
Prevention and treatment of renal cysts diet

Had renal cysts renal cysts are very troubled people, but many of my friends are not very clear, if they had renal cysts in the diet in the end to pay attention to what issues? After eating pay attention to what? So diet is also an important adjunct to the treatment of renal cysts. So renal cysts diet, you know? May wish to take a look at how to eat healthy.
1 is not a partial eclipse, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pig meat, eggs, milk, fish etc. edible.
2. Stresses nutrition in patients with renal cysts should eat foods containing high quality protein, high fiber attention, 韩会亮 vegetarian food supplements and low in fat, sugar proper diet.
3 Note that classes do not eat salty, spicy category eat, eat contaminated by eating, barbecue, and the occurrence of renal insufficiency or uremia should also pay attention to eat beans and their products, limiting animal high protein foods, greasy foods and so on.
4 attention to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement is more obvious when it is appropriate to replace the belt strap in order to avoid cyst rupture; General to review the first six months; avoid all nephrotoxic drugs; relatives for the B-ultrasound.
5 salt intake: control of salt, according to the degree of renal function of the patient's condition and make adjustments, not all patients with chronic renal insufficiency should strictly limit salt.
6 Water intake: kidney disease due to the onset of various different reasons, different course, treatment is not the same. In mild renal failure due to kidney function decline was concentrated, metabolites to need more moisture from the kidneys, therefore, no significant kidney disease such as edema, heart failure, high blood pressure, should not blindly water restrictions. Reminded that those patients with chronic renal failure, renal failure do not think you have to strictly limit the water, if too much water restrictions easy to increase the anti-deterioration of renal function.

The patient's body is very fragile, slightly improper diet, will produce correlation effects; while eating in moderation, it is everyone's living a normal regimen, sick friends should do.


