxiety, depression and other psychological disorders , seriously affecting the quality of life of patients , the clinical course of the disease and rehabilitation . In general, the reaction through the following six stages of mental patients , that suspicion , anger → anxiety, depression → guilt , loss → despair , self-pity , loneliness → dependent enhancement , self-centered strengthen → expect , this is from the patient dialysis began to accept the emotional transition to a stable dialysis patients showed different severity vary.
A cause psychological problems peritoneal dialysis patients the cause
( 1 ) in patients with long-term illness plagued by chronic renal failure , as long medication and did not get satisfactory results , prone to pessimism.
( 2 ) patients to receive dialysis treatment just because of the lack of understanding of the treatment , often overly worried about the success of the various side effects of peritoneal dialysis and dialysis may arise.
( 3 ) after receiving dialysis treatment adverse change in self-image ( such as abdominal dialysis catheter indwelling there , body fat , etc. ) and is often accompanied by decreased libido , impotence , infertility and other phenomena , prone to low self-esteem , paranoia .
( 4 ) With the prolonged dialysis due to low self-esteem , do not want to go home all day , resulting in reduced social activities, so many things to lose interest.
( 5 ) due to physical causes undue reliance on emotions, but the people around him to produce excessive demands , bring the family discord and conflict , increasing the patient's anxiety.
( 6 ) In addition to endure the pain of patients with the disease , the elderly and infirm , barriers to self-care , long-term dialysis economic constraints, lack of care for family members and social support to reduce , easy to produce negative emotions .
( 7 ) the experience of dialysis complications such as peritonitis , the fear of recurrence and complications such as peritonitis increased anxiety.
2 psychological problems affecting patients on peritoneal dialysis
( 1 ) increase the incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease. The mechanism may be depression increases the risk factor for cardiovascular disease ( such as smoking , diabetes, hypertension ) , increased platelet aggregation, promote micro- inflammatory response .
( 2 ) immune disorders, decreased immunity against pathogens , increasing the risk of infection. Studies have found that the incidence of peritonitis associated with psychological factors , including depression , anxiety, family relationships.
( 3 ) serum albumin (ALB) to reduce malnutrition . This may cause gastrointestinal symptoms and depression itself and inadequate dialysis related.
( 4 ) expansion and somatic symptoms of physical illness social dysfunction . Because of the mental ability to regulate chronic diseases weaken the role of the various psychological factors , will cause physical changes in the new functional, organic is .
( 5 ) poor adherence to treatment , which further aggravate the disease, accelerated disease progression.
3 psychotherapeutic intervention in peritoneal dialysis patients
( A ) health care
① establish good contact with the patient , and always with a sincere attitude towards patients , maintaining equal status with patients , communication with patients should pay attention to create a relaxed environment to talk to the patient a sense of trust and security.
② the initiative to communicate with patients , patient listening intently , so that patients feel valued and cared for , patients with emotional problems caused by looking for a specific event , to help patients to clarify its causes anxiety .
③ respect the patient's subjective experience , protecting patient privacy , to avoid causing unnecessary tension . Inspire patients to be patient , to eliminate the psychological stress and sense of helplessness , encourage patients to build confidence .
④ strengthen health education, so that patients understand their condition correctly , understand the importance and necessity of dialysis treatment , eliminate anxiety and other negative emotions , proactively cooperate with treatment ; improve self-care ability of patients to reduce psychological dependence , avoid the family make excessive demands and generate friction, reduce family conflicts arise. Through regular home visits , telephone hotline set up so that patients experiencing issues can be solved.
( 2 ) family and community
① The family is an important part of social support , good family support is to improve the quality of life of the premise and foundation. Family support comes mainly from the care , understanding and support of the spouse and children , family members can help patients avoid isolated, sad, pessimistic negative emotions, stress buffering patients .
② called on the community to strengthen the focus on peritoneal dialysis patients , reduce discrimination and improve the medical insurance system , reduce the economic pressure.
( 3 ) the patient himself
① take part in social activities to enhance contact between patients and talk , which can make patients get emotional support each other , and to reduce the pressure caused by the disease , allowing patients to establish confident and optimistic state of mind.

② When faced with a problem difficult to solve puzzles in a timely manner or to communicate with family members, relatives and friends and health care , emotional anxiety, depression and when to get in contact with the doctor and seek help , do not suffer in silence .

What factors have caused the deterioration of renal function

Many people suffering from kidney disease, nephritis, kidney stones after also knew it, but you know what? With persistent disease, kidney disease will worsen these common kidney failure. Acute renal failure is no cure, and no deaths or directly short period of transition to chronic renal failure. Factors causing deterioration of renal function include the following:
First, hypovolemia, can glomerular filtration rate, increased renal dysfunction;
Second, infection, and some hypoalbuminemia and long-term use of immunosuppressive agents in patients with kidney disease, decreased body resistance, easy to concurrent respiratory infections, sometimes there may be a variety of diffuse lung inflammatory diseases such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and other even mix infections, severe infections can often induce acute interstitial nephritis, increased kidney damage.
Beijing cure kidney disease experts say the best hospitals, infection is the main reason for kidney failure, most patients are due to infections caused by illness, patient friends must remember.
Third, overworked, some patients in the course of occult renal disease or suffering when not to, and seriously, if this time as traveling, moving, renovating houses, etc. so that the body overworked, easily lead to disease progression, accelerated deterioration of renal function. In addition, psychological factors are the progress of the disease process plays an important role;
Fourth, the use of nephrotoxic drugs, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, sulfa drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of X-ray contrast agents can aggravate kidney dysfunction, it is worth noting that some Chinese medicine (eg manshuriensis, etc.) may also be cause renal tubular damage, avoid excessive use.

Xiaobian to introduce you to the etiology of renal failure, and after you read, my heart is not a spectrum of it? About the hazards of renal failure we must know, but here to mood, a lot more serious than the patient's kidney disease treatment is not good, but because patients do not mind, leading to disease exacerbation, missed the best timing of treatment.

Renal failure diet should pay attention to what

Chinese medicine believes that wind deficiency kidney disease patients, relying on heat cause the patient to rely on toxic skin dry, itchy, it should strengthen skin care to prevent infection. Available medicine decoction, until the liquid temperature is not hot outside to wash the skin once a day or every other day. And guide the patient frequently changes underwear, choice of materials to cotton is better. While the decline of renal failure in patients with stomach, dampness in the resistance, so that patients with oral odor, thick and greasy tongue or loss of appetite reduction, nausea, vomiting, and therefore oral care of patients with chronic renal failure is also very important and should guide the patient before and after meals mouthwash after brushing your teeth before going to bed awake. Keep urine clear, prompting cloud overcast the next awakened, but also can reduce the population of urine.
Kidney failure diet
Reasonable diet is particularly important for patients with chronic renal failure. Primarily by renal excretion of waste generated by human metabolism, due to renal dysfunction in patients with chronic renal failure is a progressive and irreversible development, will inevitably lead to retention of metabolic wastes remain, while the waste retention in turn acts on the various organs of the human body systems, mutual as cause and effect, creating a vicious cycle, worse. "Export" the barrier, "imported" will be subject to appropriate restrictions. Chronic renal failure patients proper diet will help reduce the retention of metabolic waste, slow process and the progression of chronic renal failure.
1, the supply of high quality protein
When renal function in patients with early and middle stages of damage, protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day to about 0.6 grams more appropriate, but must make up the calories. In recent years, it was also advocated the formulation of essential amino acids supplement or α-keto acids preparations. But such preparations higher prices, limiting its scope. In the low-protein diet, mainly to high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, fish and lean meat, including non-essential amino acids such as dry foods high in beans, soy products, nuts, and cereals should be limited consumption. Dietary energy must be sufficient, at least 35 per kilogram of body weight kcal.
2, low salt, low sodium
Chronic renal failure patients with hypertension and edema, to limit sodium and sodium-rich foods, with no salt diet if necessary. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should limit sodium.
3, chronic renal failure, high blood potassium, potassium-containing foods should be limited to avoid eating fruit, vegetables and fruits carefully selected.
4, the supply of calcium phosphorus diet
In some patients with chronic renal failure, and may have elevated serum phosphorus and calcium decreased and, therefore, induced osteoporosis. Ideal diet should increase the calcium content lower phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are milk, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. When cooking fish and lean meat, boiled fish out, then stir-fried, can reduce the phosphorus content of fish, meat.
5, to maintain the water balance
Chronic renal failure patients in the water balance is very important. Liquid intake is determined according to the discharge amount. Must be under the guidance of a doctor, a liquid supplement to prevent water intake, discharge barriers, and increased edema.
6, vitamin supplements

Be sure to replenish vitamin preparations chronic renal failure, patients with chronic renal failure due to more complicated with poor digestion and absorption, vitamin supplements with food can not meet the needs of metabolism.


Patients with kidney failure can not eat what food?

Renal failure taboo foods include the following aspects:
1, avoid high-protein foods
Protein metabolism can increase the burden on the kidneys, it unfit for human consumption, such as soybeans, soy milk, tofu.
2, limit salt
Depending on the condition, should be no salt or salt diet. Eat pickles, soy sauce, cured products.
3, avoid spicy food
A variety of spices, pepper, paprika, curry, mustard, etc. have a stimulating effect on the kidneys should be disabled.
4, avoid high-fat foods
For patients with kidney disease also have high blood pressure and anemia symptoms should not be ingested fat, egg yolk, liver high-fat, high-cholesterol foods.
5, chronic nephritis patients should not eat seafood because the excessive loss of protein in the urine, renal function is good, the quality of nitrogen concentration in the blood is not high, you can normally eat protein foods, when renal insufficiency, high-protein foods are unfit for human consumption Otherwise, it will aggravate kidney damage. Therefore, the higher the protein content of the sea (water) products, such as sea cucumbers, flounder, fish, tiger fish, mandarin fish, etc. should not eat.
6, avoid foods high in purines
Foods high in purine content, in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys, such as pig meat, sardines.
7, eat potassium-rich fruits and melon, bananas, oranges and other fruits rich in potassium, such as cantaloupe contains 250mg per 100g of flesh around potassium, approximately 1 g potassium banana each. High levels of potassium ions, can trigger heart disease tachycardia, conduction block, life-threatening. Renal failure, glomerular filtration rate, tubular function decreases, potassium metabolism, and thus can not in a timely manner the excess potassium from the body, leading to hyperkalemia. Therefore, in patients with renal failure, should not eat these potassium-rich fruits.
8, not much carnivorous renal failure patients, protein intake should be limited, because the body can metabolize into some of the ammonia waste and with the urine through the kidneys, renal failure (oliguria), decreased urine output impact of waste discharges, such waste savings prone uremia. Such as ham, Tian, ​​chicken, pigeon, birds and other high protein foods containing meat are not much food.

Renal failure patient's diet food taboos when it comes to choosing the direction of the food, the food is actually very good match if we can, is able to play a therapeutic role, which is eating disorder therapy, kidney failure also have therapeutic approach, However, when the selection of patients to be careful, to prevent aggravation of kidney disease.

What is the treatment of renal failure patients should pay attention to ?

In daily life , patients with chronic renal failure should be noted that care of their kidneys. The kidneys are the body eliminate toxins , waste of vital organs , chronic renal failure patients generally have some residual renal function, if in everyday life can protect their remaining kidney function , dialysis can reduce their frequency, but also helps to reduce the occurrence of cardiac dysfunction , maintain water and electrolyte balance of the body .
In non- dialysis treatment of patients with renal failure , the patient should avoid high-protein foods, adopt the principle of low-protein diet , high protein diet will increase the burden because their kidneys, but during renal dialysis patients is not recommended to eat low-protein foods because dialysis patients are small molecules through the membrane filtration of nutrients , has lost more likely to lead to malnutrition , so this time the patient should be given a high protein diet appropriate under the guidance of their physician .
Medication for patients suffering from chronic renal failure need to be cautious , do not secretly medication, some of the toxic side effects of drugs on the kidney patient medication should like doctor . Even small colds drugs can not be ignored , such as colds pass, mannitol, speed punch , contrast agents, aminoglycoside antibiotics, anti-TB drugs rifampicin , anticancer drug doxorubicin, fluorouracil , etc. These drugs will cause harm to the kidneys , and as medicine in manshuriensis and fangchi , as well as poison the fish guts, mercury and other heavy metals .
In renal failure patients on dialysis , dialysis interval must control water, because in order to prevent hypotension , clear water in the dialysis whole process should not be too much, generally 5% to 7 % of body weight is appropriate, effective blood volume shortage will increase kidney damage, kidney patients will further ischemia. Also, if the patient's blood pressure can control in the normal range , but also to prevent further damage to the glomeruli cause .

The kidneys are the body eliminate toxins, wastes vital organs , kidney failure patients have severe kidney damage and protect the remaining kidney function is very important, I hope you can pay attention to patients with renal failure .

Do not eat what had kidney failure

Renal failure had best not to eat cantaloupe! Had renal failure, for their daily diet must pay attention to it, these diets are often related to the patient's life. There are many patients because of improper diet and increased illness, to the treatment difficult. Renal failure diet should be carried out under the guidance of the right doctor, experts say patients should not eat cantaloupe.
Cantaloupe is a sweet and delicious fruit, a lot of people especially love to eat, but its value is higher, the melon is quite high potassium content per 100 grams of flesh contains 250 mg of potassium around. Because renal failure decreased glomerular filtration and tubular function reduces efficiency, ability to deal with potassium loss, such as eating high-potassium foods, will easily trigger cardiovascular disease, and even cause accidents to happen. Therefore, renal failure should not eat cantaloupe. Potassium is an essential important material. However, high levels of potassium ions, but also have a significant effect on the heart. If dispatched bradycardia, conduction block, ventricular fibrillation, sudden cardiac arrest and even lead to life-threatening.
After the patient had renal failure, the body will appear endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders such phenomena, because renal excretion and regulation dysfunction, often appear clinically little or no urine, thus making certain metabolic disorders inside the body, mainly potassium metabolism disorders. Because oliguria, can not timely excretion of potassium in the body, resulting in excessive potassium retention in the body and cause hyperkalemia.

Renal failure had best not to eat cantaloupe! Thus, renal failure diet must pay attention to it, in everyday life, you should eat and what not to eat what you should be planning, preferably with professional guidance. Such as cantaloupe food is not eaten, if not often eat some food before eating, be sure to consult a doctor.

What renal failure patients should pay attention to diet ?

A low- protein diet : Experts point out that the kidney failure diet doctor should be " high-quality low-protein diet ," protein intake in patients with chronic renal insufficiency is very important. Renal failure, low-protein diet to "low" science, not the blind pursuit of low-protein , otherwise not conducive to treatment , but will also induce severe anemia , increased malnutrition. For most patients with chronic renal failure protein to maintain nitrogen balance , the daily intake of at least 24g, high-quality protein , which is high-quality protein intake should be 50-70 %.
Eating two renal failure patients , low-salt diet principles: renal failure diet excessively salt can aggravate their condition deteriorated , causing irreparable damage , but excessive control salt, long-term low-salt , or salt-free diet , there may be a low sodium syndrome. Patients with chronic renal failure have to restrict salt intake , in general, non- dialysis for kidney failure intake daily sodium diet should be controlled in 1-3g, usually try not to eat or eat pickles and pickled goods, soup to do something light , preferably based on body weight , blood pressure control under the guidance of doctors salt intake.
Three patients with kidney failure diet , low phosphorus diet principles : patients with chronic renal failure in the control of food intake of phosphorus is an essential means of treatment should avoid excessive phosphorus-containing foods, such as dairy products and eggs, meat . Particularly high phosphorus animal offal , eat sparingly . In addition to some of the animal brain , kidney, sardines and dried fruit , nuts , also try to eat less . Such as elevated serum phosphorus should cooperate with medical therapy , commonly used drugs are aluminum hydroxide and calcium carbonate to reduce phosphorus absorption in the intestine .

Fourth, the complement of essential amino acids : Recent studies have found that patients with chronic renal failure abnormal levels of various amino acids , essential amino acids showed much less than the essential amino acids , this imbalance can cause some changes in enzyme activity , impede the peptide chain synthesis, resulting in insufficient protein synthesis. Renal failure patients with low protein diet amino acid + urea synthesis of protein treatments available to reduce azotemia , to maintain a positive nitrogen balance , but can also effectively control phosphorus intake, thus contributing to calcium and phosphorus metabolism corrected. In addition, as a direct complement of amino acids, and protein intake control at a low level , help reduce glomerular filtration , thereby protecting renal function.

What renal failure diet should pay attention to ?

As we all know , the kidneys are the main organs of the human body to generate and excretion of urine , once with impaired renal function , creatinine produced by the body , blood urea nitrogen , uric acid , benzoic acid and various amines can not be successfully excreted large accumulation in the body, cause damage to the human body , thereby forming uremia. Renal failure patients , diet has a very important role in health , drugs or other treatments can not be replaced , the following are some of the basic principles of renal failure patients the control diet .
Renal failure, high-quality low-protein diet attention
Renal failure patients must be controlled protein intake , the basic principle is that high-quality low-protein diet. Of which 50 % to 60% essential amino acids must be contained high biological value quality protein, such as eggs , milk , fish, lean meat and other animal protein ; try to eat with vegetable protein -rich foods, such as peanuts, beans and their products , because such materials contain more non-essential amino acids , can not meet the needs of the body . In order to limit the intake of vegetable protein , you can use wheat starch ( Cheng surface ) instead of rice, flour staple . Low-protein diet should be given individual consideration, different protein intake in patients with different stages .
Note kidney failure diet intake of high-calorie diet
Daily calories should be less than 30 kcal per kg of body weight , weight loss increased appropriately , appropriate to reduce obesity . For adequate intake of calories, you can eat more vegetable oil and sugar . If you feel hungry, you can eat sweet potatoes , taro , potato , chestnut flour , yam flour, lotus root powder , apple and so on. If it is due to the kidney failure caused by diabetes , will have proper control of sugary substances.
Note kidney failure diet eating vitamin -rich foods
Renal failure patients often have nausea , vomiting , anorexia, anorexia and other gastrointestinal symptoms and diet control, reduce food intake , inadequate intake coupled with increased catabolism , dialysis process will lose part of the patient's body is clearly insufficient vitamin especially water-soluble vitamin B and vitamin C, folic acid, etc. , need to be properly supplemented . Therefore , patients must eat more rich in substances containing these fresh vegetables and fruits. Or give an oral tablet .
Renal failure diet attention to proper mineral supplements
Most patients with chronic renal failure, electrolyte imbalance exists more or less , such as calcium, potassium , phosphorus, high in the eating process, the need to make appropriate adjustments based on the results of the blood test . Edema , hypertension, oliguria patients to take low-salt diet , the daily salt should not exceed 3 g ( including sodium condiments MSG, soy sauce , etc. ) , other patients do not have to be strictly limited.
Due to chronic renal failure patients had high phosphorus state must adopt low-phosphorus diet, daily intake of phosphorus should not exceed 600g. Dialysis patients prone to excessive aluminum , excessive intake of aluminum ( such as antacids , aluminum hydroxide ) will cause aluminum toxicity , resulting in dementia or aggravate uremic encephalopathy , must be limited. Usually should try not to use aluminum pots for cooking food .
Note kidney failure diet drinking in moderation
How much water must also make appropriate adjustments according to the specific circumstances of the patient. If the merger had oliguria , edema , hypertension , heart failure , etc., must be strictly controlled amount of water ; dialysis patients have control of drinking water , this may cause a lot of body fluid accumulation , increased edema , heart failure, or water intoxication . If the urine in more than 1000ml , there is no edema, hypertension , heart failure and other complications , you do not have to limit water intake.
Renal failure diet attention to low-fat diet to reduce blood lipids
High cholesterol is also one of the incentives to promote the progress of renal failure , while drug treatment , diet regulation is essential. To reduce foods rich in saturated fatty acids ( such as animal fats, pork , chicken , etc. ) intake ; increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( such as vegetable oil , fish oil , etc. ) . Try not to eat or eat less animal offal, you can eat more rich in soluble fiber foods , such as oats , buckwheat, rice bran and so on.

Kidney failure diet , diet for chronic renal failure patients is a basic treatment can reduce the production of toxins in urine , kidney failure diet, the body can maintain a minimum balance requirement of nutrients and electrolytes , renal failure diet, but this program is a challenge the patients themselves and their families need to try to overcome, kidney failure diet, because often need to give up some food to satisfy their appetites .
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Diet high in patients with serum creatinine should be noted that three

Diet high in patients with serum creatinine should be noted that three general proper diet can directly promote the rehabilitation process of patients, while patients with high serum creatinine diet as well. Through a certain diet can effectively improve conditioning sick feeling . Patients to their own symptoms develop their own eating habits. So, the higher the serum creatinine diet should pay attention to what it does ? Known high serum creatinine may be caused by a variety of reasons , is not a simple disease , therefore, for the higher creatinine diet is not twelve words can say clearly . However , in general , Shijiazhuang Kidney Hospital kidney specialist to explain the high creatinine diet should pay attention to three points.
I. First, the protein intake should be strictly the same time, but also intake of some vitamins.
In order to control the continued deterioration of renal function , patients should control the intake of protein , high-quality selection of high-quality protein diet. Daily protein intake should be controlled at 0.8-1.0 g / kg body weight. Patients with high serum creatinine should choose foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C foods.
Second, and secondly , the restrictions on the salt and water are very strict.
According to the development stage kidney disease patients , there will be varying degrees of edema symptoms, if eating too much or eating too much salt water will increase the degree of edema , kidney patients are unable to rid the body of water and sodium , therefore , to a certain extent, drink more, eat more salt , make the disease worse . Patients should be a reasonable amount of salt intake according to your doctor , patients with mild disease may be given a small amount of salt. But , overall, not too much salt intake , serious illness , should be prohibited in salt intake, giving no salt diet.
Third, patients with high serum creatinine Also note that restrictions on tobacco and alcohol . Because alcohol poisoning mainly on the kidneys, blood vessels poison , smoking, drinking , the more the greater the damage to the blood vessels of the kidney , increased renal arteriosclerosis earlier , more promotion of glomerular sclerosis.

Had kidney disease, patients need to know how high creatinine diet is very important , mean serum creatinine renal harm another job . Similarly, if there is reasonable in patients with high serum creatinine diet, will aggravate the disease , increasing the difficulty of treatment . Especially in patients with advanced uremia diet process if there is a large error , severe cases may be life-threatening.
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Renal failure patients with high creatinine diet need to pay attention to

Renal failure patients with high creatinine diet need to pay attention!The renal damage, creatinine increases, it is obvious to kidney failure.High creatinine kidney failure are renal insufficiency condition a very obvious assay index, because kidney function not full-time as renal pathological damage, destroy the normal renal unit and function, cause the kidney will not body toxins such as creatinine, urea nitrogen out of the body, such as a rise in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen to the symptoms.And normal renal insufficiency in sought treatment, the treatment to the emphasis on stop the renal pathological damage, protect residual nephron, repair the damaged kidney function.Patients with renal failure on diet should pay attention to what issues:
1. Kidney failure creatinine high dietary requirements
Limit salt intake: generally speaking stage renal insufficiency compensatory, nitrogen qualitative hematic disease patients while high serum creatinine, and began to appear all sorts of mild clinical symptoms, but as a result of pathological moderate damage, visible presence of high blood pressure and edema, to control the intake of salt, were given low salt or salt-free diet.
Protein supply: because rescheduled the patient appear nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, renal insufficiency, in order to control the worsening renal function, should control protein intake, choose rich in high quality high grade protein diet.
Kidney failure patients high creatinine appropriate chooses are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C food.
If only kidney renal insufficiency high creatinine, but without oliguria and edema patients salt and water, to maintain a low-salt diet.If you have severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure should be strictly forbidden salt.
(2) for renal failure patients with high creatinine cigarettes, alcohol limit
Alcohol, tobacco, poison is mainly to the kidney, blood vessels, poison, smoking, drinking alcohol, the more the greater the blood vessel damage to the kidney, earlier increased renal artery sclerosis, more promote the glomerular sclerosis, so both in normal renal function and renal patients with abnormal high creatinine is strictly to give up smoking, drinking to avoid causing greater damage to the kidney.

Kidney failure high creatinine diet attention!Above is kidney disease expert to tell you about the symptoms of kidney disease knowledge, if have any other questions, you can instantly online consulting our experts to answer.Hope the above contents are helpful to you, wish you recover at an early date.

Four-stage chronic renal failure description

Four stages of chronic renal failure and chronic renal failure is based on the extent of damage to kidney function points , four stages are different manifestations of chronic renal failure , natural treatment methods are different , the following is the hospital's kidney specialist Details:
When the body's kidney function slowly worsening renal function in chronic renal failure in accordance with the extent of damage can be divided into four stages of chronic renal failure
The first stage renal loss of reserve capacity .
Also known as chronic renal failure decompensation . This phase serum creatinine 133umol / L to 172umol / L, although this period the loss of renal reserve capacity , but the renal excretion of metabolic waste , the ability to regulate water and electrolyte and acid-base balance maintained a stable internal environment .
The second phase azotemia .
This phase serum creatinine 186umol / L to 442umol / L, with mild kidney function concentrated damage , the patient may have mild symptoms, such as polyuria, nocturia , mild anemia , easily overlooked. This encounter additional load on the body , such as hypovolemia , infections, and other nephrotoxic drugs , rapid deterioration of renal function , renal failure or uremia.
The third stage of chronic renal failure .
This phase serum creatinine 450umol / L to 707umol / L severely impaired renal function , patients with obvious clinical manifestations evident azotemia , isotonic urine, metabolic acidosis , sodium and water retention , hypocalcemia , high phosphorus hyperlipidemia , significant anemia , loss of appetite , mild nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, spiritual malaise , lack of concentration , etc., easy development of uremia .
The fourth stage of advanced chronic renal failure ( uremia ) .
Serum creatinine > 707umol / L, is in advanced chronic renal failure . Said renal failure symptoms become more pronounced , more body and a corresponding system damage symptoms, particularly gastrointestinal , cardiovascular and central nervous system symptoms become more pronounced. Significantly increased serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen , water and electrolyte imbalance serious , significant metabolic acidosis , hyponatremia and hyperkalemia , calcium decreased, blood phosphorus increased, likely to endanger the patient's life .

The above four stages were introduced with chronic renal failure , chronic renal failure, and now for the four stages of understanding it. I hope you can help, in patients with chronic renal failure should be promptly friends to regular medical institutions reasonable treatment . Patients want a friend a speedy recovery !
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Can not eat high cholesterol foods are there?

Cholesterol in the body have important physiological functions , modern medicine has proven that cholesterol is too high or too low will affect their health, which requires us to pay attention to the amount of the usual intake of dietary cholesterol . To do this , we need to understand what foods high in cholesterol ? Organic health experts will love him the more common life cholesterol-rich foods that are high summarized as follows , for friends as a reference to it.
Plant food is generally free of cholesterol. The following foods contain a lot of cholesterol daily , attention should be noted :
1 porcine sheep brain ( brain and other animals are similar ) containing cholesterol very much , called Champion
2 animal organs , such as kidney, liver, lung , pig spleen , intestines contain more cholesterol, animal offal, eat sparingly . No more than 2 times per month is appropriate .
3 egg yolks ( contains large amounts of cholesterol, and are concentrated in the yolk . Recommends the average adult eating an egg a day from 0.5 to 4. Squid with no more than one week , the second is appropriate.
5 shellfish, such as shellfish , red shellfish, oysters, scallops , abalone, clams , snails and other generally contain more cholesterol
6 Animal fats contain more cholesterol ; fats saturated fatty acids can also promote hepatic synthesis of cholesterol . Therefore, you should avoid eating animal fats .
What are common food high in cholesterol ?
( 1 ) to maintain a balanced distribution of heat , hunger and satiety should not be excessive , not a partial eclipse , avoid overeating or eating stuffed full style change before dinner hearty supper and sleep habits .
( 2 ) should be based on cereal-based staple food , with the thickness . Whole grains can increase the amount of corn, wheat flour, organic oats and other ingredients to keep carbohydrate calories for more than 55% of total calories .
( 3 ) increased legumes, improve protein utilization in dry beans , the average daily intake of more than 30g or 45g dried bean curd or tofu 75 - 150g. Drink milk or whole grains can !
( 4 ) increase the lower and the higher fatty acid -containing protein animal foods such as fish, poultry, lean meat , etc. , with a total daily calories from fat does not exceed 30 % of total calories .
( 5 ) remain edible vegetable oil -based, the amount per person per day to 25 - 30 g appropriate. Such as olive oil , sunflower oil
( 6 ) per person per day to ensure intake of fresh fruits and vegetables up to 400 g or more, and pay attention to increase the proportion of dark or green vegetables .
( 7 ) to reduce refined rice , noodles, candy, sweet pastries intake, avoid excessive intake of calories .
( 8 ) dietary ingredients should contain enough vitamins, minerals , plant fiber and trace element Qin , but it should be appropriate to reduce salt intake .
( 9 ) less alcohol , do not drink .

( 10 ) drink less sugary drinks more tea such as oolong tea, black tea ! ; Coffee stimulates gastric secretion and appetite , but it should not drink more .

What habits affect kidney health ? Does not love to drink water is very dangerous

Kidneys are vital organs of the body, bad kidney function determines the quality of other body functions. The daily habits , the kidneys have an important impact on health . So, what habits may affect your kidney health?
Does not love to drink water
A lot of men suspected of running toilet trouble, do not like to drink , you know the kidney is responsible for the metabolic waste generated by physical activity , side by side in the urine . When the kidneys perform these activities require adequate moisture to assist . So, male friends drinking more water must develop good habits.
Drink more than the drinking water
Contained caffeine drinks often lead to increased blood pressure, and high blood pressure will hurt the kidneys. So try to avoid too much drink.
Mouth too
Too much salt intake , will increase the burden on the kidneys , causing kidney dysfunction, so try to eat less salt .
Beer drinkers
If you have suffered from kidney related ailments , and often drink a lot of beer , will lead to the deposition of uric acid renal tubular obstruction, causing kidney failure.
Eating too much meat
Meat too much will cause kidney damage . Meat meal intake should be controlled in the palm size of about 0.5 cm in thickness. REVIEW: Do not think that only men would impotence , need kidney ; woman impotence equally infinite harm , for example, accelerated aging , sagging breasts , hair loss, frigidity, if it is pregnant , then impotence will affect the next generation ! So what habits of most kidney injury , how kidney it?
Self- test: impotence performance
1 , when to get up in the morning and found that hair loss is more serious .
2 , memory loss, what happened yesterday , today, can not remember .
3 , the total could not sleep at night , even if asleep, and always in a dream state.
4 , often at night to urinate , frequent urination during the day and also the phenomenon .
5 , low immunity , influenza a result, they are always vulnerable.
6 , frigidity .
7 , gaunt , often after getting up in the morning dark circles, sagging skin , dry.
8 , it is often undetermined , but no strength attack.
9 , loss of appetite .

If you have six or more symptoms , we must be careful of your kidneys , hurry right kidney

Frequent drinking may be kidney failure in children

Child likes to stop drinking , their parents think that children drink plenty of water is good , not too personally, but the child may have fever , vomiting , was diagnosed with chronic renal failure.
Children with renal failure is not uncommon in clinical practice , is one of the critically ill pediatric kidney disease . Pediatric renal failure occurs frequently drink water , nocturnal enuresis and other phenomena, so parents need to pay attention to the details of the child's daily life , prevent the occurrence of renal failure in children .
The clinical symptoms of renal failure in children
Sub- acute and chronic renal failure , acute renal failure in children can be caused by a variety of reasons , children of all ages are visible disease , the clinical manifestations of little or no urine , then the children are often loss of appetite , nausea, vomiting , diarrhea, edema and other symptoms.
Children with chronic renal failure can be congenital kidney disease , urinary tract abnormalities , nephritis did not cause a good treatment and other factors, an early manifestation of nocturia , polydipsia, loss of appetite , fatigue, growth retardation , anemia and so on. Some children may appear in the infection , nausea, severe vomiting , and even nosebleeds, convulsions , coma , gastrointestinal bleeding and other symptoms of uremia , once the development of uremia , patients need long-term kidney dialysis or kidney transplant to treat treatment , will give the family a heavy financial and emotional burden .
Children to early detection and early treatment of renal failure
Early diagnosis is important for children with renal failure, early detection through regular urine test may be of some occult renal disease . If you find a child waking up in the morning eyelid edema, urine bubble over , and unexplained fever, anemia , drink , nocturnal enuresis , fatigue, loss of appetite, growth retardation , etc., should be done in time renal function and urinary system relevant inspection , thus early diagnosis and treatment.
Tips: to protect the child's kidneys , regular urine
"Check urine for early detection of kidney disease is the most basic way, but in the organization of schools and kindergartens for children tend to ignore the urine screening examination ." Liu Cuihua reminded , as tonsillitis , respiratory infections, impetigo and other infectious diseases and allergic purpura are likely to involve the kidneys, experts advise parents to children , while the treatment of these diseases , we must give children look up urine. " Parents should be aware of some of the children may be suffering from kidney signal :
1 , swelling : Kidney disease is characterized by weight eyelid or facial edema, multiple regression afternoon , tired after the increase , rest after mitigation .
2 , too much or too little urine : Under normal circumstances infant urine output was 400 to 600 ml , 600 to 800 ml of preschool children , school-age children from 800 to 1400 ml , increased urine output , reducing kidney disease are likely to be issued the distress signal .

3 , urine abnormality of inspection , if found in the urine routine examination proteinuria , red blood cells , white blood cells , urine , etc., should make further checks to clear cause.

What diet should pay attention to the patient's renal failure ?

Renal failure in patients with impaired renal function , patients with renal failure and therefore prone to indigestion phenomenon , renal failure patients in the diet should pay special attention. So pay attention to patients with renal failure on diet taboos and avoid eating food taboos .
Contraindicated in patients with renal failure diet
1, all kidney patients disabled neomycin , streptomycin , gentamicin, and auto-immune manshuriensis injection .
2 , has been taking hormones , should be diminishing hormone dosage and frequency under the guidance of doctors depending on the circumstances .
3 , in uremic patients maintain smooth stool , daily bowel movement 2 ∽ 3 times should be appropriate, not stay up late , sexual restraint , pay attention to rest , to avoid the cold .
4 , the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits Yi Shi , proper drinking water ; eat all supplements, tonics and easy to get angry foods such as : chili , lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular deficiency heat , such as purple tongue , pulse delay , chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood disorders .
5 , Yi Shi light digestible food, avoid seafood , beef , lamb, spicy foods , alcohol and all fat objects such as: Spiced aniseed , coffee, coriander , etc. ;
Especially in patients with deficiency such as: red , loud pulse , sweating , dry stool, hematuria embolism ; but patients yang , such as: pale tongue white , pulse , body cold limbs, then thin, edible hot food.
6 , severe edema should avoid salt , limits on the amount of protein in food , drinking less .
Edema is not heavy, low- sodium diet may enter ; no swelling no limits on the amount of water and protein foods ; microscopic hematuria and who should get angry more water , eat more apples , sugar , black sesame seeds, fungus and other nourishing Yin Jiang Huo food.
7 , uremia hyperkalemia who eat high potassium foods such as : bananas, oranges , potatoes, tomatoes, squash , tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate ; contrary patients with low potassium levels .
8 , high blood uric acid , especially those who eat animal organs , Yuxia mussels , beer, mushrooms , beans, spinach.

9 , during treatment , if any, colds, fever , infections, and other situation , an emergency contact specialists , so that timely treatment to avoid complications increase.


How to prevent diabetic nephropathy from the diet

As the saying goes, Food is the source of our food is nutritious, provide all the energy for our body and physical activity, but you know what? Diet, not only is the basic guarantee of human energy intake, is also indispensable to human health and life. Through diet, the body can get growth, physical and mental pleasure. Therefore, the diet for our physical health plays a vital role.
With the increase in diabetes, diabetic nephropathy (DN) has become an important factor in chronic renal failure. So if the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy has become the focus of the first to actively correct abnormal glucose metabolism, strict control of blood pressure and to correct abnormal lipid metabolism, however, and these measures are equally important measure is to limit protein intake, but often they are not diabetic patients face .
Research indicates that diabetes once glomerular filtration rate above 60%, or in combination with proteinuria, the necessary protein intake restrictions. In general, the amount of daily protein intake should be less than 0.8 g / kg, severe cases can be more stringent. Why would limit protein intake to make a clear delineation of what this predicament? This is due to the low protein diet on the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy have a preventive effect.
Hemodynamic abnormalities is an important condition for the onset of diabetic nephropathy, glomerular perfusion, high filtration can be thrown at an early stage diabetes and hypertension in patients with diabetes and high rate commensurate with the grim, so this is too high Pressure can be passed directly to the glomeruli, on the one hand to promote the formation of proteinuria, it also makes the glomerular capillary damage, the ultimate cause of kidney disease can and increasingly severe with. Protein significantly increased glomerular blood flow, thereby increasing renal damage, and low protein significantly reduced in the process.

Saw the introduction of the above, you are diabetic nephropathy diet principles should be clear now, in order to better treatment of your disease, you should promptly to the hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease diagnosis and treatment, so as to restore the health of their own good, but also family fortune, so that you do not ignore the role of diet, oh. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Diabetic patient's diet to science

In general, patients with diabetes are more common in the elderly, the course is very long, many people are sick for many years, "sugar" Friends, but you know what? 20-30% of people with diabetes are likely to occur in diabetic nephropathy. Occurred in other complications such as retinopathy, cardiovascular and other people can easily diabetic nephropathy, which is a great harm to the patient, the following terms and see it.
In the United States, diabetic nephropathy is the major cause of kidney failure and end-stage renal disease, type 1 and type 2 diabetes are likely to become sick. If poor glycemic control, the risk is increased in diabetic nephropathy. In addition, high blood pressure, high cholesterol is also a risk factor for diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure will be worse.
Diabetic diet is very important for patients with diabetic nephropathy, diabetic diet by reasonable arrangements can regulate blood sugar in patients with diabetic nephropathy, serum creatinine, urine protein levels, so that these indicators be controlled within a safe range.
How do patients with diabetic nephropathy reasonable diet?
Dietary treatment must first be noted that the level of glycemic control in a well.
The second is the proper control of protein intake. Most people do not advocate early control of protein intake, serum creatinine think when 4mg/dl the following day, and normal protein intake may be the same, higher than 4mg/dl in the amount of control. And should be replaced with animal protein plant protein.
The third is to eat less salt, avoid the occurrence and development of hypertension and positive control of hypertension.
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should not be excessive ingestion of protein
Many diabetic patients do not know too much protein ingestion harm the human body that the protein is not sugar, eat more nor will it affect the human body, which is prevalent in patients with diabetic nephropathy misunderstanding.
Especially in patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy, damage will be more severe. Product ammonia decomposition of protein in the human body, keto acid and urea under certain conditions, toxic effects on the human body, increasing the burden on the kidneys.
Protein intake increases, not only the burden of the liver and can lead to indigestion, so long will affect the liver and kidney function. U.S. scientists issued a statement that eating too much protein will increase the chance of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer.
Studies have shown that ingestion of too much protein will increase the burden on the kidneys, so the deterioration of diabetic nephropathy, accelerated renal damage in diabetic nephropathy disadvantage. Excessive intake of protein, is also detrimental to control blood sugar, protein can be converted to glucose in the body through metabolic pathways of protein, so it can increase blood sugar.

Saw the introduction of the above, you should diet for diabetic nephropathy clear now, finally, you should note that, in life, not only to develop good habits, but also focus on the health of life, be responsible for their own health to make kidney disease exacerbations, oh I wish you a speedy recovery!

Your expert guide prevention of diabetic nephropathy occurs cantabile

Experts pointed out that the main reason leading to the disease because of bad habits . But you know what? There are many complications of diabetes , kidney disease is one , then how should we do to avoid diabetic nephropathy happen? Here's a look.
How to prevent diabetic nephropathy that it ? Nephropathy experts made ​​the following recommendations :
Effective long-term control of glucose metabolism
Glucose metabolism disorders affect capillary basement membrane , making the composition changes, thickening and infiltration exudation thrown functional changes caused by diabetic nephropathy . Therefore, the positive control high blood sugar in diabetic nephropathy prevention of conditions . For diabetic nephropathy have occurred with Gliquidon control blood sugar better. Severe disease by application of insulin to control blood sugar . Uremic patients , loss of appetite , eating less, even take the kidney itself reduced ability to inactivate insulin , insulin requirements decrease , easy to hypoglycemia , should be ready to adjust the dose.
Control high blood pressure
A department diabetic patients with hypertension, high blood pressure can cause kidney damage , which in turn increased the blood pressure. Hypertensive patients with diabetes regardless of what causes should actively control . For the slow rate of decline in glomerular filtration rate is very important to control blood pressure often also reduce urinary protein excretion . If you find blood pressure in diabetic patients > 18.7/12kPa, we must actively take measures to make the blood pressure dropped to 126 / 80 mm Hg , the treatment of hypertension in this period is more important than the treatment of high blood sugar , but both should simultaneously.
Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections
Diabetic patients to infections resist power loss, easy to merge pyelonephritis, increased kidney damage. However, the typical clinical manifestations may , without severe urinary frequency , urgency, dysuria, fever, or only mild discomfort urinating and low back pain. Urine bacterial culture can be diagnosed and treated with antibiotics.
Try to avoid nephrotoxicity yao matter and iodine contrast agent
Some yao material damage to the kidneys , you should try to avoid using iodine contrast agents may also aggravate existing kidney damage, diabetes should avoid intravenous urography .
Adjust your diet
Diabetic nephropathy applied low-salt diet to relieve edema and hypertension. If there are renal dysfunction , protein intake should be controlled not only beneficial for renal dysfunction , but also helps reduce urinary protein excretion . Average daily protein intake does not exceed 30 to 40 grams , should use high biological potency of protein, such as milk, eggs , meat , soy products should be limited .
Improve renal microvascular disease
Experts exaggerated , prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy is the hub of early diagnosis and early treatment to interfere with dry , regardless of whether people with impaired renal function in diabetic patients with early urinary albumin excretion rate detection is early detection and diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy compared a good way , if the test results > 30mg / d or > 20ug/min, can be diagnosed as early diabetic nephropathy .

Through the introduction of the above , you should be prevention of diabetic nephropathy clear now , finally, kidney experts also emphasize that all patients with diabetes duration of more than five years , and they should always check kidney function , urine protein , 24-hour urine protein quantitative , timely observe their physical condition , to avoid kidney disease.
