
Nephrotic syndrome relapse prevention guide you

Core Tip: nephrotic syndrome is a stubborn disease, a large clinical treatment difficult. Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease name, it is a clinical syndrome caused by a variety of causes, the most basic is characterized by high proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema and hyperlipidemia, clinical called "three high and one low "symptoms.
Comprehensive Kidney has a recurrence rate. There is a set of statistics show that renal comprehensive treatment follow-up 36 months recurrence rate of 31%. Of course, some patients relapse, because the disease itself causes; also a considerable proportion of relapse, because the patient factors.
Some patients do not strictly follow the prescription drugs, the medication did not have a meal meal, too much randomness; Some consider adverse drug reactions in patients with excessive, inadequate treatment will reduce the dosage on their own, or even withdrawal; others feel sickness should be "nourishing vitality", excessive intake of dietary protein; others live without restraint, fatigue, eating clean, pay attention to change clothes every few days of diarrhea, colds, etc. These are common factors that cause renal comprehensive relapse.
Recognizing these reasons then, how to prevent recurrence of the problem will be solved.
First step is to work closely with doctors, early diagnosis. Conditions may make biopsy to determine the nature of the disease from the level of the cell structure and development of targeted therapy.
The second step in the program development, patients have to do is strictly as directed. Certain medication dosage, taking cycle to achieve treatment doctors described; periodic outpatient follow-up, follow the doctor's advice to adjust the medication. Especially when the reduction of prednisone 20 to 25 mg per day, more chance of recurrent disease. Do not panic after relapse quickly and doctors, according to the disease after adjustment programs, often regain remission. Treatment of kidney disease are relatively long, long time in some patients the treatment tends to produce slack mood, and therefore stressed that "adherence, regular follow-up," is particularly important to reduce recurrence.
The third step is to actively respond seriously infected. Comprehensive blood of patients with renal huge loss of protein in the urine, loss of substance, it includes constitutes an important component of our immune defenses, such as immunoglobulins, complement and so on. Meanwhile in vivo leukocyte function decline, zinc and other trace elements are also lost. These have seriously weakened the body's ability to resist external pathogenic factors.
In therapy, regular use of corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressive agents, which have been weak for the patient's immune defenses, the misfortunes. Therefore, in patients prone to kidney infections, including respiratory infections, intestinal infections, peritonitis, pleurisy, skin and soft tissue infections.
If infection occurs, you should be careful to take two principles: active and prudent, and also a doctor.
Patients in the treatment of attitude positive. Not only because the patient prone to infection, and infections spread easily. Early aggressive treatment, the infection can be nipped in the bud.

After the infection, the patient himself to be taken seriously, must not be taken lightly. Not think that a small upper respiratory tract infection, antibiotics buy yourself eat on it, which made a taboo on the treatment of kidney disease. Because antibiotics are used, most still have liver and kidney toxicity, such as the aminoglycoside gentamicin, kanamycin, and tetracycline class of sulfonamides, antipyretic analgesic class. If this is the wrong time to buy their own clothes the wrong medication, your kidney is tantamount to worse, counterproductive. So here we are faced with patients advised to have a kidney infection, even a little cold should go to the hospital to see a doctor, medication side under the guidance of a doctor is good policy.
In addition, patients should also strengthen their own health care, proper exercise, enhance physical fitness


