
Membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured

For the Department of Nephrology of the disease , people should be the deepest impression nephritis , kidney stones , kidney , uremia , etc., there are many available nephropathy , glomerulonephritis is one of them . So, membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured? This is a question many patients and their families are most concerned about . Here's a look Experts membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured right answer , hoping to bring you the gospel.
Membranous nephropathy is generally rendered asymptomatic proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome , is a chronic slow development of a relatively benign disease , membranous nephropathy factors more general extent of the damage after the leakage of protein and renal function . So, membranous glomerulonephritis can be cured? For such external indicators in the control condition , while the key is for the renal vasodilator factors by inflammatory anticoagulant , degradation of the extracellular matrix and other comprehensive treatment measures to achieve symptoms and the purpose of the treatment of disease while protecting the kidney tissue.
Experts said that the membranous glomerulonephritis Tips can cure you , in the treatment of attention should be paid ? :
1 , diuretics applications: in edema , nor when low blood volume, decreased urine output, limiting sodium invalid, the appropriate use of diuretics such as furosemide , spironolactone , etc. .
2 , rest : When edema nephrotic syndrome, renal blood flow should improve the rest .
3 , diet management:
① When oliguria and blood volume ones, should limit the amount of water intake.
② Heat : The edema nephrotic syndrome , the daily calorie intake , adequate caloric intake to prevent protein degradation increases.
③ sodium restriction : One of the main reasons for the water edema , sodium retention , and therefore low-salt diet is one of the basic measures .
④ protein : As in recent years, many reports confirmed the glomerular protein diet can cause high load, high filtration damage. We believe that significant hypoalbuminemia , and renal function when there is no damage , may be appropriate to supplement protein intake to 1 ~ 1.5g / (kg · d) appropriate, high-quality protein containing essential amino acids based. Appropriate intravenous albumin , when necessary, in order to improve colloid osmotic pressure , improve circulation plasma volume , increase diuresis , to alleviate the symptoms.
Saw the introduction of the above , I believe we have a spectrum of the heart , in the end glomerulonephritis Can heal , I do for you a detailed answer . However , small series to remind everyone , membranous glomerulonephritis treatment to choose their own treatment, and the treatment , when proper care is essential , not only in life or in the diet, patients should be strict with themselves .


